First day at film course


Does he also like cuck porn?

I'd drop his full dox if I cared enough to inflict pain on him or learn his name. But I don't.
Pic rel is an artist representation of him.

What's his stance of prequelkino and what the hell could he even teach you if he's more of a pleb than even the worst Holla Forums-poster?

I think it' reddit-tier dislike, IIRC he mentioned them in a negative light when talking about how ABSOLUTELY GREAT the new movies were.


Normalfags, amirite?

You chose this, you're getting what you wanted.

He seems pretty cool, tbh. You'll appreciate him in a few years. I consider it to be rather bold if you are balding and say fuck it im going to keep my hair long in the back. He states his opinions outright and then chills out for some internet browsing or a nap, this is /ourguy/ shit, OP, calm the fuck down.

tbh you'll probably learn just as little as if he went pretentious

I know someone who actually went to film school. He told me the teachers' favourite actor was Harrison Ford because he was Indiana Jones and Han Solo. His teacher was really strict or so. Plus he was gay.


I'm not sure what the problem is here, you've obviously never watched any

Half the people today that are making the kino got their start working for Roger Corman, the king of the b-movie. Film school used to be go work for Roger and get hands on experience, not go listen to fags pine over imdb top 100 kino.

A film teacher is a person who failed at making movies, why would anyone subject themselves to this?


So when did he try to grope you?

Or a blacklisted director

I won't lie seing this picture reminds me of my babysitter.
She used to be really cool with me, moving her salad as she called it, against my penis.
Those were good times.


A free pass late in college, worth it in non-scamming institutes
Especially when it's done right


Most colleges and universities require you to take at least one humanities course in order to graduate. Film classes tend to be the easiest, but that's just what I know from the film class I took in high school.



That'd be a soy burger.


With avocado
Don't hide their addiction, there's a reason avocado went up 250% in price

I fried up some avocado once when I was bored and didn't know what to eat for gains. It tasted like cum smells. No wonder numales enjoy it so much.

Op you're a pleb faggot
You're the reason discussing film is dead
"Transkino" and "baykino" you're even more pathetic than anyone who like Nolan

Go fuck yourself. Anyone still in school is too young to discuss films because you have shit taste


Reading comprehension, it's very important.

It should be wrote as "it tasted like how cum smells"
Knowing how to write coherently is very important too

Well I'm not going to defend how user writes, but you should've known what he meant even if he sucks at writing sentences. Unless English isn't your main language, it should've been obvious what he meant.

It should be written, user. You write like I shit.


What did he mean by this?

I take it back, didn't even spell checked myself
And no, it wasn't obvious, nothing is in this board and era

Well that's okay, even though you can write coherently yourself, I understood what you meant.

To like B-movies is to purposely like an objectively worse product. Although B-movies are different than a low-budget film, for example, Shaun Carruth's Primer, because in a proper low-budget kino (like Primer) they actually try to make a serious movie and not a flick filled with fahnny fourth-wall breaks and "ironic" shitty production.
It's all about self-respect, and b-movies don't respect themselves or the medium. They're the film version of those shitty early-era newgrounds flash animations that would constantly poke fun about how shitty they and flash were.

B-movies are simply designated as such by the kikes who run the movie industry. They are not objectively worse, just objectively dismissed.

i think it's a semantics argument.
In my opinion, the B-movie genre is a different thing than actual b-movies/low-budget films. The b-movie genre is shitty - it's purposefully schlocky and bad, basically like I said they're one small joke ("haha, we didn't put much time, money or effort into this") repeated a thousand times over the course of the movie.
Low-budget/B- films can go both ways, and it's just an adjective to describe a film with a low-budget (obviously)

My film teacher had us watch:
Rear Window
Three Kings
Some Like It Hot
Once Upon a Time in The West
Flying Tigers

He was pretty cool, talked a bit too much though.

I guess I think of B-Movie genre as the films on at 2AM on Cinemax in 1999. In general they were sincere films that had shortcomings, like Army of One.

If you mean shit like Sharknado or Snakes on a Plane or Space Cop, then yeah that stuff is just crap made intentionally bad with a wink to hipsters.



Terminator 1, Mad Max, and Star Wars were b-movies. You're describing modern b-movies now. Before, independent movies used to be a completely different industry from hollywood where people would try out niche projects that wouldn't get funding. Actors didn't matter, ideas and execution did. Now, they've merged with each other.

Exactly, Terminator 1, Mad Max, and Star Wars are b-movies, but they're not in the b-movie genre like sharknado or troma flms.

Do film courses even try to show movies that are lesser known and made pre 70s? Isn't the point of those classes to make students more aware of film as a whole and not some reddit wanking over whatever is popular?


Avocado is a patrician gainsfruit that soyboys just happen to consume because it's featured in Vogue.