In the end our final alliance lies with Hitler, KEK, and our combined will to exterminate the juden!
It ain't over yet
We need massive anti war demonstrations, armed if possible like the Fed protests. #IsolationismOrInsurrection make it abundantly clear to kikes and neocons that those are their options.
The Hanged Man generally shows that you are at a crossroads - one with only two options i.e. in or out, up or down, yes or no. You may find yourself very much wanting to do "something" but having no idea what it is or how to do it. If that happens, that's a clear sign that you should stop, relax, and look at ways that you might need to let go of attempts to control life/situations/people/things.
This, it's one of the few things we CAN get away with. Nazis or not, war protests are going ring well with the commies and their again parents. We'll be shit on anyway so this isn't muh PR, but it's unlikely they'll call in swat and simply mow us all down.
And if they do we become memes.
Not illegal in non-cucked states either.
So the question become where, and should do do a few all over the place or try to congregate or what? The idea I'd ever be protesting anything is frankly a little ludicrous and I have no idea how this should play out.
Do we add mass to normie protests instead? Commie ones?
This shit will blow over and life will go on. Whether or not Trump redeems himself shouldn't affect our morale. We can go back to memeing Trump whenever he does something that aligns with our goals. The internet is still full of degeneracy and Holla Forums is still needed to call it out.
I propose we start a meme campaign targeting either more missile strikes to get israel hit with scuds,
We meme anti war stuff, or both.
Irl protests shouldnt begin without a good meme war backing us.
Protests won't happen until war, too late to shill for scuds at that point. If artfags want in on this we're really down to just anti stuff.
now we must defend Assad by all means possible.
I doubt they'd take them, but large numbers of american civilians willingly camping out on top of important buildings would make drone striking them a painful position in the meme war.
Flesh walls and NEET shields are go!
Thats sorta unproductive.
Just go get some rimfire tannerite and wrap it around a pipe bomb.
rolling for effect
It would make the government look bad for killing it's own people.
It would also serve as an important jumping off point to colonize a very empty country, which is politically untouchable, after the dust settles.
I think we are still in time to avoid war,
massive demonstrations and massive shilling through social media could (i hope) avoid ww3.
I need some sleep. Aren't you tired?
But seriously this shit kept me up all night, I'll give this another look when I'm coherent.
I'd go but I am no American.
I run on hate and nazism
i'm on zombie mode, I will go to sleep soon
gn m8
It's time to rev up the meme machines. The lefty cucks couldn't create any effective memes to destroy Trump. But we can.
Is it enaugh for you to turn your back on false emperor, or you will wait till last non ZOG states fall?
we always knew this was a possibility and anyone saying otherwise is full of shit - he was a means to an end blah blah blah you all remember the line.
I cringed when I read the OP. What the Fuck has happened to Holla Forums?
Obvious shilling attempt, we've been on it for days.
8/pol/ isnt this retarded enough to not be spectical about the whole thing til we see more.
im sure trump cares about the future of the white race seeing as his future family are all kikes