There are already 3 threads over this kerfuffle and only one started out okay: >>9643658

The clearest story we have right now is from RT: []

>NBC News reported that there was no word on casualties and that no people were allegedly targeted.
>Russian forces were reportedly warned ahead of time.

Trump's speech did suck but he clearly said that he launched the attack on the airfield where the (((nerve gas attack))) originated. This could easily mean that he shot at the false-flaggers instead. So to break it down;
And if we're lucky we actually hit some (((casualties))) that carry out false flags
At best, all he did was flex military muscle. And if by tomorrow there were still no casualties then wowitsnothing.jpg

Have a nice night.

Other urls found in this thread:

shill isn't getting this first post

how (((coincidental))) that this thread is being bogged down by the multiple copies of threads

some weak ass shilling going on right now

Was wondering when I would see a thread like this.

Good on ya m8 for not being a retard.

kill yourself goon

this kike is showing his true colors

everyone's cucking out

This strike is just a show of force, I wouldn't expect any further intervention in regards to Syria. You can bet there won't be any more (((chemical attacks))) though, the kikes and ISIS won't risk another false-flag so soon after this one. All in all, the Syrian war hasn't changed. Assad is still going to steamroll the last of the rebels, and Trump will be content to let them do it.

more concern trolling, this is their big move. so nice to see the fake Trump supporters falling out.

I hope you're right, I'm not informed, and if you're right i hope more people know and understand this and the shills don't win if you're right.


Yeah, this is what convinced me this was a good move by Trump.

You're right op but you want to know what bothered me more than all this bullshit that tipped me off pretty quick? All these faggots lamenting over it being ww3 after begging for it, preparing for it and wishing it to come for all these years before Trump came along and now act like a bunch of sissy faggots when it's feigned. Either this place is full of weak guy slits or shills. Whatever it is, you gotta go back.

Didn't israel bomb this airbase last year? this same one?

So is it a base where Assad just records videos of Explosions and everyone in Syria is laughing at us?

I'm sure those who post muh ww3 frequent Holla Forums.

Was wondering when I would see a thread like this.

Good on ya m8 for not being a retard.>>9646090

Because now we actually have something to lose


There was always something to lose you hopeless little faggot.

That fucking thread was awesome. Here's an archive if anyone is interested.


I love how shariablue immediately jumped the gun and flooded the board with blatant concern shilling and cheap blackpill before anything was confirmed.
Why does anyone still hire these retards when they have achieved absolutely nothing?

Doesn't matter.

Trump just showed his hand as a fucking zionist shill that is working to aid those kikes into creating greater Israel. That speech on top of it had shades of george w bush as well.

No concern shills. Just actual oldfags who didn't come from fucking /r/donald and know how this works.

Soon the no fly zone will be enacted and then you'll see Assad dragged out and sodomized by a pack of fucking mercenaries that the kikes hired with our tax dollars.

Fuck you.

Yeah fake trump supporters like sam hyde right? Face it, this was an awful move by trump and basically ensured he's not getting reelected.

Lets watch where these battles are held, there's still a chance that these were isis towns.

Get off your asses mods, the shills must go.

We actually had hope. Shit was actually looking up.

Also I wasn't one of the concern shills crying about WW3.

Fuck you kike. Now there is no doubt that zionists have Trump's ear.

And that's why we will always lose. There is nothing that can be done. No victory can ever happen. The universe won't allow it. There is nothing but Eternal Misery and the place of punishment.

Why did you have hope? That's just lying to yourself.

There never was any hope.

All these gutless faggots. Stay the fuck away from me when shit finally goes down, I'll put you down my fucking self.

here they go again. hilarious.


it was an empty air base where the chemical attack was hatched or some shit

See what I mean? Absolutely fucking retarded

Bring you fucking brainless zealot. You wouldn't make it up my driveway.


get a load of this retarded faggot

I live in Gadsden AL. Come get you some. I fucking dare you.

How am I gutless for knowing the truth and refusing to lie to myself? How?

You cannot win. There is no victory. Only Eternal Misery.

Bullshit. That's my phrase, and I'm not CIA. I've been here for a while, you newfag.

Ashes and Echoes

So you think the chlorine gas attack is legit?

You're a kike.

oh nooo, not RAMZ. kek

You believe in the chlorine attack being legit bud. You're not even a fucking Holla Forumsack.

why the fuck are all of these cucks suddenly listening to fake news?

This is a reminder that I was right and nothing good can ever happen.

This is a reminder that there are no saviors, and you cannot save yourself either! There is nothing else but Eternal Misery.

This is a place of punishment.

Because they're in on it. They're all in on it and they all deserve to burn.

lmao you are so fucking stupid

okay quick reflection, lets say the chem attack was a false-flag.
I know its false, you know its false, Trump knows its false.
But Trump can't pretend its false, for whatever reasons, so he roll with it.
He warns major actor like Russia he gonna bomb these (((chem plants)))
I know its fake plants, you know its fake plants, and Putin knows its fake plants.
But now the false-flagger are in the situation where they can't reveal it was a hoax all along.

The real question is Assad gonna play ball? flex muscle in public, condemn this move, bla bla bla, but not escalate.

Your a kike if you believe white helmets.

I never said that, kike

At least try to blend in, goon.

You hope too much.

The reason why we bombed them was because of the supposed chlorine attack.

So do you support trump for issuing the bombing for such a precursor?

you're clearly a shitskin that doesn't understand basic english

Then you don't support the bombing then. Unless you think that using a false flag attack is a valid way to depose a leader of a nation in order to aid in the creation of greater israel.

Ashes and Echoes
Asses and Elbows
Anuses and Legos
Aspergers and Wet Clothes
Animals in Sex Shows
Aunt Flo's got some huge toes

Bombed who? What targets are confirmed? Casualties? Damages?
Kill yourself you dishonest kike, your jewish tricks have no power here

Hey, morons, this guy has a point.
Use your brains for a second. False flag gas attack, bombing at an airbase that was bombed last year by fucking isreal.

This is chess, gentlemen.

Shareblue is now protrump.

at least try to understand sarcasm you stupid fuck.


If if comes to war it would be a pleasure to string you up by your innards you snake.


In the context (((mainstream media))) give that Paul guy is not wrong though.

But since Trump's "organized strike against Assad" gave zero SAA casualties while Obongo's "accidental" strike on SAA that was supposed to be targeting ISIS instead killed tens of Syrian soldiers I think the game is still on.

this guy's heart is in the right place, but he doesn't understand the deception at play here. Trump has our back, no doubt, but this whole thing is being blown out of proportion. Trump did this to release some pressure and give the shills a chance to blow their load on literally nothing.

Hahaha you literally argue like a specially stupid jew. Show some proper sources or kill yourself you sad shit

I think we have a meme for that in the back room somewhere… I think it goes a little like: "Everybody wants to be a gangster until it's time to do gangster shit."

Whatever. I'm right and you know it. Everything is shit and you know it. Nothing can ever be good and you know it. The world will burn in Nuclear Fire and you know it. There is no hope and you know it. Women are all ruined and you know it. This world is a place of punishment and you know it. The gods have always hated us and you know it. The only reason to create us is to torture us and you know it.

We suddenly have an influx of shillposters so be on guard and stick to facts and don't be baited into their emotional appeals

even we fell for the multi-universal cross dimensional 36^12d chess thats in place right now

Refrain from pretending being retarded.

This is a complete nonsequitur. The fact that there were casualties changes nothing. Trump still decided to declare war on Assad (and by proxy, help the islamic jihadis and help continue the flow of migrants into europe). Trump still is doing a total reversal on his primary campaign platform of America First.
…all because some poor widdle syrian toddlers got gassed. OH THE HUMANITY WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!?!

You sound like a destructive self-loathing leftist

You retarded Americans. How did you not see this happening? What the fuck did you think?
Wow thanks for world war 3 you fucking kike lovers.

I swear Holla Forums is a liberal shill to ruin National Socialism.
What kind of Naźi would endorse someone whos daughter is married to a KIKE!

You're such a fucking kike that you feign to not understand what infrastructure means.

Trump bombed a syrian airstrip with a false flag as a precursor. And you support that.

You are shareblue. You are not Holla Forums.

Pretty sure user was mocking goons user. This is good to hear that Russians and Syrians were given a heads up. Speech fucking blew though, cliché and no heart to it but that should be expected considering what's going on.




Go back to endchan and be a blackpill faggot there :^)

This shill here already made a slide thread with this copypasta'd word for word.

We'll see how this plays out.

If it was just for show I won't be taking the black pill but attacking without a proper investigation because of muh dead childrens?, fuck that.

Kill yourself you kikel.


Begone shareblue. Your jewish tricks won't work here no matter how much you shill.

If that missile strike was a war declaration then Obongo had declared a Crusade against Pakistan.

hope is eternal. but the only options I see were these

the only problem with this wishful thinking is that mean Assad need to either pretend he was indeed using chems, weakening his position and inviting more reprisal, or say "bad bad trump, you big meanie, I DINDU NUFFIN!" and we are back to the status quo, or he tries to escalate this somehow.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who isn't losing their shit over this. I won't give up on Trump until I see where this actually leads us.

English isn't your first language is it?

Salty plebbitfag detected

He destroyed the airfield they were using to attack ISIS you idiot. The point of air strikes isn't to rack up bodycount, it's to destroy infrastructure. Mission accomplished.

He bombed the location of the false flag, so Mossad and some Arabniggers just got roasted. No Syrian military or Russians were harmed.


What we know:
Russia and Assad warned 24 hours before the strike.
No, or very low, number of personnel at base.
No casualties so far.
Missiles seem to have hit one spot repeatedly.

hey genius, the attack occurred on where the false flag was planned

hahahaha this retard has to be the dumbest one yet

How is the fact his daughter is married to a kike enough for you? You call everyone jew shills and support trump?

Wtf do you think she is married to a kike for idiot.

Trump is doing the bidding of zionists now.

Any fucking proof to him roasting mossad? Because all he seems to have hit was an airbase which could easily prompt to having a no fly zone as the next move.

Thankfully it isn't.

You should've voted for Hillary if this is what you wanted. Trump just fell for a neocon trick and you fucking know it. This is nothing new. We all knew Trump wasn't the perfect candidate. Here, we see the backlash of backing him with blind trust. Anyway, call me a kike shill and have fun agreeing with Hillary, Kristol, McCain and all the neocons. By the way, ISIS just launched an attack on Syrian Forces not far from the airbase Trump just bombed. Have a good night, faggots.

Acme Art Deco
Assplay and Stucco
Acne Fart Stilletto
Ashtrays at PetCo
Amy's got some Neccos
Atomic Peter Grecco


Remember to filter and ignore shills, this thread is decent and the main shill thread died. They're going to try and wreck this one too

any proof of the opposite you retarded fucking hypocrite?

You think Haaretz is going to come out with an article saying Israel's Mossad spies and agent provocateurs just got bombed, retard? The location of the bombs hit the area along with other undisclosed locations.


Dude you claimed that he fucking roasted mossad. The burden of proof is on you cucklefuck

Destructive, yes. Self-loathing, yes. Leftist, not so much.

But I'm right, you know it. Everything is shit. You know it. Nothing can ever be good. You know it. The world is doomed. You know it.

This is a place of punishment. The blackpill is the only truth.

Still right. Still know it. Watch what happens.

Doesn't matter. It's still enough to ruin everything.

And I'm still right. And you still know it. Everything is still shit. And you still know it. There is still no hope left. You still know it. Women are still ruined. You still know it. Life is always shit, you still know it.

You can meme all you want, it won't change a thing. The universe is set, events are already arranged. All that's left is the screaming.

There are no decent threads. Everything is shit and you know it.

Ummm how about his daughter is married to a fucking kike? Wtf pol your so dumb you love someone who allows his daughter to marry a kike and endorses jews?


i knew i wasnt the only one recognizing the massive shilling going on. shit had to have been coordinated

So what you're saying is you don't have any shred of proof.

Bullshit, he cucked out hard over the "White Genocide" tweets from that kike professor Maher. He is a slimy opportunist in it for shekels and knows nothing but cheerleading for its own sake.

it's Holla Forums
I guarantee it

Oh look…another e-celeb fair weather friend.

I didnt claim that you braindead sack of matzo crumbs

Q.1 Did he bomb the Syrian military and Russians or did he bomb the location of the false flag?
Q. 2 Who do you think was located at the false flag site?

Use some logic, you have zero proof either, so try to use some critical analysis instead of being a sensationalist concernfag.

Holy shit you really are him aren't you? I thought you anhero'd with

Oh yes it does matter you fucking kike.

Have fun with the no fly zone that's coming you fucking heeb.

Why haven't you killed yourself yet?


How is no one dying make it any better? This is something Trump talked about in the past and because a bullshit CW attack that is probably a false flag and if not, was lead by Nusra/ISIS, he's now on par with neocon policy? This is something Hillary campaigned for and Obama did on numerous occasions. Do you see the double standards?

Absolutely. At least a few paid ones too, they're coordinated perfectly with the msm narrative as it happens. It's hsockingly blatant.

Filter and report, he wins no matter what you say as long as you respond.

control the narrative

Loyalty to Trump doesn't matter as much as the opportunity to redpill people.


All those that still have faith in trump will be truly cucked once the no fly zone is enacted.

Eat a fucking dick shareblue.

omg u guys he blew up some asphalt he's betrayed us all, assad is dead and we've already declared war in syria. It's over everyone it's time to never vote again in another election, specially the one in 2020! Shit if we wanted to bomb an runway in syria we could have just had hillary do it!

Trust me I read in CNN and NBC Trump is finished. Poll shows 99.99999% of his supporters no longer like him. I also heard this was an attack on Assad and it's all over now sorry /Pol Drumpf has failed us all it's time to go back to being a democrat since it's 2017 come on guys sheesh, ugh I'm literally shaking with anger right now I literally can't even drumpf did this ugh

drumpf is now literally owned by the Jews now, amirite fellow /polLacks?!

Oh fuck is it
Caps pls, I filtered him already.

CTR is still around? or did CFR cut the middle man? fuck off kike

wtf I love (((MSM))) now

kek, basically the best satirical summarization of events ive seen so far

Asterisks and Elections
Aspartame and Erosion
Absolutely No Exceptions
Albanians and Executions
Aussie Meat Expositions
Anchovies and Excavations
Aristotle's Huge Erections

Isn't destroying Syrian air bases is a way making a no fly zone?
Is no fly zone a good thing now?

The shilling is getting really transparent now… :^)

The shills have been activated across the internet to sensationalize and blow up everything out of proportion. Guess that fag is one of their vectors.

Holla Forums, how can we miss you if you don't actually leave?

As far as I know they bombed a single spot on an airfield. Either the specific spot that was bombed had no one on it or the airfield contained no Syrian or Russian forces as Syrian officials have reported no casualties for themselves or the Russians. Other anons are saying it is the location from which the false flag was carried out but I don't know.

Bless you warrior of kek

you laugh it up but this is honestly what a lot of fucking retards believe

Top memed friendo

I wasn't joking about the caps, he's got the most top tier autism around. Like a truffle of retardation among a field of literal shit.

Ask gadaffi how awesome a no fly zone was

have faith, user
the ones that act this way, they were never a part of Holla Forums

Where would I ever have the money for degenerate shit like that? I'd never do anything like that, you know it.

The Eternal Misery has not yet ended.

Whatever. I'm right and you know it.

Because I'm a coward and Fate won't let me. More suffering must be had first.

That's because you refuse to admit that I'm right and everything has always been shit.

No. I'm just here forever.

And I'm still right. You still know it. Everything is still shit, you still know it. Nothing can ever be good, you still know it. Women are still ruined, you still know it. And now the next ZOG war is starting and you still know it.

How about kill yourself you fucking kike, only way I'm taking up arms and joining the US army is if it's against jewish interests and serves an actual purpose

Shit here's a pic of the air base. Who wants to bet he aimed for the dirt in the center, or just one of the runways.

Caps of what? I'm right and you know it. Everything is shit and you know it.

If everything is so shit to you, why haven't you killed yourself yet?



I kek'd

This "non-interventionism" sounds a lot like Bush 3.0.

You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become Jeb Bush.

It was the runway, purpose of the strike was to disable the airfield.


Why would someone who false flagged a gas attack want to later come out and admit it was fake?

When has that happened in the history of planet earth?

I feel kinda stupid to admit that the so called anti-Trump shills were right all along.
I feel personally stabbed in the back considering that I always though Trump was a anti-estabilishment.
How naive I was…
if you still support Trump and want to call me a shill for saying that, go ahead, I sincerely don't even care anymore, fuck all.

Did you walk out of a Lovecraft story? STFU, if you really believed that, you would have an hero'd yourself years ago.

Okay so it's either nothing or bombs actually took out ISIS agents. Nothing to kvetch about that warrants the mass amount of emotionally fueled concern shills.

Finish yourself off already, you said it yourself numerous times that there is no reason to live so why don't you make good on your own philosophy, you pretentious, attention-seeking faggot.


Again, this whole fiasco is just a geopolitical version of Trump's sarcastic "You're admonished!" that he did during his campaign. There's no evidence that the missiles did any significant damage to the airfield, nor hurt anyone. This was the realpolitik version of a spitball shot at a chalkboard.

go back to reddit

At this point I'm just making fun of you and you know it. You have no control over how happy others are and you hate it. You are thoroughly impotent and you know it. All you can do is sperg on the internet while others enjoy their lives and you know it. I feel nothing for you but mild contempt and bemusement and you know it.

Reports on the ground state a single spot was struck by 20 tomahawks (the rest were spoofed by ECM).

still filtered.

I can filter faster than you can proxy.

Because I'm a coward and because Fate won't allow it. I've answered this many times. IF you want me dead, come to Gadsden Alabama and make it happen.

See the above statement. I do actually believe it. You're just denying that people can suffer in it. And you refuse to acknowledge cowardice or anything else.

I'm right. And you know it.

Why don't I?

See the above statements. Fate won't allow it. Also cowardice. Come to Gadsden Alabama and come get you some if you want me dead.

Whatever. I'm right. You know it. My house has never had a basement.

And you can't be happy. Happiness is a lie to others you tell yourself.

Never posted there, and I have absolutely no interest in posting there now, anything else you would like to say ? maybe tell me to go back to cuckchan ? or leftypol, freech or whatever…

So do we still think it's still a false flag, or are we all just accepting everything at face value? I mean if it's a false flag, then Trump just bombed a Syrian airfield because Assad bombed a rebel chemical weapons storage plant.

we'll see.

This achieved much more than that, China's leader is negotiating with Trump tomorrow.
Chinese stock market and yen both crashed when the bombing was announced.
Trump has leverage over Chinese leader for negotiation tomorrow. Motherfucker wrote the book.

Share Blue's whole MO lately is Trump concern trolling. They have some pretty sneaky tactics and a few times they caught me off guard, but it's pretty hard to not detect when you watch their story/lies unfold.

MSM can't make up their mind about this one because on one hand, we are defending those poor little bastards who were gassed and on the other hand, TRUMP. They are mainly focusing on how Trump said he would never do this and then he did. Sounds like a bunch of shills I'm, seeing in all these threads.

Autism and erections

I, for one, say nice formatting, shill.

There's no such thing as "fate", follow your ideology to the letter or else it's bullshit attention-seeking, stop being a pussy.

If anything, this will empower the jihadis to false flag even harder.

There will be another chemical attack. And the Trump admin will blame Assad. Mark this post.

Wheres the WARPORN, did the news mention some videos and photos coming out on this strike yet?

You're right it's far more likely you'll die from

Pretty much, the amount of shills that have flooded the site tells me the hack was certainly done by or paid for by someone with an axe to grind for sure.

We don't really know but with babies in incubators, WMDs, Libyan soldiers armed with Viagra and other bullshit you'd have to be a moron to just believe what the American Intelligence Community says about what's going on.

Happiness is something you will never have because you are a broken and pitiful creature. Happiness is for others, not you. Now keep sperging like a good boy and live up to my expectations, I want to extract more keks from you tonight.

It is disappointing that Trump acted without concrete evidence of a chemical attack perpetrated by Assad. It may be that the CIA had some inside knowledge, but either way the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) denied the attack, and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) only described the attack as "alleged" and "under investigation."
But that doesn't really matter. What I think matters is that it was a limited strike, and it serves its main purpose in strengthening Trump's hand at the negotiating table in preparation of making a deal with Assad.
Pic related. Read it. The spastics here sperging out are probably also the types that don't bother to read Mein Kampf yet call themselves National Socialists.

never, and thats the point, Trump trew a bunch of missile in a dead spot with 0 or 1 casualty, pretend he hit the chems plant. the original hoax was to force Trumps hand to either appear weak& not intervene, or intervene, and (((they))) get what they want either way. Calling out the hoax was not an option, so playing ball and forcing the support of the dems and neo-cons with strike on fake chem plants reverse the situation

From RT.

What will the spin here be if Trump backs down on the wall?

Casualties doesn't mean killed, could just be some mild injuries.

Literally shooting at imaginary chemical weapon plants.

Trump gave the Russians 1hr notice, add 30 mins for the strike to hit. 1hr and 30mins was plenty of time for the base to move out shit. 59 tom's is a lot of power for a sand nigger base.

Good on ya OP.
Glad there are some voices of reason among all the circle jerking, shariablueballs shilling, faggots from Holla Forums. Getting sick of their carpet bomb concern shilling threads shitting the board up.

what the fuck are you talking about? it was an airfield you retarded kike

This, Trump just bombed nothing to get rid of those totally legit chemical weapons from the false flag. Neocons and dems are now forced to support Trump or look like even bigger hypocritical retards.

Can you say anything other than calling every single poster with a diiferent opinion a shill ?

I want to believe but I'm sure if Flynn was there instead of McMaster he would have advised Trump do a full investigation rather than strike immediately which is undoubtedly what the Neocon McMaster and Kushner wanted.

Remember Obama was in this same position and he made the choice not to attack.

They always pounce when something happens. Give it some time and they'll return to whatever recesses they crawled out of and we can begin to have a civilized discussion on this topic.

Not when you're acting like such a cocksucking retard.

It was a single spot on an airfield.


remember when obama declared war on syria?

That's how I see it too. He is playing a game and this is a strong move that forces all opposition to counter. Those counter moves will be very telling. We are seeing these known controlled opposition ecelebs outing themselves over this already.


He's already cucked out of making mexico pay for it, why not cuck out completely? Trump is a pussy, plain and simple.

yes, it was the literal airstrip, so aircraft can't take off from that location. What's your point?

"they" being those that challenge subversion and don't want discussion just to revolve around Bill Mitchell and Jared Kushner's wet dreams.

To be fair anyone still on board with niggers like Kike Thernobitch at this point is TRSodomite tier retarded and pozzed

It's been 80+ days and you think the wall should already have been built and know exactly how it is being paid for when Trump still doesn't even have a full administration due to democrat blockading. kek

The shills knew about the attack 2 days in advance and there were loads of them, extremely coordinated.
Who the fuck are they?

I don't think Trump really cared about double digit casualties enough to attack. This was done tp accomplish two things:

1 Assert dominance in Syria, to let Syria and Russia know that. While we are not seeking an active role in the war, we will do what we think is necessary if they go too far. Even though this was pretty minor, our steps could even be characterized as an over-reaction. Thus they should worry about what we think.

2. To assert dominance on the world stage, especially with China. Trump is meeting with a Chinese official tomorrow and this will give his words considerably more weight in regards to NK. He will surely apply more pressure to China.

TLDR: This isn't about the civilian deaths, it's strategy.

I'm hearing reposts of waves in the chinese market, and that its putting Trump in a favorable position for their soon encounter

Filter and report, replies are all they want

Does anyone even pay you niggers at this point?

Cernovich and the TRS guys are against military action in Syria. That you are opposed to the views they hold means more than likely it's you that is the shill.

I'll check those dubs, China better show some more respect then. Negotiating from a position of strength is worth it, in the long run.

Someone on voat has this theory:

you know what forget it, carry on as usual.

I would need 200.000 posts so that my bank account can become positive again. Not exactly the best way to make money, so I'll pass.


That's a whole lot of retarded armchair general-ing. But he's on the right path I think.

Could be which is why I'm not black pilling yet. The rhetoric they're putting out doesn't sound good though. Trump is surrounded by Globalists and really what's stopping them from just taking him out and replacing him with Pence who would be more likely to follow Neocon policy?

I knew Trump was going to FUCK us

Thanks for your approval (((user)));^)


Do you even know what was attacked?
Or did your shift just start?

Yeah you're right, we should side with Bill Kristol and Hillary Clinton instead.

ISIS just launched an attack near the the bombed airbase


Just trying to bring in some ideas from other people who, are at least trying to, use their brain.



If I was an (((user))), my bank account would be full of shekels stolen from the goyim by way of usury.
Unfortunatelly, it's the other way around for me.


yeah, an airstrip that's hundreds of feet long would require a lot of artillery

Of course fellow user

Attacking a "bombed" airbase that was emptied out, where no Syrian or Russian forces were harmed nor did receive any losses whatsoever. And that info is coming from a twatter feed last I saw which makes it dubious at best.

I'm not happy at this as I see any attack on Syria to support ISISrael. That said, look at the long game;

What strikes me weird (against all of his previous statements)
ISIS has captured airfields/planes before
Maybe it was an ISIS false flag
This though makes me wonder if it's just to tell the chinks to simmer down (NK testing biggest nuke yet soon) and China that US aint' taking shit.

basically a false flag false flag to send a message. wouldn't put it beyond trump but it also tarnishes his reputation and makes millitary not happy. 50mil on a fuckign ISIS supporting strike :/

At least no people at risk


Trump was pretty clear he was going to bomb the fuck out of ISIS.

The fake chemical weapons story is for normies and to cover the USA under international law.

Trump will use this to setup the deep state and take pressure off him from the Neo Cons in the short term.

Fuck, don't forget, he's said over and over he wont warn the enemy before an attack.

That sounds exactly like something a hooknosed kike would say.

Which is why him warning the Russians would mean they aren't the enemy. No?

because it wasn't an act of war. It is posturing.

unnatural wordchoice detected. funny how it's the same exact sentence template that the MSM has employed for single one of Trump's actions up until the current hour:

what is weird is there is nothing from the Syrian side on liveleak yet. That place always lights up with videos from people on the ground inside Syria and so far there has been nothing other than US reports elated to Syria from people outside the area.

Face it, this has ensured awful blowback from an unprofessional president ;^^^)

Fuck off, Holla Forums.

are you bots?

Tanya posters get the rope first.

Funny how the same outlets were silent about Obama & Sect'y Clinton's bombing campaign in Libya, which included populated areas and claimed 50,000 - 100,000 civilian lives.


I think a lot of anons are just in full defense mode due to the sheer amount of shilling.

It being a false flag feels like a false consensus. Really I haven't seen shit to lead me to believe that despite the fact some people want that to be the case.

That's a nice word salad that means "attacking Syrian Forces". Here's the source that isis is leading an attack right now near the bombed airbase Let's fight for Israel!!!! Al-Sharyat airbase was used previously to bomb ISIS.

all I saw was "drumpf" and then red

Reminder leftypol is also attacking because they smell blood in the water
>>>Holla Forums1543251

This was supposedly a chemical plant, or where the alleged chemical attack originated right?
So unless Assad was responsible for the alleged attack, then Trump didn't attack Assad right?
Please tell me someone understands this.

in green text nigger. it's a paraphased quote from the fucking shills. geesh

I'm sorry user

Something is up, he has 'flipped' against some of his key statements here.

I'm the LL fag from the earlier thread before this happened so will keep eyes peeled.
It's not uncommon for silence before/immediately around an op.
Lack of videos indicate lack of personell or EW ops to prevent sat link uploading. ISIS would be all over this if they could use it, so them being shut out sounds like 1488D chess.

I need to see who holds that area (pretty sure SAA).

Here's a good sign.

ok, me too.

If Trump wanted to put down syria as some shills are suggesting, why did he hit one single airfield, instead of every one?

pic related shamelessly stolen from another thread.

No, it was an SAA airfield.

That's a bad sign.
Fighting ISISrael together was the best thing that's happened to Syria since 2011.
Although Russia bombed more in two weeks than US has the whole time, their [US] intel and presence was really good, especially to reign in the turkbars.

holy shit this place is actually cuckchan



Also, not sure if true, but some syrian accounts are reporting causalities and a huge fire.

b-but assad is literally hitler, user

Why would you disregard where I clearly stated the last info I saw about isis attacking was from twatter. Meaning that what you posted is what I was interested in seeing. So from that info isis has begun attacking an airbase that, according to Syrian officials has sustained little to no damage and absolutely no casualties. Personally I think the Syrians and Russians there will be fine.

You're leaving out the part where all missiles land in a single spot on the SAA airfield and how no one sustained casualties of any kind.

I'd only be happy if all 60 cruise missiles were targeted at Israel and they were nuclear cruise missiles

A new day would dawn tomorrow that would be certain.

Now thats synchronicity.

any government that would fake a terrorist attack must be squashed

Reports coming in from unknown governor in Beirut (AFP) that several killed in missle strike. Also an unnammed military source in Damascus state strike caused "losses" ,whatever that means.

US (especially under king nigger) often struck empty desert/abandoned buildings to 'show' they were fighting ISIS.
This could be similar. Air fields are 80% empty space…



What have we been meming friendos?

We all know from previous news reporting, that 'civilians' is codeword for ISIS because Syria's engaged in a civil war. Meaning the news media narrative is that Assad decided to gas rebellious ISIS militants. Which is strange because, the last chemical weapons attack in Syria was by ISIS against legit civilians, so this story is a little confusing.

Trump's interest in Syria has always been anti-ISIS, which means it would have to be a cold day in hell before Trump assists ISIS against Assad. Let's wait and see where this goes.


Nice knowing you gents

oh sorry for that
on twitter, Leith Abou Fadel and Ivan Sidorenko are reporting of a huge fire and causalities. you can take it with a grain of salt if you want. Russia is fucking pissed man. they just warned 'negative consequences' if U.S. targets Syria, and could stop the coop.

On one hand, nuclear winter. On the other, Israel is wiped out. I am pretty torn about this.

If it's actually going down, it'll be nice knowing Israel goes down first.

Any iteration of WW3 would have Israel glassed anyway. If not by Russia or Syria, then by Iran.

A decent map showing what happened where.

Mr. President, we need more missiles

I don't like him but he was right and his sources had the correct information on this. At first I thought it was bullshit but then it happened

Trump pls bomb syria again.

And by Scud they mean volleys of the old ones, then a swarm of Iskanders once they have exhausted their ready to fire stockpiles.
Most faggots don't know that Iskanders are the most advanced SSMs on the planet. 20g terminal manoeuvring, ECM/chaff/etc, hypersonic attack profile (yeah not 2021 tech like kike media tells you - it's been here since 80s with some .RU ASMs) if not low level, CEP of a few meters. Ground skimming attack mode too. They are known to be an unmanned air strike equivalent.

Kek, the quickest flip Holla Forums has ever done

thank you Mr McCain

I never betrayed the god emperor

Let's see Trump launch such a "prank" against Israel.

McCain would fake terrorism in america, I believe he already has too, but nice try


Some more incoming reports from the area around the missile strikes. grain of salt and all

All my keks.

It also seems that Russia was warned of the attack well before it happened which is something that Trump has stated he would never do to enemies. Which means that Russia being pissed off might be theatre. As for the fire and casualties I'd wait to hear from an official statement by Russian or Syrians

If they attack Israel it just means you're going to die fighting for israel vs assad you stupid zogbot

They think they won with their massive shilling spree. Sad!

fair point
is spectator index credible enough?

RT banner right now.

The perfect excuse to pull out of Syria.


Keeping the rest of the world weak and in chaos is ok as long as America is on top of it all, so stop crying you fucking cunt.
America is on the rise. Fuck Syria.

your willingness to jump ship when things point a little south makes you a parasite

Apparently this guy was killed by the strike. there are a ton of sand niggers talking about how this help ISIS, but their reports conflict with the reports that Russian military was at that airfield and that they were all warned to leave. Another confusing thing is that these same people are also pushing the fake Sarin gas attack story, that it was fake.

Double checked, it is indeed SAA held Airbase.

Yeah I just saw that in another thread. I dunno maybe Trump is trying to get wartime powers. Or there's another angle being played at that anons don't have the info to catch. At this point I'm just playing wait and see. Funny thing is though, that just before this whole shitshow started, the site was hacked, a massive chunk of the active users dropped and stayed out until this situation developed. It's an odd series of events and I'm not one to rely on coincidences as an explanation.

Fuck rad.

Wait, my mistake, easy to make because these names all look like djhsdfjd to me.

Reminder that it's the CIA who gives the president their version of what happened and considering their hostility towards Trump they could very well feed him bullshit and it's not like he can ask for a 2nd opinion, he kind of has to accept their story even if he doesn't believe it.

But the Tiger forces are currently stationed in Hama, not Homs. Sounds fishy to me.

He cucked up

No, I made a mistake. It was Brigadier General Khalil Issa Ibrahim Commander of 2nd battalion 136th Brigade Air Defense.

Waiting is the most wise option. Everything should be cleared out in the next 48 hours. Have a good one

Alleged wounded names.

Thanks op, was skimming the threads on mobile and surprised to see so many falling for d&c/ concern trolls. Moreover all the (((anons))) saying things like "told ya so, Trumps a kike." I mean come on faggots, we all here understand or should at least power politics. Not to mention how


But yeah, good on you op.

And yet your pic says he was from the Tiger forces.

Every chemical attack that was immediately blamed on Assad by the 'international community' turned out either to be some kind of false flag operation or the evidence for blaming the Syrian army was too thin to be conclusive. I think there has been a chemical attack in Syria every year for the last five years and every time it's OMG THE BRUTAL DICTATOR JUST GASSED HIS OWN PEOPLE!!!!! in the media

Here's yet another Syrian "chemical attack" hoax, circa 2012:

Syria's Islamist rebels have pulled a lot of hoaxes:

How many times have the Syrian head-choppers faked a "chemical attack"? Here's one them:

That's actually impressive if true.

Same I'm turning in soon. You know what would be the funniest shit though? If all this turns out to lead up to an actual apocalyptic WWIII, then it will have started on my birthday

The picture was from a different story and was from a tweet two days ago. Like I said, the names are all dsfjh sdjfsdfjkH to me, so accidently thought it was the same dude.

I take it you weren't big on reading wikileaks during the election if you can't be bothered checking one stickied thread full of information. Consider suicide.

Happy Birthday and I hope we all get to live out our S.T.A.L.K.E.R. dreams starting tomorrow.

Then make sure to get your shit straight before shitposting it here. It makes you look like a shill trying to stir shit up.

Shills will defend this.

Anyone notice the shift change there? for about 20 minutes nothing, now they're back in every thread in full force.

topkek you never know, life's been weird for the last couple of months. happy birthday man, sorry it turned out shitty politics-wise

mistakes were made

Disappointing tbh.

See you around fellow S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

Ah it's not that bad. If it goes full happening at least I'll have the opportunity to take it out on a lot of people.
And thanks anons, if it all goes out in a flash, it's been an honor shitposting with you faggots.

They are paid sagebombers. Initially they would spam threads about this (which would be deleted shortly after as usual), and when that didn't work because the happening was too big they started pretending they were real anons and using a combination of confirmation bias, mental gymnastics and astroturfing to shill this shit as 1488D chess. When THAT didn't work they made and bumped a slide thread about TRS e-celebs not liking this and how this was proof of 6 gorillion D chess.

All in line with their usual MO. Since none of their countermeasures worked and mod support is null due to the scale of the happening they went silent.

Don't lump me in with your anti- trump shilling faggot, you can fuck right off.

Happy Birthday user

love you


I kinda like my life and all but Israel getting nuclear blasted is just too good.



When you remember the basic rules of politics this shit isn't hard to understand. Always look like you are doing something when you plan on doing nothing and always look like you are doing nothing when you plan on doing something.


It's like no one here understands power politics.

There should be a basic /pol's/ reading list thread or something. With machiavellies the prince and the art of war to start with.

Thankfully we still have smart folks like you to lead us.

Internet is beating Shia 4-0 with HWNDU.

I'm getting contradicting info here.

So, what is the down side here?

could this be another "Sum Ting Wong" ruse?


and in their place came all these blackpilled d&c concern trolls.
What a fucking night. God willing, we'll all wake up to a steaming pile of ash in Israel's place.
This timeline is seriously fucking insane.

I just lurk and shitpost friendo, but jesus christ read a fucking book. Start with this>>9648892

when ya think about it, its 15 missiles needed for each kill, they got tough skin.

I'm not blackpilled on this like others but I'm not happy about it. People saying this is the beginning of the end but I felt that happened with Flynn since it signaled he Trump wasn't willing to fully go against the corrupt Marxist run Intelligence Community.

Next stop Iran I guess.

Listen you fucking cocksucker. I WROTE the books on this shit.

Watch and learn.




Then please enlighten us Machiavelli


pics related are from the same guy…grain of salt etc. etc.

yeah but how far in advance, a day or 20 minutes?

so… deaths not by missile but by fire? sound like collateral damage to me

We should have pictures by now tbh

I've already gone over why Brevik was the first shot in this generational national identity war. They largely agreed until they started crying about those "children" lost at that camp.


(But first take her advice on Syria)

Watch Trump endorse Hillary in 8 years. Sad.

Boy this sure made everyone forget about Susan Rice being guilty of actual Treason real quick!
Here's the library. Enjoy.

60 million dollars worth of missiles to kill four syrians who were fighting ISIS the golem of Israel and the CIA, you think that's a good use of missiles?

But of course, the operation was a raging success.

You're not a share holder of the companies making the Tomahawk user?

that's rather cheap to force neocons and dems to approve, to neutralize the fake chem attack story, maintain status quo cuz not enough dmg to start a full out war, sent a neat message to other countries. Also so far it's apparently only 1 death directly linked to the missiles, and the rest from subsequent fire spread.

+Assad threaten to attack Israel next if US try something again.

shareholder - no bully pls

Anyhow, I guess it's not so surprising to see Moscow taking their time to respond. UNSC meeting will be a total waste of time as usual.

And when they do it again in a few days? This isn't a strategy that will keep on working. Furthermore this strategy makes it much harder to call out their false flag in the future, since now Trump has already "admitted" Assad is using gas. If Assad "did" it once, it will be difficult to argue that he didn't do it the next time it happens.

no idea, it will be a harder sell if the plant got "destroyed" though

>"They stockpiled gas at another base too"
That wasn't so hard.


Trump didn't have what it takes. He got outplayed like a damn amateur.

I don't regret supporting him over the even worse choice, but turning against his own principles? Not only shameful, but also ridiculous. Fuck the desperate 8D chess guys.

Almost wiped a major airbase and only 4 dead sand niggers? Damn smart bombs or smart to tell the Ruski's 1hr ahead of time.

Throwing 59 cruise missiles on a single airstrip's spot is not "wiping out an airbase".


I still have faith in the God-Emperor to come out on top at the end of all of this.

I am laughing at the tweet faggot. I am waiting from the on ground or sat images of before and after to see what parts are still operational.


here is your (you) you disgusting trumpcuck. go kill yourself and your 4d chess

So let me get this straight. Trump botched a missile attack on an empty airfield, doesn't kill anyone, and now Russia and Syria are scratching their head wondering what Trump was smoking tonight? And you fags are gonna bend over backwards to defend him? oh good stuff, absolutely fantastic.


Hitler used the same ploy with the Reichstag Fire to seize control of a corrupt, stagnant government.

What's Trump going to do next time Israel gasses some Syrians? Bomb them again? He can't call them out on their false flags now that he's already publicly bought into one of them.

Trump warned the Russians and Syrians of the attack ahead of time.

Holla Forums is back up btw

whew shill anymore reddit?

Hitler did nothing wrong, newfag.

No shit. But Trump isn't Hitler. That was the premise of your comment, and it's wrong.

Perhaps their next False-Flag will be when Trump exposes them. If not, why wouldn't another False-Flag military operation work again?


can it be possible to be this retarded? i know you're from reddit so just stfu up and go back where you belong trumpcuck

Neither is Ellen Page, but that doesn't mean they can't both be vegetarian.

Missed the name but a Senator from Virgina just called out the MSM on this right now on RT.

Does 4D Chess frustrate you?

Every time Trump fails to call out a false flag, it will become more difficult to call out the next. Trump has already publicly agreed with the premise that Assad is gassing people. That lends credibility to the next false flag attack. If he failed to call out this false flag, and his failure to do so lends credibility to the next false flag, then what makes you think he'll call out that one too?

How many false flags will Trump need to be complicit in until you admit that you're wrong? Will you admit it the next time? The time after that? Or will you continue to make excuses for Trump no matter how many times he publicly endorses the Israeli narrative?

With this strike for jew agenda we essentially got hillary in office.

keep going reddit i enjoy your pitiful attempts at trolling


Easiest way out, AND kikes get purged.

Goon pls

Just wait, everything will go back to normal in less than a week. The shills seemed to have been paid a hefty sum for today.

Not an argument.

And what if he retracts that statement by accusing the deep state of feeding him false information about the Syrian gas attack, thereby making the MSM trip over themselves trying to "disprove" his claim.

we all know who the real goon is here

The worst part about the hack was all the bans getting deleted.

I can only be shills right? using America for jew agenda wouldn't be apposed on pol at all, totally out of character.

How many days will have to pass before you admit this isn't happening? Will you admit you're wrong if it doesn't happen by next week? Next month? Next year?

So speedy goon. Jim should have left you fags down for a week.

Please answer:

That and you not being able to English.

Meanwhile: no MSM/UN outrage on Mosul.


Absolutely pathetic

Nice smug quads user.

So I take it you'll never admit that you're wrong? When Trump NEVER calls out this false flag, you'll still be supporting him in 2020? Is that right?

I love anime quads.

the sheer leveling of shilling and concern bullshit that's come about as a result of this airstrike tells me it rustled the right kind of jimmies, and in great quantities.

Lol what a bunch of shit I bet the MSM headlines it



Well if it doesn't happen in a reasonable amount of time (I'm guessing he will do it after the Chinese negotiations), then I'm wrong and we are all going to die. Let's hope for the former and prepare for the latter.

At least you're mature enough to set such boundaries.

And if Trump DOES call out the false flag, I'll admit I'm wrong. I get the distinct impression that half the faggots in this thread will never admit they're wrong under any circumstances.

The jews really fear the Samurai after all.

Keep sharp.

Maybe that was part of the plan. Like building 7 going down. Now the modlogs, that go way back to at least the start of 2015 and end of 2014, are all gone.

Not an argument.

when the smug animuus come out, we all get to see who the real fools are. Back to the donald with you faggot

It must have some pretty tough soldiers if 14 tomahawks per soldier casualty are needed.

Goons can't help but out themselves with their vitriol against 2dPd

At least try to blend in, Schlomo.

This is happening right as Holla Forums, the last remaining powerful link between user and the rest of the internet, got hacked and then shilled at historically high rates What a coincidence! It's almost like a disinfo demoralization campaign!

Holla Forums had to be silenced, hence the hack. They only just now got done taking down YouTube's influence. Right-wing Twitter is in a state of panic at the moment, so they fucked up. 4chan is worthless. Reddit and Facebook are also compromised. This was planned.

one day you'll be gassed you disgusting jew

user, I can't tell you at what point I'll disavow Trump. I'm already upset over him signing SJ Res 34 into law. I plan for & work on contingencies, but currently support our guy as long as he retains paths toward the unjewing of our existence. Even then I've always known he is no solution, but certainly buys us time to create one together, and possibly will even help us get there, thus far he has.

Even paying lipservice to an Israeli false flag is not okay you stupid cuck.

At this point the best I can say about Trump is that he isn't trying to take our rifles, so at least we'll still be armed when shit hits the fan. Which means he was still a better choice than Hillary, obviously, so I don't regret voting for him.

But I'm out of his fanclub. He can redeem himself if he calls out the false flag, but I don't anticipate that happening.

Who brought these faggots?

This man is spamming demoralization and aggressively shilling D&C.

Even normalfags on kikebook know the score at this point, look what I saw.

When does Germany get it together?

So this was the plan the entire time
I like it
I fucking like it
Trump himself said "Israel must be wiped off the face of the earth" now he's going to make it happen

Being an American German.
What are they doing still?
Ready to remove the UN.

This is the most woke thing I've seen from normiebook. Ever. I feel better about humanity now. Thanks, user.

Where are you from?

I noticed this. A surprising amount of normie 'deplorables' on Twitter are reacting with support, although for the wrong reasons, while many Kekistanis, Anons, and Alt-Righters are sperging out and jumping off the Trump Train.

Are you Germany or a mudblood?

We have to come kill everyone soon.

The thing is, the bottom portion (which is considered the most 'woke') is what we just recently came to a conclusion on in the case of this event despite the shilling here. So I'm surprised it spread so quickly.


Most people aren't dumb as fuck like some of the visitors we have tonight, trying to say Holla Forums was always a communist board.

Europe thinks brown people are allowed to ruin their culture.

Rape their girls.

Watch their men watch it happen.

I remember everything.

I wear this crown of shit

Fukken saved.


Bombing the SAA for Israel is not a good thing. You have NO arguments to the contrary so all you can do is throw around accusations of shilling. Pathetic.

I prefer filtering and reporting anti-anime goons.

It can be a necessary evil though.

And when the next false flag occurs, will Trump bomb the SAA again? How many times will Trump do this?

Some smell it still.

These shills are out for blood, this moment is absolutely key to them. Must turn us against Trump while the time is right and panic is high.

The show with fish-lips girl is not anime, it's made by chinks.

Too bad they're fucking dogshit at it.

Can't put it clearer than that. All Trump has to do know is not escalate to any further false flags, and Assad's ultimatum has already given him carte blanch to do so.

Now Trump gets to win over the left whilst the Jews are left kvetching.

I love you Holla Forums

Still no argument for why bombing the SAA for Israel is a good thing.

Until each one of (((them))) finally ceases to be.

If Trump responded to this false flag, what makes you think he won't respond to the next? If it worked once, they'll do it again.

you too faggot, you're one of the more sensible anons in the thread.

Learn to read then, nigger.

Trump isn't bombing jews. He's bombing the SAA. Are you saying that he's going to keep on bombing the SAA until they're all dead?


Filter (24) (D&C)

If Trump finds out or knows it's a false flag and realizes and corrects his mistake because he isn't a 50 IQ Down Syndrome subhuman then he will correct. This is a man who made billions off of relatively nothing after all.

If he uses 60 cruise missiles to kill 4 SAA soldiers per strike then the US wil go bankrupt before the SAA is decimated.

We've known the e-celeb faggots are worthless since the beginning. At least in the past they were doing good work in the normiesphere, but now they're actively working against Trump. Hopefully Trump has a plan to use their dissent to his advantage.

Cuckovich will get 404'd


Notice the complete lack of argument. Bombing the SAA for Israel is bad and you know it. That's why you can't defend it.

Trump took the only viable option while giving himself an out over the next false flag attack that they attempt, he can now refer to scud missile counterattack, point out the possibility of Israel pushing these false flags or make another 'precision strike' that does literally nothing.

If he destroy's Assad's air infrastructure it won't matter how many men are killed. The terrorist rebels benefit from Assad's reduced air force. The ability to fly over Syria is worth more to Assad than tens of thousands of soldiers.

Sometimes a lack of counterpoint means you're right.
Sometimes it means your point isn't worth responding to.
Prove they were SAA and not Mossad infiltrators who performed the #SyriaHoax False-Flag.

He didn't call out this false flag. Instead of calling it out, he said that Assad is an evil dictator who gasses innocent babies.

So the next time Israel gasses Syrians and claims Assad did it, the world will remember how Trump already agreed that Assad is the sort of man who does that sort of thing. Trump has lent credibility to the next false flag, which will make it FAR harder for him to call it out.

You know, that is really weird.

Russians were warned. Are we seriously assuming Syrians weren't warned too? Why the fuck were those people still there? Did they not get the memo?

You're just autistic nigger.

Shills are satisfied with flooding a thread with garbage posts. Have faith in fellow anons that they do not need to be replied to anymore once identified and forced to repeat themselves (24) times.

I've considered this as well.

Look at the people who are praising it. In supporting this attack, you are in the company of kikes like Chuck Schumer.

You're comfortable with that?

You know what I've noticed? Your compulsory repetitive line of "argumentation" is "where's the art?"-tier of autistic.

They're excited about what may happen, not what happened. Watch them kvetch when they start getting war withdrawals.

Still no explanation given for why you AND Chuck Schumer are A-Okay with this attack on the SAA.


lurk some more reddit, this isn't a place for civnats

Did you even even read the thread, goon?


they're pawns in a game of chess. We warned the Russians because it'd be fucking war if we didn't.
Besides, they expect someone in the wreckage, brother.

It's unclear to me if anyone died in the attack or not, and it's hard to tell when there's so much obvious disinfo being spread.

And the next time Israel gasses Syrians and Trump responds by bombing Syrians? Will that be fucking nothing again? How many times must it happen before you decide it's something?

How many times do we need to go through this, if he said it was a conspiracy then the media and the combined neo-libs and neo-cons would be on his ass claiming he's a conspiracy theorist and claim he really is a Russian puppet and use it as another excuse to get rid of him, not only that but the media energized the normies into bipartisan agreement that "something" should be done. Well Trump did something, and he did it with minimal losses, makes their false flag impotent because the Jews didn't get the full scale assault they wanted and forces to the neo-cons and libs and the media to put their money where their mouth is and shut the hell up temporarily.

No. I was just shitposting

The false flag was orchestrated to frame Trump badly on whatever decision he would have taken. Had he decided to stay quiet about the chemical attacks and not send launched the missiles to the SAA airfield, the (((MSM))) and the liberals would have used the argument that "Trump remained quiet because he is a Russian plant", the normie swallow the story and the situation seriously starts escalating internally for the trump administration, in a bad way. We would know he didn't attack because of his isolationist policy (according to him), but your average bread and circus would think about "muh poor Syrian children and ebil trump sided with his master Putin DD:"

Or, like he just did, he condemned the false flag to Assad (something so blatantly stupid even a toodler would question since everyone on their sane mind knows Assad doesn't possess chemical weapons), decides to launch missiles to an SAA airfield AFTER telling the Russians about this, Russians decide to relay this info to Assad (one could have hoped), and the SAA would have time to evacuate. Missiles hit, Trump gets condemned by the international community for contradicting his isolationist policy, normie spergout about an imminent war between Russia and america (it will not happen), and now the Russian puppet narrative doesn't fit as much as before, right? It was a tough decision for him and now many people think he went full neo-cohen, but oh well that's the thing about geopolitics. I still would have preferred if Trump didn't do anything and ignored the false flag, but it seems this is taking a strange twist

As many times as it takes.

He didn't say it was a conspiracy this time, so you can bet your ass he won't say it's a conspiracy next time. Trump is now contributing to the narrative that Assad is an evil baby gasser.

As many times as it takes for what? For Assad's forces to be sufficiently weakened so that Israel's terrorists can overrun them?

Maybe they were told to stay there just in case? Maybe they werent told what would happen and the commanders didnt want to leave an airbase empty

I wonder what you'll say when we invade Syria only to turn around after we suddenly discover that it was indeed a false flag and, while we're in the neighborhood, blow the fuck out of ISIS and solve this Syria bullshit once and for all.

Troops would never fully abandon this base. 1 of the 59 could have missed the target and hit a few security troops on or near the flight line target.

Will not know until a good SAT or ground image of damage is shown. It was a basic slap attack with way too many Tom's, but effective in "bomb the shit of you" way.

So what's your end goal here? I can't assume to know what Trump is actually thinking and neither can you. Trump said he won't give the enemy a warning when he strikes, but he gave Russia and Syria a warning to vacate the area. What more do you need that this is a power struggle?

Funny how you shills have changed narratives over the last 24 hours.

First it was

Then after Tillerson gave his statement it changed to
followed by the usual 4D chess mental gymnastics about how this is all an amazingly masterful ruse nobody but Trump is smart to enough to understand.

And now, after Trump actually attacked Syria and more precisely Assad it is

Wonder what the next narrative will be.

hey Holla Forums

It's all just concern shilling right up to the day Russian tanks start rolling over yurop


If trump is a deep state plant and this has all been a ruse then why?
>expose the capriciousness of the two parties and their willingness to change stances as long as it helps greater Israel democrats are jerking it hard to this no doubt
It boggles the mind tbh.

Our Narrative is that this was a plan so Assad would have an Excuse to nuke Israel


you faggots can never resist outing yoursleves

The next narrative will be Trump taking Assad's side temporarily and destroying ISIS, and you'll hide out at Holla Forums until the next big debacle. Sad!

>WW3 is Just Russia Nuking LA, New York Apart from Trump Tower, Israel and other leftie jew hellholes, and Trump nuking ISIS, Turkey, China and Mossad

Said none in Holla Forums ever.

There's plenty of useful idiots against Trump ( even paid ones ), just not for the right reasons.

How in denial can one person be?

that's bullshit, but I believe it.jpg

Calm Down CIA you're being a hot head


Cuckchan needs to stop posting this LARP bullshit. "Shills" saying they "took down" McCain and Romney should be a dead give away.

Do you seriously think Russia wouldn't have warned them?

Hmm. Reports are coming from their government and random yos, so who knows.

Just in case of what, the attack didn't happen? Ambassadors were evacuated, there's no way they didn't know that this would happen. If Assad left those guys there to try and call a bluff, well then he blew it hard.

That's another thing I don't get, why did we need to send 60 fucking missiles to destroy one air base? Does it really take that many? Sounds a bit excessive and extravagant, almost like it was mostly for show.

He wasn't a plant from the beginning but kikes figured out he was entirely pliable via Princess Ivanka and Antichrist Kushner so they played that angle along with the false flags and since that is his weak spot it worked perfectly. Whether he was a plant from the beginning or will merely do the kikes bidding with a little crocodile tears from Ivanka and sad images on the television makes no difference at this point since the function is identical and Trump is a tool of the kikes.


excuse me, what?

meant for

Go take your meds you nutcase.

Blatant lies but I expected nothing less from you shills.

pls go

This, at this point there are conflicting narratives from Kremlin, Pentagon, and random fucks on twitter and the whole thing is a cluster fuck, it has been confirmed there were deaths though, and if Trump didn't warn Assad there is no reason he would warn Putin, especially since there were not Russian troops to evacuate from the airbase to begin with.

Literally liberal tier on kikebook argumentation. Two different scenarios during two different periods of time. This isn't a full scale assault, nor supplying resources to ISIS nor bombing important Syrian assets, this was an appeasement to make neo-cohens shut the hell up and call their bluff.

Do you seriously think someone wasn't expected in the wreckage, brother? I wouldn't be surprised either way, is all I'm saying.

If we can meme Ivanka and Jared's removal, then we're in the clear right? We should get on this.

Now I truly see the error of my ways
they always save the half literate ones for the night shift


Have a sense of humor user. The spirit of the post is true.

You realize you're the shill, right?
I had salty-lefty deficiency until you showed up. You're all the medication I need.

I get it, I'm just sick of cuckchan. Post quality has absolutely tanked.


So Holla Forums did NOT advocate bombing ISIS?


Good luck with that, but stirring up hate against those absolutely disgusting kikes can't hurt, go ahead. I would play up the antichrist Kushner angle as much as possible, I am not even a christian and the similarities between the Revelations description of the antichrist and Kushner are still fucking spooky.

What the fuck? And where is your confirmation coming from, shill?

I guess they took a chance that nothing might happen and just left a few dudes there just in case.

thoughts lads ?

The current year equivalent is when they start spamming cuck porn


pic related


hope you are right

For what? For calling out the actual shills on their incessant lies?

Nice try but no, that's not what this is about.

The other shill claimed that nobody ever said that Trump is not going to attack Syria. Which is a lie as evidenced by the link I gave.

I am almost convinced SAA gave them GPS coordinates to minimize damage.

fuck man, I went full reeee tonight with the shills. never go full reeee. I can't anymore with the cuckery. so disappointed and angry.

You know what the last -S in "ISIS" stands for, right, goon?


Don't forget user, this timeline is ours.

Do you have any examples of comparisons?


If anyone said Trump wouldn't attack Syria, they were wrong. You might have anecdotal evidence of a pollack saying something, at best. If you think it's important that Holla Forums generally believed such a notion, go ahead and provide some proof, but I'm not sure why anyone would care about that. It's irrelevant. What Holla Forums does generally believe is that Trump is playing 88D chess, and thus it's not out of the question that he might occasionally do something unexpected for a purpose we support. Time will tell whose side he's on, but

I can't believe you guys are actually supporting Trump doing exactly what he said he wasn't going to do. Don't you guys remember us shit talking Obama? Remember "We came, we saw, he died"?

What do you honestly thing will arrive from this? Its fucking disgusting. I voted for Trump to stay out of war. I don't want to die in a god damn needless war! He directly played into Israels hands and people all around the spectrum are praising him for it. Don't you people have any self awareness? When you and Rachael Maddow are agreeing on the same issues, you should honestly ask yourself who the shill really is.

I didn't vote for him to pull us into another god damn oil war, or to fall victim to another false flag lead by White Helmet shills and more fake news bullshit. I voted for actual change. All I see on Facebook is these upper class yuppies praising Trump for attacking a country backed by fucking Russia. And Russia is backed by China! Do the kikes writing the posts on this board honestly think that Israel can take on China and Russia? Its a fucking war that no one will survive.

How about this? If you faggots want a war so badly, you vote for it, war should be by the popular vote and those who voted yes should enlist. I'm tired of going to war for Chaim Bergowitz and his million dollar estate he's building in whatever Arabic country it is now. I'm tired of my senators and representatives lying to me and literally going against their campaign promises. You can call me a shill all you want but it doesn't change the fact that I have an argument about this. All we did was break up peace talks between a regime that was just about to win its civil war. This plays right into the hands of the jews!!!!!!

today started out so well



My day also started nice then turned to shit, you're not alone

I hope you guys realize that whatever is left of the actual syrian arab army, they still have shit moral and trump bombing their shit in doesn't really help

I order the Pepe too. I don't even like ham and cheese…


the wince from the liberal chick at the counter and the following conversation with the staff about my fashy haircut made it very hard to keep a straight face.

Here, now I'm a (2), fucking read it and counter what I'm saying.

Cool blackpill tough.


You will bleed, shlohmo.

Are you me?


I dont think any non foreign SAA soldiers are going to be happy when they hear what the US did. You already got a lot of young syrian citizens who ran off to go rape people in europe.

Im just letting you know it isn't a good thing


Fuck I miss old Holla Forums, years before the election. It was just people debating things and coming up with good ideas, despite all of us being national socialists.

Now its "Uh oh, he doesn't agree with me so he's shlomo"

we can only hope there are more of us user.


From a single SAA's soldier maybe.

If you're playing the oldfag card, I'm from 05 and think you're a fucking newfag who needs to lurk for a few moar years


All this backpedaling, from "nobody ever said so" to "some might have said it but they're just anecdotal evidence". Very funny as it unmasks the shills and their lies as clear as day.

I already did.


Just pull the right triggers and the goon always ends up in the same mouthfoaming spergout.


Only bc the shills pretend to be me, user.


allowing tor posters was a mistake.

And fuck imkikey, but you're a fucking shill and an enemy to national socialism

Tell me how then? Because I don't want war?

Sure thing chaim

I think you took the "board of peace" maymay a bit too unironically.


I don't want a war that doesn't benefit the US. This only benefits the jews.

What war?

The Race War of course.

You realize there's more than one person here besides you, right? Look at IDs, retard. And no, you provided anecdotal evidence of what one user said. That's not evidence Holla Forums users tend to believe something generally. You're really not good at this critical thinking stuff, better go back to Holla Forums

let's put some perspective on the amount of explosives here. this is a 50 tnt ton equivalent low yield atomic test. the amount of tomahawk missiles used is roughly equivalent to 40 tons of tnt.

4chan Holla Forums is still around.

imkampfy and realmoonman autism took the fun out of Holla Forums Holla Forums.

this is roughly 30 tons of conventional explosives

It's actually started only about half year before election, when Holla Forums suddently stopped all regular business and started shilling for Donald "Israel First" Trump.

Everyone who did something else or god forbid disliked Trump became the (((shill))).
All dialogue here stopped ever since. You're either in the bandwagon spamming KEK and preaising Hillary Trumpton and everything he does or you're branded shill/lurkmoar/whatever buzzword kikes using now when triggered.
It's actually funny how quickly kikes hijacked this place. This place is more mainstream than foxnews. I wonder how many of old polfags are still here. I can't blame them for leaving. This place is devoid of any sentinent life.

tianjin was supposedly equivalent to 21 tons of tnt

I know this, I never claimed you and the other shill were the same person.

More lies. There is more than one user saying that in that thread.

You don't see this could be another start of a war? We've gone to war over sunken ships that we intentionally blew up! We've gone to war over multiple false flags over and over again. WMDS, Tonkin, USS Maine, "baby inoculations"

So you're either a shill worth no one's time or you're a retard complaining about diversity of opinion on Holla Forums worth no one's time. Good night, faggot.

You forgot the part where he was autistic enough to take the ">said none ever" figure of memeing hyperbole literally and try to built an argument on it.

That's tumblr-tier of libshit reasoning objecting to someone saying "not all muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are muslim" because there's a couple of terrorists that had not been muslim.

Don't let the door hit your ass.


tl;dr: the torfag

I wonder if Holla Forums is inhabitated by (((BOTS))) to spam these.

And until it does, this war you imagine doesn't exist.
However there is a real war happening now, and it seems Trump is focused on it, unlike you.

You did not go to war over USS Liberty though.

Can bots use tor?

I would love to be wrong on this. Trump escalating this doesn't help. And I don't want to get drafted and fight for some putz Jew living in an up state New York apartment, peeing on white girls and paying for articles about how great moral depravity is.

Sometimes I wonder if wars are only started to weed out the conservatives and keep the population docile, since liberals don't seem to fight too much in war. It would make sense in combination of how our government treats returning troops.

4chan pol was cucked way before this place.

My thought? This will lead to a big #IWasWrongAboutTrump sorta dealio, where, after the truth of this strike comes out, these e-celebs are gonna walk back these claims, while including the aforementioned hashtag, thus forcing acknowledgement of Trump's chess ability into the normiesphere

Read my post again

People don't get banned for their opinions on 4chan Holla Forums.

That's why it's full of turkroaches.

The new anime posters are either bots or new employees that have been furnished with folders of shit images to blend in.


Does it surprise you newfags and cryptokikes that a natsoc board would be so anti war?
You dumb fucks, bashar is a good guy and as usual we are lead around by jews to start wars. These fake ass chemical attacks are so fake i cant even begin to explain.
Paradoxically the jew WANTS crazy muslim mud hut faggots NOT secular modern government in the mid east.
Who have we taken out:
The Shah of Iran
Saddam Hussein
Muammar Gaddafi
Now they try for Assad.
What do all those men have in common?
Secular. Thus harder to control.

The kikes play a complex game. Sure even to the point of funding their enemies and infiltrating and even creating islamic jihadis.

Steve Bannon Calls Jared Kushner a ‘Cuck’ and ‘Globalist’ Behind His Back

Donald Trump’s chief strategist Stephen Bannon has called the president’s senior advisor and son-in-law Jared Kushner a “cuck” and a “globalist” during a time of high tension between the two top aides, several Trump administration officials told The Daily Beast.

The fighting between Kushner and Bannon has been “nonstop” in recent weeks, according to sources who spoke on condition of anonymity. It’s been an “open secret” that Bannon and Kushner often clash “face-to-face,” according to senior officials.

One official said Bannon has lately complained about Kushner trying to “shiv him and push him out the door” and likened him to a fifth column in the White House.

I'm from 04 and I think you're cancer and need to be desu'd up, human. Goddamned summerfags.

tbh I don't give a shit if vatniks are buttmad over a blown up sandnigger tarmac. I voted for Trump on one issue and one issue alone: immigration. As long as ICE is active and steps are being taken toward the wall I'm satisfied.

Jokes aside, why is the warmongering U.S. media, the least credible source on what's happening in Syria, suddenly being treated like a credible source?

After the hack we were barely climbing back to previous numbers then suddenly Holla Forums's active users shoots up to 2,647 with a torrent of demoralization shills flooding in. The usual suspect e-celebs are going into shilling overdrive all over Twitter as well.

We all knew Trump was a zionist during the election so this this fits in with that. You can argue what you want but this sets a bad precedence. OP argues that he might have struck false flaggers but why even bother doing so? to embolden warmongers and alienate his supporters? all the US had to do was sit back and watch the conflict resolve.

The recent gas attack blamed on the Syrian government is a false flag, says Dilbert creator Scott Adams.

“I’m going to call bullshit on the gas attack. It’s too ‘on-the-nose,’ as Hollywood script-writers sometimes say, meaning a little too perfect to be natural,” he said. “This has the look of a manufactured event.”

“My guess is that President Trump knows this smells fishy, but he has to talk tough anyway.”

Adams pointed out that Syrian President Assad, who’s finally regaining territory from ISIS after six years of bloodshed, has absolutely nothing to gain from launching a gas attack which his political enemies in Saudi Arabia and the West could use to justify his overthrow and execution.

“Assad – who has been fighting for his life for several years, and is only lately feeling safer – suddenly decided to commit suicide-by-Trump,” he added. “Because the best way to make that happen is to commit a war crime against your own people in exactly the way that would force President Trump to respond or else suffer humiliation at the hands of the mainstream media.”

“And how about those pictures coming in about the tragedy. Lots of visual imagery. Dead babies.”

Adams also said the “attack” was suspiciously similar to the fake WMD stories coming out of Iraq before Bush’s 2003 invasion, and the gas attack itself, which occurred in a war-zone with little to no press, was too well-documented with video and photos.

“So how does a Master Persuader [Trump] respond to a fake war crime? He does it with a fake response, if he’s smart,” he concluded. “The longer he drags things out, the less power the story will have on the public… we’ll be wondering for weeks when those bombs will start hitting Damascus, and Trump will continue to remind us that he doesn’t talk about military options.”

Former congressman Ron Paul drew a similar conclusion.

“It looks like maybe somebody didn’t like that so there had to be an episode,” said Paul, asking, “who benefits?”

“It doesn’t make any sense for Assad under these conditions to all of a sudden use poison gases – I think there’s zero chance he would have done this deliberately.”

His son, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), reminded President Trump he was against military action in Syria in 2013 when Obama demanded the overthrow of Assad.

At the time, Trump wrote “what will we get for bombing Syria besides more debt and a possible long term conflict? Obama needs Congressional approval.”

The issue for anyone intelligent enough to recognize the "chemical attack" was a charade & the "missile retaliation" was also a charade is: Why the appeasement? Why play along? Why help give the false narrative a foothold? If it's more 5D Backgammon what is the end goal? We know the press is full of shit. Trump knows the press is full of shit. Why is he playing along with their false flags? Wouldn't it be a better use of his time to oust groups like the White Helmets who do these false flags & further redpill the public; further immunize the masses against the lying media?

kampfy is arguably worse than wt snacks at this point


Now is the time to wait and see. This constant barrage of shills have only tempered Holla Forumss resolution. We're become immune to disinfo.

What kind of shitty air-strike was that ?

Our narrative? We can only guess what Trump is doing every time some shit like this happens. The media literally makes shit up and tells the world its true for the benefit of their (((masters))). We are a guessing game that is constantly re-calibrating itself as what we are looking at changes.

There were 5 fatalities.

A jpg that moves like a gif??


Also why even try to win influence after you got elected by shitting on the cuckservatives he's supposedly winning over now

hmm, that actually makes a lot of sense.

Go scream oy vey some more kike.

Then the op was a complete failure since the runway is unscathed. The missiles were most likely armed with airburst warheads.

Nope it's a gif, it's just that your browser doesn't use file extensions to choose formats, instead it uses a part in the header itself and 8ch doesn't care to check.

Fucking this, all you faggots saying this is hyperdimensional 360D chessboxing, does it ever occur to you that I didn't fucking vote for Trump so he could play realpolitik risk? I wanted AMERICA FIRST, ISOLATIONISM. I don't care if this has some fucking end goal or that he had to do this to get kikes off his back (what a stupid fucking excuse, why the fuck would trump suddenly need to get the dems and cuckservatives off his back when they were against him full stop during the election and he didn't compromise on a single thing? what fucking tactical purpose would suddenly compromising do now when they're just gonna rally against him full stop on the next thing they disagree with)

This is all so fucking stupid, you're gonna keep coming up with even more elaborate and ridiculous shit to justify even more intervention over retarded false flags. I agree with this guy if you wanna go die in some "JUST A PRANK BRO DIDN'T REALLY MEAN IT" war in the middle east that's your own fucking choice but I didn't vote for Trump because I wanted him to call Assad a baby gasser.

Now where have I seen anons so scared of the real world that they try to make everything a hugbox before

It's pretty obvious why they want goatfucking mud hut mudslimes instead of the secular modern governments

The modern governments had stability, military strength and prosperity. They were HARDER to take over. What's gonna happen once these countries are reduced to iraq tier shitholes? The kikes will come in steamrolling everything, that's the only point ever of destabilization is to make it easier to conquer.

And if any of you faggots thing getting rid of any of those men was a good idea seriously kill yourself, eat a bullet, point it at your head and shoot.

If he's gonna capitulate on things he said before over his daughter's crocodile tears, what makes you think ivanka won't someday cry about muh poor meheecan kids and Trump won't listen to her again? (Seriously WHY the fuck is Trump listening to his fucking daughter when it comes to work)

Is this supposed to be an argument?

This, Trump's iron will is what got him into the presidency and people respected that he was sticking to his guns even as he was getting shit from all sides, if you think suddenly capitulating to groups that are known to be deceptive and treacherous is a good thing you're a fucking fool

You just seem rather obvious in your intentions
>>>Holla Forums1542615

The airstrikes hit empty open ground. It's on purpose, If it we're hillbot or cianigger obombo it would be a different story.

That's not a fucking argument you piece of shit, actually read what I wrote and counter it with things of substance or fuck off and die.

The airstrike wasn't meant to kill people you fool it was meant to destroy infastructure. You could make an argument about warning them in advance and what that means for his actual intentions but the fact is infrastructure was destroyed and Trump appears to be eating media bullshit hook, line and sinker

That was something Trump never promised, it was a buzzword liberals used to attack Trump. Right away in your first post you exposed yourself. You did not, nor do you deserve a long winded response as any user can see that you are either a newfag, or a part of the Holla Forums brigade
If you read any of the articles or watched any of the videos the infrastructure is almost completely intact still. All of the missiles were aimed on the same specific spot at the airport. It was clearly a show of force. If he wanted to damage infrastructure then the bombs would have actually had been aimed at infrastructure. You however clearly do not care bout the attack itself. You just care about how much false consensus you can build on Holla Forums

He is simply a conservative.Thats what conservatives do.They conserve the existing status quo.He called himself conservative as well.In his case he actually is a "true conservative" he will roll back some of the things people have noticed they dont like.But in the end he WILL sweep the reasons (((WHY))) these thing are happening under the rug.

Remember people this system is dominated by (((them))) its the dialectics.The current dialectic is that right wing up to a certain point=ok(namely the artificially put down marker of how right wing you can be is Trump himself),all of leftwing=acceptable political opinion ie PC.Our goal is still to grow in number,harvest those who are falling out of (((their)))) system.The red pill and the blue pill are still in play.The non-white population grows both in the USA and Europe.(((They))) are simply waiting till either they can play out another war with their puppets for the bluepills or till the non-white racial populations are high enough that they can leave with their plundered capital to their new host culture they can parasite off,namely China.We must stave off war between the white nations till (((they))) decide on their flight to China which will cause a economic crisis since they are leaving with our capital,then we must win the race war in Europe.From then on out it will be whole other matter.




All the posts are the same, too.
1. I thought we didn't put anyone in the white house and we were overestimating our effect? Pick one, goons.
2. wtf i love neocons with vaginas now

Kike, disgusting kike. Is Holla Forums seriously pozzed enough that they can't muster the nerve to type "Kike" when trying to blend in with us?

Except he did you fucking piece of shit, that's what all the talk was about pulling out all of these countries that are relying too much on our presence. Maybe bring up some sources before you bring up bullshit you fucking dishonest kike. Mind you your statement is even further dampened when it wasn't even a week ago they said there was no reason to intervene in Syria

The point is that he's legitimizing the narrative and intervening on the behalf of jewish interests even though his voter base didn't want it you fucker

This. The Cease-Fire Obongo/Powers broke during the election run-in with the Der Azzure (or whatever the fuck) airbase fortress nearly lit that powder keg already; Trump should be putting 2-and-2 together on this, even with shit advice (that we can count Bannon on saying NO to, at the least), especially with the copycat gas bullshit.

Dubs confirm dick-swinging nothingburger

If this continues, things will get hilarious.

Bet they poked out the all seeing eye :^)


Should put us in good stead in trying to force them into reigning in Best Korea.

This could expedite Sessions' Great Fiddler Roundup, bigly – he'd have carte blanche to apprehend Them*

This. At least there was precedent with Saddam at face value. per this

He can't, and it's objectively more useful to glass the 'moderate rebels' doing it. Russia and Syria were informed of it with a day's notice. "ASSAD CAN STAY."

Slow your roll faggots, Ivanka's Podesta and Bush Admin advisor friend getting a National Security position, as well as a VALERI JARRET pal in the White House is the danger.



1: To keep the kikes thinking he's /theirguy/ while ramming fed bill in - they have threatened him/family, hence the media reports of trump tower floor plans leaked (this is how they work).
2: Make the media drop the 'Russian narrative'
3: Send message to China/NK (NK doing biggest nuke yet soon).
4: Throw people off and test internal staff loyalty
5: Gorsuch

Very confident this is just taking the chess to a whole different level. We will see in due course.

Sources for this?

Lurk more you butthurt cunt

I am #cruzmissle nao

So when did Trump talk to Assad and agree on what the further, joint military action in Syria will be? Because so far, it was still an attack based on fake news and the black sheep moved to shell Syrian towns shortly after.

And Bill Kristol is praising it. I guess he wasn't a neocohen but a real Trump supporter amirite goyi…guys?


I wonder when you'll realize that he's right.

Quads checked.
If the digits are to be believed, Trump has kiked us.

They are facing extreme cognitive dissonance and are lashing out. They can't accept the fact that their god emperor fucked up and instead label all posts opposed to him as shills. Hey, I supported him too, until now.

You don't understand the deception at play here if you think that Trump still has our back.

Maybe now FINALLY people will wake up to the reality that voting doesn't do shit and the kike agenda is always implemented regardless of who wins. I doubt it, though.


Old thread is old. Have we moved past the standard shill narratives of:

Quads checked. I always thought that PJW was a kike shill but maybe he's just an absolute faggot who's too scared to name the kike in case youtube de-shekels him. It's undeniable that the swamp is far from drained, it's as kiked as it ever has been. Sad!

The airfield wasn't destroyed but ISIS (supposedly) used the attack to advance.
Either way, doing ANYTHING that aids the fucking filthy kikes global objectives should be heavily derided.

Nice push to center narrative there.

so jews are praising kek in their secret basement, replacing moloch with a frog so they can steal our meme power.

good that you confirmed this you filthy kike faggot.

Nigger I just want some fucking pragmatism and thoughtful suppositions, it's been turbo false dichotomy shilling the past few days.