Why are we taken over by Anarchists? It's pretty shit> ?
Meet me in the parking lot m8 I'll deck you in the gabber
This place had mods, it's authoritarian as fuck.
This is the best thread today. Great job OP.
No, drinking many pints and smoking until my lungs go.
I knew you were too much of a pussy lmaoooo
e-left is naturally going to have more liberals and liberals trying look edgier so naturally more anarchists as well.
because statists are absolute shit, that's why
Alright, I will legit smash you bro.
revolting against the mods is ideologically consistent
Good, where u at faggot. I'll destroy you live on bunkerbantz
Also this tbh
stalin won't save you now, pussy
statists can't handle opposing viewpoints
The "anarchist" infighting on plebbit has reached has reached a point of the edgy teenage socjus faction purging anyone who commits treason by thought. Presumably some of the refugees have moved here. The edgelords are busy infiltrating the other subs, so it shouldn't be long until other tendencies have their numbers made up.
You're a mong, I have literally nothing to say other than that I am drunk and that you belong in a gulag. What, I don't care.
Legit, Anarchists need to just go away. They can stay for a bit but they're faggots and counter-revolutionary to the cause
w e w
Maintain Capitalism. Actuall read a book for once.
When are we gonna fite m8 I'm gonna humiliate you and Stalinism in front of all of Holla Forums tbh
"Anarchism is the punishment for the opportunist sins of the labor movement"
aka if y'all were less shit there'd be no anarchists
More like tankies are the punishment for insurrectionists not killing enough bootlickers
tbh I'd die to you. I've been in a few fights while mashed out my head but alwasys been smashed
lol. go die xDDD
Sick burn niggah
It's like we aren't experiencing the same reality.
what are you drinking?
Feels good man
liberals are even worse than tankies
nice meme
Shit meme
Can confirm. Have been on /r/anarchism for five years and couldn't take it anymore. This place is great.
Love the monthly "should pedophiles have human rights" threads with all the salt and bans they generate.
THIS. Things have been getting better recently. That's probably why they so mad tbh
Is this a new meme or something?
You could try.
You want tankies to run this place?
This board was founded by anarchists and the mod team has done a good job at keeping this place multi-tendency.
I almost miss having those here. The feminists always get all pissy and start arguing with the pedos. Then the pedos win, and the feminists start angrily shitting up the rest of the board.
Actually, no, I don't miss those at all.
It's the influx of new friends that still coping with their liberalism.
Right on point, my drunken tovarish
It is.
Exactly, this is why we need to move to Masterchan.
Never in History has this happened!
Because your ideology is shit and people like to be able to express themselves and have a say in how their world operates.
Because discussion leads to good decisions, and democratic centralism is a SHIT way to discuss things.
Because sometimes you make mistakes and democratic centralism is a SHIT way to ensure mistakes are rectified.
Because ultimately, while raising living standards and fighting imperialism, by and large, Leninist movements only replaced one Hierarchical elite with another.
History thus far shows that the state does not simply whither away.
The state in many cases has had ample time to whither away and has not.
We are sick of your lies and your historical record for solidarity is deplorable.
With your help we could have had successful stateless, Classless societies in many places, yet you stabbed us in the back.
On this board, Tankies are largely uneducated edgelords who haven't even bothered to read their own material, never mind that of anarchists and so are regularly BTFO.
Literally no one is going to move to your irrelevant pedo board, muke
It isn't really a point is it.
Yeh because Spain and Ukraine weren't REAL revolutions where we hand all power to disconnected centralized elites.
Tankiddies went back to school
Think about the demographics fam.
Most people here are white kids from Western first world countries. Their liberal and degenerate culture makes them gravitate towards revisionism because real Marxism-Leninism triggers them. These kids are conditioned by their hypercapitalist culture and media to get triggered by socialism that actually had some success.
So they opt for utopian idealist stupidity like anarchism and Trotksyism because these are not a threat to the capitalist order or bourgeois ruling elite.
The bourgs say "jump", revisionists say "how high?"
The bourgs say "Stalin was evil", revisionists say "REMEMBER THE 100 GORILLION!"