Hey, Holla Forums, have you ever stopped to think? Like have you ever thought? What if we're wrong? What if we turn out on the wrong side if history? What…what if we were the bad guys all along?
Hey, Holla Forums, have you ever stopped to think? Like have you ever thought? What if we're wrong...
Who cares.
This is the worst Shareblue shilling I've ever seen.
If wanting your race not to get genocided lands you on the wrong side of history, then so be it!
OP is a faggot
Yeah, for like two seconds once ever, possibly.
Unpopularity with plebs is triumph and glory in disguise, especially when we're right.
Good, bad, I'm the guy with the memes.
that doesn't know how to sage
Fuck off Netanyahu intern
Underrated comment
Yeah then I remember jews are overrepresented by huge factors in politics, education, media, finance, social engineering, and that they have been behind every war and inhuman event in memorable history.
They are the racist culture killers and poison of our world, there is nothing good about them, I will proudly fight them and their ideologies until I breathe no more.
Das rite.
The fact is, people with your wishy-washy demeanor get so fixated on the idea of being a philosopher, or a writer, or a composer, or a doctor, or a scientist that they infest these institutions and trample over the rights and good works of those who actually made the sacrifice in time, resources and social standing to seek mastery and achieve greatness.
The most ironic thing is that the cultural relativism and the proscription of tearing down social safeguards is what will give way to the proscription of a true NatSoc revival. In other words, you're not just wrong. You're wrong in every conceivable reality
There's only history and the winners who write it.
Oh well I must check and Kek
Nigger Faggot
we are blessed by kek himself. speak no more or kek will strike (((you))) down!
Nobody is right and nobody is wrong. Everyone is selfish. It is natural to be selfish. Selfishness leads to survival. The selfless will die and be eaten by the selfish.
It would be easier if we were wrong, we are not. We come to these views through our experiences, through witnessing the behavior of others, and only then do we become intellectually curious. Embracing our curiosity we discover that not only does the data support our views, so do the experiences of anyone brave enough to speak against the prevailing dogma.
Get a load of this kike.
No, my friend, the selfish will eat each other. Those who can be cooperative without blind altruism will show the way.
Good and evil are the same thing you retard
You fucking moron
You're right, OP. For example, the Amerindian tribes didn't believe in multiculturalism, tolerance and diversity, and that's why they deserved to lose the countless wars they fought against the white man. Their evil xenophobic Europhobic hateful bigoted philosophy of red supremacy is what doomed them to be on the wrong side of history.
j/k kys
so close to trips of truth
Yes, they are something we need to get beyond if we are to have a future.
Actually I did and that's why I'm no longer a leftist.