So basically you just ban anyone who disagrees with the narrative y'all are trying to put forward? I'm a ethno-nationalist and I don't believe in your wacky conspiracies. Jfc. Low IQ cunts like you probably don't understand what I'm trying to say
So basically you just ban anyone who disagrees with the narrative y'all are trying to put forward...
You're and idiot and deserved to be permaB&.
"you deserve to be permabanned for disagreeing with me :((((("
POL is a republican board. GET OUT WE DONT WANT U HERE
I've only ever been banned for pointing out that the obsession with anime girls (2D > 3D meme) is just another form of "good goy, don't breed" propaganda.
I'll sage the thread so they think I'm on their side.
Your ban was probably 80% justified though.
Why is that statue deformed?
Racists like you are why ethno-nationalism is awful nowadays.
you've created nothing but shill threads shitting on white nationalism from every angle you can think of. please kill yourself you worthless negroid
We're National Socialists retard
people who simply disagreed on a theory don't get banned, people who try to shit up this board are. stop lying.
I've had literally one angle this entire time and it's been a constructive one. Fuck off retard.
dubs of true veracity
An ethno-nationalist doesn't act like a desperate attention whore after getting banned for a perfectly valid reason. If providing arguments is too difficult, you can go virtue signal anywhere else on the net.
An ethno-nationalist doesn't use "racist" as an insult. Go be a NIGGER somewhere else.
lol, you aren't fooling anyone schlomo
and is that angle being a total fucking retard? because if so, congratulations my dude.
"hurr durr racism isn't real, it's just an insult"
Ugh how can you want a nation for one race and yet not have restored for races in general. It doesn't make sense.
low effort shitpost
*don't have respect for races in general
Here's a special premium noose to neck yourself with.
Hitlerian or Rockwellian? because there's a difference and it matters.
white people have the most respect for other races, it's the reason why haven't glassed the shitskins yet and the reason why we don't have to virtue signal like a fucking cuck. also, judaism isn't a race it's a religion ;^)
Nazis like you who fight over old-ass conflicts are the reason nationalists don't get respect in the mainstream
Nazis get out reeeeeeeeeeeeee
and you're still wondering how in the world everybody on this board knows you're a shill
You god dammed fucking retarded subversive shill. We are not fucking 'republicans' you cuck. We are nationalists, national socialists, fascists, we are the boogie men.
Just like communists in america vote for democrats because it furthers there agenda we too sometimes support (((republicans))) but that is NOT who we are.
I don't know where your getting your shilling orders from but if I find you irl I will gut you like a fucking fish and watch the life flee from your eyes with glee on my face. Now get the fuck out of here and never come back.
4/pol/ was getting a little you shitty so I came here. Deal with it faggot.
stop speaking hebrew and check my dubs schlomo
And yet you haven't been banned yet…
Here is your (you) for the day op. I hope you enjoy the validation of you opinion.
Then you had better learn what we do agree on here, everything else is $neg! my nig.
i remember the first time I got banned from 8/pol/ it was for making a pro-Christian anti-kek thread during a gigantic anti-christian sliding op
the second time it was because i dumped a bunch of relevant pictures in a thread for new guys, such as screencaps of the beaver threads
Our own brand with the correct amount of dehumanizing and facing to bloodshed.
I think >>>/reddit/ would be more your speed bud
you sound like a leftie psyop
That's how I know you're also a reddit fag
This site is fun. But these people wont go anywhere. To obessed with anime girls to actually save the white race. To obessed with violence and racism to be considered by the masses. Simply really. Self segregate and have a big white family. Infom each other and network. This website is just a nazi shitposting place. As funny and informative as it might be… There is no end goal here.
Who the fuck are you? Why should I know about whatever shitposting you got b& for?
Oh its a tumblr user
hes a user ofcourse. lol
he said while our president's advisor calls other advisors "globalist cucks"
you dont need a narrative when you have the truth, user.
lol leftypol
meme magic is something interesting. I am talking about us as individuals. Sure we might piss off some dude on twitter rick wilson might call us anime masterbaters. We might shitpost some leftist to the grave. But what? Most of us here are neckbearded edgelords. Make pol's community base alpha again. Drop the anime. Find a women. Actually red pill yourself.
Well shit. Is there anywhere on the net to discuss nationalist ideas seriously without the shitposting and angry racist virgins? 4/pol/ has seriously gone to shit recently, and it was already pretty bad
Someone's completely unfamiliar with the entire history of the human race. When two tribes inhabit the same clay, and one has fucked the other over - at any time, real or imagined, one will eventually get an edge (majority) and attempt to remove the other once and for all.
It's a tale as old as time. Our government decided to start importing our replacements, and brainwashed the normies into celebrating it. Not only that, but they decided that every single majority white country needs their whiteness darkened/erased, at the same time.
Ad hominem doesn't work here. Holla Forums has collectively, dismantled every single idiotic one of those ad hominem attacks. Either make a point that doesn't rely on some premade fallacious argument the kikes spew out through the media or gtfo.
where do you think you are faggot?
Except that's literally not true. Why the fuck would a government actively try to change their racial demographics? Economic factors explain the shift more rationally. WNs need to realize this and fight back economically.
there was too much shit in the sewer so you come here covered in shit?
I wonder why.
Why the fuck would the Jews want to control racial demographics? That makes no sense. It's globalization of the economy that is leading to homogenous racial demographics moron
yeah, you can fuck off now
It probably cuckchan again. I think someone keeps bringing up Holla Forums on there and forcing the narrative everyone who disagrees gets banned here. Probably trying to muck up the place. New tactic I guess, redditors, idiots and shill get funneled into 8/pol/ though halfchan.
read the protocols of the learned elders of zion
y live
And who do you think is pushing the globalization of economy? The whole globalization thing was started by Charles Taze (((Russell))).
I know right
Yeah, of course Jewish nationalists want their race to beat their competition. So do nationalists from every race. That doesn't mean there's a Jewish conspiracy to rule the world anymore than there's a white conspiracy to rule the world.
The market can't be controlled moron.
Fucking lurk more. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and take you at your word, challenge your own preconceptions in regards to pathological arguments that jews pretend to excel at. Muh feelings has NEVER been a legitimate avenue of rebuttal, it makes you look like a child that can only exist by being coddled.
Look at how many companies and brands are owned by jews and then say that again.
WHy do you think all those Micks and Wops were imported in the 1890s along with all those POLES and Huns?
They were white, but they changed the USAs racial demographic. They also depressed wages and competed with the native whites.
You don't even know our own history you low information millennial faggot. No where in the Constitution or any piece of paper, not even your kike poem on the French statue, does it state that we have to import millions of low value/low skilled immgrants AND THEIR FAMILIES for the economy.
At what point do we stop the meme of immigration for our economy? What about them robots nigger? What about the jobless niggers we already have? What about endless gibs for illegals and Cuban refugees? NAME ONE SINGLE SOMALIAN WHO HAS BEEN A NET GAIN TO THE US ECONOMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Endless growth is suicidal, unless we are colonizing planets you dumb faggot.
That's confirmation bias at work fam. There's no cabal or conspiracy. Jews will fuck over other Jews just as often as whites fuck over other whites in the business world fam.
How many europeans do you see in charge of jewish businesses, government and media? We gave them Israel to get them the fuck away from us, but why is it that they still think they feel welcome in South America, North America, Australia and Europe? How is it that since ww2 everyone of those location has had to endure the same slow cancer of marxist nonsense but its anti-semetic to suggest that Israel do their part?
you mean eradicate the white race and create a world of mongrolized thralls? the idea of maintaining a slave race is outdated and for the sadistic jewish mind
Enjoy your ban.
I can't tell between weak bait and the_donald posters tbh.
Hmmm, why would China want to prop up North Korea as a buffer between the USA and S Korea?
Why would rat benefit from a Cat chasing a bird while ignoring him eating his catfood?
Why does the Chink buying up tons of real estate enjoy flying under the radar while whites and muslims butt heads along with Pajeets stealing tech jobs?
How young are you faggot?
What is the point of this thread?
OP you are being a faggot
There doesn't need to be a gathering in some dimly-lit underground temple for there to be a conspiracy. The wants and goals of jews all line up and consciously or not they act out a conspiracy that is detrimental to the world.
probably gonna end up in one of those "you broke me Holla Forums" screencaps
"nazis are just jealous of jews are smarter than them" replace nazi with blacks and jew with whites and you have a very problematic statement