Holla Forums is under siege. The amount of anti Trump, defeatist shilling here is mindblowing. No doubt this is all coordinated in the aftermath of the site hack. This is a call to action. Be careful about which posts you believe and who you interact with. If you see words like "drumpf", "neocon", etc being used you need to exercise caution. Pay attention to posting style, shills are easy to spot. Do not let them plant their seeds here.
Holla Forums is under siege. The amount of anti Trump, defeatist shilling here is mindblowing...
Other urls found in this thread:
premptive post.
It's just a bunch of cucks that watch too much John Oliver and CNN
lel no shit. After the goons failed to exploit Sunshine they pounced on Syria.
Their home boards are BTFO so they sit here and parrot all the shit they heard on their talmudvision.
All three of these tbh
With shit like this, I honestly hope for nuclear armageddon to get rid of turkroaches like you
It's simple, everyone not antisemetic is either a shill, a lefty, a kike or a nigger.
Its the core value. Go against it, you go against Holla Forums. I hope all these civics will be /gassed/ from here soon.
This is a perfect example of the aforementioned shilling. Also pay attention to how this Jew has specific problems either capitalizing or fully writing out words (neocon) which have become synonyms for Jew.
Don't call them Rabbit, Kikes, Heebs, or the like. Just call them Jews. They hate it, isn't that right Jew?
Gas yourself shlomo.
go back to reddit you trump sucking shill. he showed he true colors along with his family
Get lost, kike puppet. Your president betrayed us.
I'm sorry but I have to do this…
President Donald (((Trump)))
It hinges on the fact that there were no casualties, however.
The problem is that there were casualties, and worse, they were civilian.
It's the state Syrian news.
No, real Holla Forumsacks are revolting against muh god-emporer mentality. We'll wait and see if this is 4d chess but this attitude of wild banning, shutting down discussion will be the death of Holla Forums. It's not just shills, you retard
It's 1488D mongolian basket weaving, am i right?
Fuck off shill.
Bullshit is it not shills. The speed of posting suddenly more than doubled. You expect me to believe thats just happenstance?
Also anyone who defends mudslimes while blaming kikes is just playing the old D&Q game.
You just exposed yourself as the shill. Impossible that you would be from around here yet never have heard "neo-cohen" or understood its etymology.
Donald "my kids are yids" Trump is an Israel first race traitor who wants to plunge us into Jew wars and let his (((Goldman Sachs))) people loot the country into bankruptcy.
We need to stay the fuck out of the middle east, besides ridding it of (((ISIS))). Bombing airfields because of some kike false flag doesn't help us.
Low energy.
Ask yourself, OP. Why are you defending Trump? Why are you supporting him doing the exact opposite of what you presumably voted for? What will you gain from that kind of behaviour? No one's happy to admit Trump might not be the leader we hoped he would be, but the answer isn't denial. It's to hold him to a high standard, and demand better when he fucks up like this.
Jews like Kushner were a danger from the beginning. This is what happens when people don't listen. You give them one finger and they take your hand, and then invite all the other parasites over. He was never "based" or "honorary".
Luckily for us these shills are all extremely stupid, which is evident since they wouldn't be working min wage in a basement all day if they had any real skillset.
These transparent idiots just can't help making the same mistakes every thread
It's the most pitiful attempt yet, the only reason it's appearing to have an effect is the sheer magnitude of retarded posts they deliver at turbo speed. It's clear Brock gave up on hiring competence and just got the cheapest subhuman rats he could manage by the dozen
we need a serious purge of leftists
trump is a kike shill
Im not defending his action. But im not going to condemn him just yet when hes shown time and time again that he's leading him numerous enemies along. Im goimg to patiently wait and not abandon my leader who hasnt lead us astray just yet. There isnt enough information to do that.
It's a natural reaction of people taking Trump's actions at face value. Trump's been very straightforward, especially on foreign policy, and this is a big change. It's natural for most people to react this way.
Pretty much this.
And you will see in subsequent posts that what is said here is true. Case in point .
Oh and don't forget
It's incredibly pathetic and ineffective, which is why they are forced to prod multiple stooges to back them up every time or they wouldn't reel a single sucker in
The audacity of this fucking kike. The only thing he is sad about is the fact that the chlorine gas soured the children's blood so they can't mix it with their fucking Matzo. That's unlike the white phosphorus that they use that just burns those children from the inside out. Blood from the unburned parts are fine, and the flesh is pre-cooked for them.
You cant explain the sudden increase in posting speed and users by that. Theres clearly a power play on Holla Forums going on by people trying to sow the seeds of dissent on this board.
Sticky please mods. The amount of shilling is absurd. Stay vigilant and stay calm.
How many threads are you going to make saying the exact same lines? You're actually saying using "kike" "neocon" "neo-cohen" is a sing of being a shill on Holla Forums of all places.
You came straight from reddit during the election. Just admit it.
Agreed. We can start with all the Trump supporters, since Trump is a leftist, globalist internationalist. Remember when just a week ago he tried to ram his welfare program through the House of Reps? He loves the Dreamers now and no price is too high to pay in revenge for shitskin babbies with a fatal case of the vapors.
But it's not just Holla Forums it's all over social media. All Trump supporters are freaking out right now, it's not particular to this board.
The most important question to ask is who will benefit from Trump's loss of support?
Maybe, but Trump as something to defend is worth literally nothing if he's going to be another neocohen.
Or better yet, maybe we're being shilled to support the war no matter what. Did you think about that Shlomo?
Fuck you kike shill. KYS
You are the same retard that yesterday was complaining that back in election night, the speed of posting had doubled too.
dude, if there is no backlash then Trump would just fucking bomb syria. It's a good thing people are speaking out agaisn't it. He isn't out fucking god or messiah he's am employee of us and if he fucks up we are supposed to give him shit for it so he realizes he fucked up.
Trump betrayed his most important promise, backpedaled in 24h on Assad, WW3 could be few hours away, this is fucking chaos, no one expected him to do that, the world face total obliteration because of this stupid move, ofc the rate of posting is doubling you fucking retard.
lots of people in this thread seem to not care trump acted on a kike false flag against the enemies of isis (the mossad/cia insurgency) and allies of russia. why are you trying to do a 180 on beliefs just for greater isreal..hmmm
Just like the rest of the shills
Anything to keep up the cult of personality!
There is no war and there isnt going to be. Stop fearmongering.
But, the thread was just made. Besides isn't the meme that shills are always first to reply?
My support for Trump is not unconditional. As long as he advances our interests, I'm with him. When he stops doing that, we should drop him.
I'm willing to wait to see how this plays out. It's possible this move was just theater. However, even if it is just theater, voicing our displeasure with the apparent course of action is entirely reasonable. If Trump is legitimately now planning on taking down Assad, hearing his supporters get royally pissed off at that idea might check him. If he's not, our reaction will ultimately serve his purposes–it gives the impression that he's willing to go against his base when "necessary", which gives him room to maneuver with the people he has to deal with in Washington. Either way, we lose nothing by saying "this is bullshit, we shouldn't be fighting Assad."
Neo-cohen makes the Jewish nature of neocons explicit, and it's used reasonably often around here. Not sure why you wouldn't have seen it before.
Eat a dick. At least he'll know where the public stands. If everyone is a fucking yes-man cuck like you he'll think he has public support for it.
Yeah because its a fuckin organized effort to destroy the kikes opposition. And I'm telling you not to fall for it, thats all.
Is a leftypol raid
But this goes way beyond criticism of a bad decision. This is abandonment.
If you had read my posts, I said that its fine to be against the action, just not against the man. Outcry against the strike is good, but people using that to sow dissent among the presidents supporters are shills, no doubt about it.
Your "aww movement" cringe was just that.Want to go worship some kike that goes against everything Holla Forums then fuck off make a trump board.
Because it was a really bad fucking move. And because people today are bigger drama queens that ever. Even Trump is a huge fucking drama queen.
It being a false flag is a narrative. Sand niggers aren't infallible just because they're against Jews.
Holla Forums isn't or shouldn't be, anyway a personality cult and if Trump fucks up as he has today he should be criticised for it.
Foolish mortals, how dare ye question the God Emperor.
I wish you sad stooges had the mental capacity to realize how painfully stupid you sound
The same talking points almost to the letter are being shilled all over. You thought they smelled blood in the water over Flynn and Bannon, fucking hell, shariablue and the left are going into an absolute shilling frenzy now. The see an opportunity to separate Trump from his base. Also with the embarrassing outing of Obongo and his crew getting caught red handed at espionage and treason, they need this to take the heat off of them so the country doesn't retaliate. Their getting caught at espionage and treason makes Watergate look like a jaywalking citation.
It's clearly a false flag. Assad had nothing to gain from using chemical weapons, the rebels did.
They are both bad you know.
isis are mossad but nice of you to cut that out so it fits your reply fucking kike
Are you really that fucking stupid?
Critizising something Trump does, doesn't mean that he's a bad president, but that he made a stupid desicion.
Fucking retards like you are the reason why the board quality went into the shitter.
I want to reiterate that this applies even if an apparent screwup is part of a larger plan, because it's likely that our reaction is also part of that plan.
Trump knew, he fucking knew we would freak, he did it anyway, Fuck you for saying Holla Forums is a shilled for the truth, we may be getting trolled, but that is different, it does not change the fact he did a 180 and the only way back is to say it was a mistake and fire his cuck team.
It's strengthened his leverage with all other world players. It destroyed the Russia narrative permanently. It's only a bad move if the only thing you care about is the based Assad meme. Sorry that's not enough for me to go "impeach Trump now, Hillary 2017" like these faggot shills and the hand full of retards falling for it.
I guess we should just blindly follow trump as he replaces his best people with kikes and does the exact opposite of what he was saying on the campaign trail then? Fuck Trump and his (((cabinet))).
King nigger wanted to bomb Syria but didn't.
Trump was elected on a platform of not doing this.
It's also a bigger deal when it involves bombing a sovereign state versus some towelhead sandniggers in a desert.
Are you mental. I don't even like Assad. But I don't see the point in threatening yet another middle eastern foreign power.
Which leads back to my original question.
Who will benefit after Trump's support collapses? Who fills the vacuum? Who fights for our interests? He's still the President with all the power that comes with it. Abandoning him now would fuck us over more than it would him. I think we should stick with him and make the best of it until we meme Bannon into power in 2020
No more concessions, no more crypto kikes
That's not evidence it was a false flag, you moron. There's evidence to support it happening the way the US said it did, mainly radar surveillance that shows where the planes that dropped the gas came from. So you have to present evidence for your position not just saying it's unlikely.
This is how bad you lost, your biggest success is doing a pol invasion
filtered for kike
Trump is not gonna get fucking impeached. And he doesn't need our support. He only needs his faggot advisors and the rest of the retarded congress.
Because the rest of the world viewed Obama as a pussy. This improves Trump's bargaining position for getting other countries to do what we want, for example getting China to muzzle the Norks.
Oh right I forget all the drone massacres he staged were done with pepper spray and rubber bullets
No one is saying this.
Shillary would have had the bombs falling in December, she wouldn't have even waited for her inauguration to tell Obama to start bombing. If Trump actually does cuck out to the neocons (we don't know that yet, give it just a little bit of time to see how things play out), the time for politics will be over.
Yes, it is. Motive is part of what you look at in these situations.
Show me the proof that the gas was dropped from planes.
Great counter-argument. You have nothing else.
He fucked himself, he has to go further now, or have it called a farce and a show, telling Russians before hand, he did it for personal reasons. He lost the narrative, the control, his support, for what, the neo-cons going easy for one day, that's all he got, he gained no votes, no power, he lost both.
You are a fucking retard or a shill if you can't see this.
So then why Syria.
Yes, they are, you faggot shill. I've seen posts about impeaching Trump, primarrying Trump or never voting again in everyone of these shill threads.
This pretty shit, right here. Wake up. It's clear that he's going be a good goy now. They must have some blackmail on him.
Really? Might as well change to /thedonald/, you fucking faggot
If Assad did gas them, which he obviously didn't, I would expect Trump to say I don't give a shit, not our country, and take the hit. I don't want to hear about fucking chilluns and babies like he's trying to convince a woman about refugees. Fuck off and do what you were elected to do and gas your kike family.
Also if this was supposed to be "Show strenght" from Trump then why was his speech a bunch of emotional pussy shit about children or some shit. And why is he not saying anything and hiding from the public in the face of such an outrage. How the fuck does he look strong.
Its not "clear". Nothing is. Its possible, like it always has been. We will wait and express discontemt with the ACTION and not the MAN. People calling for abandoning trump, making image macros etc are shills trying to sieze control of this place in the wake of this.
Go back to the Donald where you fucking belong, burger.
fuck off back to your third world shithole faggit
You're a fucking retard if you think internet Nazis actually got him elected. He was elected over the economy and the Rust Belt. Also conservatives that wanted the a supreme court justice. He's not losing voters over this. Holla Forums and some ecelebs aren't going to outweigh the benefits from a momentary show of strength like this that also causes the media to STFU about their shitty narratives about him simultaneously. If anyone thought Trump would be the natsoc president, you're so fucking stupid you must have some kind of irreparable brain damage. You're never going to get a better candidate than Trump. It's not fucking happening, so get over your tantrum already.
I will never support a war that only benefits (((israel))), simple as that.
I will not completely abandon Trump yet, I will label this as a big mistake. But he is on incredibly thin ice from here on out
If he didnt do anything then he strengthens the false narratives that his enemies stateside have been building. He made contact with Russia and Syria before the strike and made a show to hurt the narrative. Everyone wins in the wake of the flase flag attack. It was the safest possible action, probably.
Enjoying dying for Israel, Ami?
And it's the first post.
This is very different from installing Hillary as President. I have not seen anyone here suggesting we should do that.
As for primarying him, it depends who our options would be. If I thought we could elect a clone of Adolf Hitler I'd be all for primarying Trump. Trump was always a stepping stone. He's not going to kick out nonwhites with citizenship, he's not going to cut off all aid for Israel, he's not going to gas the kikes. If we're lucky he'll manage to get the citizenship of anchor babies revoked and ban the entry of Muslims into the country. You have to work with what's available. Don't make the perfect the enemy of the good, but also don't mistake the good for the perfect.
He said peace through strength. He bombed a fucking empty airfield, told Russia it was happening, and stopped after one target. Did he bomb hospitals and schools and cities? Did he bomb Assad? Did he bomb the capital? No.
You have no idea what his long play strategy is. We all should wait and see
Holla Forums is a natsoc board not the_donald for reddit tier racists
If you support those things, it proves beyond a fact you are a shill because that would be ceding power to the liberals as a fact, which is exactly the goal of the shilling.
Holla Forums stands for politically incorrect. It was never supposed to only be the stormfront for chans. Stop the purity spiraling.
Certain high level autistic persons here condemning all criticism of Trump are the problem. You are not Holla Forums you display traits more similar to redditors at r/thedonald who have no real ideology besides Trump
Holla Forums is anti-globalist
Holla Forums is anti-zionist
Holla Forums recognized neocons are both zionist and globalist warmongers
we can all agree on this?
So if Trump starts acting like a globalist kike on Syria, which is a flashpoint for the zionist/globalist agenda he should be open to criticism
OP you are pathetic , there's no use worshiping Trump no matter what he does. You're like a nigger worshiping Obama even though he does nothing for you, (he's just black)…. and your unwavering devotion to him, despite him cucking you gives you absolutely no sway in any sort of decision he makes because he knows you'll just go along with it whatever it is.
Yet another d&c shill. Fuck off and KYS kike
You're not reading my posts.
I'd only be in favor of impeaching or primarying Trump if we had a better option lined up. I'm not in favor of just handing over the Presidency to Pence or a random Democrat.
Nigger normie tier Civ Nats are abandoning him for betrayal, he totally misread this, or more likely he had no option as he is compromised via Kushner, if Assad did gas them I never would have expected Trump to be so retarded.
I'd tell you to KYS too, but you seem so eager to die for Israel that it'd just feel to cruel, Ami
You know one post means the thread, not the board, that's how you know you are a shill.
At least try to read my posts before putting words in my mouth.Dumb faggot.
Not a single person has been able to argue against that pic yet, choosing to instead ignore it or try pathetic tricks like that one retard some posts above going "this image again" in an impotent attempt to discredit it
Vid related, it's chesscucks from T_D dealing with this the only way they can.
Are you stupid or autistic? I just said those people aren't a voting block that fucking matters. Everyone else is praising him for this shit. If you get over your autism, maybe you can see the big picture about how this gives him more leverage to do other things that benefit us. I've also seen no evidence Kushner is behind this either. Trump was never anti-Jew ever. If you think so, then you haven't been paying attention from day one. People didn't care, because they aren't one-issue autists.
It doesn't matter if hes playing chess, we still stick to our guns because to do otherwise is selling ourselves out and giving the false idea that we are OK with this bullshit.
To put it simply, if its chess, we are still the same piece he is playing, so play your part.
Good let's bomb the rest of Syria then right.
A tale of cuckholdry and wishful thinking. Too bad it's all bullshit.
No Russian casualties, but several Syrian losses. Many planes destroyed, airfield in critical location damaged. A painful setback when they are fighting an uphill battle with limited resources. Any yet, half the missiles missed, making Trump and the US military look weak and inept, not strong.
Not to mention the effect that doing exactly what Hillary would have done has had on his support base. The parts of it that aren't completely brain-dead that is.
You fucking cucks need to get your heads straight.
You have intoxicated yourselves with addle-minded persona worship. You have completely lost track of the principles and goals we used to stand for. And, consequently, you have become no better than Obama worshipping libtards that continued to support him and his Peace Prize, as the body bags kept getting shipped home.
Snap the fuck out of it.
It is not for us to be with Trump. It is for Trump to be with us.
HE must be loyal to US
And if he is not, he is the enemy.
Who is everyone else? The Dems? NeverTrumpers? Zionists? The media?
The sheer joy of kikes, msm and john mccain should alert you this is bad, the false flag shit should tell you this is wrong, and the idea we should do a 180 on our position because of chess is fucking bullshit.
fuck off and get out of your cult of personality.
If he stops with this shit, I support him again, if he doesn't, I will not.
That's not an argument you fool.
Im NOT saying to do a 180. Im just saying to be aware that there are powers at work here, right now even in this thread, that are trying to use this chaos to build a foundation for their agents here. People saying to abandon Trump and that he's now an enemy/neocon are those people. I think we SHOULD oppose the strike. Its probably what Donald needs us to do anyways. But we shouldnt oppose the man.
if that first image is true then we are living in an anime
Trump could pay a nigger to rape their mom in front of some of these shills and they'd call it 456 dimension backgammon.
Well that depends. Would it be a based nigger in a MAGA hat? Because that would be pretty based.
It's possible and probable. It also follows established patterns in what Trump does. You forget that what he is posting was the (possible) plan, and there are always chances for it to go awry. Literally the only way to find out if anything is wishful thinking is to calm ones tits and wait for the situation to develop. This was a BIG fucking strike, and it will take a while for the dust to settle and the picture to come clear. Don't worry if people shift stuff around to suit their narrative - we will find their fingerprints and the trails they left.
I agree 100% here. And like I said above, only time will tell.
you kikes really suck at hiding
You said that here too: >>>9659724
You're naive if you think this. They'll be back at it by next week, accusing Trump of being a Russian Agent, saying that he warned Putin. Furthermore what you're advocating is essentially that Trump should commit acts of war so that democrats stop calling him names. Get fucked with that shit.
Ousting Assad is not good for America. It's only good for Israel. That is the epitome of neocon foreign policy.
I wonder if it's Syrian cyber army trying to sow domestic dissent because there's fuck all else they can do to hurt big daddy US.
it will only be great when the star gorges on clay.
Get fucked.
Also if the only reason you supported or voted Trump is because you believe Holla Forums said he was going to gas the jews then you're fucking retarded. He made it clear on the run up to the election he supports Israel and has jewish family himself. Can't stand these morons acting like he was hiding his ties.
yeah if you don't like Israel you supported the wrong candidate and should have voted for shillary or bernie. pfffffftbtbtbtbt.
I don't see any acts of war. Just subhumans getting put in their place.
Trump's actions sure did a good job of giving the sandnigger jihadi rebels an advantageous position.
I think it's worth examining this. Do they believe it in earnest? Or do they say it because they want it to be true, and believe that by asserting it they can make it true? I think a lot of people think they can "meme magic" Trump into becoming Hitler by constantly insisting that he is Hitler. They know he isn't at the moment, but they're trying to make him into Hitler by insisting it anyway.
For many on Holla Forums, wishful thinking under the guise of "meme magic" has replaced rational analysis.
That's because you're a fucking pleb and shouldn't be posting.
Bombing an airfield of a sovereign nation is objectively an act of war, no matter how you try to minimize it.
Furthermore with "put [the SAA] in their place", you imply the attack was in response to something the SAA did. The SAA did not gas anybody, that was an Israeli false flag.
Possible? Maybe. Probable? After everything that has happened? No.
He's been virtue signalling for kikes from the beginning. He has kikes infesting his family left and right. He is chummy with Netanyahu. His favorite daughter converted. Natanyahu has known and influenced her husband since he was a baby. They are whispering in his ear constantly. They've moved into the White House.
Just wait and see.
Just wait and see.
Fine. Sure, maybe it's a ploy. Maybe it's 1488D cheese. I'll wait. After all…
And so, up until now, I have looked the other way through it all. But now this. Doing exactly what Hillary would do. Doing exactly what our enemies want him to. Doing exactly what we elected him not to do.
His words then might have betrayed our enemies. But his actions now do betray us.
If you can't draw the line at bombing and spilling the blood of the good guys over obvious false flags, you simply have no principles or moral compass or brains any more.
You have become shabbo, goodest of goys.
The ONLY people praising him are Never Trumpers you dolt, the Pentagon made the media write a few nice things, that is it, the rest of the Liberal media is accusing him of collusion with Russia for telling them, and that he is just doing it as a smokescreen, they still want him dead. So does never Trump, they will just wring the life out of him first.