Why was Holla Forums so ass ravaged today?
Did we do something to aggravate them?
Why was Holla Forums so ass ravaged today?
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Do you have an answer?
I still haven't figured it out yet.
Some retards made a commie thread on 4/pol/ and thought it would be a good idea to mention Holla Forums.
The answer to that, my friend, lies in the image you posted. Also
Frankly, I wouldn't mind stormfags coming around here if they bothered to even try engaging intellectually with our theories and arguments. Unfortunately, they seem to be locked in to the path of trying to refute without understanding and just making a big headache/embarrassment every time they come through.
They found out that someone on the far left isn't going to take their microbepises up their ass like easily offended campus cryptoliberals.
Naturally challenging their rose tinted pining to a time when they could get laid is upsetting to them because it's hard for them to realize that in no version of reality could they get laid.
check our fucking catalog
We're just laughing our asses off cause you are cuckoldry defenders and confirmed redditors.
cuckchan migrants will go soon
never forgetti
Your world view is saddening.
So is that why they were worse than they usually are
It would explain the level of autism and maymay spam
Holla Forums doesn't have to worry about being cucked because they'll never get a gf.
That place is cancer, I'm not fucking aut-right, niggers.
Whatever you say, faggot.
Yes you are faggot. Go offer daddy Trump your waifu pillow like the beta you are.
Cuckoldry and pegging are revolutionary acts my dude :^🍀🍀🍀)
Ever wondered why nobody takes you seriously?
kek top
You damn well you're the neckbeard here
tbh I hope an insurgent anarcha-feminist rapes you with a strapon
congrats on being not only the cancer killing Holla Forums but the cancer killing most of the internet
fuck off you alt-reddit scum
come back when you have a consistent ideology (sniff) that isn't just "muh joos" "muh niggers"
Pic related. Jews did nothing wrong.
I can get girls and don't have to complain about getting "cucked" tho
probably the vice presidential debate made them aggravated
How does it feel knowing that your white brothers and sisters think you're a beta faggot and you resort to racial pride because it's unattainable just like a world in which people actually like you?
Why? He'd probably enjoy tyat.
A popular alt-right twitter user was banned. They even tried got a hashtag about it to trend.