The tears will be delicious.
The tears will be delicious.
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Alternate (((PBS NewsHour))) stream with infographics
this should be interesting. The dems literally wont be able to.
oh shit mean to bump
I got a stream here.
Give us pictures user
shill detected.
I hope that it's real but I ain't clicking that shit nigger.
It's (((discord))) spam.
You posting this in every thread just ensures your ban. Thanks for making it easy.
It's an IP logger that redirects to a discord
Bump ffs this should be stickied. Kikes gone full kvetch,
Why, did something happen?
If there's one thing that's brought me joy these past few months, it's seeing democrats get fucked over by the laws they put in place to try to fuck us over.
They were so close to anointing their communist queen and potentially running the country into ground, and at the last moment everything watch snatched away. Now, sick with anxiety and regret, they're forced to watch as it all falls apart.
democrats acting like children when they don't get their way is really paying off.
Mitch is yet another neocon but I've developed limited respect for him because he can actually get things done. Paul Ryan has done nothing but sabotage the country for the last two years. It scares me sometimes that if Trump and Pence were both at Mar-a-lago or somewhere else and (((something happened))) we would be stuck with President Turkroach.
the republicans blocked obama's supreme court pick so the dems will do what they can to stop this pick forcing them to go
Are they actually going nuclear??
They just did.
We need to start producing as much MGSV - Trump/Gorsuch related content as we can.
Is Gorsuch a good Kaz?
Holy fuck
time to meme the deaths of ginsburg, breyer, and kennedy, and get thomas to step down.
How many shills are committing suicide today?
Does this mean he's already in, or that the path has been cleared for him to be in?
It means the path is cleared. Only cuckservatives can fuck this up now.
I see you kike
"Good morning class. Today we will go over the Late Period of the American Republic and explore the failures of democracy. Our text will be archived shitposts from a contemporary Malaysian autistic stamp collectors' society known as Holla Forums Holla Forums.
Let us begin with the comic dysfunction of the Senate. This chamber, once regarded as the world's highest deliberative body, descended into a quagmire of procedure and petty namecalling in the years between the Second and Third World Wars. . ."
Dude cool your autism for a bit. It was a pretty funny joke and probably made by a normalfag. Be thankful we're about to get Mr. "Fascism Forever" appointed to the court for decades to come, and when (((RGB))) croaks she'll be replaced with Bill Pryor.
Trips of truth!
If they were going to be forced to use the nuclear option they should have put in the most far-right judge they could find. Hopefully when that Ginsberg witch dies he'll stack the courts.
Time to stick it to the left and make them regret fucking the system for the past 50 years.
Literally pic related.
We don't want to forget that Congress can vote to expand the SCOTUS from 9 seats to any arbitrary number that they want with a simple majority vote. Right now they don't have the numbers obviously, but down the road that could change.
Purging neocohens is important, but we can't let the House and Senate fall back under Democrat control either because this will be the next step they take. Today is a day for celebration but we cannot forget about this possibility.
never forget the 6 gorrilion shills
Stop pretending like Gorsuch is anything more than cuckservative trash. Literally every open borders loving, american hating RINO piece of shit wants this guy and is doing everything in their power to get him confirmed. Trump did not pick someone he should have when Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Glenn Beck and Bill Kristol think he's a good pick.
Who should he have picked that would have received 51 votes in the Senate? I liked Bill Pryor but Gorsuch is nearly as good and slightly younger.
SCOTUS is one of the major reasons (among others) that I voted for Trump. Hillary Clinton would have given us a jewish radical activist and nearly anyone appointed by Trump is an improvement over that.
Hey dumbshit, you know Congress has to approve SCOTUS nominations, right?
oh no
I like Bill Pryor, but Trump needed to put at least one Protestant on the court. It's utterly insane that there are nothing but Catholics and Jews there now. Pryor can get in when Ginsburg dies.
Next time we get Bill Pryor.
So when is he going to be officially confirmed?
Well, uh, nobody's talking about it for obvious reasons but he's been confirmed a couple hours ago.
Anyone have anything to say about it at all?
Seems likely that the reason for the Syria attack is that Trump needed votes from cucks like McCain and Lindsey Graham to go nuclear. I hope it was worth it.