Holla Forums why didn't you listen to them,their approach may have been a bit annoying and harsh but they were always right about Trump and never fell for the 7d chess meme.
Holla Forums why didn't you listen to them...
Who the fuck are these jews getting a kick out of advertising Starcucks/Lilleth?
Yes hillary was a better choice !
Presently Trump is basically even with anything Hillary might have done.
because they're psychopaths
Sinead has been right about literally everything
Except dating niggers or earth being flat.
Being in a picture with someone doesn't mean you're dating them, autist.
Oh hey its a shill thread, hello shill!
Sinead has done some good things. I liked her 'Call of the Oaken Grove' narration. That said, she's a Flat Earther. Advancing such ideas alongside 'Trump is controlled opposition' discredits the idea that he is controlled opposition. Not that I think Trump has been working for them all along. He was probably pressured into doing this.
Feminist psychopath
Anti-white larper with an irregular gf
The right-wing is a fucking joke.
Trying to ban assault weapons and legalize all mestizos? No, not that bad.
tried jerking off to this on mute, but she didn't smile once.
Well this was so retarded that at least it was amusing but whole shit lad seriously fucking cf and sinnead? Do you know how i can tell you are new?
Seriously user can at least shill something plausible? Whats next you gonna say that Marx was right? Holy fucing shit no wonder you need billions of dollars and 100000 kike organizations to combat a few thousand shitposters on the net.
Don't you mean dead anti-white larper with an irregular gf?
Wow, she's rambling incoherently. My mind is blown.
Because we are not flat earth lunatics. Now fuck off.
She's excellent at what she's doing.
Kyle Hunt is really brilliant
Sinead is brilliant on many topics and has done more for the cause than 99% of the people on this board. Sadly she goes full retard at times (flat earth f.e.) and sabotages her own image with it.
They're useless, they may as well not exist. They just sit around complaining about everything.
you do realize that they produce a shitload of content and they for example produced Hellstorm which at one point got 10.000 views a day before the kikes shut it down while naming the jew as the worst war criminal ever in existense before the jews shut it down??? the fuck have YOU done
He is a Christcuck who thinks the degeneracy of the west is due to secularism and not the defeat of the axis powers and the subsequent lifting of the jews into messiah status.
That's why.
Ok. I have to ask. What the fuck is that OK hand about, I've been seeing it around.
Not at all. Renegade is publishing amateurish articles of abysmal quality that are embarrassing to read let alone share with others. Most of their efforts go into starting e-drama with other fractions on the right, turning everything into some kind of personal vendetta between Sinead and people that run more successful channels than her. Kyle, being the submissive and childish cuckboy that he is, just noddingly goes along with everything and does as mommy tells him to.
If only.