Someone comes to a Trump rally and starts talking about Jews and Holla Forums doxxes him
>>>Holla Forums7765137
Holla Forums does the work of antifa and doxxes a neo nazi
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Huh. I guess perhaps America opposes fascists as well.
Looks like cointelpro is loading white supremacist groups with watered down members to deradicalize them and target radicals that appear at ralleys
He was a plant to paint Trump supporters as nazis. He clearly wasn't one of us, he had a printed page with just '1488' on it in classy font for fucks sake.
Did you even read that thread fam?
They are in full damage control saying that it wasn't a real natzi, just a NSA infiltrator.
nice proofs
You can literally go to the thread and see for yourself, nigger.
but you literally are nazis…
What's next, are you going to complain about getting persecuted?
How exactly is denying the holocaust against what Holla Forums stands for? If I went to Holla Forums right now and made a thread saying the holocaust happened I'd be spammed by happy merchants before getting banned.
Yeah, but we only support Trump as the lesser of two evils. They're trying to hurt Trump's chances by painting all Trump supporters as nazis, which hurts him, and is not true.
He was a plant, nigger.
Frankly, I can understand why someone would make a case for Trump over Shillary, but you stormniggers are absolutely delusional if you can't see how it's perfectly valid to point out that Trump enjoys wide support among white supremacists.
Do you realize you're attacking people on your own side?
If you want to bring about a fascist state you're going to have to actually have your message reach outside of Holla Forums. You can't actually attack people that stick their neck out or no one will.
I don't think you're being serious, but either way, neck yourself faggot.
Ahahahaha. Ahhh. Oh Holla Forums
Where are the proofs, nigger?
He was clearly one of you faggots and you backstabbed him. So much for muh aryan brotherhood.
I was wrong about worrying that fascism is on the rise.
They're such bootlickers that they will sabotage their own movement if an authority tells them to do so.
Well yeah, but we're not hardcore supporters, he's CO. We only support him cause he's better than Hillary and he may help create an environment which will be more favourable to us.
He wasn't one of us, just look at his signs, they were retarded.
He was a plant. Even if he wasn't we don't want to be vocal about our support when we're not hardcore supporters anyway. We can get our message out in a non-retarded way.
He's kosher.
Look in the fucking thread. Even if he wasn't, he was retarded and deserves to be doxxed.
Take a step back and think about this for a minute.
You are attacking someone for denying the holocaust.
I'm attacking a plant sent to make us look bad and hurt a candidate we want to win.
top kek
Holla Forums are basically liberals who turn someone out the second he might threaten their Nazi moderate """reformism."""
Racial solidarity my ass.
We don't appreciate traitors. Now read the fucking thread, he was a plant.
Whatever you say, liberal.
get a load of this "racetraitor"
Oy vey! Thank you Mr. Shekelstein!
Plants have no blood and flesh
you are stupid nigger plants can't into typing and having a political ideology
Why is it so unbelievable that a member of a religion that didn't let blacks in until like the 70s is a nazi?
If you were a real revolutionary you would be protecting this guy even if he is a plant.
Last I checked Trump isn't campaigning to save the white race and bring back the third reich.
Do you disagree with a single thing he said? No, you don't. If someone is talking about your ideas and you attack them for it then no one is going to talk about your ideas.
Doesnt matter if he is a plant or not. Revolutionaries stick their necks out for anyone that supports their ideas.
Go to the thread.
You won't, of course, because the entire foundation of your belief is based on denying reality.
Read the fucking thread.
Read my posts, I outlined why we support him.
You do if they're a plant.
I've enough of this faggotry, fuck off.
You are the nazi version of Phil Ochs Love Me I'm a Liberal song
It just says 'he's a mormon and I don't like the way he expressed himself, clearly a false flag'. Retarded.
Thank you for defending against holocaust revisionism!
You cannot just call any idiot that agrees with you a false flagger.
kek. This shouldnt be surprising.
This guy makes them look bad, I don't think we should let them dox him.
It's nice to see that we're not the only ones who get co-opted by status quo liberals, at least. Next election cycle they'll be shitting on the actual white supremacist candidate because of concerns about 'electability' like neoliberal Blairites with Corbyn.
Dox him if you want, we're not trying to stop you, just laughing at you retards
that's just a spook
noticed the weak logic here ?
Holla Forumsacks are paranoiac by their very nature, they build conspiracies so large that they conspiracy itself swallow them
Holla Forums is too stupid to grasp the stirner maymay what a surprise
Holla Forums just linked this thread and you read like polintelpro to me
but notice how I'm not doxing you
Chill, dude.
This faggot was an obvious plant.
t. race traitor
Are you a plant?
I'm pretty sure you're a plant
Is stupidity a universal trait observable in all societies?
Really makes you think
not your board, stormfag.
Ignore him, he's just a stupid plant.
He's a fucking moron.
I'm not too sure you get to decide what is stupid or not lad.
None of us deny that we're Nazis. We aren't neo-nazi scum. None of us would come out and give the press a clear neo-nazi angle against Trump. It was fishy. When he is found to be a mormon plant, you laugh and can't conceive that there are underhanded strategies at work here. No wonder Holla Forums is a laughingstock.
How is he a plant though? All I'm seeing is that he's Mormon. How does that prove anything?
Robert Lindsay relies heavily on the flawed Tizard study (no study since has been able to replicate her results), and relies - like most blank slateists - on building a strawman definition of "hereditarianism" as an all-or-nothing false dichotomy (i.e. "genes influence absolutely everything, a white British child raised by wolves will still have a higher IQ than a similar black British child of doctor parents sent to the poshest public school")
What's the matter?
You think the third reich is too good for mormon space Jesus?
Nigger the shitty logic is coming from you retards. How hard is it to understand that this looks bad on Trump hence the suspensions of foul play?
This guy said it right here
Its like you are so desperate to feel just a little smarter than other people that you have to leap over the logic that makes the whole thing make sense.
The user on the Holla Forums thread is right, you guy are ass blasted over the stirner thread we had yesterday.
You were mentioning strawmen.
A black British child could be the smartest person in Europe, a white kid adopted into a black family could be a retard.
Christianity and Nazism are incompatible. The Third Reich realized what a cancer Jewish religions were on the planet and tried to remove them.
neonazis are really famous for being smart
You are attacking someone for espousing your core values because you're afraid of looking bad when ordinary people see what you actually believe.
That would be like us attacking someone who says that workers should control the means of production. We're not afraid of people finding out what we really think, in fact it would be a welcome fucking change from people thinking that Socialism = big gubbermand and no toothbrushes. You, on the other hand, lack the fundamental fucking integrity to stand up for your own beliefs.
What you mean the one where it was implied that Stirner and his wife fucked other people during their """marriage""", and it was never fully stated that Stirner's wife cheated on him?
Or perhaps, if we're going on implications here, when Stirner was described as being "Sly" and was recorded to be teaching at a girls school, it wouldn't reduce him to a cuck, but rather a """degenerate"""", which is also a spook, considering that Holla Forums worships a figure who
According to Kubizek, Hitler never spoke to Stefanie, always saying he would do so "tomorrow".[2] He loathed those who flirted with her, especially the military officers, whom he called "conceited blockheads";[3] he came to feel an "uncompromising enmity towards the officer class as a whole, and everything military in general. It annoyed him that Stefanie mixed with such idlers who, he insisted, wore corsets and used scent".[3] Hitler insisted that Kubizek stalk Stefanie and delivered daily reports on her activity while he was away visiting his mother or family.[4] In one report, Kubizek wrote that Stefanie loved to dance and had taken lessons. Hitler disliked dancing and reportedly replied, "Stefanie only dances because she is forced to by society on which she unfortunately depends on. Once Stefanie is my wife, she won't have the slightest desire to dance!"[4] In June 1906, Stefanie gave Hitler a smile and a flower from her bouquet as she was passing him in her carriage.[5] Kubizek later described the scene:
“ Never again did I see Adolf as happy as he was at that moment. When the carriage had passed he dragged me aside and with emotion he gazed at the flower, this visible pledge of her love. I can still hear his voice, trembling with excitement, 'She loves me!'[5]
its the mirror effect.
that guy made him realize how stupid he looks in the real word and that made him uncomfortable with himself
Lmao keep grasping at those straws dude. If anything your post proves what that user said on the Holla Forums thread.
Nazism, fascism is political suicide. Socialism, communism is not.
The real world, stupid in the real world, stupid in the real world.
Keep saying that and it might sink in how retarded a thing to say on a board that criticises liberals for hating it's rejected views.
In public speeches, Hitler references providence, and sometimes said he was Christian.
Officially, the Party endorsed what it termed "Positive Christianity" which stripped the religion of its Jewish origins and certain key doctrines such as belief in the divinity of Christ.
In October 1928 Hitler said publicly: "We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity . . . in fact our movement is Christian": Speech in Passau 27 October 1928 Bundesarchiv Berlin-Zehlendorf; from Richard Steigmann-Gall (2003). Holy Reich: Nazi conceptions of Christianity, 1919-1945. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 60-61, 298
In 1937, Hans Kerrl, the Nazi Minister for Church Affairs, explained "Positive Christianity" as not "dependent upon the Apostle's Creed", nor in "faith in Christ as the son of God", upon which Christianity relied, but rather, as being represented by the Nazi Party, saying "The Fuehrer is the herald of a new revelation": William L. Shirer (1960). The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. London: Secker & Warburg. pp. 238–39
But please, be free to denounce this a mere """""Jewish revionist plot"""
Thanks for the validation dude. I can just imagine your neckbearded ass fuming and yelling in your head "STIRNER WAS NOT A CUCK!". Surely you posted this in the thread right?
You people are batshit insane.
Sorry we can't all be """""Alpha males"""""" like you, stormfag.
Is this the feelibg you felt when you browsed the Stirner threads where your beautiful mugs were posted? This thread is the backlash rage of people who are uncomfortable with themselves after seeing their faces posted and starring a their own autism.
Because there is no way one of you retards would actually get brave enough to say the shit you think in public.
Admit it, you know your ideas are fucking stupid and reprehensible and that's why you don't express them in public.
You're right you are mostly complete genetic fuck ups.
Its easy to see everyone else as crazy when you leave out the massive crux of the whole issue.
We own guns, dipshit. If some antifa retard wants to throw down, all you have to do is shoot him.
AKA political, social suicide.
Fucking called it, Nazis are now complaining that they're being politically repressed.
Worked for Trump.
The problem with Nazifags is that they want to implement their ideas without telling anyone what they are doing, because they realize nobody would stand with them if this was the case. If they really believed their ideas were good, they would be open to arguing for them in a public form. They are not because they know their ideas are shit and people will realize that fascists still exist outside of history books.
Except that really is how a lot of people view the nature/nurture argument, i.e. "either genes are responsible for absolutely everything, or genes are responsible for nothing". Which is what Lindsay did, i.e. "the fact that IQ scores can improve via environmental means (i.e. improved nutrition) means that therefore IQ is 100% environmental and there is no relationship between certain genes and higher/lower intelligence"
Hmm it turns out this guy actually is a saboteur. Here's a picture of him in some way affiliated with Riseup.
Now, he's been doxxed as a neo nazi and his name is in publications. A google search of his name produces articles about him being a neo nazi and white supremacist.
Uh huh
It's not that he stood next to a brown person. It's that he stood next to a person wearing a Riseup shirt which is an anarcho-liberal organization.
its not extremely blatantly obvious to you that he is at a racist gathering of some sort considering there are signs that say "white", "colored", and "jim crow"?
u sure you wanna play this game, fam?
Btw is pick related a plant too? I mean, he was spreading Holla Forums memes and ideas in public then he has to be a plant ami rite?
That's a fucking sports game shirt, you absolute drooling retard.
Once again Holla Forums demonstrates fundamental political illiteracy. This isn't fucking Victoria II.
fuuck why did you have to link Holla Forums to here, now the board is going to shit
Holla Forums's always shitposting here.
Holla Forums was always here, lurking in the shadows
I didn't know anything about a sports team but anarcho-liberals are a real thing. They're like bourgeoisie liberals but edgier.
It's a way to co opt Marxist revolutionary spirit away from Marxism and into stupid shit.
This article is written by a liberal with a complex.
Fucking d r o p p e d.
I meant more that calling the actual Riseup Anarcho-liberal is the height of ignorance, I mean they have a black and red star in their logo. Of course these are people who think we're all intersectionalist Hillary voters, so I'm not really surprised.
And really the only place you'll actually see Anarcho-liberal organizations is in a game of Vicky. I stand by my words.
the reason i'm here is because i like anonymous imageboards and leftism
and can't use reddit even if i wanted too (seriously the site is confusing as fuck to navigate)
I've had a Riseup email since 2010
Wait, what's with the dogpiling? I thought everybody here supported Trump as well?
Srsly? Most people here support Jill or won't be voting at all.
Yes. You should know then that it's not Anarcho-liberal, and that saying otherwise would be the height of ignorance.
What are the odds that it's a honeypot, anyway? Why would anyone trust a service that is touted as being intended for activists? At least with corporate e-mail you have the possibility of being ignored and forgotten in a vast sea of irrelevant bullshit.
people in this thread are fucking retarded. Is this an Holla Forums raid?
Corporate espionage is a real thing. A corporate email is the least secure thing you could use. Riseup is full of people that are liberals and LARP as communists. So are most that self report as anarcho-communists.
You're arguing for security through obscurity and Riseup is about security through security. The state is going to have an interest in targetting activists. If you want both obscurity and security you have to run your own email server.
Literally Hitler
Hmm… good tactic.
As Dietrich Eckart lay dying in 1923, he said, 'Follow Hitler! He will dance, but it is I who have called the tune. I have initiated him into the 'Secret Doctrine', opened his centers in vision and given him the means to communicate with the Powers. Do not mourn for me: I shall have influenced history more than any other German.'
Wow, these cherrypicked quotes collected by dawn666blacksun have totally convinced me that the historical record and the Nazis' many public endorsements of Christianity were totally a cover to fool the sheeple and they were actually sweet occult pagan satanists in secret, good job.
I hear Holla Forums mentioned a lot, but I've never been.
What do they do?
They're not cherrypicked quotes. There's endless additional proof on this site and others that the Nazis worked endlessly to destroy Christianity. The only public endorsements of the filth were out of necessity, as most of the population outside of Germany was still heavily conditioned. Hence why George Lincoln Rockwell founded the curious mix of Nazism and Christianity, resulting in the modern perversion of Nazism, but he knew full well that introducing Satanism unto the population would be too much for them at that time. It would have to be given incrementally. With the rise of Egyptian occultism back into politics and racial consciousness rising worldwide, it wont be long until Satan's glory fully cleanses the scum from the earth and we are lead into a glorious 4th reich.
Heil Satan! Heil Hitler! Your time is at an end. The war has already been won.
Shut up, nigger.
Go read a fucking book.
it's Holla Forums's /int/
they raided this site a few times
i thought they were pretty funny tbh the Holla Forums butthurt was amazing
lmao jesus christ
What makes he less of a plant than you?
If it really is her then my day has just been made
i am aroused, excited and angry all at once
You should take your own advice. Read the true history of Hitler, rather than what the mainstream media vomits at you. Hitler made absolutely every effort to exterminate Jewish influence. You must remember as a diplomat, he was doing his best to look benign to the powers that be, who were predominantly Christian. Within Germany though he actively removed their influence and hastened the country's return to its pagan roots. Hitler was the long awaited leader that dozens of Satanic lodges, both in Germany and international, had prophecized and tried to bring along. Universally, they told their members to follow Hitler. But I'm sure that's all just a coincidence and he was really a good goyim following a slave program created by the Jews…while also wanting to murder said Jews because he was evil or whatever. I'm sure that makes sense.
"I will crush Christianity under my boot like a poisonous toad."
"Judaism, Christianity, Bolshevism are all bound together. Comrades in agitation, born tools of decay, they possess the same talent to destroy the natural structure of society. Bolshevism is the historical and logical continuation of Christianity. It realizes on a technical level what Christianity has done on a metaphysical level."
- Adolf Hitler
A quote about Hitler's stance on Christianity from Alfred Rosenberg:
"He had never allowed a member of the clergy to a Party meeting or to the burial of a member of the Party. The Judeo-Christian plague was now heading towards its end. He said it was downright horrifying that a religion could ever have been possible which literally gobbled up its God in communion."
she is an insane mental patient
but she's hot so it doesn't matter
Tbh these people are so starved for attention they probably would fuck an actual, frothing lunatic if it meant contact with pussy
It's not a blog. It's a website like any other. Nevermind the fact that it provides plenty of sources, if you're too autistic for the format.
"Judaism, Christianity, Bolshevism are all bound together. Comrades in agitation, born tools of decay, they possess the same talent to destroy the natural structure of society. Bolshevism is the historical and logical continuation of Christianity. It realizes on a technical level what Christianity has done on a metaphysical level."
- Adolf Hitler
Provide verifiable sources for these quotes then
protip you can't
It's ok, this one brings the lulz. She even posted her tits once.
By the way, does anyone still have a copy of said tits? I seem to have misplaced mine.
That's sinful user and you should know better!
Sorry Christ-chan pls no bully, if you promise to be mai waifu we will have at least 8-10 wonderful babies and we will build a wonderful Tiqqunist commune where Christians will discover the communist roots of early Christianity
(Bonus points if you actually are a Christian and know the definition of Tiqqun tho, if you are a non-trap qt I'd like your kik)
Lol, they deleted all my posts in their thread. Full triggered.