Is she right?

Is she right?

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Wow OP this is the high quality type posting we need here
go back to cuckchan





Is the lesson here that respecting women is stupid?

Who paints shitty memes onto a wall?

hotaru a shit

Is it though? I mean think about it for a moment. It's literally mocking feminist beta orbiters for thinking being good goys will make them attractive to women.

i want off this shitty ride

feminists hate thos orbiters thouh

true feminists are normal people who have a significant other and other male friends

I suppose, but so do we.

True feminists are jews and cat ladies.

Yeah, and true muslims are noble pillars of their community who never rape underage goats while driving trucks into schoolyards.

wow you sure have an argument with that pol image you had prepped

wow nice strawman woman hater

Excuse me? Islam is fundamentally a feminist religion, you f**king bigot.

name one time this has ever happened

Four times in Sweden yesterday.

2012 January the 4th

Isn't Lush a lad?

Grilled pineapple on pizza really isn't terrible but I'd much rather prefer chicken or pepperoni.

Yes. Feminists want guys to kiss their ass and despise them for it at the same time. This is common knowledge. They think guys should kiss their ass without anything in return. They want to fuck chads but don't want to admit it either because they hate them for different reasons too. They're fucking harpies.


you shitpost like a 14 year old

How coddled are you?

You are so delusional, /r9k/

go back to Tumblr, you retarded cunt

I should pretend to be a feminist like a big boy poster?


You can't pretend to be smart so no



That stunk

Houraisan Kaguya



I'm not helping you with your homework, kiddo.

The graffiti scene has been fucking retarded since forever. They think of themselves as artists so they want credit for their work, except they also have to maintain anonimity otherwise they'd be arrested/sued.

Other than the "Killroy was here" creator I highly doubt there's ever been a prolific graffiti sprayer that doesn't have his own internet blog or gotten himself a blurred face interview.


Educate yourself.


This one happened last week.

What's a 'true feminist'?

Kind of. Nice guys do think that women will feel affection for them if they treat them nicely, and that is often untrue. Most women prefer guys who treat them badly. So as far as that goes, she's right. I'd bet she doesn't acknowledge the female side of the equation, though.

Feminism is a trigger warning for cucks, the word and its movement isn't bad.

t. never treated a girl nicely in a relationship

Not what i was asking a source for. Nice try though



What a waste of trips.

You ain't fooling anyone, Sven.

These "Nice Guys" are usually the ones who turn into male feminists, so its pretty funny how womyn cultivate a special dislike for the only kind of male* actually disposed to take their bullshit seriously.

In the same vein "white allies" were recently voted as the all time worst white people in some nigger magazine.

No, it's about having self confidence you MGTOW cuck. I have never once seen someone treat a woman like shit and got what he wanted out of her. Stop conflating actual relationships with a nigger's side chick.

rightwing cuckaganda

No, but she ought to be.

All social actions are transnational even if at a subconscious level. Certain women not liking one aspect of the economics at some times doesn't change that. Putting everything out in the open is the best and most honest approach.

I wonder if those pupils were hand drawn

Wow you really made strong arguments against it.

Woah she just got an internet meme and spraypainted it on a wall
I don't even need to attach the meme because i know we've all probably seen it atleast once.

t. roastie

I am gonna let you a little secret: your precious little sand people have more in common with Holla Forumstards than they do with you.

Muslims are woke af. Brainless like you wouldn't understand tbh

lol *brainlets my bad 😂

the absolute state of neogaf

god this anime girl is so fucking perfect why i can't i marry her

I'm probably the biggest Rick and Morty fan on Holla Forums, but even I think this thread is shit and you suck cocks, OP.

All in favor of banning Holla Forums on sight say Aye!

Their mindset is very similar to kikes like you though.
