This is a warning to the zionist cunt known as D. Trump. Your cowardly attacks on Syria will not go unpunished. Kek is done with you and your shithole of a cuntry. Prepare to be annihilated burgers.
This is a warning to the zionist cunt known as D. Trump. Your cowardly attacks on Syria will not go unpunished...
Sage goes in every field
Sharia Blue is out in full force today.
Nobody on this board cares what happens to Syria you stupid cucks.
I prefer to just put it in email, it's mean and lean
See? goyim he's just as crooked as hillary, now stop deporting and start letting your womin breed with shitskin already. oy vey.
I'm sure this is bait, but who the fuck is suppose to be speaking right now? Euroarabia? Iranadia? Fucking sweeden?
My guess would be Holla Forums
obvious australian. but i agree this must happen.
More Sage
This. The delusional 4+4chan autists cannot take it deep in their delusion how they have ceased to be what they once were and became cocksuckers to this filthy neocon piece of shit traitor.
Wait you fools are still whiteknighting for Trump after he just gleefully flushed his presidency down the toilet?
this is what you get when you worship a chaos god an incoherent world view
repent faggots
THIS is your shill strategy? You have so much manpower, so much wealth, and THIS is the best you've got? Are you intentionally doing an awful job at shilling so we fall out of practice against you fucks or what? Try harder, faggots, and maybe try to blend in this time.
Cuckchanner detected
Same shit, different smell. trump is is run by a Jewish cabal
Sooner you get over your childish state of denial that you elected this jew lover, the sooner we can figure out actual battle plan to bring about a surge of nationalism free from all kike influence.
Everyone on Holla Forums had it coming. Trump was always a big bet, but no one ever expected him to drop the ball this hard.
We were all ready at the front, fighting against the russian allegations and wiretapping. But he blitzkrieged around us, fucking both like France.
Try reading live threads, those imkampfy hasn't sanitized yet. Trump was never the end all candidate, just one step of the way. The retarded cult of personality made it all about himself, and not the ideals he was supposed to carry.
Just admit it, it will make you feel better. Trump is a goddamn idiot who got played like a fool. He might be good in business, but in the game of political persuasion, he was a babbling idiot.
Congratulations for the comeback straight out of reddit. Source is that he's alienating his own fanbase, who elected him for protectionism and isolationism.
What you're describing is a fringe group of reasonable people.Meanwhile the majority of posters and hotpokets are mindlesly following dubya the third.
Don't you realize that you make (((yourselves))) by spamming this much?
Voice of reason there.
I'll give it to you that unlike other shills you at least put an effort on trying to post smugs you don't truly comprehend.
Better to have faith and keep pushing than give up at the first obstacle.
Beside, here on Holla Forums we're costantly disappointed by the world, even if Trump ends up going back on his promises what's the worst that can happen?
Work for a better future even when faced with seemingly impossible tasks, even when despair and frustration try to pierce your heart.
Give up now and nothing will change, keep trying and things might just go your way.
here's an idea work on fixing your mistakes don't double down i know its very absurd but its better than putting faith in a chaos god
Always double down.
remember those people who you see supporting hillary even today after all the bullshit we know. don't be that person for trump hes a kike puppet by actions.
Hahah, karma.
Now, can we focus on election Warren in 2020?
never again pls
Quality shitpost OP.At least put some effort but who am i kidding you dont want too cause you are a kike. holy shit /leftycuck/ is so assmad that they are even below the /fur/fags that they ve been shilling the board nonstop.
I think this all shows that the alt-right and far-right are nothing more than a joke that will fall for whatever chump says mean things about immigrants.
Only leftists are open and honest these days.
Trump is only one part of Kek's plan. He is not and never was the one destined to bring forth the Dawn. That man comes after Trump.
My point really is that the far-right are basically made up of single-issue morons that have kneejerk reactions to everything even though they should expect these things to happen
While you're posting here, there are black cocks that are going unsucked. Can you live with yourself?
Hey look everyone, Graham Mikkelson decided to post here again
How's Sarcuck's circumcised kike cock working out for you?
you'll die slowly
meant for
I agree, Bernie supporters never voted for free college and socialism, they just wanted an infiltrator agent to wreck the economy so they could weaken Jewish control of America.
Really makes you think!
Go fuck yourself. leaf.