Tell me. Honestly

Hi, newfag here. I'm learn about your views since you seem to me like relatively reasonable people (no crazy SJWs). Tell me about your views generally. And, if you don't mind, answer the following questions:
What do you think about George Soros?
What do you think about libertarians?

Other urls found in this thread:


A liberal porky we could do without.

Horribly mislead.

What the fuck is with all the newfag threads lately jfc

Doesn't exist. All anarchists are socialists.

Thanks. How does anarcho socialism work, if there is anarchy wich is maybe contrary to the obligation of everyone helping each other? (Honest question, i don't semantically comprehend)

I can tell you about me so far. I want to see both sides (Capitalist//Socialist, Fascist//Anarchist, Technocrat//Primitivist, etc.) to learn the truth.

It's a good thing dumb nihilist dick.

I don't care about individuals. I care about class politics.

Porky using liberal identity politics to his advantage

People who deadly afraid of public tyranny while exulting private tyranny. The rise of ancaps have made me appreciate them more though.

For myself I'm happy to just call myself a Socialist.

lel no


We're lead by an upper class, that owns most things in the world - and we all live in capitalist societies, where wealth is concentrated, services and goods dispersed via the market, money is the price of entry. Money is dispensed to workers while they're being exploited, given less than what they produce, the owners of society siphon off a profit from everyone, as they make everything in society into a market and currency transaction.

There's no 'two sides' here. It's the ruled, vs the rulers.
Capitalist / Socialist is the minority of owners vs the majority of renters on the land, essentially. Fascist / Anarchist is people buying into the diversions of the capitalist elite - from their own system, and blaming the system failures on identity related issues / People who see the system itself. Technocrat / Primitivist is a false dichotomy. Technocrat usually appealing to the idea or notion of how technology is used under capitalism and how it becomes applied under capitalist rule, vs "primitivists" who in many cases don't really see or understand capitalism and view all technological achievement - is it is being exploited by the capitalist system, as being inherently bad. Not just the whys and hows of its application. They also tend to fall into the very same mentality that some of the very same elites in the capitalist system do - the one where 'the solution is we need less people'.

So you're trying to tell me the socialists in reddit are more about SJW stuff than real Socialism? Ok.

George Soros is based for BTFO those kikes in the USSR

That pic portrays the sellouts of certain subs that used identity politics to purge people for unrelated reasons (if you actually were around for it). It's showing a mod more or less in favor of kicking out "the brocialists and horrible manarchists" (which was a fraud, used to streamline opinion, and fall in line at the time with liberal interventionism amongst other things) being just fine with a straight up capitalist agitator.

Marxism is the best -ism

Put him up against the wall

Basically a meme at this point

Marxists and their autistic understanding of power…


What do you think about George Soros?
What do you think about libertarians?
Liberals thus faggots to be purged.

I just like using images/webms in my post, no special thought behind that webm. But yeah, reddit socialists are usually more about identity politics rather then any actual socialism.

By all means, correct my autistic understanding of power, as you put it.
How are you not ruled by the owners of the most concentration of wealth, land and resources? They set the parameters for everything around you.

Do you guys see SJWs as traitors or as credibility problem (or maybe even right wing provocateurs) amongst the left?

Credibility problem imo

I see a group of people that have obviously had horrible life experiences being exploited by an identitarian (and very capitalist integrating) opportunistic type of person who, while leaving the 'SJWs' themselves in the dust, use their misfortune and horrible experiences as a launching board for making identity and personality traits the primary issues of the system itself - ignoring capitalism in the end of it, entirely (even though many below do wake up, to it) - and getting mad rich off of it, while supporting the usual suspects. More state power against the people, more surveillance, and injecting shit like 'we must bomb this country to save women from sexism', or banning users with the slightest controversial view deviating from the (say, mainstream democratic party line, in the US, or whatever else nation has a sellout party demanding to be seen as the 'left', regardless of their actions) 'accepted sellout left'.

Basically it's a tool used to gaslight people for unrelated opinions to what is claimed is the reason they're being purged for, that so far has achieved pretty much the same shit the religious conservative right did back in the day, in regards to abuses of state power and removal of equal legal rights and justice for all. (while pretending to be for these things)

The core of SJWs though, as I said, I see as being used by these con artists. Kind of like the newspaper story you see about someone's horrid experience, and yet the prime figure is the politician or 'concerned citizen' who cared so much for them, who gets fame and fortunes off of it. A year later, the poor sob they picked up is still a poor sob and got nothing. That kind of shit. (and that's not unique to the SJW thing)

George Soros is a filthy liberal revisionist and libertarians are classcucks who don't actually care about freedom

I don't necessarily think they're provocateurs, in a lot of ways they're like your usual far-right Holla Forumsack in that they think they're doing the right thing and zealously demonize everyone who isn't on board. However, it is worthwhile to note that out of all the political thought that came out of the radical movements of the 60s and 70s, intersectionality (the SJW bread and butter) and identity politics are the only thing to have survived after decades of police repression. Again, I do think that most people who espouse those beliefs hold them honestly, but if you look at the search history for terms such as check your muh privilege or other bits of SJW newspeak, you'll find that there's a sharp rise in use around the time the police pushed the Occupy protesters out of that park in NY, and incidentally, the leadership and cohesion of that movement was compromised by an influx of - you guessed it - intersectionalist tumblrinas.

Now, even if they aren't unwitting agents of the bourgeois state, they sure as fuck are a problem for the rest of us and need to have some sense slapped into them.

they're idiots who fell for pomo and liberal memes, and thus are buying into ideologies that support capitalism.

And what do you think about extremely irrational SJWs (those who try to openly promote deeply triggering and problematic racism and try to false flag people as rapists)?

my post just got changed by a bot, what is going on here ?

Socialism means workers ownership of the means of productions (factories, farms, offices). It doesn't mean you have to share your stuff with others if you don't want to.

Word filters son!

It's a wordfilter, buddy. It's like being a actually reactionary Nazi masturbation fantasy Useful Idiot fan with muh privileged and deeply triggering and problematic characteristics.


1. There isn't even a select group of owners who hold all the power you describe

2. They don't set the parameters for everything around me.

What immense power would I suddenly gain if in some manner I aquired a business or a stake in one? Not even a fraction of power that I could otherwise express.

What? You mean people engaging in black propaganda, pretending to be the 'other side'? Usually shills, regardless of grouping, trying to feed both sides of the coin - because they benefit from the coin existing. I.e neither.

Or just drunk people or mentally unstable people shitposting. Plenty of those, too.

a bot changed racism a g a i n s t w h i t e s to
What is going on? I just tried to speak about extreme SJWs that may be right-wing provocateurs?

Dude, we dont say its like a cult or cabal or illuminati or some shit, its a bunch of people acting in their own self interest

Holla Forums has word filers? Isn't that against free speech?

OG libertarians were the best, unlike all of the faggotry of today

Words that Holla Forumsacks are fond to use when they come here and shitpost are wordfiltered into other words for our amusement

The power of the capitalist class is not the kind you see in enshrined formal authority except in one case. The power that every capitalist has is to extract surplus value from the labour of others. Through the accumulation of this congealed labour power, they are able to influence society through spending money on ads and lobbying, making connections with other people who would like to benefit from having powerful friends, and otherwise using their ability to make things happen to change society to their benefit.

In America, for example, the laws that are most likely to pass are the ones supported by the very rich, regardless of their popular support.

They're to keep people from trying to use meme words as entire arguments and force them to either actually explain their position or get mad and leave.

Not much power to be gained for you from that, no. Small businesses are not the capitalist elite or ruling class, they're small businesses. The only segment of "capitalist society" that even remotely follow (and pay for) the 'ideal' of 'capitalist business logic' (majority of them fail and get eaten up by the big players).

You're blind to consumer capitalist society.

I find it a little impractical, but i understand your point. So what do you think about those radical positions?

Which, SJWs or Holla Forums?
They're both shit, to be honest - two different sides of feels > reals.

If your post was filtered, you need to think of better things to post


I'm a social-democrat, somewhat inclined towards Marxism but not educated enough to firmly describe me as one, and a little more on the revolution than the reform side.

I think that, like the Koch brothers, what he does in financing groups and institutions that can help him enforce ideological hegemony is absolutely standard bourgeois practice, and I wish liberals and conservatives who make boogeyman out of people like them would realise that these people are actually very close in terms of political philosophy, representatives of the same class interests, and the only reason they are at each other's throats is because there's very little organized opposition to what they both agree with.

If the people who finance the Center for American Progress and the people who finance Cato, or Mises and all that horseshit would sit down and write all their views about society, there would be agreement about most of it: agreement of what system they want, how the means of production and distribution should be held, what type of political organization we should seek, how power is to be distributed, and so on, with some disagreement on the particulars of the management of this system.

But despite the fact that there is overwhelmingly more consensus than disagreement, the "consensus" part is not under threat and is already considered fait accompli, so they can afford the luxury of making these small difference the terms of the political debate. It's this part they both agree with, the part that is considered outside the brackets of acceptable debate, that most of our criticisms are directed at. If socialist organizations grew in power and influence, I could guarantee you that they would let all their differences aside and unite in opposition to us. So Soros isn't the problem, it's the class whose interests he articulates that is the problem.

I supported Ron Paul in 2008, before I became a leftist, and I'm still too green on my views and my understanding of certain topics to safely dismiss everything they have to say. Right now, to put it short, my main disagreement with them is that I think their views are utopian and undesirable even for capitalist society. All hierarchy needs the imposition of some type of discipline in order to function, and doing away with the state would not do away with the means of imposing this discipline, only decentralize it. History is filled with examples where, in the absence of a central authority, local elites making use of private forces had complete freedom to be as harsh as they wanted in their treatment of the population. So I don't buy their "less state equals more freedom" narrative, I think the lack of state would leave a void that the people who finance libertarian think-thanks and publications would happily fill.

An anonymous imageboard isn't really a practical place to be having these discussions in the first place.

Most SJW's aren't really radical as much as they are extremely well entrenched in their views. Most of what they suggest is just accepting the status quo but trying to push the tiniest things to the front and loudly decrying them as the biggest problems ever. And the people replying to that, ie. pol and the "alt right" are just as bad because all they do is be contrarian.

Decent video until the moron belies his ignorance of socialism.

So what does the majority of socialists think about this fight over political correctness bullshit? Do they realize it's complete nonsense spewn out by oversensitive people?

Without talking hard numbers (because I don't think there even are any statistics about what the majority of socialists think) most of us here at least recognize PC culture as a meaningless distraction with no power to change the system. There's been some prominent socialists and leftists who've come to the same conclusion, see Vivek Chibber's evisceration of liberal idpol:

Syndicalist. Other than that mostly focused on muh freedums. I don't want to take away your toothbrush and actively don't want to take away your guns or books.
He can go fuck himself. When he dies I won't be glad he's dead but that he's gone. Unless the system changes the next guy will be just like him.
What do you think about libertarians?
I think a libertarian system would inevitably turn into neofeudalism or something else similar to why things suck now (monopolies, price fixing, bailouts, general antagonism toward customers, lobbyism and general asspuppetry of elected officials, unliveable wages, etc.) without a more concrete system in place to prevent it.

Sorry we haven't all read 100s of german philosophers just to come to the conclusion the true aristocratic motive of humanity is to do nothing but shitpost online

George Soros is one of so many bloodthirsty capitalists who would slit your throat for $200 and a hug. Much like Warren Buffett, he soothes his own conscience by donating to a few unimportant liberal causes, but has a nakedly pro-business agenda and will do whatever he can to improve his own material standing.

Holla Forums thinks Soros is part of some grand "leftist conspiracy" but he really isn't. It seems very probably that he rigged the 1997 Russian election to prevent communists from regaining power.

Libertarians are split into two camps. The ones who are just on board for legal weed and low taxes are okay, but very misaimed. In a lot of ways, we have the same broad goals as those "soft libertarians". But many libertarians only want more liberty to exploit their workers. These people are some of the most morally bankrupt folks around, not much better than Neo Nazis.

Anarcho-capitalism is basically an oxymoron.

Even if there's no formal government, massive corporations can take on the role of a state and oppress just as violently.


dude anarchy lmao

All hierarchies should be questioned and disposed of if deemed unnecessary. Changing one ruling class to another is insufficient, all existing power structures should be dismantled completely rather than simply co-opted. All is for all comr8

I don't know anything about him other than he's a billionaire that funds libshit and that there's a lot of conspiracy theories floating around about him. But he's a billionaire so he's confirmed scum.

Their ideas make no sense and are completely contradictory. In reality it would essentially be the same thing as feudalism.

I think the term SJW is thrown around too easily, but if we're talking about real SJWs then they generally are traitors. Most of them are fucking liberals who don't care about class struggle at all.

/Po/lack gulasch detected

you fucked up

There's no people that have "the power", but rather it's the power invested into the system itself Jesus Christ this is Marxsim 101.

m8 shitposting on Holla Forums isn't all I do with my life. I just get to do it a lot because the type of job I have lets me get away with it ;^)

Anarchy relies on everyone helping each other, anarchy is the lack of a coercive power beyond the direct participants of an activity, not "lol no rules fuck the state man".

Which is why anarcho-capitalism is a oxymoron, since you then by default have the coercive system of private ownership and wageslavery to sell your labour for someone else's benefit.

That's me trying to explain to a Holla Forumsster that the system creates concentrations of wealth and power, while they are refusing to even recognize the existence of it. Kind of odd that you'd fail to see that.

Unless of course you're disputing that the capitalist class even exists and all these people within it, confused as they are, aren't even people with agendas in their class interest, who - in our reality - become agents that work against the people?


if you mean right-libertarians, I think most are well-meaning but misguided, people are starting to look more for beliefs outside of the status quo and libertarianism has been the first group those types look to cause it's most well-known and really challenges the status quo the least. libertarian communists are pretty cool imo but that's probably not what you meant.

I have never read a better description of nihilism in my life.

How will I ever recover from this projecting :^πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€

Stalin is Lenin in a wig.

Prove me wrong.


Soros is fine, he opens borders better than anyone else.

Libertarians are halfway there, but they need to get their economic views in check.