Now is the time to take to the streets. grab your guns and protest. Use your rights. Use your voices. Do not let this attack go ahead. Show your leader who the fuck is in charge. Do not let this be another time your impudent fizzles out in front of your computer screen. This is our fate at hand. Take to the streets. Show your dissent. IF this is the real deal against Assad, show Trump what you are made of.


isn't that what it will always come down to. getting oneself killed by the police if your lucky, otherwise getting sodomized by niggers in your local county jail.



Hahahahahaha omfg i cant stop laughing at all the shills.

Hahaha so transparent, do you think youre convincing anyone?

No don't do that, yet. But for anyone who had there doubts of whether Trump was a Zionist shill or not now know for sure and should start preparing for when the promised day comes.

Commie scum gtfo.



Going out and getting a few hundred more rounds tomorrow morning. I've got a bad feeling about this.

Rubbing alcohol and a good Bowie knife also

Im not suggesting rising against trump , im suggesting protesting a war. its basic. use your head. If you support ousting assad your a kike. end of story.

Dude im literally an aussie in my room right now with my gf

Get off Holla Forums and make a baby FFS

Post a pic and timestamp then

Yes indeed, and you should know it didn't end well then and won't end well now.

This thread should be a constant reminder that if you're making a deal out of this you're getting caught up in the shill marketing. Take a deep breath and chill. Also

Syrians are white now, huh? Anyone on Holla Forums worth their salt knows that's not why anti-Assad politics since the Civil War/Obama era aren't tolerable, and it has nothing to do with the man or the country. I know you guys are putting out volume but try a little harder.

I think its funny, and I suppose maybe laughter is the best medicine on this subject, that a neonazi forum and everyone that stemmed from them are the only ones not blood thirsty to murder people.

I don't know if anyone else see's the dramatic irony behind this. Because Democrats and Republicans both WANT THIS so badly, and the only people that DON'T want this, are closet neonazis. The very people who are characterized by their blood thirst and desire to kill.

I actually agree with OP. I really want to protest this shit. Like the same way vietnam protesters did. Minus the spitting on soldiers of course.

Maybe the THIS you think is about to happen is not really going to happen, though. Maybe this is a 1488-D chess move. It is still too early to know for sure (which is what gives Trump his element of surprise). Keep your powder dry Holla Forumsacks, but do not jump to conclusions too soon. Wait with patience, do not fire until you can see the hwhites of their eyes, and be careful of making bad decisions (such as going out in the street and making yourself a dumbass target).

The thing I try to keep in mind is that it is not about going out there and making a martyr of yourself for your beliefs, because nobody will follow you. What we must do in real life is what we do online, wait for the wind to blow in our favor, for the masses to be in a sudden unsure position with energy to burn, but needing direction to point it. That is when we must act. We must stir the pot just as it about to boil over.


I'm sorry b,

korean basketball imageboard*

I don't think that was the whole point of contention Ashkenazi.


It is pretty ironic.

White americans are lazy and ineffective, they only talk big on the internet. In reality, they can't even hold a single protest with 10 thousand strong. As much was apparent when they started getting punched and people here just nervously looked the other way.

I doubt we'll accomplish anything as long as we communicate while sitting and staring at a screen.

calicuck here, have fun without me

I'm stocking up the second I move out of this state

i will later. she says hi

You will most likely end up with a few bruises, scratches and a bad day. This is America, not Russia, so go out and protest. They did the same when the U.S. went into Vietnam and it worked. Let us do the same here.

Arrest doesn't matter, how much impact you will do matter. Like chess - if you kill high enough figure it's ok to lose a pawn.

Don't educate them.

what a time to be alive


Home circumcision to infiltrate the jews?

show us her tits