What do we make of this?
Trump Weekly Address
This is Trump's meeting with the King of Jordan, two days ago; and it is where Trump addresses (((chemical weapons))) attack with him. Just for the people who weren't aware.
China as well.
There's no mistaking it. Trump believes wants us to believe that the chemical attack was real. If this is the case, fuck him and his kike family
Ronald Chumples, the billionaire member of the elite who pledged allegience to Israel every time he took any of the 6 gorrilion actions he took to destroy and loot America has your back. And I am not going to eat Jared Kushner.
What if it was real? What if Assad isn't actually the good guy? Please respond. Us shills get an extra 0.03 shekels for every response.
Holla Forums & Reddit confirmed.
All will be revealed within a week.
If this doesn't just blow over and reveal some master plan, then its done, and we'll know the score, and we'll turn the meme-cannons around and unleash back upon Trump.
He has no idea what's coming if he thinks he's going to get out of this looking good.
Thank you for posting this.
The more posts like this that I see, the more certain I am that most of the retarded sentiment I'm seeing is outsiders coming in.
Not our business either way.
smash that dislike button
Assad was never /ourguy/ but that doesn't matter you got Russia there. If there was no Russia there we'd seen Libya 2.0 during Obama.
I have to wonder, what do you think Trump would have said if Obama had done the same thing under the same circumstances?
fuck him and his entire jew family, Ivanka and Jared especially, so much for change with him doing EXACTLY what Hillary proposed and now Russia entering WW3 preparations sending warships, all because of a Mossad/CIA blatant false flag which was probably ordered by him and Israel.
If it's real, it's not our problem. We should never be involved either way.
Tell me about the chilluns
Why do they wear the gas masks?
If you attack Assad will your Presidency die?
For Jews
Huh, he didn't end it with God bless America.
At the very least, we'll have old Holla Forums back.
He said Yaweh bless Zion
Does he still have rallys? It will be interesting to see the dynamic between him and the people who believe Trump has betrayed them. It would force him to resolve the issue in one way or another (conniving lying, telling the truth of his stupidity, telling the truth about his master plan).
What makes me skeptical even more is his stress on "no longer following an inflexible ideology".
Trump, that's no way to excuse this!
The value's been lost but it was a good read.
I watched him during it, all confounded by what the Rabbi was saying.
He's already starting to get some backlash in the comments. The normal fags are about to get their egos bruised again if Trump goes down. I've been saying that these slow, dopey fucks are a liability. They were a liability during the election and they're a liability now if Trump is screwing us because they'll hold onto him until the very end.
you guys are late to the party
They wont listen, they're still buttmad about being last place. Give it a week, or at least until the ruse cruise is revealed.
I'm a wait and see guy, but don't forget that the Jew wants Nationalism to fail in America so the People will be more likely to accept Civic Nationalism. Remember: they want America to be the strong-arm of Israel, and in order for that to happen, America has to be made strong great again.
But that's not what happened. There were deaths. That entire image is someone desperately trying to spin a narrative so they avoid admitting they might be getting screwed.
You're right, I should have been #withher
so far we got 1 alledged death caused by the missile, 4-5 due to fire spread, ya can;t nitpick 1 single aspect and dismiss the rest faggot. also
Oh hey like I just said. Someone trying to spin a bullshit narrative to avoid the possibility of getting screwed.
Half never made it to target.
Because half of the payload never made it. Ever think that Syrians + Russians = Not fucking incompetent like Iraqi sandniggers?
Expect Russia wasn't warned as evidenced by thier renigging of treatises
I didn't make the image faggot, there were conflicting reports of deaths/no deaths, others said the base was completely annihilated,
are you seriously expecting a flawless execution of such a plan? and you should know better about the deaths reports, they could be as credible as the babies death from that chem attack.
ya can't have it both way, believe without proof of those deaths, and disbelieve the chem attack.
fuck, now your next move is gonna be
There's also the fact that Trump's early warning to the Russians could have given them time to shoot down the missiles, in a sort of "I have to attack you but I don't want you to get hurt" situation.
Go be a faggot somewhere else.
Ah, I thought that was the other guy calling you out on plebbitspacing, please rape my face.
Fuck off, kike. A government not playing into globalist banking schemes is a good thing, and anything suggesting so much as a modicum of violence is playing into their hands, with no dignity.
If you don't show disapproval, you encourage it.
Assad is the good guy no matter what, because he fights the Jew.
Fuck off Trumpster shill.
I never said you did you daft, defensive cunt. I said the image is of someone desperately trying to spin a narrative. You took it personally which means you're doing the same thing.
Well Russia is claiming there was no early warning, so whatever. This whole thing is an absolute clusterfuck.
What needs doing is the assembly and staging of our own Holla Forumsson option. Anons create a database of three-thousand top-level kikes and thier address/llair. Anons living near to these kikenvermin reconnoteur the kike and wait. If the jew fags engineer a war with Russia (white people killing white people) then, pull the switch. The jew needs to understand the way of the limber trigger finger. Thus sayeth the JITO Church of God who has unleashed Kek the left hand of Memetic Chaos through his avatar, Pepe. JITO jewintheoven©™®
[lack of an argument intensifies]
Most definitely.
It is our chief REAL national interest not to get involved in the Middle East. If anything, not to waste trillions on our own destruction.
you delusional retards will be screaming 90° scrabble as the kikes usher your families into the fema camps.
It literally doesn't matter if it is or isn't real, it is a problem for Syria not America.
kek'd @ "meme cannons"