What the fuck man, I thought this was supposed to be a horror show with comedic value in some really bad episodes but so far it's ranged from horror to "man's dream comes true" and just plain weird shit in between with some karmic backlash.
The Twilight Zone
filthy dumb underage scum. fuck off
There an old and new IT you can watch, probably more your speed kiddo.
So outside you two pretending to be older then you are nobody actually watched this.
It's not all horror in the Twilight Zone. There are some episodes that are rather heart warming like that wino who turns into Santa Claus and the one where the old folks turn into kids again.
There are no "bad" episodes of TZ to laugh about, just disappointing compared to the great episodes. If Holla Forums told you that it was horror/comedy its because it was some faggot memeing. TZ is scifi/fantasy/horror/suspense/thriller.
Twilight Zone has no set tone beyond the bizarre. Episodes were written by various writers and so you end up with some really tame oddities to outright batshit tales.
I recently watched one where aliens imbue a man with the strength of a hundred men to see what he'll do. It ends with them taking it away when all he does is impress people and people think he's a phoney. Then another pair of aliens give him an intelligence boost and the episode wraps with him using that to predict homeruns.
Shoulda watched Rick and Morty instead.
Some episodes just have a stupid end to an otherwise good story. Like that one with the camera that can tell the future.
The episode where a pilgrim heads over a ledge and into the future is pretty enjoyable. It's a pulpy, strange encounter that has a nice ending too.
There's that one where a man on the Oregon Trail stumbles across a modern convenience store and gets some medicine for his sick child.
"The location, OPs basement, the date, current year. It started out like any normal day for OP. After his 2 hour long masturbation session was over, he threw away his semen rags, then proceeded onto his favorite website. Holla Forums, a website owned by a pig-farmer and his cippled pet. But today would turn out to be no ordinary day. As OP logged back onto his computer, he would soon learn that he had instead logged onto, The Twilight Zone!"
stop falseflagging me to make namefags look bad!
This series was never good to begin with.
The Twilight Zone is just a mish-mash of pulp, sci-fi, fantasy, thriller, mild horror, psychology, politics etc. Every director/writer was told to do whatever they liked, which is the beauty of anthology shows, as it showcases lots of works that otherwise wouldn't get made.
If you explicitly want anthology horror, I'd suggest The Outer Limits.
This list has some good options, so pick anything that takes your eye:
Oh, and there was that anthology I forgot the name of. It had a John Carpenter segment in it.
Holee shit, I just realized this whole IB is straight out of TZ.
Thank you.
It's supposed to really make you think, retard.
So why is nobody talking about the revamp with Jordan Peele, the most based of based niggers alive?