You do realize that if it isnt 4D chess and you say nothing, you just encourage him to be more a neocon cuck?
There are actual retards on Holla Forums who think we should support the strike under the assumption that its 4D chess
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm seriously just waiting to see what happens. Just a few months in as it is and already things are moving too fast.
They're redditors and shills.
Getting real sick of this shit. He is no longer our tool, but we are his.
We should not openly support any strike against Assad. That doesn't make it any less of 4Dchess though.
Good post.
The election is over. There is no longer any reason to wallpaper over Trump's faults, which are growing more serious by the day. I think a big problem is that too many people here are refusing to perform rational analysis. They think that by insisting on a narrative they can make that narrative reality, so they insist that Trump is Hitler no matter all the evidence in the world that he's not. They refuse to admit he's not Hitler because they want him to be Hitler, not because they can rationally defend the idea.
You forgot
Are these supposed to be bad?
Can't agree more. Trump was never a sure bet, but none of us expected him to directly do the opposite of what he said he would do. I will stop short of calling him a plant, or saying his intention was to swindle us from the start, but he has clearly taken a swig of the Kike-Aid. We should wait for more time before we condemn him, but we should not be blind to his betrayal. I just hope that when push comes to shove, we won't spend our time shitposting with Australians, and we actually take some action besides dude meme magic xdddd.
I find it telling that the mexicans operating the burrito truck down the street from me are becoming increasingly less nervous. They claim they're legal, yet they were hysterical after the election. But in the past few weeks they've seem to have decided that nothing is happening.
And yes, I've already reported them to ICE.
So edgy.
Under 4D chess we need to be vehemently opposed to the strike. The negative reaction of those who elected him would be part of the 4D chess strategy.
Look at this edge.
FYI the media is going to extremely jewish measures to massage Trump's ego over this. Every anchor in the west is smiling when they mention the strike and they're publishing articles lavishing him with praise and there's one article about how a (((chemical attack survivor))) is going to name his son after Trump for being such a 'badass'
Increasing Military spending isn't necessarily bad (but it remains to be seen if it is smart, or even necessary), but going after whistleblowers could be disastrous.
A government should have no fear of the truth, and besides that, Holla Forums's main source of information comes from Wikileaks and other such organisations. I mean, just look at the fucking catalog. Half of the pinned threads are about information exposed by the whistleblowers.
Trump just fucked over a shitton of SAA soldiers
We don't use all the tanks, guns, and ammo we buy, idiot.
Yes but that's exactly what he promised pre-election.
He must had been really well-fed.
It's a fucking shame that Trump doesn't seem to be able to pay attention to the people on the ground and has to rely on gatekeepers that can easily twist what reality is. For all we know, he could be told that we love what he did.
I say even if it's 4D you don't actually stand to lose anything from decrying it as it happens while retaining the hope that he isn't compromised. Don't tie yourself to any conclusions in the absolute high speed shitstorm of our newfound timeline, let it happen and react as is necessary on the best information you think you've got.
Assange is a necessary counterbalance to even non-ZOG powers. He is the exact kind of man that the world needs to keep leaders honest. We would probably be living under Shillary right now without him.
The der ezor pocket isn't going to get anymore resupplies. All those SAA troops you see in the red areas on the far right? There going to get overrun by ISIS
Stop making up excuses for him. The grief phase is pathetic. When you like him, he's a force of nature shaping time and history. When he fails on his ass, he's like a kid swayed around by forces no one can't control.
The recent gas attack blamed on the Syrian government is a false flag, says Dilbert creator Scott Adams.
“I’m going to call bullshit on the gas attack. It’s too ‘on-the-nose,’ as Hollywood script-writers sometimes say, meaning a little too perfect to be natural,” he said. “This has the look of a manufactured event.”
“My guess is that President Trump knows this smells fishy, but he has to talk tough anyway.”
Adams pointed out that Syrian President Assad, who’s finally regaining territory from ISIS after six years of bloodshed, has absolutely nothing to gain from launching a gas attack which his political enemies in Saudi Arabia and the West could use to justify his overthrow and execution.
“Assad – who has been fighting for his life for several years, and is only lately feeling safer – suddenly decided to commit suicide-by-Trump,” he added. “Because the best way to make that happen is to commit a war crime against your own people in exactly the way that would force President Trump to respond or else suffer humiliation at the hands of the mainstream media.”
“And how about those pictures coming in about the tragedy. Lots of visual imagery. Dead babies.”
Adams also said the “attack” was suspiciously similar to the fake WMD stories coming out of Iraq before Bush’s 2003 invasion, and the gas attack itself, which occurred in a war-zone with little to no press, was too well-documented with video and photos.
“So how does a Master Persuader [Trump] respond to a fake war crime? He does it with a fake response, if he’s smart,” he concluded. “The longer he drags things out, the less power the story will have on the public… we’ll be wondering for weeks when those bombs will start hitting Damascus, and Trump will continue to remind us that he doesn’t talk about military options.”
Former congressman Ron Paul drew a similar conclusion.
“It looks like maybe somebody didn’t like that so there had to be an episode,” said Paul, asking, “who benefits?”
“It doesn’t make any sense for Assad under these conditions to all of a sudden use poison gases – I think there’s zero chance he would have done this deliberately.”
His son, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), reminded President Trump he was against military action in Syria in 2013 when Obama demanded the overthrow of Assad.
At the time, Trump wrote “what will we get for bombing Syria besides more debt and a possible long term conflict? Obama needs Congressional approval.”
Quite the contrary. I'm as pissed off as anyone else. I'm just considering the possibility that he's actually being misinformed by the same sort of people responsible for the intelligence leaks. In any case, this was a fuckup. Also I think I like your idea already.
I fucking told you guys to vote for Hillary.
Now we get four years of this bullshit.
If Trump turns out to be pure 100% kike puppet and gets the world nuked into oblivion it would still be better than Hillary being the same degree of kike puppet and doing the same thing. At least that cunt will never have won.
Yeah funding ZOG sure saves us from dem joos fellow goy.
Fucking kill yourself. She outlined that she wanted conflict with Russia. With her, attacks in Syria were all but guaranteed.
You've lived to see Holla Forums actively shill for Israel's interest
why god
so dilbert man thinks its some 'show'
are we really going with chess still? dilbert man technically hasn't been wrong yet
its 4d chess
But goy we need to kill Assad, it's part of interdimensional Jew chess.
starting a war with syria after an obvious false flag against the country fighting the mossad/cia insurgency continuing the plan for greater israel
guy guys i think hes playing chess!!!!
But here we are witnessing trump attacking Syria and threatening war against Russia,China and Iran.
And nobody here expected him to do that. He actually broke a big election promise by doing this shit.
No you see when I let a Jew fuck my wife last night that was 4D chess, I am close to victory.
What if she had a painful and terminal STD going on?
Who does that!
it's four STD chess
You're so fucking stupid. All the butter eating middle Americans and zogbots are pro-Trump so now there's zero chance of a civil war.
Exactly. I'm not a cuck I was just giving that Jew HI. And masturbating furiously.
a few did see through his lies
We need to see if he does any more movement in syria to come to conclusions.
However annons have to know as well that tomahawks need to be programmed to fly, and 50 of them would take a week or so, not a day.
You mean blindly sucking somones cock because "muh memes" didn't give you a great leader but instead made everyone supporting him braindead sheep? Wow, color me surprised.
At least this place is starting to critically think again. It's a start.
What like Somalia?
Have you guys seen /r/The_Cuckold? Everyone who disapproves of the strike is getting banned and the entire place is like an IDF board. I'm reading the thousands and thousands of deleted threads as we speak, they're great.
*thousands of deleted replies/threads
fug, juncker condones it.
they got to trump. the fuck happened? I thought this was the timeline where we win?
lolwut? the go off satellite maps of the world to wherever you point them.
It's because imkikey, therealcoonman and co. can' ban badthinkers. The free thought will be gone soon enough goy.
Pretty much this. This place has only become a circle jerk because it was actively enforced by the mods. Plenty of us disagree with the bombing, but aren't by any means leftards, lolbergs or "OMG DRUMPF GUISE" idiots. And yes, the 4D chess meme is stale as fuck and is beginning to sound like the rationalizations of a battered wife.
more like the timeline where Mayuri slips through our hands in front of our eyes
If you are not going to have any real substance in your post then why did you start a new thread. Almost all of the first 2 pages are about the same topic. At least put some effort into being OP, or simply make your post in an appropriate thread
You totally forgot the part where he builds like this wall, and sends some beaners through the door of that big wall. That's going to fix the country. Idiot.
I don't see any fucking wall.
He banned the countries that King Nigger banned in his 8 years of dictatorship before him.
And trust me, it was better that Ryancare failed, since it was simply a worse version of Niggercare.
But otherwise you're right, he started well, trying to uphold his promises, but somewhere either just stoped giving a fuck, or got forced into acting like a complete retard.
It's a metaphorical wall. Ya goy.
This is where you're exaggerating. I don't agree with the bombing either, but to paint it as "Trump is dead to me now" is idiotic. You can still agree with his other policies and encourage him to maintain the course he promised instead of picking up your toys and walking away.
Don't make me "metaphorically" gas you yid.
You really should stop thinking in this us-vs-them paradigm. Idiots are idiots.
You're not very good at this user
Oy gevalt! Glorious leader Trump will round up you nazis soon and Make America Safe Again!
Idiots are certainly idiots, but us-vs-them is not a paradigm it's a reality you live every day on multiple fronts. What is needed is to constantly reassess where you stand and why and never blindly accept your position without any self-analysis or outside criticism. That's why debate is crucial and why circle-jerks are harmful, despite the good feelings they evoke.
It's like a Bioware game where no matter what choice you make the ending is the same.
This entire thread stinks of organized shilling.
The entire list of complaints is retarded and betrays either complete ignorance of how things work (slowly) or malicious subterfuge.
"It's been three months and Trump didn't do everything I want despite strong opposition!"
Holy fucking shit, just how retarded can you be to think Trump can just snap his fingers and instantly do things. Things take time even under optimal conditions, AND THEY ARE NOT OPTIMAL.
Ashes pissed on.
t. jew
You're literally imkikey
well this is the day the Holla Forumss died and Holla Forums was there to btfo cause their board going up last triggered their entitlement so they scattered all over and then we had a bad happening just in time for them to be here before we were ready for once.
it's all so neat and organized.
you know someone posted the last known picture of hitler on cuckchan last night and I didn't catch it but it was a pretty in your face foreshadowing post. (((they))) knew ahead of time. webm related, I cry evertiem. I miss hitler.
Everyone knows Jim is CIA, why wouldn't they use what they've got?
you seriously still shilling? you leftyfags got what you wanted. now we will undoubtedly have a failed nation. you wanted rapefugees, well that'll be next as we liberate syria. just remember, when america falls, and theres nothing left to lose, people like me are going to be going through the rubble murdering leftists.
Jesus christ…
Stop blackpilling yourself. I never understood the outcry for or against the mods. It always sounds like the butthurt baby wailing that the millenials do - because they expected some kind of authority to think/do things for them. be your own moderator, think for yourself, and stop throwing a fit everytime there's a raid or someone disagrees.
Mods should be here to filter out CP and that's it, if you can't hold your own against limpwristed Marxists, you need to work on yourself more.
Surely it's the exact opposite in fact.
This is the day Holla Forums removes the jewish albatross from its neck and gets revitalised and we can now remove every kike and recognise that every nationalist type website was astroturfed into redundancy by cheering on every jewish neo-con kike in world politics.
This means that Holla Forums and the rest can now progress and now actually perhaps leave this jewish illusion of zog politics and dreams of fighting every one of isreal's wars and focus on the kikes once and for all.
I just feel sorry for the countless genuine anons who were all alientated and banned from their respective boards all because they wouldn;t fall for the non-stop obvious jewish hasbara shilling for kikes.
We still got that filth who made the Le Pen thread still pinned, yet all his team have ever done is promote mossad compromised controlled opposition.
There needs to be outright rejection of every e-celeb and embedded agent like TRS and DailyStormer, all part of the massive coordinated mindfuck of misdirecting the movement on such a grand scale.
I'd like to see bolshevik crypto agents like Anglin's head on a spike.
Good thing I don't live within 100 miles of a city 😂
Sad that it takes trump fucking up this bad for spergs to stop spamming accusations that we are dems.
The only people I see defending trump now are cucked bomers on twitter.
where the fuck did I say shit about mods? leftyfags were only immediately on deck to D&C before Holla Forumss could gather a clear picture on what was happening because they're fucking petty retards that got their entitlement triggered.
I hold my own against all marxists, thanks. but the more I look at this… man I got to feel like there was a future for all of a few months.
given half the chance I'd commit myself to killing every leftist, jew, druggy, deviant, and freedom hating piece of shit I can find. I'm not kidding, this nation falls, leftists start dying.
I won't lend any information to the enemy, but we have leeches now user.
It was one of his least talked about promises,but it seems to be the only one that's gone through 100% no problem, no fucking surprise there though.
"According to Russian monitoring tools, only 23 missiles reached the Syrian airbase. It's not clear where the remaining 36 cruise missiles fell," Russian Defence Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov is quoted as saying.
fucking goddamn it. so there's 36 1000lb HE warheads laying around sandnigger land guys.
Are you also going to drop the nazi overtheme that ensures everything linked to this place is automatically dismissed as evil bullshit? Because that was the most successfull kike op yet.
….there is a LOT more than that in sandnigger land. Unexploded ordinance is as common there as cigarette butts.
I found Ann Frank.
I am Ann Frank.
But we, and everyone else, is saying quite a lot about this.
The only aspect of 1488D chess I see here is that he has united the right and the left in this country against the war, and has united all the cucks and shitheads in congress behind him. If he can manage to move to reconcile the ruling class with the people, then he will have achieved total victory. If we revolt and tear down the government, purging him along with the cucks, he will still win, as the people will have a chance to build a new government.
Systems thinking, with the twist that he is willing to die for the good of the country, even if he goes down in history as a villain.
So much over analysation here today… It's literally just a shot across the bow of the Syrians, Trump is simply saying to Assad "You're not dealing with Obama anymore"
Yeah, no.
that's fox news retard thinking
where are all the dead Syrian military then?
alright then…
I was referring to the gas attack which was the pretext for all this.Come on, man…
irrelevant tbh, the message sent is the same.
if it was a false flag by american interests then they manufactured the pretext, if it was by the "rebels" it still sends a strong message that US missles can hit anywhere in syria with precision, and that they are actually willing to use them, unlike the previous administration.
it could also be an attempt to build some political capital, trumps approval ratings aren't doing too well…
This is the best case scenario, that he's completely retarded. It's not going to help.
Because raping the middle-east for over a decade left any doubts if the US can bomb your asshole from halfway across the world.
Trump's anti-interventionist stance was one of his selling points. at least for me it was a big one. Tired of spending money to defend the kikes in the middle east, or defending countries that don't pay up. Simple as that. Countries need to sort their shit out. If it was an act against the US I'd be the first to say "bomb the even living fuck out of them".
Disgusting motivation all the same.
This is why I haven't gone black pill on it.
The black pill is for weaklings who think every setback is a defeat, and each time something doesn't go their way it isn't worth it anymore. I wish black pills were cyanide.
yeah we gotta stop the people mobilizing against globalism…
No, it's "revitalised"
English, do you speak it?
Are you kikes gonna finally fuck off now you cannot maintain your judeo-poisonous mindfuck astroturfing on Holla Forums any longer?
Once all the Trump worship and every jewish shill touting zog-approved kosher nationalists has been removed then perhaps we can get back to waking up the world to the real threat of international jewry, rather than serving zionist jewish interests.
The who board has been infested since the news first went down. Way more than the normal handful of doomsayers, it's just non-stop "WTF I'm a Hillfire missile now" tier posts over a fucking nothing retaliatory strike that damaged more asses than infrastructure or personnel. I can understand some unease, but this is 180 in the other direction from where things were 20 mintues before the first missile was fired. It just reeks of astroturf.
This is that timeline, we just have to be aware that trump may not be the guy to help us anymore.
I'm not going to defend TRS, but it was cute that yesterday there was some kind of nonspoken truce and everyone was rowing on the same direction. From the ecelebs I think only Bill Mitchell went against it.
This is the current liberal narrative, that he needs congressional approval. Maybe this is chess.
Step 1: Press Ctrl+F
Step 2: Press "w"
Step 3: Press "e"
It's as simple as that. Keep your wits about you men. Steady, have courage. Watch and wait.
No, fuck off you fucking cunt! I hoped for 4D chess in all the previous cases, but this shit is over the fucking line! Literally the entire foreign policy is the opposite of what he promised! Where is the warmup with relations with Russia? Why is he bombing Assad? Why is he supporting Israel? Why is China still best pal? Fuck all this bullshit!
Trump is the GOP's now, Holla Forums should go back to being Natsoc and criticise Trump like he's Bush or Obama, not run cover for his Jewish schemes.
you're a dunning kruger smelly fucking retard
Gas yourself.
just cuck my shit up fam
It's an invisible force wall.
All those new jobs created? Scientists, great, the best scientists, they invented force field devices.
Trump is SO GREAT, he hired the BEST scientists in the world. Let me tell you folks, it's time to make science great again!
He had a good 7 days, Sessions is good, that's it. The rest has been GOP fetishes and muh deregulation muh crony kikeism
I want the shills to leave.
How stupid do you think people are?
Seriously, we see you talking to each other, we are not retarded, this is not a videogame where you roll a dice to determine a success in lying to people.
God damn autists, they don't even try.
I want this shitstain to get very painful brain cancer.
Who is he?
You get used to it.
l'm so upset with his shit recently that l deleted all my Trump memes and smug faces.
BUt it is. Also we have a stickied thread for your shilling.
This is getting old. Trump had better turn around quick. I had high hopes but I'm really feeling let down on this one.
At least we have a plan. We do the same shit we have always done, and continue on as we have always done. Do what we would have done if Hilldawg won. Shitpost like madmen, and name the fucking Jew.
You can be against the strike but you cant deny that this was a smart move by Trump. Lets examine what effects this has had
Does the possibility exist that Trumps a kike loving faggot? Sure, it always has. But there is an equal if not greater chance that he's not. And precedent so far has proven that he isnt.
So wait, and see what he will do. You can voice your concern but if youre shilling a defeatist narrative or anti trump rhetoric, youve outed yourself and imo should be instantly banned.
THIS, a thousand times this.
Ignore the shills attempting defeatist tactics, but absolutely don't pretend to support Trump's actions when he does something stupid.
If Trump is a true 4D Chessmaster he would be expecting everyone to react badly when he did something this bad. And if he isn't and has just done something stupid, he needs to be told he did something stupid.
Either way, the correct response is to complain loudly.
do you have any links/screenshots? I want to see some of the carnage
This is literally "MUH PR" argument. Fuck off!
Lad, I… How stupid are you?
Do you not get it yet? Do you not get that we've been getting shilled non-stop since the start of the election? That we're STILL being shilled right now?
There are people ON BOTH SIDES OF THE GAME trying to play us. There are likely actual retards of this calibre, but they are small in number, indeed, compared to the number of paid agents currently stalking about this board, trying to push the narratives of the candidate they've been working to promote here for god only knows how long.
What I find really funny is that, I have no doubt they thought we'd be on board. They thought we'd support this. They thought we'd be cheering.
They thought they had us in the palm of their hand - and now they're realizing, no, they don't, and they're running damage control HARD to try to restart the narrative in their favor.
But its over.
No more chess. No more 'muh # dimensions'. Its over.
If Trump continues this path, within 2 weeks he will be the most hated man on Holla Forums, more hated than Merkel or Bibi or anyone else that our sort detest, because unlike those who were our enemies from the start, Trump (or rather, his handlers and his minions) thought they could ply their trade on us and that it'd stick.
They were wrong.
Prepare for war… And I'm not talking about Syria.
It is not smart, it;'s explicitly stupid. He got nothing from it, bar small fawning ordered by the Pentagon. But he know either has to go full neo-con and appease Israels false flag tricks, or do nothing, in which case they are already saying he warned Russia and it was only for show and a distraction.
He loses his base for either of those, now tell me he isn't either compromised or just plain retarded to hang himself like that.
Shut the fuck up. PR is importamt FOR THE PRESIDENT. He cant just say "good gas more people" otherwise all he'll have is us, and he'll be impeached and we're back to having zog plants in the presidency. Does that sound "smart" to you? We have very little info right now and we need to wait and cautiously watch.
And guess what happens if he ignores it and does nothing? The narrative his opponents have been building will grow stronger and he wouldnt last in office. Its clear he had some communication with Syria and Russia before the strike. We have extremelyblimited information on that so we shouldnt condemn Trump just based off the action. Condemn the action but condemning the president is a poor move.
He will never EVER gain leftists on his side, and all he does with this bullshit is lose the support of his base! There is no reason to compromise your ideology to try and pander to people who will never vote for you anyway
He has three years to show he did the right thing, he blew his wad over this based on information fed by criminals and scumbags, he knows it's wrong. He's not doing it for right reasons, that is blatantly obvious.
This is the biggest red flag, however he's played the media and us before. we don't yet have a real sense of reality, what's going on behind the scenes will be more transparent soon. I'm not completely abandoning anything until harder facts are out and that will probably by the end of this coming week. Monday at the earliest, and that wouldn't surprise me, things are moving very fast.
vid related
hope us whites have enough time for a smart guy like you to run.
glad to know us white nationalists give such a shit about less than a dozen sand niggers dying. really warms my heart at how internationalist we are now
We just don't want to fight the kikes wars for them
It's because it keeps happening, user. If it were Trump in isolation, that's one thing, but it seems no matter who we choose to elect they're all going to follow the same fucking agenda. Nothing says "outside influence" more than that - as if the President doesn't matter at all.
I half expect that the deep state does whatever it wants and then just tells the President what to tell the public. It's reaching the point where I think we could even put Ron fucking Paul in and he'd be the one now trying to explain the Syrian strike.
So yeah, I'm fucking pissed that things keep going in this direction no matter what.
Did it benefit us? No. Amazing how he can bomb the shit out of a country with complete ease but as far as safety of our nation goes we can't get anything accomplished. Notice how Assad says he'll retaliate against Israel if continued attacks happen? They fucking know that the "safety" of Israel is more important to our ZOG puppet state than our own people. We could have a chemical attack wipe out our biggest metro tomorrow and we wouldn't do shit, just "pray for x", but interfere with Israel's interests? Well, then we go to war. Fuck everything.
Syria's has never been a threat to Israel even back during the 60s. Not everything is about Israel dude lol
the runways were largely undamaged
Nothing is a threat to the United States of Israel, but Syria's existence interferes with their imperialist ambitions of taking over the middle east
Nobody's showing up for your shiddy war, OP.
Take the crucifix around your neck and shove it up your ass, cuck.
just the middle east? how fucking naive are you. The jew obviously plots to control the entire world
This is what misinterpreting MemeMagick(tm) results in.
MemeMagick(tm) effects on the universe extend only the actions of the compatible minds which receive the memes.
Doing something akin to making fresh dank pepes and redirecting them to /dev/null, or printing them out and burning them in a ceremony, is not only useless but evidence of a mental disorder which needs treatment.
Humph, for a few hours after coming back from the "hack", Holla Forums was tolerable. Now it's filled with retards that think Trump bombing willy nilly is 1488D chess. Why is this thread bumplocked when it is clear that Trump did wrong?
And more importantly, why are all the pro Trump places sucking his dick? Out of everything he has done, this is clearly something he should be criticised for. And yet, it's the ban hammer everywhere.
How do you like your private info being sold to the highest bidder?
MemeMagick(tm) effects on the universe extend only TO THE SPACE OF actions of the compatible minds which receive the memes.
Is that why we keep giving them billions of dollars?