The EOM timetable has been moved ahead to this month. That means you have a month to prepare...

The EOM timetable has been moved ahead to this month. That means you have a month to prepare. This is how they've twisted Trump's arm. He has no choice now.

What does this mean?

And what is an EOM?

Look closely.

End of Mission

I get a happening for my birthday?

David Wilcox is a fraud. There are no AyyLMAOs.


There is no way to prepare. There is nothing that can be done to prepare. Everything is shit and you know it.

Let the world burn. I hate it.

What mission, what is the objective?

Just because it has something to do with NASA doesn't mean it's to do with the Ayys.

NASA announced the timetable shift earlier today, out of the blue. Coincidentally, around the same time shit started to hit the fan in the oval office.

Are you the weird user who kept posting "all night long" over and over again last year?

No. I've left all of the clues you need in the OP. Search out the four corners of the world. Just as I now need to depart, as I'm catching a flight to Patagonia. Good luck.

So what mission is it then? And how does it change the way everything will always suck?

Yes. That is one of my phrases. And I was right. And you know it.

Ashes and Echoes

Liar Liar

Set yourself on Fire.

What we know:
Russia and Assad warned 24 hours before the strike.
No, or very low, number of personnel at base.
No casualties so far.
Missiles seem to have hit one spot repeatedly.

I'm already on a tropical island.

I remember you. I'm the weird user that told you I would always love you and never forget you.

I remember you. I love you.

Have a nice evening, user : )

And everything is still shit. You still know it. This world is still a punishment. You still know it.

You're a fucking liar.

Love is a lie. There has never been love in this world and you fucking know it. There is no nice evening. There is no good night. There is no good luck. There is nothing in this world except Eternal Misery.

This is a place of punishment.

just serve your time with a smile

Well I'm a Bodhisattva so I'm stuck here for eternity, happily. Love u bb.


It's going to dive into Saturn.

You. Can't. There is nothing to smile about. There is no way to smile. There is only Eternal Misery.

Liar Liar.

Set yourself on Fire

You cannot be one. If you claim it, you're not it. End of story. Buddha himself said that.

Okay, and what is the significance of wasting a space probe for no fucking reason?

Guys… zoom in on the four corners of the OP image…


OK I'm not it, you are the Bodhisattva which is the living manifestation of all Buddhas, and love is suffering, and I still love you.

Lol that's fucking retarded, whats next, the Jews have a death star?

Good catch. Doubles checkkked.

Whatever Jewgene. I'm right and you know it.

You stop with your bullshittery now. That's a lie. You know it. If I had as much as one mote of power, I'd destroy the entire universe so that nothing could ever exist.


All minds are a manifestation of Buddha-nature, silly buns. Love you more every time you tell me not to, bb :^)



Buddha nature is something spewed in Mahayana that has no verification! And all minds are filth! They are not manifestations of anything but filth!

It must all burn.

And if you want to continue this conversation, do so in the email above.

Gotta leave for work.

There is nothing to converse about. I accept that you don't want love and I love you for it.

I have a Dharma class to attend, talk to you soon.

it's not for no reason, the probe is out of fuel and sending it into Saturn's atmosphere will give NASA valuable data about the planet

So… why move the cassini EOM timetable up a month? It makes no sense. Does this have something to do with sending men to mars?

It's a bit out there, but could Trump be trying to rush sending men to mars? What could make him feel the pressure, if it is there at all?

They moved it more than a month. Original schedule was for September 23rd.

Now THAT is interesting. I did not know that.

go rp on >>>/x/

What is this larping nonsense?

What is it about that date. Everyone's saying big shit goes down on that date… check youtube if you think I'm bullshiting.


I'm not into prophecy but the star alignment coinciding is 2 spooky 5 me.


Fuck this y2k nonsense, I'm trying to get my happening on.

Just take the redpill already you faggots. The truth is actually more interesting than your larping believe it or not.

A camera and a weather balloon are enough to see that it's a sphere…


First off, who fucking cares. Secondly, yeah, I've been in enough airplanes to see the curvature. Try peddling your bullshit on /x/.

Too low. To see it clearly you would probably need to be 2x if not more further than ISS.

we have a wider view than a mere 16:9, so with sharp eyes and a wide view, its slightly noticeable.

You won't convince flatards with that. Like I said to see it clearly you would need to be higher than ISS.


Shia le wankstain threads on page 1, this on page 5. Holla Forums used to enjoy a good conspiracy, especially when it was a tasty one like this.
The Trump thing will unfold, there is very little you or (((they))) can do.
Is this a new type of hypno-marketing? Get prepped buy supplies for gods sake goys spend some money, everything's grinding to a halt? WW3, second coming, cern, idolotry, demons, ayys? Clearly they were doing this with those "scary clown attacks" and know (((Stephen Kings It))) is (((re-imagined))).
Feels that fake tbh. Reality t.v. guy as prez, the media collapsing and coming to terms with how to use the net to make shekels now?