#FireKushner is starting to trend on twitter
If you have twitter lets help get it to the top spot! expose this fag!!
#FireKushner is starting to trend on twitter
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Bippity Bump.
On it
Bump. Haven't ever had more than a private twitter before now but fuck it, time to make a second account to spread this shit; Trump needs to hear our dissatisfaction loud and clear.
If Trump doesnt turn this shit around, Im done with him. Kushner should be purged, Donald "all my kids are yids" Trump has fucked up.
Not looking good IMHO
Nope. He's done. You don't get a second chance after this shit.
Gas yourself kike. We don't even have the full story yet and you idiots are pushing the D&C
Regardless of how Syria does actually play out, seizing this opportunity to oust Kushner is absolutely the right move.
Come back when it's actually something, and not just lugenpresse reports you're relying on, heeb
We absolutely do have the full story. The administration has come out and commented on it in full. They launched the strike using obvious bullshit to justify it and then ISIS moved in immediately after to assault the airbase. That's the story.
Trump went ahead and angered Kek. Bad move. What the memes giveth, the memes can taketh away
how to verify twitter without phone?
So ISISreal moved in on a practically undamaged airbase. There already dead.
You know the full story? Because I've been hearing mixed things from various sources.
Was it 59 or 60 missles launched, and some say only like 29 hit so what the fuck happened to the others? I've heard anywhere between 5-16 casualties but not sure if that's dead or injured. Among them was a Syrian general. You know anything else?
Don't worry, it's all just part of his 4D chess plan. Soon enough based Trump will come out and tell us that he personally founded ISIS as a means to destroy Israel and kill all the yids. Any day now.
I'm trying to spread this around. If we can get the White House's attention on this matter that will help us a lot.
Twitter is already attempting to shut this down. Every time #FireKushner is typed, the first autocorrect option goes to #FireBannon and the second is #FireKusher. Anyone else notice this?
Nice. Have a bump.
Hope that lazy-eyed faggot gets the gas.
This is good.
If twitter deletes this trend, which should be viewed as anti Trump to most, we def got a problem.
I was about to say that was quick, but Kushner really has it coming. He doesn't fucking get that people want Bannon over him, and on top of that he's an insufferable little kike.
There's several free phone number text verification sites online. You might spend a while finding one that isn't full. Making sockpuppet gmails taught me to be patient, there's always one that even the stingy kikes at google allows.
At this point it's clear that we won't know the full truth on what happened until much later. What we do know is that:
But I'm really glad that this has been used as a springboard to bring attention to the real and most overt rat in the white house. That's all that really matters right now. Kushner needs to get the fuck out and leave Bannon to do his own thing. The longer Kushner stays, the less Trump gets done. Want an eyebrow-raiser? The usual kikes going after Trump are completely silent on Kushner and his activities. Step into any of the several Kushner threads that are up. He's as kike as any other kike and Ivanka seems to go along for the ride. Trump better face the fact that he will have to disown the cunt.
Same for me. Autocorrects to "kusher" and typing in "fir" brings up firebannon before anything else. What a loyal fucking tribe.
I disagree with the move he made but its far from being worthy of the astroturf over reaction that has been shilled here the past 24 hours.
Where's the fucking retaliation from Russia?
If this is such a big fucking deal, why hasn't ANYONE made a peep about it beyond Putin telling Trump that shit isn't cool?
These idiots will waste no time to virtue signal and act smug while carelessly helping #FireKushner get even more popular. They never learn.
Amazing how they can't virtue signal or even comment on anything without throwing in pop culture references, isn't it?
Works for us. Cunt's like Ivanka hate having bad shit attached to them, especially if its coming the side they thought they were on.
lol, she doesn't even care about dead arabs. She's just giddy that those ebil alt-righters are mad.
Liberals are pathetic.
Its always larpy time in cuckvile.
A little reminder, Ivanka and Jared are libs and will cave. Or Jared will off Ivanka and flee to kikeland, which at this point would be the best option.
Oy vey.
I would absolutely be thrilled if this leads to Trump never trusting jews again. I doubt he likes Kushner now but a stab in the back over Ivanka would be all he needs to never forget the sting of the nose.
checked for truthful dubs. drag her name into the mud, make it dirty enough and she'll be too uncomfortable to continue in the spotlight until the heat dies down.
Trump needs appoint him as ambassador and station him in Israel so he'll think twice about fucking around, knowing he'll get glassed by Syria.
Obviously the yid needs to go for the essential reason, but for anyone not jew wise the fact remains the Kushner is only in his mid 30's and really has no life experience whatsoever, he's led a charmed existence. Same with all of Trump's kids tbh. Anyone kvetching about #FireKushner being antisemitic is full of shit for that simple reason.
Mostly wishful thinking on my part, but given the vagueness of the number of missiles, and the warning for Russians to evacuate. If Trump responded to a Kike false flag, with some sort of reverse false flag that would just be the bee's knees man. Maybe not since apparently a Syrian General was killed, but then again "They expect to find one of us in the wreckage brother.
Whether or not Kushner is kicked off of "The Apprentice: White House Big Leagues" will be the moment truth.
They're pretty thirsty after they didn't get their "Madam President" ain't they?
Kushner absolutely has to go, but in case you fags haven't seen this.
Actually yes, Jews are "unqualified" to exist in the first place.
Where do you think you are?
I think I'm talking about twitter.
Okay carry on.
If anyone is really surprised by seeing this, you don't lurk Holla Forums long enough. If you fell for their attempts, you don't lurk Holla Forums long enough.
I figured the number would be higher. Whenever a shillstorm hits the board, there's at least 300 new IPs. This is always the case and there were certainly many more new ones last night.
if this still works:
download an Android emulator (like BlueStacks), install the twitter app as a tablet - they'll allow you to register.
Install the emulator in a snapshotted VirtualBox so you can always register another account.
Notice how it is always Jewish person or Jewish people and never just Jews. Same with niggers, they say black people instead of just blacks. Like they are trying to convince us that kikes and niggers are people.
Its sad that they think they blend in. And that we cant tell when 2 or 3 ids are obviously same fagging together.
The first one is clearly a false fagger.
Also link?
user who knows? it may actually be them trying to convince themselves without them realizing, in that case they may not be able to help it.
also bump, was this what Holla Forums wanted?
The worth of the reaction can't really be assessed until the full damage is done. We're a few months in and this is a bad fucking omen. My biggest fear was that Trump would just be another neocon like Bush.
Grabbed it from another thread. If they had been 50% less transparent, it would have been the first successful thing they've done in their existence.
Remember to not hold back. Get out there and redpill people. Call Drumpf out for being a dirty kike. Remember to threaten anyone who doesn't call him and everyone as a filthy kike. Inshallah we shall find victory! Allahu Ackbar!!!!!!
Anyone who uses the word Drumpf is an anti-white kike.
nice fucking bump user
thank ya
You understand that we have about 10K nuclear warheads, right? Assuming 100Kt payloads (that's very conservative), back of the envelope math suggests we could destroy (no building standing) every square inch of Russia with room to spare. Russia's GDP is about at parity with Texas, and it's desperately struggling against rampant corruption, poverty and total demoralization.
We have first strike capability, and Russia is not, militarily, close to being a peer to the US. That's why there is no retaliation.
anti-shill bump
this is a new reminder that alt-right is american focused jargon invented by …was it shillary? I dont really care, but is a reminder that there is no point to do like milo and brand yourself with no advantages on the marketplace
please meme responsibly user
Ya, fuck building the wall and deporting illegals he bombed sandniggers. That's it I'm done.
Newfag here.
Why should Kushner be fired?
He's jewish.
Bannon said don't attack Syria over the false flag, Kushner said yes. Trump listened to Kushner because of Ivanka. Kushner is a giant fucking kike puppet liability and has to go.
I don't think I've ever read such elegant sarcasm before, thank you user.
There's like 3 threads up. This one seems to be the best though:
Copypasting the OP greentext list:
I'd also like to add:
And if you need an extra reminder, he is targeting Bannon with the hope of having him replaced.
It's a raid. Holla Forums has been attacked non-stop since last night. This is their new strategy. They want to use Holla Forumslacks to attack Trump's pet Jew
Made up by Shareblue
This cannot be an honest post. No one likes Kushner, not even the bluepilled democrats, not even the cuckservatives. The only people who like him are actual jews. If shills new strategy is to get Trump to remove the snake that's biting him day in and day out then with enemies like shills, who needs allies?
What's happening is that Holla Forums has isolated the source of Trump's administration woes. We've known Kushner was a kike since the primaries but since Trump hasn't put any healthy distance with that kike son-in-law, the kike has come back to stab him. All to telling of what jews do. If Ivanka has to go down too then so be it but we'll have to see if Trump is man enough to go through with it. Besides, even Ivanka has been a problem.
Reminder that we also have the left and cucks to deal with and those people are also your enemy. That said, fuck Kushner and fuck Ivanka. We should push this hard and get them fired. Trump mentioned that he would have no problem firing one of his own children, so we should make a point to remind him and make him go hard core. We should also hit him where it hurts and remind him that he is going to be having empty rallies or rallies with people pissed at him.
The problem is that Kushner is a liability. A YUGE one. However, if Turmp kicks him, it means trouble with the family princess Ivanka.
So it's a biggie.
Bannon > Jkush.
Barron > Jkush
Any white > Jkush
Someone should point that out to her with a liberal sock puppet account. The incoming virtue-signaling will spiral out of control.
It'S D/C!
Because Sinead and 4chan and all the "alt-Right" now say so?
Because Alex Jones says so?
I don't believe them
Call me crazy
you're a retard. Kushner is a globalist jew
Primo tism.
absolute pottery
SO there is only 1 thing that makes me think that Kushner is not a full on cuck. It's the fact that Trump had to approve he would marry his daughter.
So either Kushner became a bit Trump-cucked (he is ALWAYS looking at him in the meetings) or Turmp got jew cucked.
One or the other is cucked.
Also, why oust bannon?
So is everyone in Washington, you moronic fuck
What worries me is that Trump apparently retweeted Ivanka only 3 hours ago. Fuck i'm scared.
Leave it to Holla Forums to always be right, must have been over a year since people were worried about Kushner and now Trump's most divisive decision since the announcement of his candidacy can be traced back to the rat
You probably should be
I don't have Twitter but I will bump the hell outta this thread. I hate that fucker more than the Hilldebeest herself…
what did ivanka do?
For the time being I'd advise anyone on this board to stick with Trump, don't engage in D&C nonsense like leftypol would want. Trump has done enough so far to earn the benefit of the doubt this time (killing TPP, empowering ICE, establishing a campaign blue print for nationalists). But also don't be stupid, you can see the globalists are trying to control Trump, if they can't control him though direct coercion, they will attempt to control him by controlling the information he receives and the people who surround him. The fact is that (((Kushner))) is young and a wealthy real estate heir who has been around globalists since he could stand, his daughter Ivanka is emotional and for whatever reason has her fathers ear. Both of them are naive and easy to control. Trump is loyal to his family and friends because up until this point that has been the right thing to do. Old men like Bannon are not so warm and fuzzy and don't have the deep emotional attachment that Trumps family members have. Hence Bannon is going to be pushed out.
If Trump is playing chess with his recent actions in Syria there's no way we can know that until a few months play out. Like I said in the beginning, I'm not going to overreact and I'll see where he takes us. If his weakness ends up being his soft hearted daughter and (((son in law))) then he will effectively have alienated his base and will have to spend a lot of effort earning it back. At the risk of over analyzing things, I think Trump loves seeing massive crowds at his rallies with lines a mile long. I'm certain if he starts to fall in line with the globalists he's going to see those crowds shrink. He's going to see more of the e-celebs turning on him. He won't find comfort in the establishment though, he will learn that his new (((globalist))) friends have short memories will wait for his most vulnerable moment to strike and replace him next election with a true globalist.
My biggest fear is that the globalists have been able to figure out Trumps psychology and weak points. In his books he talks about times people have tricked him and how it always came from his trusting nature. But my fear is just that, a fear. In 2 months we may all have an "ah ha" moment when we see how the dominoes fell and feel stupid for doubting Trump. Or maybe Trump will be goaded into WWIII in which case USA will see why it may have been a mistake to let 5-10 million former USSR/Chinese into the country for cheap labour.
In like 51 minutes to "cool things down"
Well politically she's a basic bitch, for one thing. She's also pretty young for an advisory position of this much importance
It's at 108k as of now and twitter hasn't completely censored it yet, it looks like it's going to blow up into a something. Hopefully a full removal.
There's nothing to cool down at this point. The administration attacked Assad to soften up a military target for an ISIS assault and then called for regime change. Trump is fucking cancer and he needs to be removed from office, however we can manage it. This administration needs to be ground to a total fucking halt. They can't be trusted to do anything now.
Those dubs are wasted on a one note defeatest such as yourself.
post the links or fuck off.
Bitched at pops for a missile strike. Granted it was a deliberately piss weak tomahawk strike.
Nigga, Kushy-Kush might just end up accidented by Bitch Clinton's hit squad for this shit storm. Best use of that cunt's hit squad to this date.
Why would he get killed by her ?
Marry a jew.
An Orthodox jew.
Now this is a shill. There's nobody better to replace him.
Unless we can get Bannon into the presidency somehow.
Give source please.
I can tell you his weak points.
It's his family. You don't need to be a genius. Just buy out the Jew mr. Kush.
But don't worry guys, Trump will be killed in the end, and in 20 years, we will rise again with Barron, the phoenix, and we will fight the war of all wars Matrix style. Barron is neo.
This is where the shills are coming form apparently. Go say hi.
Extermination nof the Jewish Race is a moral imperative
#FireKushner 1488
He also used ivanka to get lewandowski fired
They edited #FireKushner to "Firekusher" to censor the hashtag and injected "#FireBannon" inorganically. Fucking twitter cucks.
That guys has to be the biggest faggot in politics.
Ivanka needs to go as well.
the darkness must be present."
As it turns out it was earlier today, and all I can find is shit like politico, and I can't archive. kinda wish I hadn't even brought it up now
Bumpy bump
Being a faggot. letting some cool shit drop.
maybe he finally overplayed his hand. I truly hope Kek has it in store for him.
I fucking hope so. Ever since the primary's we've been wary of Kushner.
Honestly if this is a fight between kids could we recruit Eric and Don Jr.? Isn't one of them a Holla Forumsack?
This shilling is just obvious.
I'm not sure if this is a shill or someone impersonating a shill at this point.
You put no effort into your work. No wonder you're sitting in a basement being paid by the penny. Rethink your life choices. This is no way to live.
GAHAHAHA. Thanks for the Bantz. Really needed them.
Even if they're not they seem like a better choice than kushner. Everything about this jew screams "insecure passive aggressive tryhard" as opposed to Eric and Don jr who seem way more grounded and calm.
I hope so.
So pro Trump is still the way to go?
I thought people were mad at him for falling to a false flag and launching the missiles. The whole thing is confusing to me since I paid very little attention to the middle east
No it should be as it always should've been, "be wary of Trump but try to push him in our direction"
We should honestly recruit them.
At this point we should be cautious.
A wild progressive appears.
Jared Kosher needs to fucking leave or find the nearest oven
Are you pretending to be a shill to fuck with me?
Nope. Kushner is the implant by he joo's.
He needs to go. LEave it all to Bannon.
hey rabbi
Nigga, he responded to a False Flag with yet another False Flag. We went over this shit a million fucking times. Have you seen that Air Base? It's Unscathed saved for one "general" and some other dead shitskins.
Fucking shill.
You posted the same exact shit two threads up at: >>>9663628
They're Contaminated. Barron's the last hope, and he will cleanse his family.
Keep pushing you lazy niggers make the hashtag so big it can't be ignored.
This is bad shilling
Kushner should be gassed
You are not even trying are you?
Guys, I'm getting nervous here.
The fuck does this even mean?
that kike literally just pulls shit out of his ass, but Roger Stone said something similar making me nervous:
he was never flipped, this was the plan all along
how are all of these journalists so fucking blind, he's been working with the rothschilds for years and pimped his daughter to get in good with the zionists
his plan was to lose money over kike lies just to succumb to them later? lolno.
He got compromised by CIAniggers at worst
Thernobitch just wants the limelight.
Source. I need to know who I should be directing my absolute hatred and disgust towards. I need to know why to hate Kushner beyond being a kike in order to satisfy my hateboner. Lay it on me, user. I'm in the mood to be angry.
He clearly deserves to be attacked. If anyone is a shill, it's you. All kikes must be exterminated. Kikes aren't your friend.
do you know how the cia was established
oss were (((nazis)))
trump was born into this shit, it's not his plan he's just along for the ride
he succumbed by becoming president and helping to set up a world order with his descendants reaping the benefits?
He's got over 3 years left and even if he keeps making decisions which benefit kikes he'll still be our best bet in 2020. Fuck.
unlikely, he's just getting kiked right now. Allegedly Bannon was against Syria strikes but the jews out played him.
I'd be nervous if Cernovich had any credibility
Lot of effort to get a neocon puppet into office when they had a dozen other easily-controlled people who wanted to the job
and could also do so without looking bad
Bush and Clinton are fucking burnt now.
Jared Kushner is a Freemason.
He is probably not very high ranking since he is so young and is so weak (He is so fucking insecure), but he's a freemason.
In other words, he is in service of his culty sect.
Want proof? Just look the adress of the property Kushner family bought some time ago. You'll find a few 6's.
That's it.
Lad, I've been at this all day. It's probably past it's peak at this point, unless you guys can send the #BaltimoreLootCrew out in force. I've been Shill Team 6 ing it nonstop. We could use some reinforcements so I don't feel embarrassed to cross board post, here are some memes we whipped up
Bingo. Same agenda, new characters. It's no different than a bad sports team changing their uniforms.
that settles it for me, Kush is a plant for sure
666 Fifth Avenue.
Who owns it?
You got it, the devil.. err.
I mean Kushner.
Aut-Right was a term coined by dickie spencer's kike mentor for whoever was asking, I lost your post
CIAniggers et al are trying to use what's available to them. I'm convinced they got to Trump with just bad intel or some blackmail shit with his kids.
they had a very large population to pacify
now it's all one big happy family, turn on the tv
yeah and bannon is now completely on the outside, just watch
is he simply a manipulated idiot or am i right? i'd bet against the former when he has a clear history with the rothschilds and is setting up a kabbalistic zionist to follow his presidency
ivanka loves flashing masonic hand signs
President Trump isn't going to fire his daughter's husband over a trending hashtag, she is his favorite child. A kike funded by Soros is closer to our President than we will ever be and his influence is only growing stronger.
first pic got snagged off of twatter and has been making the rounds
everything you're saying is theory. you have to deal with kikes to get ahead in the US. Striking Syria is the only material evidence kike influence is at play.
Just like the Satanic pedoring/that woman who did the weird stuff that was referred to during the election, one could refer to how he was willing to pay top dollar for that 666 house. Could make some Christians think he is an anti-christ/of the devil, etc.
for anyone dealing with stubborn fanboys just show them this this video. Bush literally talks about "chemical weapons" as an excuse to go into Iraq . Can't embed as reposted elsewhere.
Nigger what, the country is on fire
If they wanted to pacify and unite the population behind a malleable candidate who would carry out their bidding why in the hell would they back the most incendiary candidate on the ticket? They could have chosen Cruz or Jeb and it would have been a much more direct choice. I'm not buying your "it was their plan all along" angle because it just makes no sense, I mean these kikes are evil but they're not straight up chaotic evil
Ergh, Masonic Hand signs has always been a meme for me. Sometimes they are exactly what they are - a sign, but sometimes hands just fall into wierd shapes. For example, the triangle sign, everyone does it.
That being said, Kushner is a freemason for sure, and by transitivity properties, Ivanka is in it, someway or other. The fact that they are modern orthodox jews sells it.
Your right, he's not not going to fire him, he's going to resign and head off to Yidsrael after dumping Ivanka into Lake Seneca.
is it just me or does Ivanka get all weird over this?
Some moderately exploitables
All right boys let's give this shit a shot of adrenaline
God he is so low test.
you have to make a conscious decision to do this
i love you user
Did Kushner also have plastic surgery? On most of the pics that are going around he generally looks better than on this for example.
her response stuck out to me since I watched this live. I was worried about some kikery influence since then.
The only way to really tell is seeing a video. If she mantains that hand sign consistently (meaning every time she's called out for a picture or most of the times) then i totally agree.
The other thing is that women are usually not accepted in traditional masonic sects. I do not know which one Kushner is a part of, it could be a pseudo new age masonary or something. The only reason why she converted to being a jew was probably to get inside one of these sects.
What did she mean by this?
She is probabl a part of a sect as I said. Most of them require you to convert to judaisim. Why?
Well, because you must be a satanist, and that's the first step. Even if they don't know it is, which she probably has no clue.
Kushner is a fag. Nothing good will come out of him.
That first pic. God I fucking hate jews.
triple dubs confirm,
that's how you bribe kikes.
look at this faggot jew shilling for (((trump)))
The discord caps are false flags by the mods.
It was invented by some jew and Richard Spencer
shill spacing… are you paid (((losers))) even fucking trying?
plebbit's t_d doesn't even mention #FireKushner. says a lot about who is behind it. they'd probably even ban people for it.
Holy shit you niggers actually do double space. Do you think it's like some super secret code that nobody else will notice? Are you that desperate to feel like a super cool member of a super secret infiltration group that changes political landscape with obvious bullshit?
What is it like blowing yourself the fuck out?
When old people were in school they taught you to double space after a period
kushner is a rotten kike
That is correct.
I wasn't referring to reddit-spacing faggot but you already knew that didn't you
Then what on earth would you be referring to? Please don't tell me this guy is right and you're operating under the impression that two spaces after a period is incorrect.
Excuse me, what the fuck?
Isn't this the same bitch who gave the muh womenz speech debunking wage gap bullshit while stumping for her father?
What the shit is happening?
Your attempts are so pathetic. You mention ISIS immediately assaulted the airbase after the missiles, but don't mention the part that all of those ISIS troops got fucking destroyed because surprise surprise, the airbase was full of well equipped soldiers as the missiles had only hit some strip of concrete.
Were the dozen+ planes and 5+ dead all on that strip on concrete?
God Trump, what the fuck is wrong with you. Just ignore your retarded daughter and the kike. Better yet, throw them out of the White House. Is he really willing to destroy the entire country just to please his spoiled cunt of a daughter?
No it's not necessarily incorrect but it's something that was often noticed a while back well before the election that was reliable in picking out a certain group of shills.
No, nigger. It was never about two spaces after a period. It was about double spacing your posts excessively, such as after every one or two sentences. Filtered.
She has that collar mark around her neck in these photos. I cannot tell whether it just the groove for the way her neck bends or whether she truly bears the marks of being a slave.
obviously connected to low white birthrate
if women have less kids they don't interrupt their career, and their experience is on par with male counterparts
Jesus Kek, I wondered where our signal boosting came from. Fucking libshits, I notised them gloating over the fact that everyone was shitting on that kike that we all hated, and thought it was funny…but I bet they carried us 80% of the way there, didn't they? This was a day of autism well spent
I noticed the twitch on (her) left side upper lip most clearly. See it once and you'll never unsee it. A poker player or actress, she is not.
That's proper goddamn spacing you faggot
t.triggered editor
Impolite sage you fucking nigger
The problem is kushners groing influence in the white house and with trump
also #FireKuschner
We made a decisive blow today, I assure you of that. It wasn't just autists, we got big name journalists into it–along with big-name e-celebs By 9pm Trump had to call a meeting with Bannon to make Kikeshner bow the fuck down. Bannon is secure, for a while. This was a worthy use of my day, and of everyone's who participated.
We don't have 20 years.
sauce pls
i swear they outsourced to pajeets
Politico broke this at about 9:15 central time, as I recall
So Trump can't come up with his own decisions?
if Trump doesn't address this shit by Tuesday with a formal address to the people he's going on my shitlist with the rest of them.
Also we shit on the whole industry, internationalfaggots were reporting they saw #FireKushner wih substantially more tweets than anything else, but they wouldn't put it at the top. This is where we devolved to over here
We were approaching 200k at this point fyi
Are you retarded or just trying too hard to fit in?
jesus christ.
Hertz donut?
Fuck that race-traitor cunt
She married a Jew and converted to Judaism
now, she's influencing the POTUS to be an Israel-first neocon sellout
See what I don't get, is this
This whole time, I always thought Trump was a really smart man. Supposedly had some crazy high IQ, billionaire, successful businessman. But at this point either he's a traitor, he's being manipulated somehow, or he legitimately has no idea what the fuck he's doing to the extent that he's taking his own bimbo daughter's advice on Middle Eastern foreign policy. Maybe the leftists are right in the sense that he's actually dumb at least when it comes to foreign policy, which is sensible considering he's not a professional politician. I don't understand why he did the Syria thing. I hope it's 1488D chess but it's a tad ridiculous to continue to optimistically assume that at this point. All the bad guys are celebrating.
I can't actually check myself on this one, but "Hertz Donut", aka "hurts, don't it" is an ancient meme that I probably used before many of you were alive I'm not that old faggots, I'm actually not, you'll see soon enough
Checking these trips on trips. Have a bump as well. Fuck Kushner.
This kike has no reason to be anywhere near Trump.. He's a kike and a globalist.
These threads are being obliterated on half chan right now. There are a few up but the board is being flooded bait threads. I'm glad you guys are looking into it.
Kushner needs to be watched like a fucking hawk.
Hell the Halfchan mods were censoring it, god I hate them so goddamn much.
You can't imagine how I want that heeb gone to hell. He's worse than Soros.
#FireKushner is being pushed by e-celebs and their checkers-playing followers who jumped off the Trump Train after the false-flag Tomahawk strike response to #SyriaHoax
They believe Kushner convinced Trump to go to war with Assad, which isn't true.
Trump can handle his family & cabinet.
fuck off kike
There's no reason to keep Kushner, especially given all the connections to filth he has. If he gets dropped, someone better is bound to fall into his place anyways, whether they be someone who is actually nationalistic or someone useless to us but at least not as connected to people like Ivanka and so on as Kushner is. There is no good reason to keep him. Also, the left will show their true colors with him, either attacking him and gloating in him getting tossed, smelling blood and attacking Ivanka, or being satisfied for the time being in thinking they got someone from the Trump team removed and thus are "winning" against him. The other option is that they fight with each other between the people who support Kushner knowing he is a mole and the ones who hate him, not knowing what function he serves beyond "a fucking white male" who works for Trump and only got hit job via nepotism/cronyism.
Such lazy shilling for such fake passion.
Let's stop undermining Trump's 4D Chess moves by empowering Twitter e-celebs and their false narrative.
Yeah, Kushner's a kike, and his time will come, but this would only hurt Trump who knows it's better to have your enemies work for you than against you.
He would be stupid to keep someone that can hurt him that close. Kushner should be tossed since he serves no special purpose. There is no reason to keep Kushner and there are plenty of reasons to toss him. Even the immunity from antisemitism attacks are minimal since people will still call him that anyways and he can still get that so-called immunity from Miller who is actually not a slimy kike with so much baggage it would make someone's head spin.
There is no reason to keep him. If Trump is pulling some chess move, then he can adapt and utilize someone else in place of Kushner. As it stands now, he needs at least to keep the people on his side and he has shaken their faith considerably with this Assad bullshit. Tossing Kushner would do wonders and at the very least signal to the people that he has not entirely turned on them and that he does indeed want to stay in their good graces. There is no good reason to keep Kushner and I can't see anyone presenting any reason to keep his useless low test bitch broken ass self.
What kind of nonsense is that?
How much is Jared paying you? Trump loses nothing by getting rid of kushner
Seriously. Out of all the people that anyone would want gone, Kushner tops that list.
If Kushner tops the list then why are you so worried that everyone is calling for his head now?
What? Read all posts in this thread. I want his ass fired. The fucker is a cancer.
Consider Kushner could be Trump's undercover renegade Jew used to infiltrate chosenite networks. What has Kushner done that signals otherwise?
Even if that's true then wouldn't our ebil nazi witch hunt of him just increase his credibility in Jew circles?
I don't see a downside in going after him.
He has other jews that would be better for that in Mnuchin. You're running out of arguments and falling back on bullshit theories to save a sack of shit that is heavily connected to odious people. At least in the case with Mnuchin, he can say he has a long history with Trump and has shown his trustworthiness. I don't see why anyone would want Kushner around or how anyone aside from Kushner or someone working for him would want him around. It does not help that Kushner keeps trying to push Trump into bullshit like taking a trip to Israel, or communicates with the media and tries to give alternate renditions of shit Trump says when the meaning is plain as day. Kushner is cancer.
This. Him going down would work as well.
What has Kushner done that makes you think he's a "good jew"(a fucking absurd claim in the first place)?
You might as well suggest that Soros is playing 4d-chess to go after the Rothschilds.
Good point.
Although the hashtag was created out of misunderstanding of Trump's false-flag military op response to #SyriaHoax by disgraced e-celebs, it does seem to benefit us at no risk. Conceded.
Every. Fucking. Time.
You've both spent so long fighting the kikes you've become kikes in spirit.
I said 'renegade Jew,' not good Jew.
Soros has exposed his allegiances and agenda through his actions, Kushner has not.
Mnuchin isn't married to Princess Ivanka. Jews love dealing with inner-circles, the scummier their relationships are, the more they get off on them. Sure, Trump could replace Kushner as his undercover Jew, but not at the same level.
I don't like Kikener either, but I trust Trump has this handled. On the other hand I agree with
Kushner is a family friend of Netanyahu. If anything, he should be used to implement policy, not make it.
New Hashtag #KushnerAtWar
Again, you're assuming without proof that he is deep into all of this and is not compromised himself when all evidence shows the contrary. And Mnuchin 's background in finances puts him position to be in inner circles but his history with Trump shows that he at the very least can be "trusted" in that Trump knows what he is capable of having had plenty of time to observe him. Kushner is a different story, especially since he has to deal with Ivanka and her bullshit clouding things up.
It is noted that Kushner pushed for Trump to go to Israel. It is noted that he interacts with the media and tries to downplay the shit Trump says instead of letting that shit stand. There is no reason to trust Kushner and there is even less reason to make up bullshit and take on idiotic mental gymnastics that are insulting to anyone's intelligence while willfully ignoring all the benefits of tossing would have. People are pissed and people are looking at Kushner as the cause. His history supports this, his connections support this. There is no reason to keep him around. No amount of fantasy will make up for this.
Seriously, the Kushnercuck is getting pretty annoying with his mental gymnastics.
Has anyone else noticed that Kushner is basically a Jewish, non-swole, Batrick Bateman.
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Anyone else sickened that this kuchner kike is convuling his jew seed in ivanka as fast as he can.
We need to find and or manufacture/ meme into existence the reality that that lil kike is a deviant perv. We need scadal to break em up.
The way that I see it is that Trump even with this is still a net profit. With Trump you have ICE deporting illegals for example. you wouldn't have had this without him. So yeah he fucked up and is rightfully getting criticized over it. But that doesn't suddenly mean he is all bad.
If he went back on his word with getting in to conflicts without just cause then he will go back on other things. Once the first promise is broken the rest come easier and easier, especially when you have your Jewed daughter pushing you to do it. This is what marks what kind of president he will be, if Kushner is allowed to have his way every time he wants something then Trump really will be a ZOG puppet, Kushner just got Trump to provoke an international military conflict, this is not good.
I agree, All im saying is take the good stuff and push for him to do more. No need to become a leftycuck over this.
He hasn't been deporting them at that fast of a rate. If we go into a war for the kikes, the number of whites we lose will be far greater than the number of spics we deport.
I agree with giving Trump the benefit of the doubt. I hope this was 4D chess, though I don't see how it could be. It's just important that we make it known how stupid of a move this was at face value. Also a great chance to get Kosher out of the cabinet and into the oven.
Some amazing work on exposing this piece of shit. Keep it coming
At best, you could say Trump gave in on this Syria thing to give him some breathing room against his enemies. The attack was a wrist-slap and meant nothing. But if he goes further down the neocon agenda, it's pretty much over for him. He'll lose his core support and be gone in 2020.
Yuropoor here. Is that really the case? Things like make me think there are quite a few retards, who either got caught up in a cult of personality thing or are pretty much on board with dying for Israel.
Apparently 2/3'rds of Trump supporters are against the strike.
The right in America has changed drastically since Bush.
Drudge poll had 66% saying it was a good idea.
If there is ANYTHING to unite the left and the right it would be an antiwar stance. I would unify with those wierdos if only to kick out all those fucking warmongering jews, RINOS, chickenhawks out of office.
Trusting Drudge….we all got played dude.
Even the Guardian is saying the strike was a good idea. The left isn't gonna do shit.
Have a better poll? And no, Breitbart isn't trustworthy.
You guys are so full of shit. When you have voted for Trump his daughter was already a registered Democrat with a kike husband. Why the fuck you're so surprised that she was a trojan horse? I bet many of the idiots who want to oust the kike now were the same ones who were muh ivanka 2024 not so long ago. We may try to do something now but i'm afraid it might be too late.
So Trump is being mind controlled by Kushner? Looks like Trump is absolved of all accountability then. You delusional retards make me laugh.
You all seem awfully persistent to get people to stop going after Kushner and such. It makes sense to remove those obvious problems around him and then see what he can do. You're not going to just remove Trump unless you're advocating killing him in which case, that's stupid for a variety of reasons. It makes sense to try and get people fired and get Bannon to at least have more of a say in things.
And who knows if Bannon ISN'T getting a say? Other than rumors there isn't any substantial proof that he's losing ground. Even the NSC thing was proved to be mere sensationalism
And then what exactly is your solution then? And why shouldn't people go after Kushner who stinks to high heaven? And what makes you think Bannon would support the Syria shit?
There's actually been some antiwar protests recently and many of those people looked like leftists. So I'm assuming now they are off the "kill Russia" kick they were on before.
I gotta feeling some cool shit is in play.
(((They))) always play both sides
#KushnerAtWar has been trending strong all day today.
Still going strong. Kushner must go
Nice. Also, Kushner has been breaking out his shills and trying to deflect blame from himself and try and get people to ignore his dealings. Be on the look out for these fucks.
Obviously Trump has to know about the Hashtag, as does Ivanka. The pressure is on Trump now. He knows his base wants Kushner and Ivanka gone. He needs to decide whether his daughter or his country are more important.
Indeed. Should be interesting. The amount of shills shilling for Kushner also shows how scared Kush must be as well.
More good news. Chuck Johnson is apparently investigating rumors that Gary Cohn and Dina Powell are having an affair.
Top kek. Now this is glorious.
Cernovich is reporting it. He's been right before despite a lot of the shit we give him
and she's also a democrat
spread this on every pro-trump platform, every normie needs to understand why ivanka and jared are the fifth column of the white house…
No matter what happens we'll always have the sweet tears of election night 2016.
user, I…
yes and you should get a fucking grip. chesscuck talking points come straight from reddit and facebook groups. cancer.
Look at the fucking Kike that might become the new chief of staff- former COO of Goldman Sachs.
Courtesy Kush Jew>>9661258
The Wormtongue meme may be apropos, time will tell, but Trump has worked with Jews his entire life. Fact: he couldn't have gotten where he is without working with Jews.
He did not succeed in a Jewish vacuum. By nature of his very occupation, which Jews dominate, his entire sphere of influence has always been filled with Jewish gas. Kushner is Trump's pulse on what the Jews, and the shitlibs, are thinking.
So I'm giving God Emperor a reasonable amount of the BOD here with this whole Syria thing.
What's the net result, physically? Some hardware was destroyed and a few people died.
What's the net effect, politically? Yockey defined politics as activity in relation to power, a simple definition that works, so what's the net effect of Trump's activity in relation to power? The dogs of the deep state have been appeased, for the moment, because Trump, the expert negotiator, understands he can't operate alone and will occasionally find it necessary to throw them a bone. They wanted Trump to take out Assad himself, which he declined to do.
He also showed that grandstanding fat guy in Korea he's not afraid to act.
spread this among the electoral base
This fucking thread …
You can't make this shit up.
>when all of the above fail simply pull stats altogether
Jesus Christ. With them acting this fucking desperate to shut it down it's 2000% confirmed he's not just a biased kike (superfluous, I know) but their mole.
His Soros and democrat ties needs to be spread to every corner of Trump's support base until his head fucking rolls. If he stays MAGA is over. Forget it.
How drunk do you have to be?
Yeah, I am not saying we need an all out purge on kushner and his jews, but we need to pay attention and start the garrison.
We think for ourselves.
We don't shill for Trump, just because he's our president.
In fact, if he starts doing what Clinton would have done or sells out to globalist Kikes, we'll treat him just like we would have treated her.
I could care less about Psy-Ops and Anti-Psy-ops.
Alex Jones and even ((Michael Savage)) Now reporting that Kushner is a globalist operative with ties to Murdoch and Kissinger
nicely done, fam. It's uncanny how similar Kushner and Wormtongue look
did this go anywhere?
#1 trending tag in da world on friday
Tons on tweets calling out the faggot
He has to go.
Ivanka too.
Being jewish in the perfect world only makes you good for lamps.
When Bill Hicks says it, it must be true.
It's only a ride.
does retweeting further the hashtag, or do i need to put the hashtag in every time i retweet?