You will never fuck her


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Pan-spic socialism when

Isn't the Chilean CP a formerly Stalinist party turned Eurocommunist? Seems like a bad political party to me.

that's a dangerous abbreviation

Sex is for having children.

If you aren't fucking brown grills, you're doing something wrong.

Our communist party is shit, and she is just and opportunist traitor who now goes full retard with idpol

I'd still pump her full of cum.

muke no you're too pure for this

already have her pussy stank

Make me.


t. muke

this is why muke needs to go back to tripfagging like rebel

this desu. It's a well known fact that brown girls are generally less conceited and are much more qt anyways

I never tripfagged

I am not into girls.

Tell us about your mother.

No one can ride a dick like a spic.

You need to visit America. I will teach you not to be a weak boy. Or I could pound you in the ass, your choice.

Not if you stick it in her arse.

My nigga.


i once heard of a leftypol user that fucked her, it's not that hard at all, the myth say that she have already fucked half the party.

I banged a qt Argentine socialist once. Didn't have a fat ass tho. :/

You need to go to Colombia for that.

post pic

whats the deal with so many lefty girls having noserings/nose piercings

They don't conform to conventional beauty standards because they're rad af


a nosering isnt that unconventional these days

everyday I smh @ liberals co-opting punk fashion

It doesnt make ur benis hard?

Im going to coopt your bussy onto my cock, n1x.

It's called the daddy issues ring.

It makes my benis sad.

mmm exploit my boipussy like a capitalist exploits the surplus labor of the proletariat~

The difference is that you're a much more willing slut..

Being ugly isn't radical. It's just being ugly.

get on IRC you qtie

I'm sorry your tastes are so shit and boring my dood

Hey, man, you like ugly girls. That's fine.

wew lad, I'll bet you also only are attracted to women who are submissive and vanilla af in bed

kill yourself, grandpa

sex is to make this qt cum with pleasure before following her lead to the attacking riot police lines tbh.

They are.


Maybe, if she goes on here she may assume it was me though since i post leftypol memes on fb sometimes

You could stop responding, you ugly girl aficionado.

Argentina is white, everyone knows that pal. You can not claim your "I fucked a brown leftist qt" card yet.

Ah the old

virgin confirmed.


also argentinian leftists are all trotskiddies.



if pic related, my dick is diamonds

tfw ywn smash white supremacy by fucking a mixed baby into her

Feels so good comrade

but diamonds are worthless, their value is an artificial value

+lets that your dick is now diamond, it won't be that pleasurable diamond is cold too hard and has no pleasure texture to it

I see nothing wrong with this. Vanilla is shit tier though.

Role-reversal is the true leftist fetish my dude.

the joke is that diamonds are hard

do you have autism

I'm afraid that doesn't do it for me.

non vanilla sex is bourgeois

That's right! Chocolates get out, reeeeeeeeeee!

m8, not only is the sub becoming the dom leftist af, but it's also dialectical af. It's literally the master-slave dialectic.

The dom begins as the subject, and the sub the object. The sub, however, in staking their body in the pursuit of pleasure, becomes the dom, as the dom cannot truly be a dom without being recognized as one by the sub. The sub is in fact truly the dom, but the Absolute dom is the orgasm.

*Everything is bourgeois

Autism is not an object to be had, autism is a spectrum and the autistic person is an a state of being in that spectrum

I'm too drunk to make heads or tails of that but it sounds nice. I just like rough sex and try to date grills into it too because vanilla is useless for anything but a quickie.

You would let a socialist trap boy suck you off!?

Ur lewd >///

Who is this semen demon tbh


Is that trap crew really socialist now or are you just memeing?

└(>人< ;)┐ =====3


Hahaha holy shit what is her name?

My kind of girl.

nigga if i was a virgin i would've said she had a fat ass.

fine you retards this is her


Is she a genetically superior specimen? Then she ought to go to a man who even more superior genetically.

We need proper African Socialism.


2/10 tbh, quite shitty.

She looks like the type that doesn't wash their vajayjays.
I know cuz I've fucked a girl that resembles her once and the smell still haunts me to this day.

Camilita is qt and all, but she's a massive hypocrite, just like the entire chilean communist party.

t. Chilean

I have bad news.


someone please kill me.

Anal sex can lead to pregnancy my man

Newfag here. What is meant by "qt"? The same as cutie? Meaning you don't like unattractive women?

Why not just say "woman"?


You should make a thread about it.

qt means a cute girl.

and yes it means we don't like unattractive women. because we are human beings who know that how attractive you are is important when it comes to sex. women are still comrads tho

It sounds like you need to kill your girlfriend.