what's yours?
Favourite 'class' to play
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What class is the 3rd pic?
Magic classes are usually pretty fun. Especially jack of all trades types that can learn all types of spells.
techno dood
sneaker who steals/kills/etc. for more than just greed, nominally under the guise of some powerful controlling agent who grants them magic powers
like pics related, but its also pretty easy to create such characters in things like skyrim, neverwinter nights and so on
Paladin or any variation of tank/melee class with a lot of healing.
Spell sword or a holy knight are my top two.
trying to find pics for a trapper/ambusher character like the Guild Wars ranger trapper..
monk, ME vanguard, DD warrior
Technology friend
My nigger right here posting quality shit
vanguard so fun
anything else like it?
I like taking speed over power, and I usually avoid speech checks, stealth, or similar "avoiding combat" techniques. So like a warrior with a high speed stat
My armored brother of faith.
Tankiest motherfucker possible, in medievalish fantasy setting shield+mace and in more "futuristic" such shit handheld minigun.
I like dex-built fencer types. A pity so few games use them
I am always a sucker for fighters. Especially with traditional Sword n Shield
I can also dig any class that uses over the top punches as their weapon
Trickster class
Religion oriented crusaders/tanks
Glasscannon classes
Criminal related classes (not antichrist/devil worhipping, but simply low life stuff (thieves, rogues, pirates etc)
Brawler style classes.
I just realized that hellgate gives an accurate description of what's to come in yurope.
brb reinstalling and getting the mod to make a webm.
Anything that is ridiculous yet has more power then it should ever have.
So, Bards.
I go for summoning and conjuration type classes. I like having lots of minions doing my bidding and sacrificing themselves to the greater good (me). If it's more scifi than fantasy, I go for the engineer/defense type. I prefer building good defenses for the team, managing machines/turrets, healing, that sort of thing.
Wizid lyf
Whoever has the biggest armor and the biggest weapon.
Shame there's not many games you can actually do that even on the singleplayer side instead just opting for 1 summon only that's either shit or painfully mediocre only rarely going to "eeh i dont need to play at all my summoned gigademon will just finish the job for me"-tier.
Thief, of course.
Rogues of the traps using variety. Being a stealthy motherfucker who beats opponents through trickery, preparation and wit is where its at. Too bad the only games I know of where this applies are NWN1/2. ADWR is love, ADWR is life.
If I can play a bad ass old dude, I will always choose that, extra point if he's an old paladin that still has his faith or an old martial artist
What about the Overlord games?
Some kind of bard, preferrably with the ability to dish out damage as well. I used to roll Direct Hit + Buff Banner + Whip when I played TF2, so I could support my teammates with extra speed, damage and sentry busting. Doesn't work if teammates are shit, but you can one shot Snipers from the other side of the map when the banner is up
MonHun's Hunting Horn is great as a buffing tool, although I wish it was a bit faster. I usually run SnS + horns instead, even though it's less effective.
You mean aside from the fact that they'd stab you quicker than you could show off your fancy clothing?
shamo is fucking excellent
landing those arcs of deliverance is so fucking satisfying
myself, i like making the wizard who starts off frail and in hard mode and ends up being able to summon a rain of fire or tornadoes or fuckin melt people with his mind or whatever
Yeah it was.
I enjoyed it more when he was in his own enviroment.
Why have no games let you have as many skeletons as that game
paladin of course
necromancers can get fucked
I love when games let you play with physics as a mage, but i never see it done. DD Had a good balance of big spells and more action oriented gameplay, i really enjoyed it.
I never finished it, but the magic kung fu shit in the middle was the only low point for me really
Tell me more. Is it a manga? Give me a flavour of the plot.
Any kind of tank class like Paladin or Warrior
class that give very satified feel from playing it so generally i don't have favorite class to play. if it is fun to play then i pick it
Don't read the rest. It's not worth it. Especially the last fight. There are a few good chapters but it's not worth it.
I play a support classes like medic. I like to go around fixing things.
Honestly, that's fine with me. It's not really a story that needs an ending.
I like to blow things up, so any class with the biggest boom is for me. Often some sort of alchemist, bomb maker or wizard.
At least I never play shit if it doesn't allow me to use heavy armour.
I'm having a lot of fun as a PLD and DRK in FF.
Magic is normally shit, so I tend to choose whatever hits hard with melee and takes hits well. I would use magic in more games, but it's normally underwhelming and not worth it.
Magic costs MP. Melee doesn't, and still normally hits harder.
Basically, I don't use magic because even some of the best video games are shit.
hey guys i'm vegan
First play through is usually paladin/cleric.
Second usually a mage.
Very rarely play rogues or archers.
just wanted to let you all know
I tend to go with assassin and rogue characters. Not to be some edgelord mind you who teleports behind his opponent with a katana, I just feel more comfortable playing the opportunist-type classes and they tend to be that kind of class.
Lately I've liked certain casters too, but not usually generic wizards. I guess I just don't tend to enjoy the more "generic" and upfront classes. I've often tried to get into warrior/knight classes but they just almost never pique my interest. I think Dark Souls 3 was the only time I enjoyed playing such a class (but that may be because the alternatives were garbage).
path of exile lets you have like 45 or so skeletons + some other summons
The actual ending is very fitting, but the fights and the story just spirals downwards after the chinese monkey shit. There are good plots though like
Ryo visiting sugawara, whose in coma, and wakes him up by almost punching him, then sugawara goes to rehabilitation and fights like a motherfucker to walk again and beat the shit out of ryo and a few stuff like that.
Dude gets sent to jail, learns Karate to protect his butthole, gets fighthappy, is raped, gets out of jail, rapes a champion fighters gf to get a title match.
Main character is a despicable asshole, but he's a good character, the manga is great aside from the fact that the author wants to showcase a bunch of martial arts so the plot is strange as a new arc rolls around.
You can do it in fucking Morrowind. Just make a spell that summons 8 of them and keep making more.
Check, what you are talking about is a mod though. Can only summon 1 of each type.
Doctor Dick
Red Wizard.
Fast as fug motherfugger with a huge sword that kills anything in 1-2 hits but I can also die in several hits
Too bad that in most games I can't have that
They either force me into a heavy slow tank class to get a two-handed weapon and a faggot rogue with faggot knives to be fast
Hey, it fits.
He's a glorified blacksmith. He can't even cast any magic other than Unlimited Blade Works, which is the exact opposite of a Red Mage (many shit spells vs. one powerful spell).
Healers who can also fight, like Paladins and Monks
Berserkers who get stronger when low on health, preferably dual-wielding or bare-handed
High-tech engineers/artificers in a fantasy setting.
Because skeleton armies in D2 were utter dogshit compared to smaller, specialized warbands of golems, skeleton mages, and revived monsters. In addition, most engines can't handle thirty NPCs on the screen at once without slowing down.
People who think skeleton armies were actually good in Diablo are either ignorant memers or fanatics utterly devoted to their crummy gimmick build.
Depends on the game, but I generaly avoid anything with magick
Stronk mage
The one man phalanx
Support (high armor, smokes, thermals, side arm revolver)
OK Leger
Big Fucking Bows are also nice.
Technically he could be called a Blue Mage, since he steals everything from his enemies and his stats change appropriately, but in function he's more like a Red Mage. Jack-of-all-trades, can do pretty much anything and has tools for pretty much any situation.
Synergies gave skellies a boost in power, and they just look way cooler than those dumbass golems. Pretty sure no one does a skeleton army build for the efficiency
It's been over 7 years since I saved that pic and I never noticed until now that it's the shittiest compound bow design imaginable.
The pulley ads fuck all and the cams are completely round, giving no advantage to energy storing in the draw.
And a chain is pretty terrible as a string, the links could give way too much slack on release, just use a steel wire or something if you have to have some super special string.
What are you expecting from monhun weapons user. where there are lances that fire round that look like a tube or giant revolver hammers.
You know what Synergies also improved? Revive and Raise Skeleton Mage. You know what is objectively better than Raise Skeleton? Revive and Raise Skeleton Mage. Raise Skeleton is garbage and you'll end up hitting a stone wall barely halfway into Act 2.
You talk all that shit, and then have the gall to post that first picture? Jesus fuck.
I want a game that's eighty hours long, and the vast majority is spent as a poor pilgrim searching for knowledge, travelling some medieval world poor and hungry, working as a caravan guard for my food between towns, a steward for a roof over my head, maybe a mercenary just to see the world, though I doubt I'd live long enough to achieve my goals in the latter case. I want a super complex magic system so that after a dozen hours of real life studying, of checking old folk tales I'd heard in a tavern, searching ruins for scraps of a diary written by someone that may have never even existed, translating long dead languages into something that I, as a player, can understand. I want to perform a long, difficult, and complex ritual composed of reciting prayers and words of power into a microphone while drawing diagrams in the blood of virgins I'd kidnapped and slayed, just to raise a chicken and control it, it'd be the first milestone, and as a player it'd be exhilarating seeing the culmination of all my hard work, from then I'd spend another dozen hours and figure out how to raise a person, how to contact devils and speak with them, it'd go and on and until I'd brought back long banished gods and tipped the world into absolute chaos with my mad search for power and immortality.
I just want a realistic cultist/quest for power simulator. Hell I'd even take a damn fantasy novel about it. I just want the real deal. I'm sick of how easy and simple magic is always portrayed to be.
I just got to Act 2 Nightmare yesterday with my skelly man, but I have some pretty good runewords so yeah. It definitely wasn't easy, still fun as hell
Archery is the manliest way of fighting. It requires great physical strength and endurance, years hard work and effort, and to be able to shoot accurately you have to have perfect unity between the mind and the body.
Mages are 2lazy, Warriors are 2dumb, bow users are the greatest both physically and mentally. You know I'm right.
It's still a bow firing a motherfucking polearm, I can forgive something minor for that.
Fug, why is there naked swordbitch in my post?
The fact it's firing a halberd is just another layer of filling for the shit sandwich.
I dunno, I played a skeletons/skeleton mages/clay golem build with bone spear and corpse explosion and I beat the shit out of everything in Act 2 except bosses, which kick the shit out of me several times before I beat them
Fuck you, halberd bows are awesome.
I need to get more halberd bow pics, brb.
Polearm bows are awesome, but you don't get to complain about MonHun bows while posting them without looking like a massive hypocrite
You are a big noob, and I hope your bum falls off.
you are playing the wrong games, family
Always. IMHO, there's nothing fun about plucking away at an enemy while he plucks away at me. I want to be able to take him down from a distance or the shadows. And if I fuck up, I want him to come over and wreck my shit.
Magic and a spear or lance, preferably in heavy armour.
Glass cannon because I'm a huge damage whore and being in a state of all or nothing gives me most thrills.
And if there is kamikaze option I'll pick it just because I'm a huge dickwad.
you need to be removed
Why not? Chain as a string is stupid, polearm arrows aren't. Well they are, but they're awesome. Besides, MonHun bows are pretty much the only fuckhueg bows in gaming so they're even better due to rarity.
Well xD lol so random to you, too.
I'd rather kill a hundred from afar rather than get swamped and have my entire family be bred by brownies, but whatever floats your boat.
You forgot to press Shift.
Most games make you pick a class but dank souls lets you build your own so I always start thief and build strength and dex and throw in a couple of magics along the way for buffs. So basically a witcher type character.
Ah, the wonders of chuuni, though combined with Holla Forums the results seem a bit… strange.
Are you seriously calling someone a chuuni while you say what you say.
Saying what? Polearm arrows would be fucking awesome? They are, they're called ballista ammo.
We both know that's not the only thing you said user.
Yanno, that was a question. You don't have to answer it if it's too difficult, I understand.
This is some cringy bait
Ninja, assassin, rogue, thief, swashbuckler, monk, martial artist, duelist, scout
anything around that theme
has it got interesting and clever panel layouts?
Pure wizard is great if the game has some good magic, but so many don't.
You're awfully simple, aren't you.
The lines show all the ways they could attack each other. The art is good and the fights are very visually easy to visualize since the author is a big martial arts buff.
Erm, changed my mind mid-sentence.
But you get what I mean, the fights aren't chaotic like in a lot of amateur or new fighting manga.
The one with the giant fucking battle axe.
Bonus points if his skin is his shield.
As in dual-wielding?
Dual-wielding a shit.
It does kinda, doesn't it.
B.t.w - projection is magic. One that can be VERY flexible when used by Archer. Sure, he can only create swords. But he can create magical sword for any occasion. And then shoot said swords.
Nah. MH armor divides into two categories.
Gunner is bow/LBG/HBG
Blademaster is everything not gunner aka melee weapons.
The bow doesn't flex back when he releases the arrow.
The Hunter
The hunter only enters civilization to trade meat and furs for supplies he can't craft in the wild. He is content to venture for game, harvest alchemical ingredients, and sleep under the stars.
Usually equipped with a bow, full fur/leather armor, an axe/machete, and an animal companion. The hunter packs light, and almost never has an inventory weighing more than 2/3 his body weight.
The hunter does not use magic, but knows spiritual rituals that can heal or invoke luck, and has instincts of detecting life.
hand to hand melee and ranger.
That some Zui quan? Also source for ranger? Cropped images are a bitch to reverse search.
Spellsword/Battlemage or Paladin
I sometimes like gunslingers
Samurai of any kind.
I hate when they do that.
Rogue, Assassin, Thief, Spy. If I can't be a sneaky bastard and plant a knife in the back between the ribs than it's not fun for me.
Alright, Mage is a little fun
it's like people can't use japanese things without going ultimate weabo OP on them
loli class is a class of it's own regardless of game.
Templar or alchemist, depends on how I feel
If fantasy type without guns, usually lightly armored archer, and an alt character ofe loin clothed barbarian, basically an ahnold as conan type character.
If setting has firearms, not a sniper but designated marksman of some type. Basic rifleman or ranch hand cowboy.
You've just proved that you know fuck all about katana.
They use differential heat treatment to make the edge harder and the core and spine softer. This way it can hold an edge(since hardness is a major factor in edge retention), but doesn't shatter on impact(since the hard part is brittler, like glass or porcelain, you have to give it some plasticity so it absorbs the impacts and stays in one piece). It bends, but once it's bent it's structurally weakened enough that you can straighten it back to a half-usable state by just stepping on it and leveraging it back.
Naginata are commonly(but not always) made out of swords that have gone to shit, as they cap off at the bend and then attach it to a shaft.
Monk, Cleric, Paladin, and Sorcerer.
Oh boy here we go
Very nice.
Monk/Rogue/Whatever High Dex/Agi melee fighter
Everyone knows the loli are always the strongest.
paladins are cool in theory but 9/10 times op as fuck and boring to play
anything that can do crazy magical shit that isn't just "LIGHTNINGBOLTLIGHTNINGBOLT" can be fun but sooner or later gets nerfed to the ground
sneaky-stabs can be clutch too but I've never played an rpg where stealth was done right and it puts me off
honestly I should probably get into tabletops or something because the genre is just plain unsatisfying
God is not a class.
Just play as a grappling based character focused on pinning down enemies :^)
Or you could play the loli class.
But then he's going to be the one taking the pain from behind.
Dudes, katanas are barely different from european long sword in effect. They're made from much worse steel, thus gorillion folding and shit, but it still cuts and stabs in pretty much the same way.
I only prefer katanas because they look cool.
Not really, they're shorter and don't have a false edge and you don't have a crossguard. That's like, 85% of all the awesome techniques gone right there.
I mean, you can hit with the back of the sword for some false edge attacks, but it's still not as good.
High utility but low damage wizard.
Anybody have that long ass post by the healer-class who insisted every other class was his little bitch?
Anything rogue-y/criminal-y. Being a sneaky dirtbag who has no qualms about stealing and beating is a great deal of fun. Being loud or more combat oriented like a fighter/warrior or mage draws too much attention, and I have to weigh whether the fight I'm about to get into is worth the loot.
Is there a game that does ghosts well?
Do it user, vidya is fun and all but P&P is also good. Just needs to find a good group to play with.
I'm on to you two.
To understand why Paladins are OP, you need to look back to the table-top days. In AD&D, classes advanced at different rates. Paladins were the hardest class to level-up, despite all of the benefits. You'd generally be a level behind most of your party members, like a multi-class character would be.
Good P&P is better than good vidya. Bad P&P can generally still be more entertaining than bad vidya.
given these classes to pick from, as well as those I've seen from other games, I think its not an easy choice
maybe some of you could find a new favorite class in these pics, from a non-gameplay standpoint
heres some short descriptions for the non-obvious ones
shadowblade: rogue with limited magic
marauder: bloodthirsty rogue without stealth; basically a dual-wielding berserker with less hp that hits harder
skirmisher: dual wields a sling and shield
wyrmic: warrior with many draconic abilities
stone warden: dwarf only, uses rock-related nature powers and rock-related magic, and uses heavy armor and dual-wields shields
anorithil: sun/moon mage
reaver: dual-wielding warrior who uses filth/disease/bone magic
corruptor: blood/filth/disease/bone mage, doesn't summon demons though
cursed: a melee class who uses hate as his main resource
doomed: one of many things this class can do is kill people by saying he hates them; also uses hate as a resource and is a ranged class
mindslayer: a melee-psychic who wields can wield two two-handed weapons, one of them telekenetically; manipulates energy(as lightning), temperature, and physical force
psyshot: gunslinger with limited psychic powers
but I'd wanna say my favorite is solipsist, third pic related, and after that would be marauder from a conceptual standpoint
Kek, those thumbnails.
8ch posted someone else's pics
Brb, need to find those Gardevoirs.
One more for Rouge/Thief stealth class. Fortunately there are several good games out there that do the role justice. I always like making stealth work in games that aren't designed around it, especially in open world games. I got pretty good at sneaking into enemy compounds in Far Cry 2, a game where the entire enemy force psychically know your location the second one guy sees you. The role has this sublime mix of planning and action that I love.
I don't completely agree with this graph but it is pretty thorough as a list of job classes.
no user the real holy trinity is
Fuck you.
dubs of deuce checked
Yes it is. With a good group of people to play with, it's fantastic.
Depends on how bad it gets I guess. Entertainment from bad P&P aside, hopefully people would employ basic screening process. With bad vidya you might be out some dollars and time. But ya really want to stay the fuck away from borderlines and redflag types of folks when it comes to P&P especially if you're in meatspace. Hate to sound paranoid but socjus has been trying to conquer elegan/tg/entlemen and ca/tg/irls for a while now. Having them in vidya is bad enough, but you really don't want a SJW who wants to fix a problematic fictional P&P campaign, in your living room.
But a good P&P is worth the trouble of finding a good group.
polite sage for muh blogpost rambling.
Engineer. I like sneaking around and fucking with shit.
a mix of paladin/necromancer with a dash of arcane assassin for teleportation and stealth.
basically im gonna shoot mobs with magic from behind skeletons and if you get close just smack you around with magically enhanced physical capabilities and an enchanted weapon.
What does war engineers actually do on the field
15% blowing things up and building, 85% being easy targets and dying.
Necromancer/Summoner life for me.
Unless its the the "you make this creature appear and it attacks once then goes away" kind
How do you think hard fantasy Necromancy would work
That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Bastard Sword" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Katanas deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.
I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine katana in Japan for 2,400,000 Yen (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of solid steel with my katana.
Japanese smiths spend years working on a single katana and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest blades known to mankind.
Katanas are thrice as sharp as European swords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a katana can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a katana could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash.
Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Samurai and their katanas of destruction. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the katanas first because their killing power was feared and respected.
So what am I saying? Katanas are simply the best sword that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Katanas:
(One-Handed Exotic Weapon)
1d12 Damage
19-20 x4 Crit
+2 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork
(Two-Handed Exotic Weapon)
2d10 Damage
17-20 x4 Crit
+5 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork
Now that seems a lot more representative of the cutting power of Katanas in real life, don't you think?
tl;dr = Katanas need to do more damage in d20, see my new stat block.
Katanas are Overpowered in d20
That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Bastard Sword" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Katanas deserve much worse than that. Much, much worse than that.
I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine katana in Japan for 120 Yen (that's about $1) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can't even cut wooden boards with my katana.
Japanese smiths spend years working on a single katana and fold it up to a million times to produce some of the biggest pieces of shit known to mankind.
Katanas are barely half as sharp as European swords and half as hard for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a katana can't cut through at all. I'm pretty sure a katana would break trying to cut a knight wearing full plate with any kind of slash.
Ever wonder why feudal Japan never bothered conquering Europe? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Knights and their Oakeshott types X through XXII of destruction. Even in World War II, Japanese soldiers targeted the men with the mamelukes first because their killing power was feared and respected.
So what am I saying? Katanas are simply the worst sword that the world has ever seen, and thus, require worse stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Katanas:
(One-Handed Exotic Weapon)
1d4 Damage
x2 Crit
-2 to hit and damage
Can never count as Masterwork
(Two-Handed Exotic Weapon)
1d6 Damage
x2 Crit
-1 to hit and damage
Can never count as Masterwork
Now that seems a lot more representative of the cutting power of Katanas in real life, don't you think?
tl;dr = Katanas need to do much less in d20, see my new stat block.
No thanks. I prefer my women to be coming of age.
Why not combine the two? A strong knight that can only heal himself and raise undead armies. Seems pretty broken.
Tiny picture means tiny women right?
Right, more loli for this fine gentleman.
I'm a fan of high-jumping spearmen, so Final Fantasy's dragoons are always a favorite for me. Kimahri being a terrible Blue Mage/Dragoon combo with Jump as a fucking limit break was such a hideous disappointment.
That's also a moral conflict too, user.
There's already a name for them. They're called Death Knights. Oh well.
What is that song from? Sounds familiar for some reason.
I love it when RPGs have unusual classes and skills, like Puppeteering. Too bad Mabinogi is pretty much the only one and that game plays like ass.
which doesn't matter in a world where plate-mail exists, in real war the only useful damage types are thrust, cleave, and strike.
and due to modern materials cutting weapons won't see a return to effective use without a major change in the availability of carbon nanotubes and some means of destabilizing materials whether my extreme heat or vibration.
in short, get your fucking kitchen knives out of the battle.
i've become increasingly attached to the "basic knight" class/archetype, so i gravitate towards that a lot more these days. runners up are paladins who use GODS WILL as a weapon even if i am not a religious man it's very fun to play as
Same here. Any class where I can pretend I'm Conan is good.
second, the romantic aspect of the katana is very satisfying in entertainment. especially when it comes to dramatic stuff like itato styles or the wandering swordsman archetype
you can argue all day about how armor and longswords are superior and i won't disagree, but there is a just enjoyable aspect to that sakura petal bullshit in samurai media
If the option's there to customize a race in a strategy game, I always try to play a race of robots who want to spread the values of 1980's British Punk culture to all of existence.
Depends on the genre. For the most part I go melee with lots of damage and lots of armour/health. The wrecking ball type classes.
Other than that it's the most fun ones to play which is usually mages or whatever ones can move enemies around a lot.
there's a new one
Want to know the ultimate class of magic?
Chronomancy, fuggers.
There's not really anything it can't do.
You want Ice Magic? Speed up even a tiny ass area, then snap it back into the same temporal flow as everywhere else.
Bam, you just removed all potential energy from that area.
The result is a fuckhuge temperature drop as the laws of thermodynamics go into effect.
Fire magic? Just stop a nigga.
When he's reintroduced to the temporal flow again, he'll have to accommodate however many seconds passed by without him.
Lightning magic? Fuck you, just speed up two adjacent chunks of air and you have a ball of static.
Earth magic? Bend space-time and gravity to fling a boulder/continent at a nigga.
Water magic? Stop time, get the water and splash the idiot.
only if it's like Sub-Zero. i've been a fanboy for that guy for years and it made me love ice powers, but anytime any other studio does ice powers they give them to some fucking edgy faggot or a little girl
More games need to give time magic the respect it deserves.
If you're so great, then bring your dead wife and kids back to life lel.
Tank classes are my favorite, but most times they are boring and just a damage sponge, so I use lancer types instead.
Bonus points for best of both worlds.
Fug you.
bi-han was edgy and he became noob saibot, kuia lang holds the title of sub-zero for most of the mortal kombat games and he's an honorable guy who will freeze his own students if they're acting up
*kuai liang
my bad
Katanas are fine as long as the people using it are Japanese.
Europeans/Americans with katanas just look ridiculous, at this point, though. Might as well be wearing a fedora too.
Seriously, is that shit about fire, ice and lighting real?
I mean, by slowing down, do particles enter and get stuck thus causing the temperature to go up? Please explain, it sounds interesting.
Katanas are shit tier designs made with shit tier steel since the improvement of swrod design stagnated as nothing developed from katanas after they reached that point compared to the constantly evolving European swords. There were also many evolving designs for European swords as well to suit the purpose.
depends on setting and context. non-japanese using katanas work great in sci-fi settings or if the character is a weeb obsessed with bushido
because the warfare in japan was very different than that of europes
in europe they had to constantly evolve to find new ways to fucking murder the frogs, in japan you just had to murder peasants and other samurai
Scientologically speaking, "energy" is the movement of particles.
Freezing something is robbing the particles of energy and slowing them down, usually reducing or suspending other chemical reactions. This is why refrigerators are so fucking great.
On the opposite end of things, speeding up the movement of particles, so they bump and grind on each other like a bunch of horny 20-somethings in a nightclub, creates heat.
Depending on how the time magic works, it would stand to reason that something would drop or raise in temperature if it was suddenly slowed down or sped up on a molecular level.
to expand upon that, katana wielders using full armor look fucking stupid, i hate it when i see a dark souls screenshot where the player wears full armor with katanas
reminder, the end-point of this evolution is still the estoc which was used in WW1.
Enchanter master race here. Sadly there are only a few games with decent enchanter classes.
EverQuest enchanter is the best class of any RPG ever.
That does not make them good swords though. And even then, katanas were more a symbol of status rather than a common weapon of war.
If you think about it, stopping time is really just really powerful ice magic applied to time. You are freezing time itself.
It just looks ridiculous. To me it just turns any character into a loser with an inferiority complex that doesn't even know shit about his own people.
And it worked for them, since the sword wasn't all that important in war anyway and they never developed plate armor. The katana is basically a messer, if you think about it. They didn't have much of a reason to change it.
If you completely ignore historical context and that different weapons are better in different situations.
It's not really evolution considering that every time period in Europe had both cutting and thrusting swords. The WW1 thrusting swords were nothing fucking new. Europe moved from the cut to the thrust and the thrust to the cut dozens of times. Generally both to one degree or another.
i'll never claim they were good swords, considering they're only good at fighting other unarmored katana users and shitty peasants
but they look cool, samurais look cool, and katana fighting techniques look cool. in a video game or a movie looking cool can be more important than historical accuracy. so long as you don't play it out like you're historically accurate when you aren't
Are we arguing about katanas being shitty swords compared to european ones?
Nobody fucking cares, this has been beaten to death. Katanas just look cool.
It's decent steel. It's nothing compared to proper crucible damascus steel or the shit the Europeans could make with bloomery, but it worked fairly well.
Besides, it was just a side-arm and status symbol, the yari and the yumi were the main weapons. And the yumi is the greatest fucking bow ever designed.
Other bows either:
a)Make the bow huge so it can handle the strain required for a warbow
b)make it reflex-deflex so it's already preloaded and thus snaps faster
c)laminate materials so you get a hard compression on one side and a nice stretchy on on the outside.
The Yumi, does all fucking three. It's huge, it's reflex-deflex(note how it bends the opposite way when unstrung) and it's made traditionally from laminating bamboo to maximize the effectiveness.
And you see that grip in the lower third? You know what that is for? It's so you can comfortably use it on horseback. The English had horse archer's but they couldn't fire straight backwards when galloping away, "mongol style" because the bow was too long.
But that's not the main reason for the low grip, actually. When English longbowmen have been studied, they have noticed damage in the left wrist, from constant training to draw a massive bow. This comes from the fact that using a longbow is awkward on the wrist. Look at how modern bows are constructed; the hand is "diagonal" and thus more naturally steady. This hand alignment is called the "karate hand" and it is important in striking with the fist, in wielding a sword and in kyudo it is vital in a stable position.
Also, since it's not in the middle of the bow, when the arrow is released, the vibration/kickback from the release is lighter on the left hand holding the bow, since you're not holding right in the middle of the bow where the majority of the forces are concentrate.
Also, the Japanese firing style involves something called the "tsunomi", or the snapping release where the bow is pushed forward so the string follows the arrow past the point where it would normally rest. This gives the arrow one final kick and lessens the archer's paradox on the flight path.
Even with similar draw weights, thus the yumi outperforms a longbow. Yumi are fucking awesome.
I'm onto you.
Of course they were good. They were used for centuries. The Japanese didn't constantly make new designs, but they were not dumb. They used it because it was good and worked well for the kind of combat that happened there.
Only niggers would use something bad that doesn't work for centuries, until someone comes and gives them something better.
They are just two handed sabers. Nothing particularly bad about them. Shorter kriegsmessers without the crossguard and the nail/ring.
yes, and thrust is always the most useful because range, speed, and concentration of force.
whether its the spear or the estocwhich is basically a one-handed spear with a slight edge is always going to be one of the best weapons on the battle field due to their ability to stroke with impunity from behind a shield in formation.
the estoc takes this further by being able to easily parry and slash in addition to it's usage as a spear.
we moved from thrust to cut when people had armor or not, this is why pirates got away with cutlasses cause no one could wear armor and swim so if one fucker did decide to go full plate he might as well call himself the captain cause he will be going down with the ship.
I'm going off the assumption that Absolute-0 is merely the lack of any and all energy, and by "stopping" an area by removing the passage of time causes Absolute-0 to occur.
See, temperature is caused by the movement of particles. If that motion stops, net-temperature is 0, right?
However, Newton's law says that Energy is conserved.
So by removing motion, you are in effect, removing the ability for an object to get rid of its energy through the process of kinetic motion.
It cannot move, but it has energy. As other objects impact it, their energy is imparted to it, but it cannot move.
So, when it can move, what will it do?
It will do it very quickly.
But by that principal, the opposite of stopping– speeding up or really, teleportation through just sorta kinda "skipping" time. will cause a net energy decrease.
However, speeding up an area also causes motion to occur at a much faster rate.
So the temperature for that area increases, right? By comparison, everything around that area is very slow, therefore very cold. By speeding that area up, you are draining all of the potential, kinetic, and thermal energy it has and distributing it to the surroundings. For that period of time it is sped up, it is very very hot.
But when it is re-introduced to the same speed as everything else with all of 0 net-temperature, it causes the opposite to happen.
All of that energy lost to the surroundings are forcefully pulled back in, causing shit to freeze around the area.
For lightning, that's just causing particles to grind together to produce static.
This is all just theoretical bullshitting though.
Right, forgot my line of thought in the middle there:
Because you hold it in the lower third, you hand is angled, thus you get the "karate hand" which is steady and strong.
Mongol bows were awesome, too, but couldn't handle rain at all.
well that's what i said, but more eloquently. plate armor didn't exist in their warfare nor was it as fucking insane as european warfare where you had several countries all competing for the best way to kill the french
but when it comes to games and entertainment medium katanas just look cool
also earlier in the thread it was mentioned how non-japs using katanas look silly, but i present to you metal gear rising where south african raiden and brazillian sam used katanas and it still looked cool
Yeah, a part of me thinks it sounds plausible, but another part of me thinks that it probably wouldn't work like that.
But then again. completely theoretical since we have no way to fuck with time effectively.
Current theories pose that gravity increases the flow of time, but that's of no real use. Like, Jupiter has twice Earth's gravity iirc, so there time flows a little faster. But it's so minuscule a difference that it takes 17 years for a single second of difference to occur.
I never really looked into the Japanese bow before. Interesting shit. I'd be interested to see an honest comparison between a Japanese archer and an English longbowman from their respective heydays.
Thinking of bows and shit, anyone have that comic of the English longbowman at that one battle against France? Can't remember it's name for the life of me.
in the end it will be the french to kill themselves.
far as i'm concerned they've already succeeded in that
Crecy. I have it somewhere in some stored format, but I don't quite feel up to finding the fucking thing.
All of that technical jargon aside, compound bows rape every other bow design in existence in the ass, raw. Compound bows are just that much better at storing energy and releasing it quickly. A hard cam bow simply stores so much more energy per pound of draw weight that anything else is just a toy in comparison.
The major issue with the yumi though was that, while strong for its weight, it lacked strength to puncture through heavier armor. Mongol bows did that better overall due to it being a thicker recurve bow. The yumi also had trouble dealing with water in a similar way due to its usage of animal glues and sinew.
Katanas were shit swrods for even there purpose. They were status symbols. Also estocs were meant to be a longer thrusting sword designed to puncture through chainmail and also to be a backup weapon for lance cavalry due to its length, flexibility, and eight allowing it to puncture even plate on horseback.
there's some hope, the growing popularity of front national at least shows a cognitive break from the liberal media.
it's still happening too slow in some countries, the Swedes may not recoverable without some vast test-tube baby farms.
let's see how many more terrorist attacks it takes for people to respect the fucking land they live on
Afaik it has better performance than the longbow, which did just fine against armor.
That's it! Thanks m8.
There were some silly mistakes there, though.
I mean, modern yumi used in Kyudo are in no way representative of warbows, just as modern hobby recurve bows aren't anything like European warbows.
In civilian settings, in a duel, that could be right. On the battlefield, both were done to the same extent, except in plate. Hell, even when plate was used, cuts were still damn useful to take down more lightly armored opponents. An archer is not going to be wearing gauntlets. Just cut off his hand.
Just look at the renaissance. Civilian swords were thrust oriented, swords used in war were cut-and-thrust, some even cut oriented.
When you thrust, the sword is basically disabled until it comes out of the opponent's body. That is a pretty big problem in war, when someone else can take that chance to attack you while you can't defend yourself. Cuts can be pretty damn quick too, and disabling. If you cut someone's hand or leg in half with a quick cut, the fight is over.
The Romans themselves focused a lot on the thrust, but would still cut wrists and legs all the damn time.
In general, it was better to have both, on the battlefield. The rapier is the only exception, but even that was used for light cutting.
If cutting was useless, Europeans would have always used thrusting weapons, and never have used the more cut-oriented arming swords, falchions, sabers, halberds, axes, schiavonas, sideswords, messers or whatever. Even the gladius was one hell of a cutter.
In general, having more options is better on the battlefield, unless nothing but thrusting worked, which was never the case. Even in armor, bashing someone in the head with the hammer end of a poleaxe works as well as stabbing them. The estoc is decent against armor, but it was still just a sidearm, and it still coexisted with normal longswords, because again, not everyone is going to be fully armored, so cutting is still useful.
If you look at fencing manuals in general, cuts are very useful for defense. If a cut is blocked, you can easily react with a thrust. They just work really well together.
God, I feel autistic for knowing so much about martial arts. What have I done with my life?
Still bothers me a little bit. But it is a Japanese game, so it's easily forgivable and I don't care.
Nah, brah. It's cool shit to know.
martial arts are fucking cool don't feel bad
don't be depressed you know much of what is necessary for everyone to have some understanding of to defend themselves.
i'm not saying the estoc doesn't have some room for evolution, thickening the base of the blade and increasing the angling on the blade slightly to this thicker part, adding more weight to the pommel would help with both the artsy parrying and keep the balance in the hand for rapid slashing.
beyond that i could see loading the blade with an electrical charge to shock someone to breaking their stance and allow you to overwhelm them easier.
Might as well post the most autistic sword taunt ever:
“I am the sword and I am lethal against any weapon; lances, axes and dagger are worthless against me. I can become extended or withdrawn; when I get near the opponent I can enter into close play, perform disarms and abrazare. My art is to turn and to bind; I am expert in defense and offense, and always strive to finish in those. Come against me and feel the pain. I am Royal, enforce justice, propagate goodness and destroy evil. Look at me as a cross, and I will give you fame and a name in the art of arms.” –Il Fior di Battaglia, folio 25r, Fiore dei Liberi, 1410
I have a legit affection for the stereotypical ethnic Shamananic type, whether Native American, or African flavor. And whenever I can, I love playing an old dude, who has plenty of room for character and character development, but isn't the default white bread protagonist. I also love playing some type of frontline healer, whether some sort of modern soldier with a medkit, or a hammer swinging priest, healing a raid can be fun. I also like general stealth classes, snipers, assassins, scouts, you name it.
Mages followed by martial artist types but I'll play a lot of different stuff.
Even Diablo II toned it way down in later patches, although they made them stronger to balance it out.
What, can't you have multiple separate summon skeleton spells and then cast each one? I'll have to note to try it next time that's for sure, summoning a skeleton army sounds hella fun.
Similarly in Oblivion+OOO it was fun to make a horde of different golems and watch them bash the shit out of my enemies. For whatever reason you could summon each of the different types at once.
You're supposed to use Clay Golem and Decrepify on bosses to slow them down. Later you want to help taking them down with Crushing Blow.
the greatest masters are those who combine complementary techniques into a fighting style.
my strongest melee characters typically use some combination of a high speed weapon with ample range and magic for hammering force.
i wish there was a game where you could play a deathknight and actually put your undead minions in military formation.
Martial arts should be an European tradition. It's a shame that they aren't, and haven't even been preserved.
This is one thing that Japan definitely did better. Pretty much all of their martial arts have survived, and I would say that it's something that celebrates and preserves the spirit of their ancestors, and their history. It's a shame that no one else did the same.
Bring back the Colosseum. And jousting could be fun too. Make that shit happen now.
Just get rid of sport fencing and boxing and bring back actual fencing and pugilism. Martial arts are way more interesting than sports.
Most weapons were pretty much perfect for what they were designed for. Especially in Europe. Europe basically perfected killing and and everything even remotely related to killing. In Europe, martial arts were a science.
Weapons only evolve in the sense that they are adapted to different situations. The longsword against plate becomes the estoc, and as plate becomes less dominant, the estoc becomes a normal longsword again, and then the great sword. It's not linear at all. Evolution doesn't go from bad to good, it's simply about adapting to the environment, and it's no different when it comes to weapons.
mentalists/mind flayers/pskers or liches/necromancer
if neither of those bard/buffer/banner, maybe summoner
games with good psykers outside of "mind blast" powers when? I remember mind control in WoW being boss as hell. Telepathy>Telekinses.
why are no games having good lich powers besides tactics ogre
I really need to play more PnP. Psychic lich when. Someone recommend me vidya that allows me to do mind shit with others.
it should be a tradition in every god damn country, no one learns how to defend themselves and gets force fed the idea that caring about your well being is a bad idea
fucking go full samurai, give ever man woman and child in america and europe a fucking sword, watch crime rates fucking drop when no one wants to fuck with each other anymore
i'm drunk, and full of hot air, sorry
weapons evolve as they're able to perform more functions, cut through more things, or disrupt an opponent's stance more effectively.
you said it yourself that this is adaptation, not evolution.
evolution is about becoming more overall with the eventual outcome being the replacement of the rest and a changing in paradigm.
I sometimes do both in Morrowind or Oblivion because of fortify skill and the like. Also once I played a sadist mage that disabled enemies with magic (absorb fatigue, paralyze, damage attribute, levitate, etc) and then beat them to death with fists or with a weapon that healed the target on striking.
I remember reading about a town in America this is what actually convinced me that my long-term goal is to emigrate there where they tested something out and had mandatory open carry. If you were out in public you were required by law to be openly wearing a firearm. Crime rates dropped like 95%.
source: i don't know I read it somewhere maybe it was a fake post but who would lie to me on the internet
it's not rocket science, you don't need an extensive study to know that if everyone is dangerous, people are less likely to start shit
That is fucking hilarious.
We should just make police officers wear armor, clothes and swords from the crusades. The goatfuckers would practically deport themselves.
until criminals start packing even bigger guns
a gun is a gun, in a dispute like home defense or a mugging having a bigger gun won't change anything
you could point a .22 at some one they still don't want to get shot by it
A bullet is a bullet by any other name, the first to draw is the one who wins.
Really though if everyone just wore a sign around their neck that said "I am perfectly capable of killing you", petty crime would not be a thing.
Organized crime however
organized crime isn't trying to steal joe everguys wallet or car though
Carrying a bigger gun doesn't suddenly make you immune to bullets that come out of smaller guns.
But really, they would just look stupid and would probably stop. A civilian that walks around with a gigantic gun that is awkward to carry and draws people's attention wouldn't be a criminal, but an autistic retard. In fact, someone like that would probably wear a fedora and carry a katana at the same time.
yeah, it usually after his house and his country.
You've never spent any time around actual organized crime, have you
I grew up in a small town where the Hell's Angels controlled the entire drug industry. If you wanted to start selling pot and didn't want to get the shit kicked out of you or have your car set on fire you talked to the Angels and worked something out. They kept the town free of every drug except for weed, cocaine and one and only one brand of ecstasy and drug crime/deaths were at an all-time low. Some Russians moved into town and started moving heroin, refused to deal with the Angels, and one of their cars got torched. They kept moving their heroin, a couple of teenagers died from ODing on it, and the Angels burned down the house the Russians were staying in and killed two of them.
tl;dr as long as you don't fuck with their business gangsters - like, real gangsters, the kind who make a living in crime - are totally fine and are actually pretty cool dudes to have in your back pocket if you're ever in trouble and need to lay low or need to make a quick buck working on their cars or whatever i made four grand one weekend fixing an Angel's radiator on his Camaro, took like an hour and a half. They'll only fuck you up if you get in their way
sage for blogpost, offtopic and possible doublepost
Let me tell you about Ermor.
Organized crime is only a threat when niggers are involved. But only if you can call their organized crime organized, which would be pretty generous, of course.
Bringing back the mafia would probably be good for everyone at thing point, considering how bad the fucking government is. Even most criminals have more honor than politicians.
i was referring to the central banks you mong.
if you think bikers are anything to the group who've caused both world wars and the spread of communism you seriously need help.
what else would you call what they've done then the ultimate example of organized crime?
i mean these people had Lincoln, Patton, both Kennedys, Michael Jackson, and Stanley Kubrick killed for opposing them.
Hybrid classes like Monk, Druid, Paladin, BattleMage, etc.
Technomancers are ok too I guess but I've never seen a game do them well yet.
I'd call you an edgy faggot but looking at the current election cycle with all the stonewalling and blatant corruption hillary can get away with and the shit politicians are pulling and happening in other countries as we speak, I can't disagree.
My man!
Heavy weapons, bigger the better.
Paladins are nerds
You're just an envious heretic.
Warrior because it's always the first class to be worked on, therefore it's got the most attention.
Depends on the game and the mechanics in play.
Pure flavour-wise i kinda like Monks of the "Unarmed Combat" kind, Shapeshifting (Which usually means Druids) and Summon Magic/Necromancy (Having other shit fight for you).
But i had fun as Artificer/Crafter and Dickass Thief, Pally and all that too, hell when i played FFXIV i ended up enjoying the edgelord Dark Knight class the most, doubly so due the "Reveal" that it originated from Moogles, and Plunge made pulls and jumping in to help FATEs satisfying as hell, making it actually feel like you jump in to protect people, and pretty fun resource balancing.
It is all about what the game actually lets you do as the classes, Thief is no fun unless you actually get to steal shit, Mage isn't fun unless you have to think about proper spell usage and risk of backfiring if you are sloppy, Paladin isn't fun if the game doesn't allow for Paladin behaviour, or has retarded Alignment rules that makes you "evil" for retarded reasons, Archer isn't fun if you only have one type of arrows and it is infinite, Beastmaster isn't fun if you are only allowed one type of Animal for a pet and you don't actually have to take care of it.
In "Modern"/CyPunk Settings i usually go for Sniper Glass Cannon though, in the latter usually with some Hacker/Decker thrown in if there is room (There usually is).
Sorry I'm late to this thread I had to wait for the 2nd expansion before I could pick my class.
I fucking hate monks. What's the appeal of hand to hand combat against people with weapons? It breaks immersion and it's fuckin dumb.
Booze Magician
Thing is that "Monks" usually translate into a ton of Martial Arts, not just CHING CHONG KUNG FOO! like Wrestling and Fist of the North Star.
Meaning it can makes for fun character Concepts, like a misplaced Lucha, or a scrawny little girl killing things in one hit because "pressure points".
Gameplay-wise they usually break "WE TOOK YOUR WEAPONS, LOL" Dungeons if any of those are in and you don't usually need to give a shit about buying weapons for obvious reasons.
Yeah it is unrealistic as fuck that a fist can block/counter a sword, but so is fucking Magic.
The appeal in itself is that it is "YOUR" power, not that of your equipment, and you cannot be separated from it. unless some old master comes along and breaks your arms/legs to "seal" it..
Why wield a legendary weapon when your own body can BE the legendary weapon?
Wow, paladins really are nerds.
I do my best with rogues.
Anything that allows me to be stealthy, gain information, and use such information to my advantage. Sad to see that modern games don't have a "rogue" ish stereotype. They're usually called recon classes and they're so goddamn gimped for some reason and only really use sniper rifles of all things.
i did basically the same thing except the sword drained health and my shield reflected damage.
what are you stupid?
or you can just put on some plate gauntlets, add stubby spikes on the knuckles for maximum brutality.
However, if you were to stop the flow of time, it would still be moving at its own relative speed. It wouldn't be hotter or colder because matter inside the bubble of time that was stopped would be moving at its own rate. If you were to slow down the bubble of space and speed up the adjacent area you should be able to create some sort of discharge but you could not because they are acting in their own time frame which is still the normal time frame just being played at a different rate. It's like speeding up or slowing down the video tape in the VCR; the movie itself still exists and moves in its own time frame and it only plays in one setting, but you can speed it up slow it down and reverse it, and it still moves at its own rate when everything is played again. It would be technically impossible for one time space to affect another because all of the matter in the bubble would only be able to affect what is inside the bubble and because everything inside the bubble was moving at the normal rate just sped up it would not create any sudden change to the relative time. I can understand where the idea would come from that because the matter in the bubbles of time are moving out of very suddenly different rate they would create some kind of chemical reaction, but because they aren't technically moving at a different rate, but are moving at a different time there would be no chemical reactions. What you could do with time magic is free someone's hand in a bubble of time so they couldn't be able to move, or undo an action, or just freeze or erase time.
death knight, ala everquest
First, I roll anything that is efficient at killing things, do not confuse with the most effective.
Thus most classes that rely on some kind of fuel are out of the question. I can't be bothered with stocking up on consumables and ammo/arrows/bolts every fucking time. As long as the class has minimum unnecessary effort I'd roll with it.
Although, if its impossible to make something overall better than decent I'd make sacrifices to make myself more effective.
And when its efficient enough I try to make it the most effective. So I trade amount of possible hits for strength of said hits, because chipping away the health is tedious and if I can squeeze in a weak strike, then I can do the heavy one too, just have to be more skillful at that.
So basically any Heavy hitting somewhat technical non-magic/support class
fake and gay
Greatsword isn't effective enough, starting from the 3rd gen some monsters are pretty much immune or at least resistant to it. I still take it for monsters that are pleasure to hunt with it, but there is not really much of them, aoe/status spamming, frenzied and apex monsters don't help either.
In mh3u my go to weapons are ls and gl, in gen I'll probably main gl and hh.
Classes who use projectile weapons.
Preferably crossbows >> firearms >> short bows (assuming the game makes a distinction between different kinds of bow like Baldur's Gate) > javelins > long bows > slings
So archers, hunters, rangers, etc. An animal buddy is just a nice bonus.
I miss Gunlance so very much, but when I was really into MHFU my buddies were longsword and greatsword so I felt gimped as all hell, being slow and dealing way less damage
If they bumped up the damage output a little I'd go back to it because holy shit it felt cool but it ended up being an insane slog to kill monsters that my buds could just dance around and chop up in seconds
land battleship
False. The holy trinity is Conjurer, Evoker, and Illusionist.
We were talking about slowing and hastening time. So unless there is some kind of "surface tension" that prevents matter and energy from entering or leaving the bubble, this shouldn't apply.
But all the matter in those pocket times would be moving at their own relatively sped or slowed time, so it wouldn't be a dynamic change because rubbing up on that space would cause the change. Theoretically, the outside of the bubble could discharge, because the matter on the outside could come into contact possibly and it would mess with the relativity, but the space probably wouldn't be exactly x space and would be more general.
What fucking autism is this?
baddass warrior or monk
really fucking powerful wizards
wizard thief focused on chronomancy and ranged combat
Yes, but relatively, there would be more exiting or entering from the outside depending on the flow.
If it's a speed up bubble, then the particles inside that move freely will on their own will eventually find their way outside the bubble. Whereas on the outside, the rate of particles entering would be smaller since the time period in which it can move is smaller.
So the ratio of entering/leaving would be skewed.
Paladin. Is there any other class?
Holy Knight. I like smiting things and yelling, "Repent for your sins"
Any class that lets me rip and tear.
Personally a fan of brawlers, barbarians, and archers. It's fun to smash people, and archers are okay as long as they aren't stealthy.
Dual wielding shields are my guilty pleasure, though. Shame there's so few games that have that option.
there are few things that I enjoy more than punching people with magic, so I usually go for the physical adept/monk roll if it doesn't suck.
one of those things is dual wielding shields and almost nothing lets me go around shield bashing people with two shields at once
multi-class elf fighter mage dnd 2nd ed.