In curious first, Russia recognizes West Jerusalem as (((Our Greatest Ally)))’s capital
In curious first, Russia recognizes West Jerusalem as (((Our Greatest Ally)))’s capital
This is just the shittest day.
Haha, I love how the lefties react when things don't go their way. Holla Forums on the other hand just has a chuckle and posts solid memes. Eggcellent
How is this bad? Russia just entrenched the concept of a palestinian state into Israels political system.
They cite official Russian sources, Jewgeny.
They could've done that without retreating their position on it's capital.
But OP just happened to post some random kike propaganda link. I wonder who's…
I got it from Ghost and decided to spread it here. Russian sources are cited as said so it isn't comparable to completely Kiked drivel that occasionally seeps from there.
Does this mean we will get hit with spam about how Putin is zog now? Wew.
Only retarded christcucks and aut-right morons think of Russia as some Orthodox White Nationalist paradise.
It's a post-communist shithole with corruption even worse than America. Not to mention the largest, growing, Muslim community in Europe.
What do Christians have to do with this? Why did you inject them in? Aut-right is accurate to do so with but why Christians?
What about Bethlehem?
I wonder's who's behind this post
We really need to make a Pepe version of this vid.
Top kek. We should push for that.
No they couldnt have done it without giving half of Jerusalem to kikes because the entire point is to have half of the city owned by competing factions.
Also they didnt reverse their position since only half the city is kikes now, not the whole thing.
They put their religion before the nation. Most people that identify as christian-nationalist tend to support anything/anyone that supports Christianity even if it fucks over whites.
Having conversed with Russians on the kc it seems like a land of endless suffering
But wouldn't Russia's continuous vanguards in support of Islam swing Christian Nationalists in deterrence of Russia?
Nice try kike.
nice sliding
Sliding what? "Drumpf BTFO" threads? This is an actual news story, which is becoming a scarcity.
You have to name your enemy to be able to fight even, let alone defeat it
I'm going to laugh when you guys turn on Assad. It is only a matter of time.
most of the muslims in russia are asiatic/turkic
WTF is going on, Putin and Trump competition for best shabbos goy award?
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was born on 7 October 1952 in Leningrad, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union (now Saint Petersburg), the youngest of three children of Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin (1911–1999) and Maria Ivanovna Putina (née (((Shelom)))ova; 1911–1998).
more like willing to kill each other for it
yea you keep waiting faggot, you should hold off on posting as well
And RIDF comes out the wood work again, spouting "muh Ukrainians!" when his shitty commie country is proved to be shit- AGAIN. Do you actually have proof Azov is kiked or are you going to post the same three images.
UN Security Council Live Stream
That's not even funny, they are 200% kosher, both in funding and in leadership.
They have evolved a very potent danger sense.
You're not winning hearts and minds here.
What if I don't care for either of them aside from Cossack's doing Cossack stuff.
As it is plain to see…
Trump needs to distance himself from Russia ASAP!
Cossacks are pretty based. Undefeated against the Turks.
We're already past that shit, lurk more.
you fucking faggots from reddit were always sucking the russian cock saying they were the saviors of the white race and eventually it became the mindset here. Anyone else remember whenever anti-russian threads used to pop up how hard they would get slid?
Don't they go totally sober when they're doing war stuff as well? They're neat people though, no qualms in calling the kikes out.
You are experiencing what it was like to be a citizen of Rome during its downfall. Plagued with foreign influence and corruption, the citizens were abandoned and left to fend off rape attacks from invaders themselves until the entire empire was wiped out.
The worse it gets, the better you can make it.
Never give up, user. Stay strong.
You're not very good at salting the wounds, Holla Forums. A prime moment of legitimate butthurt, and you decide to post copypasta in response to such an opportunity. Even in what you could consider a victory, you squander your ever-limited powers.
This. The fucking reading comprehension on this site now. He fucking recognized Palestine and said East Jerusalem belongs to them. Putin just delegitimized half of Israel.
It's only a matter of time. Holla Forums loves to eat those that they once worshiped.
That's great news.
Now we have a target.
Газ-кики, гонка сейчас.
Удачи, американцы.
All the pieces are coming together.
Which side does the Jew play?
Don't do what Jews say. Don't do the opposite. Either way, they'll try and delude you, be the logic forward or reverse.
its no (((cohencidence))) that the russians are cuddling up o israel as they go for their WW3 yinon plan greater israel expansion