2020 Elections

Since trump is not "our guy" anymore, who are we going to vote for in 2020?

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Donald John Trump

Fuck voting, it's time to blow shit up.

the obvious choice


Jesus you spergs are fucking retarded.

"Bombing" some empty airstrip = "kike puppetry". Man you guys are fucking stupid.

Can't speak for anyone else but I'm likely to simply not vote.

The day of the rope.


David Duke.

Syrian soldiers were killed, retard. And even if it was empty it's still an airstrip which is used in order to launch planes.

Post Jeb memes please


Donald Trump.

There isn't enough to black pill meyet.

==PENCE== :^)

Lol just gather up money, buy an island and start our own country.


Don't be retarded. Hillary would've been disastrous. Any Dem in 2020 would be disastrous.

top kek

how about we fucking wait for Trump to say anything you reactionary fucks

Nothing he can say will undo 50 cruise missiles hitting an SAA airbase nigger.

Hillary would have gotten retard Conservacucks like you angry and willing to fight against the government, now your lard eating ass is happy to die for Israel. Trump is a disgrace.

This is the face of a Trumpstein shill.

He already said something. Watch the video where he cries about the gassed babies, he's a joke.

Fuck off shill

He already came out and said he launched the attack. What the fuck else is there to say? The US military, under orders from Trump, attacked the legitimate government of Syria and murdered its personnel over the lies of another false flag. For anyone sane, that's all she wrote for Trump.

Buh mug 6 gorillion brown babbies

It wouldn't matter if the casus belli was that Assad had personally gassed 6 goyziilion baby Jews. What the ZOGTrump administration did constitutes an act of war.

I thought the base was empty and there were only less than 10 casualties? We're not going to get in a war, chrimeny.

Give me a fucking source on that because right now everyone's saying everything and no one is backing it up.

So if Russia bombed the shit out of an "empty" American airbase with 10 people in it there would be no retaliation? Shill harder CIA.

We are not voting you lefty faggot OP
Congrats you win.
The jews win
MSM rules.
You'll get your dsytopia


All of us need to become Neo-Unibombers. They get their dystopia, and we get to be Cyberpunk heroes.

Vote prop .308

Steve Bannon Calls Jared Kushner a ‘Cuck’ and ‘Globalist’ Behind His Back

Donald Trump’s chief strategist Stephen Bannon has called the president’s senior advisor and son-in-law Jared Kushner a “cuck” and a “globalist” during a time of high tension between the two top aides, several Trump administration officials told The Daily Beast.

The fighting between Kushner and Bannon has been “nonstop” in recent weeks, according to sources who spoke on condition of anonymity. It’s been an “open secret” that Bannon and Kushner often clash “face-to-face,” according to senior officials.

One official said Bannon has lately complained about Kushner trying to “shiv him and push him out the door” and likened him to a fifth column in the White House.


Take a look at this little edgy Trumpshill,I know you are bit disappointed at being betrayed go take your meds and sleep fellow centipede.

Ron Paul for 2020, the only choice

Not calling him that who is he - jude. What a Jonesteinian cuckery

No one, the racewar will be started by then

Not only that, you know what that base was used for right? This airfield is used only against ISIS and is important for supporting the troops in Deir Ezzor. Trump just literally fucked the surrounded army there. You know, just like Obama did when he bombed them and killed more than 60+ and wounded 100+. You should tell me something, is this some 62 d interdimensional rabbi cock in ass chess?

Nice try tavistock.

I've been warning people since Reagan, they'll wish they had listened.

I thought jews were good at math.


Never change goy

Unfortunatly nuclear war leave only dent on grow of masses of human trash. We need something more.

Lets colonize Africa again.

You point out the casualties like it's relevant and dismiss the strategetic importance of the strike.


if he continues with this shit then maybe we should start being anti-trump, right now let things pan out

If the infrastructure and transport are sufficiently damaged billions will starve.

2020 "election". Hehe. I don't think so user. The time's a comin.


tbh I think it's great opportunity to redpill "civil nationalist" cucks on judenfrage and (((democracy))). Turn them on controlled opposition and "good jews"

Good lord you fuckers are retarded.



Why don't you burgers just admit that your country is completely fucked?

The recent gas attack blamed on the Syrian government is a false flag, says Dilbert creator Scott Adams.

“I’m going to call bullshit on the gas attack. It’s too ‘on-the-nose,’ as Hollywood script-writers sometimes say, meaning a little too perfect to be natural,” he said. “This has the look of a manufactured event.”

“My guess is that President Trump knows this smells fishy, but he has to talk tough anyway.”

Adams pointed out that Syrian President Assad, who’s finally regaining territory from ISIS after six years of bloodshed, has absolutely nothing to gain from launching a gas attack which his political enemies in Saudi Arabia and the West could use to justify his overthrow and execution.

“Assad – who has been fighting for his life for several years, and is only lately feeling safer – suddenly decided to commit suicide-by-Trump,” he added. “Because the best way to make that happen is to commit a war crime against your own people in exactly the way that would force President Trump to respond or else suffer humiliation at the hands of the mainstream media.”

“And how about those pictures coming in about the tragedy. Lots of visual imagery. Dead babies.”

Adams also said the “attack” was suspiciously similar to the fake WMD stories coming out of Iraq before Bush’s 2003 invasion, and the gas attack itself, which occurred in a war-zone with little to no press, was too well-documented with video and photos.

“So how does a Master Persuader [Trump] respond to a fake war crime? He does it with a fake response, if he’s smart,” he concluded. “The longer he drags things out, the less power the story will have on the public… we’ll be wondering for weeks when those bombs will start hitting Damascus, and Trump will continue to remind us that he doesn’t talk about military options.”

Former congressman Ron Paul drew a similar conclusion.

“It looks like maybe somebody didn’t like that so there had to be an episode,” said Paul, asking, “who benefits?”

“It doesn’t make any sense for Assad under these conditions to all of a sudden use poison gases – I think there’s zero chance he would have done this deliberately.”

His son, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), reminded President Trump he was against military action in Syria in 2013 when Obama demanded the overthrow of Assad.

At the time, Trump wrote “what will we get for bombing Syria besides more debt and a possible long term conflict? Obama needs Congressional approval.”


Less fucked than europe or australia.

You see the U.S now stands at the precipice of annihilating all of their hardcore leftists in civil war.

Australia is still 97% white. US is 60%, and soon to be 50% in about 20 years. You burgers talk big shit but you're fucking jokes hiding behind contrived personalities. Face it, even when you're 40% white you'll still be talking shit. Trump isn't going to save you. Time to start investing in liberty scooters and patriot sammiches, you Zionist fellating piece of shit. You're over.

Australia is progressive beyond all reconciliation and you have no guns.

Those numbers mean nothing when you have per-capita as many guns as americans have and they're willing to go full deathsquad on liberals and foreign hordes.

Australia is looking at a long slow death by a thousand faggot sjw cuts.

The US is only going to annihilate itself with a burner semen cocktail, you arrogant little bitch. Trump won't do shit.

Aussie here, Australia is cuck central. Come to Sydney and check out the "97% white" claim.

it's 97% gooks up in here

I'm not saying "Trump" will do anything, I'm saying the next president is going to be such an uber marxkike that the disenfranchised anti establishment conservatives will have no choice but to chimp out violently because the democrats will force it.

We don't have all out fag marriage and pot stores filled with degenerates on every corner. And newsflash you brain dead moron, you can buy guns over here. Maybe our laws are a little stricter than yours, but at least we don't sell guns to 85 IQ chimps so they can kill us.

That doesn't matter, your conservative population isn't armed to the balls and teetering on outright bloodlust.

No, you're on the precipice of death already. If any of your useless politicians wanted to do anything, they would have done so already. It's too late now. You can't unburn a burnt cake.

There won't be a U.S in 2020

Neither are yours. Your population just sits on its ass. Just remember, you've only got 20 years left.

Elizabeth Warren is pretty redpilled.


Not saying it's better. I wish it was less strict. Is what it is though.

Anyone, and I do mean ANYONE who thinks Trump doesn't know that this was a false flag is totally retarded. Ron Paul tweeted that this was a false flag operation, expecting Trump not to know is idiocy. We are talking about a guy who had to deal with banks on a regular basis to become a billionaire, if you want to know what Trump really thinks then all you have to do is check his tweets pre-2014.

Watch how the neocons and demoshits will use this shit to demoralize Trump's base (which is already happening) and get his approval rating under 30% so they can impeach.

Burgers are gonna get a female or cuck president in 2020. That election will seal your fate.

Dubs confirm.

Natsoc or the white race dies.

the man we didn't deserve is going to save the republic.

Trump was fun and all, but I think we learned not to put trust in the system.


Didn't Holla Forums want to leave?

Kanye West

I see shills are in overdrive today. And Holla Forums is still sour over their dogfucking ranking.

t. Holla Forums

Australia is not 97% white
Australia is 2% Muslim, and IIRC it's up to 20% gook

2020 civnat/neolib genocide

Wow, so hardcore, like shouting "murderer!" to someone who just shot you in the chest.

Who's the cuck here?

No it's not 20% gook.

Ever since the site got hacked it seems like the mods aren't doing shit anymore. What gives?

Not even close. Nice try shill.


I never had much faith in democracy in the first place but I don't see myself voting. Not impossible, but not likely. I memed myself too hard and it hurts.
Aye. Or a coup, that could be OK too.

Eh I see way too many gooks here so that clouds my vision I guess
It's actually 8%, though I think that's the 2011 census and not the 2016 of which the data isn't out yet

If Trump isn't "our guy", there won't be any elections in 2020.

Trump was our last attempt. Nothing but death now.

Fuck off you shill kike.

D&C faggots always pop up when there's site drama and with the Syria false flag controversy going on they haven't tired themselves out yet. I think mod tools were disabled for a while after Holla Forums initially came back (as Ron wanted to do whatever with them before giving control back) which opened the flood gates and has probably exacerbated the faggotry even further. So yeah, just give it a couple weeks, asshurt faggots will run out of steam and things will go back to normal like always.


I second that. David Duke. Possibly Bob Whittaker but I am a little off put by his speech mannerisms.

Waiting for a savior is not a good idea. We need to create the conditions for one.

user, he's almost as bad as Kike Enouch

Read SIEGE by James Mason

Which state user?

Not a state tbh

So ACT? Serious question.



Fug, was hoping you were in QLD. We have a group up here and we have brother groups in NSW, SA and VIC, though I'm not sure about ACT.

I'm getting increasingly convinced that I'm going to end
There has to be something better to do with my life but the appeal of something that will go according to plan is there.

What I needed or what will make me snap? One way to find out.


Truly our greatest ally!

one thing at a time, first we need to prevent ww3

Whats with all the anti trump d&c today , people aren't actually falling for it are they?

A lot of people here are pro-Russia, even over Trump. I can't say how many are actual Russians themselves, but bombing against Russian interest is going to go over well here, even in an empty place.

I think what I'm saying is true because Trump did many stupid things, but only got called out when he went after interests against Russian ones.

The only rational decision. It's time we stopped being hateful bigots and embrace the feminist multicultural brown future. We'll all hold hands and have world peace thanks to our enlightened Jewish overlords.


I had a good friend online since high school from AU, we made many mods and programs as a team. He broke all communication with me once I started bringing up population replacement of his country and how his girlfriend and him aren't going to have any children.

"If their enemy is wealthy they are greedy, if he is poor they will be after glory. This race knows neither east or west as its home, alone among people's they live with equal greed upon the poor and rich alike. And where they have created a desert they call it peace"



I agree.
The Clinton family has proven itself capable of competent, far-sighted leadership for many years. America needs a leader it can trust to do the right thing.

the point was trump said we shouldn't be involved in a conflict where all sides hate us

Don't you mean wait for Hitler?