/a/ here Is Holla Forums okay with cute 2D traps?
/a/ here Is Holla Forums okay with cute 2D traps?
It's pure spectacle and it will make you feel bad.
Kill yourself.
Read flatland and fuck off
This sounds super interesting tbh
no this is strictly a yuri only board
everyone with a penis is gulag'd
Finally something that tankies and anarchists can agree on.
trap is love trap is life, tankies fuck off reeeeeeeeee
I personally find it pretty gross and don't really want to see anything lewd on this board but I don't hate you
ew kys fucking female lover
The future is cyborg super saiyan trap boys and not 2d yuri uthopia okay? Praise Murakai.
Do you also love furry traps?
Kill yourself weeb freak.
They are and there is no way around it and you know it faggot.
Anti natual behaviour kys already.
We don't discriminate against homosexuals.
Piratefag, I like you in general but you really need to let go of these spooks. Or at least stop being so butthurt and just ignore what you don't like.
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frig off normie
I dont think thats how it works
It is gay, and unless you think there's something wrong with that, I don't see what the problem is with saying that.
There's something very vulgar and crass about giving a trap big hips. It's missing the point entirely. At that point you may as well have a flat-chested futa with male pronoun characteristics.
It is better, I think, to emphasize the natural femininity existing already within the male form than to crudely impose grossly exaggerated womanly characteristics upon a body that already has its own appeal.
Its not gay if they are cute
Still gay. Don't worry, though, there's nothing wrong with being gay.
It's okay if it's SFW.
Cover your shame, slut!
Please tell me how 2d is gay
Spoiler your shit you nigger
As if there is a point, but i do understand your point that you shouldnt try your hardest to copy the female and disregard the femininity that can be presented from the male body itself.
It can also go to silly levels to the point that your bf actually requests you to take hormones not realizing you get your gay death (or whatever its name is) around 21/25