Feminists want dick

This is what feminists want you guys, to be taken by MAGA dick. They need to be purified by our blessed dicks.

Or… we could just prevent them from reproducing in the first place, and find qt3.14 MAGA girls to marry and have 3+ children with.

Eugenically, over generations, white women will become sweet, demure right-wing women that support their husbands retaking Constantinople and gassing semites.

This really isn't anything new though. There was a similar thing about some leftist whore getting fugged by a "racist" and she loved it. The whole reason being that any guy who is even close to being masculine is attractive to them regardless of their own politics. Remember, women are only politically active because it's a chance for them to be seen by potential mates. Whether women realize it consciously or not they want to be taken by whoever is strongest/most confident. Long story short, they're whores. maybe some aren't outside of the city but that's not what we're talking about

What else is new?

She's in for a rude awakening when she realizes this frat boy MAGA archetype she invented doesn't exist or isn't nearly as great as she thought it was and she finds hundreds of r/thedonald instead

Sorry, bitch. Left-wing girls make me limp. You're stuck with niggers and numales until you shape up, put on a dress, and stop spreading your commie faggotry.

fake LARPing fiction written by a guy, but still accurate nonetheless

No. Her genes need to be erased permanently.

Reddit larping is good enough to make a thread now?

Quality > Quantity. In fact I'd rather have a higher quality nonwhite (with pink nipples/genitalia, and more likely to be a virgin) than a low quality white who has no soul. Genetics are important but so are epigenetics; you won't "fuck" the hard left out of these people and they may pass on their weakness to your children.

You're trash. Also
lol. Get out of here, Pajeet.



Desire for justice

Yeah, good luck with that.

Fuck off with this attitude, I know hot non-white girls
are far easier to lay than hot white girls when you are huwhyte but you're just a lazy faggot who doesn't want to put in the effort.


its called Autocracy

I thought it was called eugenics

What is it with women shitting on men who treat them nicely and craving men who treat them like shit? Is it some kind of evolutionary defect?

I'm never getting married man, the only thing you can count on anymore in this country is the continual betrayal of women.

Do you really need this to be explained to you?


Right then I'll do my best there are a few screencaps I gotta find first. newfriend

Cool, hope you're still here user otherwise I'll be wasting my time.
Long story short? Yes and no. As is stated to extreme detail in pic 1, women are hardwired to crave dominance, these days that often translates to pic 2 the "bad boy"/douchebag archetype. Ultimately women desire that which is sought after the most, ie. the most "popular" thing or physically attractive or whatever. When it comes to their mate selection they will, often without consciously realizing it, perform "shittests". Where they act up in some way to test boundaries and whether or not the potential mate they have selected is willing to follow through with a "punishment" or act of domination. And domination really is the key word there. Men who treat women like shit are constantly putting those women in a situation where they are dominated and understand that they are not the highest priority and because they are not the mates highest priority, they must compete with whatever is. This is where the harem mindset comes into play. In more niggardly times, women competed for the alpha/most dominant males attention and affection. As people europeans became more civilized they undoubtedly realized that such a system is counter-intuitive to proper community building and developed to more monogamous trends, however the instinct still remains. With a proper understanding though a modern woman, ie. one from the city can be tricked into competing with non-female proxies such as work or hobbies, as well as conditioned in a pavlovian sense to be faithful.

Don't care. I don't want to be near feminist.