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Jimmy "Arm the Poor" Dore is a true comrade

I agree with a lot stuff Dore says but his beliefs are pretty clearly self-serving, I'd rather follow someone with substantiated opinions rather than someone who goes with his gut

that's a good gut, tho

He's a good intro into the left for normies though. My brother was set to vote for Hilary because of Trump but Dore's videos at least got him to question that thinking.


Dore is a noguns liberal.

This guy may be the dumbest fuck they have on that panel, dumber than Ana. Even when he's right he can't get the point out in any coherent fashion, and it's not like saying Hilary is a neo-conservative who is to the right of Trump on several key issues, is difficult.

I love Dore. Ana comes from a petite-bourgious that made all their money from collecting rent on their apartments from hard working proles. She's NOTHING like Dore.

"Who won the vice presidential debate?"

Ana's hot though, so it's ok.

what's up with amerifet obsession with wymyn with huge chins?

Thinking with your dick is what allowed feminism to get its foot in the door of the left, and they dragged in every other form of idpol with them.


If it's proportionate it's ok, Ana's nice got nice juicy lips and blowjob eyes like a good little whore.

IDpol was always around, it's just recently that it's been getting national spotlight. The issues facing different groups of people have never gone away, now people are finally talking about solutions and that's a good thing.

ugh, can't you hear yourself?

problem? we don't all have to be attracted to the same person, mind you.

That's not what idpol is. Idpol is when you divide people according to their identities and send them down that path to distract them from class. Especially when you blame X demographic for Y demographic's problems.



Oh boy, here come's the expert.

No, that's what you think it does, your opinion does not define idpol.

Wow, what a nuanced educated understanding of feminism, blm, and trans issues.

He's essentially right, you know. But why don't you give us your enlightened definition of idpol?

I'm not taking the bait, you're a reactionary shit head.

meant this

for this

No you fucking retard, I'm saying that just because some group has issues that doing something about it isn't idpol. It becomes idpol when you use those specific issues to distract people from class.

It's idpol when it ignores class, and even when it doesn't, it can still be idppol if it argues that gender issues should take precedence over class. Women =/= feminism. Women's rights =/= feminism. Feminism is a specific set of ideologies and the movement consisting of those ideologies.

idpol to the core
Caring about black people's situation =/= black lives matter. They're a loose group of people organizing around a slogan that delegitimizes critics of racism by seeing racism in everything and blaming cops killing blacks on racism instead of classism and militarization of the police.

This is something completely different. The other two are groups of people with an agenda, while this is a subject. Trans people do have issues, but the existence of those problems isn't idpol. There are a lot of idpolers taking advantage of those issues to engage in idpol however, but that doesn't mean any discussion of trans issues is idpol.

Maybe you should stop assuming things about people from short posts on an anonymous imageboard. Now do you have some alternative definition of idpol you can enlighten us with or are you just here to call people reactionaries?

Like to see Cenk's dumb face when he says that.



Idpol is racism, homophobia, and sexism that WHITE PEOPLE use to gain a competitive advantage for wage labor capital.

It's NOT said identities complaining about it.

To anyone that thinks that, fuck you, fuck your broke dick porky bootlicking feelings, and your historical revisionism.



I'm incredibly reassure that the future of capitalism is just equal-outcome oppression

You literally said it's all whitey's fault you retard. And you keep saying it. What you're doing is idpol to a T. You're blaming white people instead of understanding how oppression functions as a system. All you did was take white nationalist idpol and flip it around so whites are evil and non-whites are victims. You are full reactionary.

Uh no it's not. Black people get shot by police at 5 times the rate as white people. Not all proles are equal, some are more equal then others. This unequalness is materially felt by oppressed identities.

Then broke dick fuck wads like you come along and deny people their own fucking experiences then wonder how liberals are able to get these proles to vote for them while not even giving any leftists the time of day. kys YOU'RE why the left is shit, not tumblrinas.

Who's fucking benefiting from white nativism? It's not fucking black people you fucking crypto fascist, I hope you turn into a class traitor because your dead weight to the left too

Racism is a factor in that but all poor people are more likely to get shot by whites. Middle class people of any race are less likely to get shot. A higher percentage of blacks are poor because of slavery and lack of social mobility.

Nobody's denying anybody's experience you unscientific knuckle dragger. We're pointing toward a different cause than "ebul whites hate you."

Saying "It's not white people's fault" isn't white nativism, retard. There are more options than white nativism and non-white nativism.

OK now I'm about 75% sure you're someone completely outside the left trying to blend in but you haven't gotten a grasp of our jargon yet.

Spittin Jimmy

Poor white people may get shot at by police more but not at 5 times the rate of rich white people. Black people get screwed over by both police and the courts because it placates poor white people's anger at capitalist exploitation. And poor white people are MORE THAN HAPPY to take take this Faustian offer. You see many fucking black people at Trump rallies?

Nice strawman you fucking pseudo intellectual. I never said whites were evil you triggered reactionary shit eater. But yeah white racism screws over anyone that's not white, apple stealers like you want to just deny that reality. Guess what fuck face, if systemic racism is screwing you over (and you can't critically analyze capitalism to internalize how it's exploiting you) a fucking know it all geek like saying your anger is bullshit isn't going to get that person on your side. Am I wrong in saying the Democrats pander to this anger, then turn around and do fuck all about it?

Well buddy they've got a fucking national party, meanwhile you can't even get anyone on this board to vote Green cause they actually want to do something about racism and that won't benefit any of the honkies on this board so fuck that.

Read a FUCKING HISTORY BOOK. This is false equivalency, the US has a LOOOONG history of targeting women, blacks, homosexuals and other minorities for exploitation and violence. And they were targeted and exploited BECAUSE of their idenity not MoP.

Oh and whites were more then willing to allow it (save for a small minority).

EVEN FUCKING LENIN criticized racists whites for organizing unions and excluding blacks.

muh you're not an authentic leftist maymay

You're completely on the money, but you contradicted yourself.
I didn't have to analyze capitalism to refute you. You did it for me. This is very easy to explain this.
Nobody said that. I said the source of their exploitation is the system, like you realize too. If anyone's racist here, it's you for thinking blacks are too stupid to grasp such a simple concept as Democrats pandering to their anger.

That's not what that means. Not even close.

Why are you talking about the US specifically? Bigotry has existed everywhere forever. Capitalism is what reinforces it and allows it to occur at such a large scale (and has kept it from being resolved).

Nobody here is excluding blacks. What is it you want people to do, stop seeing capitalism as the keystone of identity-based persecution and agree that white racists are the problem?

I calls 'em as I sees 'em. You're posting pics that went out of style a decade ago, misusing jargon, and advocating for a reversal on one of the most widely-agreed-upon and central ideas people have on this board.

I'm also enjoying the way this user curses like a 10 year old who's just heard the word "fuck" for the first time from his friend's older sister.

You're not an authentic leftist.

How did I contradict myself. Leftists on this board ignore sexism, racism and homophobia as part of class struggle. Proles are bigoted and a MAJOR impediment to organizing has always been intolerance.

Practically everyone on this board screams IDPOL to anyone that complains about racism ect because they still see other identities as competition to the zero sum game that is capitalism.

This give grifters like the DNC openings because they have the BRAINS to recognize the fucking opening. They don't have to do any actual work to address racism ect because leftist won't even fucking recognize its a problem.

FUCK ME YOUR DENSE. Did you have your fucking eyes closed when Marx talked about Base Superstructure?

Racism et al are apart of the Superstructure. Liberals promise to do something about the Superstructure, and minorities are correct in believing it will change the base (it already has in a lot of ways dip shit), it's just inefficient. And yes eventually gains are undone by the unaddressed contradictions in capitalism. But in the mean time the proles get a break from opression. They got MATERIAL support from liberal parties like the DNC instead of THEORETICAL support from fuck wads like you.

Yes it is, you're implying that racism against blacks and sexism against women is equivalent to whatever MRA/PUA oppression you can dig up that effects white people. A favorite on this board is the fact that *gasp* there are homeless white men too!

Well that just destroys the argument that racism exists.

Now YOU'RE talking like a liberal. Since you're cool with blacks that makes your economic determinism not latently racist. You're the reason why no one takes the left seriously.

Oh no I didn't meet your arbitrary definition of what a true leftist channer is. I couldn't give a fuck less that I'm not cool

Being angry about oppression and leftist failures makes you the same as someone salty about bullshit consumerism issues like Gamergate or comic books


The only issue with trans people is they attempt to impose their ill-defined, meaningless and substanceless concept of "gender", and their attempt to force other people to acknowledge their delusions. And then the attempt to use harmful sex transition surgeries (sex transition is of course impossible at our current level of technology) as a cure for a mental illness.


Transitioning is the most effective treatment for gender dysphoria that we know of, and it doesn't always include SRS.

Your next move will be pulling out the Swedish cohort study that was featured on Breitbart and actually disagrees with you.


How does it disagree? If suicide and general non-well being is still great after transition, it's not an effective treatment.

I'm sure they feel exactly the same about you.

I'm not imposing anything.

I'll let the author speak for herself:

source: transadvocate.com/fact-check-study-shows-transition-makes-trans-people-suicidal_n_15483.htm

The study outright states that medical transition is supported by the other research, and the study is not intended as an argument against the availability of such treatment. "For the purpose of evaluating whether sex reassignment is an effective treatment for gender dysphoria, it is reasonable to compare reported gender dysphoria pre and post treatment. Such studies have been conducted either prospectively or retrospectively, and suggest that sex reassignment of transsexual persons improves quality of life and gender dysphoria." Additionally, the higher mortality rates are in comparison with the general populace (and not other transgender people who have not received treatment) and only apply to people who transitioned before 1989. "In accordance, the overall mortality rate was only significantly increased for the group operated on before 1989. However, the latter might also be explained by improved health care for transsexual persons during 1990s, along with altered societal attitudes towards persons with different gender expressions." It should really come as no shock that as society accepts transgender people, they suffer fewer side effects of stress. This conclusion is supported by other recent studies (Murad 2010; Ainsworth 2011; et al) that found that individuals who receive treatment not only are better-off than those who didn't but are not significantly different in daily functioning than the general population.

If you won't acknowledge their "delusions" as it were, and instead insist on referring their junk, what gender they specifically tell you they "aren't", then yes, you necessarily are.

You mean the fucking sociologist who went against the mob is now trying to save their career, like every other bad goy that went into a study to actually get some data, but came out a hate criminal by posting the findings.

Oh, it's just a StormJW.
Back to
>>>Holla Forums ,

No, she was quite adamant about that when the study was first written, as illustrated here

Face it, you're just spooked as fuck and trying desperately to find some external validation for your feelings-based opinion. Like all stormcucks.

The concept of "gender identity" is what is spooked.

Gender is a spook. The only thing that is real is sex.

That's where you're wrong, my spectral friends. This is best exemplified by the many cases of boys who had botched circumcisions or malformed genitals and were subsequently given reconstructive surgery and raised as girls. If gender is, as you say, a social construct, then they should have all kept identifying as girls into adulthood. However, all but one transbian felt uncomfortable in their female bodies and eventually transitioned to male. Gender is very much something that exists in the brain.


I know you guys think you're being cute and clever when you try coopting "our" terminology to try to convince us of your ideological sanctity, but really you just look stupid to people who know (ie spook doesn't mean social construct like Holla Forums has been trying to teach). Moreover, not everyone buys Stirner's theoretical parameters here, but that's besides the point. In any case, I'll let you consider what he himself has to say:
'Man is something only as my quality (property), like masculinity or femininity. The ancients found the ideal in one’s being male in the full sense; their virtue is virtus and arete i.e. manliness. What is one to think of a woman who should want only to be perfectly "woman?" That is not given to all, and many a one would therein be fixing for herself an unattainable goal. Feminine, on the other hand, she is anyhow, by nature; femininity is her quality, and she does not need "true femininity." I am a man just as the earth is a star. As ridiculous as it would be to set the earth the task of being a "thorough star," so ridiculous it is to burden me with the call to be a "thorough man."'

>ignores the fact that your interpretation of the data proposed was completely BTFO by both the author of the study herself and others

stay assblasted StormJWs

What did you think would happen, it's Academia, when you stumble on things that are NAZI NAZI, ie the truth, about IQ or anything else. You don't deviate from your starting point to reach a conclusion, that would be suicide.

Holy shit you can see the cuck mindset shining through, poor fucker.

It's pretty fucking obvious that you didn't read the original study at all to begin with. Good job showing everyone you get all your """"data"""" from right-wing clickbait articles written by scientific illiterates, though.

Racialism is bullshit too.



Holy shit you can see the stormcuck mindset shining through, poor fucker.

Yeah, racialism is bullshit, all our brains are the same, it's just about education.

Every other part of genetics we will call science, just not the most important part of the human being, that's crazy conspiracy NAZI NAZI


Our brains aren't all the same, but as it turns out our genes don't manifest in handily organized clusters that can be held up to classifications invented in the 19th century. Perhaps if you had read even a single thing you might have known this. But I shouldn't expect any better from someone so ignorant and insecure that he needs to cling to an ideology whose central tenet is that you're great and magical and wonderful and better than everyone else and everything that goes against that worldview is a Jewish conspiracy.

You still have yet to provide more interpretations of data to be BTFO since we already tore through the first round without so much as a whisper and all while actually quoting what the data says. It doesn't surprise me that StormJWs lack the scientific literacy to first finish reading the study, nor that they don't let facts hinder their ability to project another doltish fantasy into another's words. It also doesn't surprise me the amount of damage control going on about it, when instead of addressing the other's arguments just condescend with conspiracy theorization and purporting to have emerged superior, infallible, et c. Your egos are really broken, and I pity you.

keke nice goalpostmoving there

*18th century

Yeah, that's not a biased interpretation at all.

Most of the information that distinguishes populations is hidden in the correlation structure of the data taken; because of racial groups being genetically distinct on average does not mean that racial groups are the most basic biological divisions of the world's population.

Our genes manifest in the only way they can, hereditary, white people are not great because of IQ, the reason people shake of their Marxism is because when you come to the painful realisation that the flaws in humans can not be wished away by dialectics, then the destruction of what did work, the calls for the end of x race, end of people, so they can be broken down as citizens of nothing, for Globalism to sweep in and finish the West.

Yes, the Germans are special, the British were special, not because they all had high IQs, but the state of the people as a whole, and that includes the flaws of which there are many. The Industrial revolution was a near miracle in a population explosion that was headed for certain famine, the Brits had something, that the higher IQ races did not.

Anyway, People aren't flocking to the Far Right out of hate, or a sense of superiority, it is out of survival instinct.

The brain


Get a load of this guy.

Oh good, because my brain is bigger than yours, homo erectus.

So is this what you have once your """"science""""" is cast aside? A bunch of feel-good nothing about how you're special and also very scared?

You don't even have a fucking idea what Marxism is. All you Holla Forumscucks just build up this image in your head on which you scapegoat all the problems you face in life and declare you hate that, whether it's immigants, leftists, da joos or whatever. How about stopping to learn a fucking thing or two about the thing you claim to be against before opening your stupid bitch mouth?

inb4 guldural margsisms frangfurd sgool :DDDD

You are confused, even mulattos with a lick of sense living in countries built by one of their parents people, understands getting replaced by the other side of his genetics is a terrible fucking idea if he has a tv, he can discern the Germans could be replaced by the Masai and it would not produce the unique attributes that make the Germans thrive. No matter how many years or college degrees were thrown at them.

Making a mixed race baby means mixed race babies must be for survival and evolution, that is a fallacy.

This is the dumbest, most incoherent garbage I have read in my entire life. The only other things that come close are the other Holla Forums posts in this thread.

I read Cyril Smith religiously, did the Lenin pre 1917 was different, not real Marxism they were all killed schtick, thought we were all the same.

Once you take out the 'we're all the same' part in terms of what sort of society you want to live in, then the current situation which has been given acquiescence by marxists through cowardice or a desire to see peoples national bonds destroyed, you can no longer be a Marxist.

There is no feel good factor about Europeans, they are a mess, there is only the alternative which is death,

You are retarded then


Yet another case of StormWeenies skewing the argument to feign superiority. No, rather, successful mating, whether if it's with your race or not, guarantees your species' survival, for another generation at least. It has nothing to do with circularity, but cause and effect.

Not going to respond to anything else you have to say since it's without a doubt going to froth from your head.

You think human beings pro-created based on their species? It is tribal and always has been, that is the way we survived, it was conscious and nothing to do with our species as a whole, muh dick is what the species was concerned about, yes.

You read what? One book by a British pedophile?

The fundamentals of Marxist thought have nothing to do with the notion of people being equal. They would still hold even if they were not. Case in point, Marx and Engels, by virtue of being brought up in the 19th century, were spooked as fuck on that point, anti-Semitic and racist against sub-Saharan Africans. And yet they still came up and stood by with all that theory.

You are clearly fundamentally ignorant on this topic, pal. Stop pretending you were ever a Marxist.

Yeah because you can definitely procreate with something that's not your species.

God. KYS.

Made this for you.

Yes, and human beings broke themselves into tribes, in every area, and pro-created for the benefit of their tribe through sexual attraction to those that look similar. Why does this get you angry? The fact we can muh dick any race is not how we consciously survived, apart from when we killed all the males in other tribes and bred the woman. That was for survival, tactical, domination, expansion of the tribe, not species.

You have a child's understanding of anthropology and the history of hominids. This is all complete bullshit.

trying to revise history to fit your naturalist tribal narrative won't make it so

Great argument

>the fact we can muh dick any race is not how we survived
>apart from when we procreated with people, which was for survival

Seriously, just read some Charles Darwin. Having an actual understanding of evolution would dispel at least a good half of your retardation.


So you're admitting it's not instinct now, since you have to consciously select what is and isn't your race to procreate with?

Sounds just like ideology to me fam.

We survived by the desire to procreate with similar genetic people, that is how we established base DNA. We consciously did it, culturally and sexually. We conquered people along the way and destroyed their genetic histories.

The way humans survived was the preference for similar dna to mate with. That is why people are attracted to their own races, that is how we evolved, it groups, subsuming others into the group.

Darwin doesn't disagree with any of this you dope. We existed solely for the survival of our own people, we raped other woman, that is how it went. We were also raped by Neanderthal, they did not survive.

Why did they not survive? Because they did not live in a social tribal structure like we did.

Did you read this in a book or did you find this out by talking to some cavemen?

Could this be one of those shills have I heard so much about?

"I have watched how steadily the general feeling, as shown at elections, has been rising against Slavery. What a proud thing for England, if she is the first European nation which utterly abolish is it. I was told before leaving England, that after living in slave countries: all my options would be altered; the only alteration I am aware of is forming a much higher estimate of the Negros character. It is impossible to see a negro & not feel kindly toward him; such cheerful, open honest expressions & such fine muscular bodies; I never saw any of the diminutive Portuguese with their murderous countenances, without almost wishing for Brazil to follow the example of Haiti; & considering the enormous healthy looking black population, it will be wonderful if at some future day it does not take place."

"As man advances in civilization, and small tribes are united into larger communities, the simplest reason would tell each individual that he ought to extend his social instincts and sympathies to all members of the same nation, though personally unknown to him. This point being once reached, there is only an artificial barrier to prevent his sympathies extending to the men of all nations and races."

"The great variability of all the external differences between the races of man, likewise indicates that they cannot be of much importance; for if important, they would long ago have been either fixed and preserved, or eliminated."

"Now when naturalists observe a close agreement in numerous small details of habits, tastes, and dispositions between two or more domestic races, or between nearly-allied natural forms, they use this fact as an argument that they are descended from a common progenitor who was thus endowed; and consequently that all should be classed under the same species. The same argument may be applied with much force to the races of man."

Nothing he said in that post was wrong. I might disagree with his explanations of why and how, but the facts are all true.

Never heard of him before, watching "A Hillary Presidency Sustains The Neoliberal Nightmare - Or Does It?" he's pretty spot on

Holy shit, now ask Darwin how these small groups came to still be existing to become part of his desire for them to come together?

They survived because they prioritized their tribe, if human beings first instinct was to roam around alone having sex with different races meaning greater genetic diversity, they wouldn't have lasted very long, they would have been killed by other hominoids

And it is painfully retarded to bring up Darwin when talking about the need for diversity in evolution when had his Eureka moment on an island that showed the evolution of animal species in isolation due to their environment. They had zero new blood to add to their genes.

Oh look, more conjecture and base assertions without the appraised data, citations, and scientific credibility (yes, that means your argument doesn't count as experimentation nor the subsequent recording of such). You're really boring actually, and it feels almost as if you're reading off a script because your ideology can't do more than indoctrinate.

You're painfully retarded if you think that study is where he fully develops his theory of genetic variation.

Jesus man, you are trying to deny humans survived through their social structures, not their love of diversity. This is fucking insane.

Where does Darwin say this, Darwin like totally wants us all to get along, that is nothing to do with anything.

I don't think that though, he didn't even start writing until years later.

No shit? That doesn't stop him from pushing divisive identity politics that have no actual solutions to these problems, while using outdated memes.

I dunno how those astroturfing orgs really work, but I can't imagine you'd get much cred (or cash) from your handler if you went neck to them with "I found a couple hundred bickering communists from all over the world in the middle of a Trump worshiping Nepalese body paint website and told them they're all racists if they don't vote Democrat"

And even a shitposting Holla Forumsyp would know better than to use a fucking antediluvian epic fail demotivational poster

Not at all. Rather, you are trying to deny that humans didn't evolve through gene mixing, that what is preventing you from enlarging your consideration for other populations isn't largely ersatz conditioning, that the group with a large gene pool has a greater chance of surviving and flourishing than a population with limited genetic variability (which is why any organism mates so much), or that diversification in genes reduces the incidence of unfavorable inherited traits (which is the very basis of evolution, you fucking twerp). What your arguments have in common here is easily the great extent by which they insult the consensus (a very well documented consensus I might add) of the scientific and historical community.

Humans evolved due to their environment, and from genetic baselines created by populations of similar dna, conquering other similar genetic people in proximity. Tribal nature is what kept those who won the battle going and dominating genetically, the only goal is for one group to dominate genetically, fucking the odd outgroup is subsumed into the tribe in a couple of generations, the dna is relegated to near zero. It's the BASELINE dna that always matter, otherwise the brits would be Norman blooded and the base population has fuck all, the dna is similar to that of before the Norman conquest.

The fact we CAN mate with different races is not why we survived, most genetic diversity in human history involved very similar groups, due to proximity.

In the Descent of Man, wherein the idea that humanity consisted of higher and lower races was precisely what he set out to refute, and wherein he he argued that the logic and evidence of the evolutionary process was that all human beings came from a common ancestor.
Quoting the same thing from a different edition:
"The variability of all the characteristic differences between the races, before referred to, likewise indicates that these differences cannot be of much importance; for, had they been important, they would long ago have been either fixed and preserved, or eliminated. In this respect man resembles those forms, called by naturalists protean or polymorphic, which have remained extremely variable, owing, as it sees, to their variations being of an indifferent nature, and consequently to their having escaped the action of natural selection."

Christ, you are fucking stupid if this is the crux of your argument, and it just proves to me how biologically illiterate you are. Groups of people across the globe have varying frequencies of polymorphic genes, which are genes with any of several differing nucleotide sequences; there is no such thing as a set of genes that belongs exclusively to one group and not to another (ie there are not breeds and "sub-species" of homo sapiens; ie we all have the same goddamn genome).

That isn't even remotely close to being true

The fuck are you on about, I said diversity occurs between similar people mostly due to proximity, not that the genome isn't similar for all in the main.

Of course it fucking is, most of Finland is Genghis Khan based.

I'm on about 1) your misuse of the phrase baseline DNA 2) how your intended use just shows how you're pulling things from your ass, conjecturing yet again, peddling only your pseudoscientific theories about evolution when the actual scientists just outright disagree with you.

Moreover, your argument has so many holes and contradictions that it's really not worth my time pointing them out.

Baseline isn't scientific phrase you gimp, it's used to describe the settled DNA patters of peoples, so that all other small migrations have little impact.

K i l l y o u r s e l f.

And if you can't do us the courtesy of killing yourself, at least stop superficially dabbling in my field of study and stop being such a pseud.

The guy that doesn't believe people survive based on preference of their own, telling others to kill themselves, sounds about right

Again you just can't stop misconstruing the argument that actually happened. Seriously, kill yourself.

non sequiturs don't make you less wrong about your tribal nonsense

Kill yourself,
retarded, ignorant faggot-nigger.
How self-absorbed are you to think that anyone would actually give a shit about your opinion?
Kill yourself for every stupid fucking thought that's ever passed through that useless mush you call a brain, and kill yourself for all the resources that have been wasted to sustain your sorry excuse of an existence.
You're a waste through and through.
Fuck off and die you useless faggot.
Kill yourself.

None of this is controversial, it's not even racist ffs. You're a complete mess.

I'm the most racist leftist there is, so it's not a problem. And again, everything I've said about how wrong you are isn't controversial. It's practically universal to the science of biology.

Kill yourself you faggot nerd. You have no friends because you're a beta, cuck white-boy. You're philistine in every sense of the word you unathletic, skinnyfat faggot. You probably dress like shit and have shitty taste in music too.


yet another thread lost to IdPol bullshit and offtopic racism discussions

So just idpol, really.

What's wrong with being a beta cuck?

You can't try to get me to consider the opposite; I'm redpilled, kid.

JK, I just think it's funny, and yet effective it seems.

Interesting someone who shits on the very obvious idea modern humans are tribal and survived through this social structure, mainly through warrior culture, would be using that spooky language.

Interesting that someone can just make assertions on the internet and not expect to have to back them up with documented proofs and logical conclusions that follow from their premises. Interesting how even despite calling this out they still fail to provide the reader with anything but rhetorical flourishes like "obvious." Interesting how they still can't address the obvious disparities between the theory of evolution as it's actually known and the theory they just conjectured on a Mongolian stampcollecting forum.

You are an illiterate troglodyte of the neanderthalian type, I suppose an american with a morbid inclination for burgers that tastes like fecis; one who deserve no other than Pynchon et alia. Traduction: kill yourself, now.

The only surving model of human societies, to this day is tribalism, show me one surviving alternative around the world, that isn't based on tribalism.

In any continent, that isn't Western imposed philosophy of modern multiculturalism, where does tribalism not prove it is the sole surviving social structure that all people disconnected by 40'000 years, share.

Any form of humanism, or existentialism (which is a humanism).
There's nationalism too, which while similar with herd mentality isn't tribalism. The latter is, as you put it, a defending of bloodlines, whereas in the former it can contain many bloodlines under one citizenship.

So whatever I say you're going to scapegoat. Nice false dichotomy, though; I can really see the ideological wheels turning in your head.

Where in the world is tribalism or nationalism, been replaced by humanism or existentialism.

As Europeans are cultural imperialists pre faggot tier post modernism, I thought it would intsructive to discount modern bullshit, obviously Greek democracy and all that follows is included as being a tribal structure.

Where has tribalism not survived as the de facto political and social structure of human survival? What other social structure has survived?

Nationalism isn't tribalism.

Democracy isn't tribalism either, since it functions perfectly with multicultural society and even little bigger and joke getting a vote.

Roman Empire wasn't tribalism; had plenty of functional city states and was multi-ethnic.

Yes it is, it delineates the tribe by a border a language, a hierarchy, and in most cases it goes without saying culture and race don't even need to be mentioned.

It's like all these people saying 'My Grandfather didn't fight for x or y or z, when your Grandfather didn't need to even mention what he was fighting for, it was understood, his people.

Democracy was invented on the understanding only certain people would be able to vote, ie the tribe. Just like the US Constitution is goes without saying everybody envisaged America as White and Wasp, and thought future generations would too. There was no need to say it, it would be like saying 'We believe Water to be Wet'

Finally, just do everyone a favour and kill yourself.

And what followed was tribalism absolutely on it's demise, based on ethnic lines, as always.

Tribalism doesn't mean border beyond.
Tribalism doesn't mean hierarchy within either.

Also, no, my grandparents weren't retards, who apparently had inbred to make an even more retarded child like you come another generation later.

In anycase, multiculturalism is the best example you have of tribalism, since the existence of one tribe-culture predicates the existence of others. I don't see why you wouldn't include it…oh wait…it's not because of ideology is it?

A border is what defines the tribal boundry ffs

The political structure, communist, Fascist, Democratic, is just that, the political structure of the tribe.

You think the British, Welsh, Scots who fought, didn't do it for their own people?

How the fuck could you get offended by that?

Multiculturalism is fucking hilarious, you go to a country of completely different people, what do you do, straight to your own community, straight to your own support network, schools, restraunts.

We segregate ourselves is proof we are tribal at heart

You'd be right if you were talking about primitive communalism, but such isn't the case with communism. Kill yourself.

Sigh. You just keep showing me how dumb you are. Kill yourself.

None of those are my ancestors. Kill yourself.

Yes, so show me a tribe that's not a conflation of everything you've said thus far, an actual tribe, that establishes an arbitrary line. You can't. The primary methods of enforcing tribal territory comes not from cartography and getting the other tribes to acknowledge borders but from warfare and owning merely elsewhere just because of victory. Kill yourself.

wew lad

this guy is right: kill yourself

Bet they don't even know the difference between a state, a band, a chiefdom, and a tribe.

Hey dickhead, when did Communism exist then in non state, non majority Ethnic, non primitive form.

It fucking hasn't and never will. But lets say we get magically the Stateless communes, how will they be divided? What criteria, what ethnic make up would provide the least friction and counter revolutionary activities?


Are you serious, What is the Masai, every non agricultural African tribe that moves with the herd, the tribe is the fucking people and as far as the next tribe allows them to go.

That is what a border is, it is not arbitrary because there is no border guard, people get killed for it.

Why do you keep shifting the goalposts? Christ you're an annoying little cuck; no wonder you didn't deny the accusation that you had no friends.
Well, since that's the definition of communism, never. Well, actually in the beginning…before neolithic stuff….before..since no surplus had to be made for such a small population, commodities consumed immediately….though you're right about it being only an ethnic majority, because Africans were the first of the early humans and remained that way for several millenia… :^)

And where is that charted, deliberated on border you speak of? You gonna show me their maps?

You brought up not real communism you fuck, I asked about existing non tribal societies that have survived, none exist.

Tribal African land is known to them intimately because they had to go through conflict to establish them, the map doesn't need to be there because they fucking live the map when grazing or hunting

Hey guys what's goin on in this thread…

I "brought it up" because you mentioned it to be a tribe "you fuck"
Not only this, but you were denotatively and historically wrong without the distinction I gave
this still doesn't constitute what a border fundamentally is, especially for a nation

State Communism is ethnic in most countries, but you knew that

still being a retard, I see

Holy fuck, are you ever going to stop your not real gommunism shit, I said State for a reason so you wouldn't get triggered and you still did


This is maximum autism, who cares what it's called, whether in Korea Vietnam Belarus or China it was and is run by Ethnic people for their own interest allegedly.

The Chinese are the most race conscious people on the planet, they promote the theory humans began there ffs.

None of those places have ever been and are not now communist.

None of those countries are or were communist.

Yeah yeah I know Communism will never happen, that's why I called it state, but keep fixating on what the world and their own party call themselves


That doesn't even make sense, nigger.

The thing you don't think is Communism, has never existed, the thing that exists, known to everyone as Communism, especially those who actually had a revolution, is a State run ethnic Nationalism, in most if not all Communist countries.

I asked for fucking things that existed that aren't tribal, not imaginary things that will never happen, I know communism will never happen, everybody does, give it a rest we call it Communism because that's what it's called by the Party's, they did the revolution, you did not you faggots.


So I don't know why you had to bring up communism in the first place, bucko.

[citation needed]
Even Stalin acknowledged the USSR was not as such, but socialism. Others came to call it state capitalism. But that's another story as you say.


I'm actually a feminist and nigger isn't even the worst thing you can call.


I brought up Communism as a throwaway comment about it being another tribal remedy in practice, are you fucking blind, all you wanted to say was fucking not real Communism 50 times.

My first comment was about how it's not a tribalism. You're retarded if you think as much, but that was plain the moment you started posting.

Then you started asking about when communism existed and shit, as if I was even using it as an example, and just started pulling more retarded shit out of your ass for me to point and laugh at.

Could you return to whatever shithole you came from?
