"Loli Pirates" Edition
And most importantly, are you still having fun?
"Loli Pirates" Edition
And most importantly, are you still having fun?
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user, you cant post that pic! this is a christian board!
DangItRonPaul 2, Sword Art Online Lost Song, and Omega Labyrinth
Moero Crystal english-asia to have a release date already, VD and/or Uppers in English XSEED PLZ, and for to be some new localization announcements at E3 for Vita in general (just not by NISA)
DIRP2, currently on the Chapter 3 trial. I'm also nearing the end of the second island in SAO: LS, I think so anyway.
I'll pick up Ultra Despair Girls once I finish DIRP2, but aside from that I'll have to keep focusing on putting money aside for school books and such.
Deception IV Nightmare princess - currently on hold since I'm tired of playing the only game I have.
EDF 2017
Corpse Party Blood Drive
Project Diva
Muramasa Rebirth
Xonic Suprebeat
Soul Sacrifice Delta
Shinobido 2
Ultra despair grills
Gravity rush - was pretty gud.
Senran Kagura Estival Versus, Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, SAO Hollow Fragment.
DOAX3, Atelier Sophie, Dungeon Travelers, Danganronpa 1 & 2.
I don't have enough time right now so I haven't completed any game but I'm close to finish Estival Versus and Digimon.
Saving some money, there's ton of games coming this year for the Vita and I don't know where to start.
Odin Sphere, this game is so fucking cash its making me hungry
More time to play
I'm not beating anything for a while since I've just started both Stranger of Sword City and Odin's Sphere
I bought enough.
I wont buy anything else for a while
I shouldnt anyway
Dungeon Travelers 2 and Atelier E&L+.
Zero Escape 3
Dangit Ronpaul 3
Odin Sphere Luftwaffe
Atelier Sophie
Moero Crystal
Bullet Girls 2
Mary Skelter
Genkai Tokki Seven Pirates
Valkyrie Drive
Trillion: God of Destruction.
Digimon Cyber Sluts and Deemo: The Last Recital.
Sometimes I regret buying an N3DS instead of a Vita. The 3DS needs more lewd games
Zero escape plays so much better on the 3ds than the Vita. The touchscreen on the Vita doesn't allow you to transition and move the camera as smoothly. Having all the menus and junk on the 2nd screen is nice too. Prettier to look at on the vita though.
why not both? N3DS is only good for Monster Hunter, but Vita is the complete weeb machine.
not to mention that save bug in the 3DS version that never got patched out too.
Gundam Breaker 2, Demon Gaze, and Omega Labyrinth at the moment though they're all temporarily on hold for Gyakuten Saiban 6 Also sitting on SRW Z3, Masoukishin 3, Senran Kagura, Valkyrie Drive, MeiQ no Chika de Shisu, Tokyo Xanadu, and god knows what else
Will pick up Gundam Breaker 3 when I finish 2, and have orders down for Caligula and Refrain this month, Ys next month, and 7 Pirates in August. Also SRW V the second it's out.
Yep, you go in with exactly 0 items.
Nah man, we also had Gyakuten Saiban 6 just come out, and DQM Joker 3 was out earlier this year too, plus Zelda Musou and SMT 4 FINAL, plus we've got Sekaiju no MeiQ 5 in August and Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari SP sometime this year if Arc Sys ever stops being fucking worthless
EDF2, but I might start Odin Sphere. I'd rather finish something else first.
Gundam Breaker 3 and Superbeat Xonic. Most of what i want isn't out yet.
Nothing yet.
Odin Sphere was the last thing I bought and will be the last thing I buy until I start working again.
Is EDF 2017 worth it if I have 2 already?
Not even on the store anymore. You're only left with whatever physical copies are left.
PC version when :^)
cool, you can post from a vita
what game is that user? Looks like Project Diva, but not quite…
yeah, it's a pain in the ass though
nigga i havent bought a schoolbook since first semester.
OdinSphere, its just as good as I remember it
My next paycheck so I can get a few more imports such as Moe Chronicle and Gundam Breaker. Also looking forward to Grand Kingdom.
Stranger of the Sword City and Conception 2. SotSC was REALLY good. Conception 2 fills my micromanaging itch.
Just bought OdinSphere but now I gotta get everything XSEED just announced. God I fucking love that company.
I'll probably buy a Vita when I get a job and after I learn some Japanese
It is, though now I'm unsure on "everything is unidentified" because I did Nako's dungeon and some things were identified? Maybe it's only Marika's because she's OP to balance her out? Or I just have shitty luck?
I just got my Vita. I'm happy as fuck
Risk of fucking Rain. It's nice to have actual decent online support
Shantae Half Genie Hero and Bloodstained
Don't know if I'll buy Hotline Miami, Dustforce or Axiom Verge Next, once they get on sale.
Any recommendations, anons?
if you going digital, buy whatever you want on weeky sales, and/or wait for the flash sales around the 3rd weekend of every month
Is Demon Gaze any good? I heard there will be a sequel.
it's a miracle
none of you fuckers bought this?
doesnt look that good.
Psycho Soldier while I take a break from The Last Blade 2
SNK to do a PSN sale or make more ports.
Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops since Konami finally (albeit it without mention) made it playable on the Vita.
Also almost platinum'd Gundam Breaker 3
Got Ys VIII and Uppers pre-ordered
I've got fuck all rhythm so I'm trash at rhythm games.
I'm also surprised Holla Forums didn't buy it.
Can't say I have. That Miracle bit was all the hint I needed though, I never bothered checking that game out before and I don't care to pay $60 for another rhythm game. Project Diva X is already on the horizon anyway. Those white spats are 10/10 though
Do tell
it's just project diva with different girls
I'm enjoying it so far. Not the most well-fleshed out dungeon crawler, but it's good.
Looks like a rhythm game, which aren't my speed.
Dungeon Travelers, Hollow Fragment
Dangitronpaul 2, another memory card so I can semi-justify buying Ar Nosurge digital. Looks like physical just isn't gonna happen.
Nothing recently.
Thinking of getting Dengeki Bunko.
I've been stuck on the boss of the Giant Tree in DT2, I'm probably just underleveled for it but it's stupid that I haven't been able to get a Searching Eye to come up so I can at least know how fucked I am. Probably just gonna grind in the Library Depths for a bit. What does the sealbook from the Tree's boss do?
Lads, on the EU PS Store. Grand Kingdom is out now and free. I'm downloading it now.
Not enough meme tabs. Come on user.
Also, it's probably a demo.
Post more
it says test full version in the German store, so.. a trial?
NISA is enough to cover it.
That and infinity.moe :^)
more or stop?
this thread is pretty dead anyway
I'm not interested but also have no objections
And I assume people don't want me blogging about playing Omega Labyrinth and Phoenix Wright 6
Post away. Something is better than nothing
Honestly not much to say other than that the unidentification run seems to either be a fluke or just something that only applies to Marika's dungeon, since I've done Saeri and Nako's dungeons and am running Mirei's right now without that happening. There do seem to be subtle differences though, like Nako's not having as many bread items because of her bread-making skill, or Mirei's having more Monster Floors, so maybe that's it. Either way I'll need to replay Marika's dungeon later for a gold medal, so maybe I can confirm later. God though I need to clean out my locker, hit the 500 cap recently. The latter is a 3DS game, so off-topic, but damn is it good, though sadly just as easy as the last one so far
eh, fuck it. one more.
Can I use this thread instead to ask kind anons to point me to any good free H-games with lolis in it? Bonus points if pregnancy is in it.
If not, point me to the right direction if you please.
Here's the World of Final Fantasy livestream that went on way earlier if anyone cares.
It's gotta be better than FFXV right?
That's setting the bar awfully low user.
Damn, it deserved better. Good design and an actual full, contained story, however generic. Meanwhile fucking Strike Witches gets like 3 seasons and a shitty movie.
That probably is an insult to World of Final Fantasy, but I don't think it's a good idea to expect anything good out of Square these days. I just hope there's different difficulties, since everyone seems to be retarded when it comes to turn based games these days. (The amount of people I've seen recommend playing P4G on easy disgusts me.)
The company as a whole still produces Dragon Quest and Bravely, but yeah, outside of those I wouldn't expect anything good.
I suppose, but I've yet to play either of those. It would've helped if Nintendo wasn't there to mess Bravely Default up, because I would've bought it, but I've just been waiting around for someone to tell me which versions to play instead. (If there even is a version of both games with everything fixed).
People do seem to like Dissidia too. I wonder if the arcade game will get some sort of Vita version, since the other games were hits on PSP. Seems more likely it will be PS4 only though.
go on
The original Japanese for For the Sequel and Second are both fine, so I would just stick with those and skip any foreign localizations.
If they want it to sell in Japan, they'll put it on Vita. If they want it to bomb, it'll be a PS4 exclusive.
It's the fourth Genkai Tokki game, after Monster Monpiece, Moero Chronicle, and Moero Crystal.
Last games I played were some old PS1 RPGS.
Not much.
Haven't beat anything yet in a while.
Not sure.
KT is making a Berserk musou game. It will be on PS3, PS4, PC, and Vita, obviously.
The problem is once I know enough Japanese to be able to enjoy them there's 100 other games I'm more interested in, so I'd like one with the Japanese content, but english subs if possible.
Speaking of Japanese games though, is anyone buying Reco Love?
Fighting games don't sell alot in Japan with few exceptions since people there would just play them in arcades than on a consoles.
The Bravely games make good stepping stones while learning since every major plot scene is fully voiced, so it makes a good way to learn kanji, and also comes with a scene replayer so you can rewatch previously viewed scenes. It's also not exactly the most complicated writing in the world.
Arcades are sadly slowly dying out here, though they're still enough of a thing. That said, my point is more that the Vita is a much more reliable and successful platform than the PS4, so if it comes out as a PS4 exclusive for the non-arcades, it's pretty much Square admitting they don't expect jack shit from it.
too bad it won't be live streamed
what a fuck man this shit came out? good thing I'm going to japan soon
That figures, but I kind of figured it was just some "heroes of light" type shit. I hope there's at least good sub stories and stuff. I really don't know much about the games.
Yeah, I'm really looking forward to seeing what comes out of that. I wish it was live streamed It's less than an hour away now.
I'm pretty pumped for Root Letter and the fact that Reco Love is even mentioned at all.
I never dreamed Reco Love, of all things, would be considered for a Western release if we could just get fucking physical copies though
It starts off that way, but builds up pretty well IMO. There's a fair bit of moral grey along the way, especially in the side quests in Second, since those are the crux of Edea's development. As a game, it's very much an FF5 type of Job system but very nicely developed and a lot of fun to mess around with. A bit on the easy side, though the final areas and sides as well as the bonus dungeons can be a fair challenge on Hard. All in all, not "oh my gawd greatest games ever" but exceptionally solid games with decent writing in Japanese at least and one of the few things Square's putting out these days that merits a second glance.
What kind of game even is it?
Wait, what? Since when are they considering it? Since it's two games it seems even less likely than Photo Kano. That would be awesome though. I think it's pretty stupid that no ones gives any games like that a chance here.
I probably would've loved them before I bought a Vita. I used to be starving for turn based games, but now it feels like that's all I play. I'm still looking forward to checking them out though. (I wish it could be closer to Akihiko Yoshida's art and not chibi-fied like so many other 3DS games though.)
PhotoKano, but with a video recorder instead of a camera.
It's more or less a waifu simulator, it's a spiritual successor to the PhotoKano games. You take photos of girls and develop relationships with them, from what I can gather. There's two versions, and each one has some of the same girls, but also some two or three girls that are exclusive to each version, if I'm not mistaken you know, sort of like in pokemon, but with waifus
Here's a trailer with some gameplay.
Oh sorry, reread. Dating sims really.
I mean, it wouldn't even be mentioned for their E3 2016 conference if it wasn't a thing, right? right….? ;w;
I totally agree though.
Ah that's what it was, okay.
It's not actually even at e3. I'm pretty sure it's just the same date so Japan can get in more on the action and stuff. I'm hoping they finally say what's going on for the rest of the world for Root Letter, but even that may be wishful thinking. I hope they talk about worldwide stuff, but I wouldn't get my hopes up.
I never even considered that to be the case, damn…here I was getting myself hyped up too. I shoud've known it was too good to be true
Definitely fair, a lot of what I'm playing on the Vita is turn-based in one form or another. If you're at all interested though, now might be a good time to pick up Bravely Second for later on, it's going for 800 en new on Amazon at the moment.
Ah, got nothing against fan servicey shit as long as there's a proper game behind it, but this doesn't look to be my speed.
What is Shomin Sample even like? I keep seeing the book covers with the girls lifting their skirts, so I figured it was just the usual cocktease harem shit.
Well, I guess there's a chance they could do something crazy. I certainly wouldn't get my hopes up, but at least there's been more and more things people never thought would see the light of day here being released. Maybe someday.
Figures, I've been broke as shit and I keep seeing good deals like that. Project X Zone 2 was like $10 a couple days ago, I think. I've yet to play the first, but I own a LE copy.
I only watched a few episodes so far, but it's pretty much a normal guy who goes to an all girls school for filthy rich girls and it makes them all want his dick and get amazed by things like PS Vita's, cellphones, and instant noodles and stuff. It hasn't been great by any means, but there is some funny stuff, sometimes.
Damn, still no news from Kadokawa's event. It seems like this lines up perfectly, so I think they will talk about Root Letter for us, but I don't want to get my hopes up either.
4 PM isn't for another hour and a half, so it might be something else.
About what I assumed it'd be then.
DG2 dated
Whatever it is, there's probably good odds that it will involve us.
The dude at the forefront, probably the MC, looks pretty cool. He has nice practical armor.
Us as in Vita owners?
October 13, so that gives me exactly 4 months to finish the first one
Japanese Root Letter demo actually comes out on the 16th not 17th.
Yeah, they said it's for VN fans, so I'm guessing Root Letter, Eve Burst, or another science adventure game. There's so many that get left in Japan that they have enough to choose from though, so who knows.
Oh, you mean for a localization? Eh, if I were going to play a VN, I'd play it in Japanese anyway, no point in playing a game all about reading then have someone else read it to you
You can turn on english subs for this.
I think that's all PQube really does as far as I know. They seemed to do a pretty good job on Steins;Gate. It was nice it had a glossary instead of changing all types of shit to western variants, but most Vita owners probably already know what half of the culture things are anyway.
There's this if anone cares
and here's a trailer for DG2
In before you can sit in for two minutes and then get booted for the paying customers
Yeah, niconico really needs to work on their bullshit rules. It feels like they want money for everything.
Probably because they do. A shame, because the community makes great shit, the management is cancer though.
Currently cycling though PDf Estivl Versus and Dungeon Travelers 2
After that there's God Eater RB2 and Project Diva X as thing's I'm definitely getting. There's other stiff like loli pirates I''m thinking about
Gotta get dem hard more perfects and move on to Extreme
Once I get money I'm gonna pick up Stranger in Sword City. Also interested in Bullet Girls 2 but haven't decided yet
Rock solid. I can't wait for DG2
And I was right, literally two minutes before I was booted. On a stream they let people into 3 minutes prior to it actually starting.
That sucks, it's still working for me.
another drpg
Root Letter looks neat, and God Wars looks nice to scratch my SRPG itch
I like how in this game clothes are gonna matter, so you are better off wearing shorts in a dessert and a jacket in snow. I wish more games did that, but I'm not sure I know of any that do.
I just wish I was more into DRPGs. There's so many. SRPGs are totally lacking though, so I hope God Wars turns out as good as it sounds. Root Letter sounds perfect for me. I want that more than pretty much anything.
Oh Nico.
How gud am I going to have to git?
This is the only possible explanation for why you'd put this in
Here's Firis trailer.
Just trying to help fans get the most for their money, but you could always sell the Beserk game and keep the DLC.
It's a fake tweet.
Quit trying to ruin dreams.
Just cant escape it
So I finally cleared the story mode for Omega Labyrinth… only to unlock a pair of challenge dungeons. One is only 20 floors, but like the individual trials does not allow partners or items/gear to be brought in, and on top of that prevents you from gaining levels, while the other allows partners and items/gear, but still blocks leveling and is a whopping 99 floors. I think I'm going to lay down and cry.
Just git gud user.
But in all seriousness that is one where you basically have to speedrun as Kisuke. There is a really easy way to do it as long as you know which shrines to save at and strategically use the items to warp back to them.
If you are going for the trophies try to make sure when you start a new game do it on the same file, otherwise you screw yourself over like I did and have to replay the stories multiple times.
Oh please have a physical release! I can't deal with digital only!
Are there any good non-weeb games on the vita?
I'm okay with weebshit, I'd just like to know
If you mean by games made by foreigners wanting to be Japanese, pretty much everything worth playing falls outside of that category. If you mean games by Japanese companies, the opposite.
Finally, I thought I'd have it already. I want that game so bad.
PQube has given everything a physical copy so far, so I doubt we need to worry, but if GalGun gets a physical release and Root Letter doesn't I'll be pissed.
Knowing PQube, it'll be full-on physical. Hell, we may even get a Limited Edition like they did for Steins;Gate, or Rice Digital may do a thing.
I'm guessing it will. It just sucks that their LEs always look good, but cost a lot. I'll probably be forced into buying this one.
What, you mean games that aren't Criminal girls-tier trash? There's;
Child of Light
The rayman games
Oddworld new n tasty
Maybe some of the other LRG collection like octodad or Soldner X2
Xcom+(digital only)
and a few others
Airship Q, it's pretty much terraria but with things like airships.
Octodad, the SRW they just announced getting a translation, and summon night 6, though i don't really get all the bitching i see on that game, were people really that caught up on getting a fucking asian engrish translation where bamco couldn't even be bothered to fucking format the text correctly? Or is it just bandwagoning bullshit because MUH WORKING DESIGNS
Gal Gun and octodad i guess. Can't really think of anything
If it wasn't for the 30+ games on my shelf, half of which i haven't even opened, i would've forgotten the vita even existed
Right now I'm playing Demon Gaze. I'm really enjoying dungeon RPG's as of lately.
Probably Moero Crystal
Severed. It was alright.
Criminal Girls 2. Please don't hate me
It's going for dirt cheap right now, 2380 for the game or 3990 for the Limited Edition
has IFI given up on the Asia release?
Makes one wonder. They announcned Moero Crystal's english-Asia release ages ago now. Hell, wasn't it around the same time the game launched in Japan when they said that?
Aegis of Earth: Protonovus Assault. Bought it for cheap, figuring it'd be a nice timewaster, but I ended up liking it a lot.
All the talk about Demon Gaze 2 is making me consider getting the first one. Don't want to give NISA any money though. Is the Global Edition bilingual? Does it matter if it's the Asian or Japanese version?
Still haven't gotten around to finishing EV yet.
Demon Gaze if I can avoid a NISA purchase.
just buy the English version used, it wasn't censored or anything like that. It got out of the localization process just fine.
I was planning to, but if Global Edition includes English I'd rather do that.
I believe the only thing Global even did was add an English language track.
I'll just go with that then. Thanks for the info.
No problem. I can't promise anything since I ended up buying the regular instead of the Global, but when I was shopping for it the impression I got was that Global added no new content, and just included an English language track.
I hoep you know moon user. Because if memory serves NISA confirmed censoring it from the first day they announced they'd be bringing it over.
Here is our cheap "you should learn japanese" game of the day. Now someone buy it and let me know how it is. Stay tuned for more great values on games you can't even understand!
Rhythm's New Genre:
Utagumi 575 is a game that creates new ground for a genre; by taking literary sensibilities and mixing it with popular Japanese music, the Haiku - a Japanese poetic form that follows the strict rule of 3 lines following 5 to 7 to 5 syllables per line - a new style of gameplay is invented. Instead of the formulaic approach of only matching button presses to various tempo based patterns, Utagumi 575 incorporates this with a hiragana guessing game. The result for players is that after fulfilling the correct cadence requirements, a prompt for missing Japanese characters appears, and these are filled in by paying attention to the phrase be displayed, the context of the song, and rules of a Haiku.
Inspired By Vocaloid:
While this may sound complicated, the intuitive user interface makes it easy to instantly transition into this new style of play. In fact, any one who is familiar with games like Hatsune Miku Project Diva F or any Vocaloid games for that matter will feel right at home, as many aspects of this game are developed by Vocaloid contemporaries; aside from gameplay differences, there will definitely be a robust selection of songs.
Anime Haiku:
Graphically, everything is designed with a strong anime influence; from cinematic cutscenes, gameplay and animated movies, everything moves with the fluidity appropriate to a new flagship franchise. It is extremely easy to be charmed by the distinct personalities of protagonists Azuki and Matcha; the former is a free spirited girl who moves and attracts those around her with a vivacious energy and the latter being one of independent though and introspective charisma.
As the first product of Sega's Project 575, this game can be recommended to music, anime and even Japanese literature fans!
for some reason NISA is handling odin sphere in europe, import the US release niggers
That's all i need to know to say this is going to be garbage.
It's sold out on Amazon and third party sellers are trying to charge a couple extra bucks.
I don't think they're as cringey in Japanese as they are in English, but I do hate me some haiku's.
Why import the NA release when you could just import the JP one?
i got mine from playasia
The fuck. Why are they trying to make me buy it from this fuckhole then.
I don't actually have the money to buy it right now anyway. I just thought it was strange, since it just came out.
Valkyrie Drive
Moero Crystal
Bullet Girls 2, but it was pretty awful tbh.
GalGun Double Peace, pantsu edition. Still waiting for Odin's Sphere because UPS went full retard.
Sekai Project is finally doing shit it seems and Rabi-Ribi and Fault Milestone One are coming out for Vita. LRG will be selling a physical copy of the latter.
Not until they give what they owe.
I don't want a jew dating simulator.
toukiden (a bit too easy for my taste), various rhythm games (xonic, miku, MGF, etc.), tomba!
demon gaze 2
project diva x
god eater RB2
gal gun
root letter
How is dangeki bunko?
Fragment's Note
Working through G-rank in MHFU. I'll consider the game beaten once I kill yama tsukami.
saving up money for a vacation atm
of course I bought it. Where do you think we are?
Fighting game enthusiasts seem to think it's kind of shallow, but I've had fun with it and can't even come close to doing some of the shit Japanese people do on youtube. It has a lot of fun fanservice stuff if you know about the stuff in the game. For instance the first pic is a sly nod at Kirino and Sugu sharing the same voice actress, second self explanatory, third that's a saying from VFII if I remember correctly.
Not familiar with any of the characters in the shots, but voice actor jokes are a pretty common thing in Japan - see SRW. The last is a pretty common way of saying "You need to git gud" in martial artsy stuff, but yes, Akira from Virtual Fighter says it a lot.
Look at it this way, Musou before [email protected]/* */ and no [email protected]/* */ games get brought over. You guys are off the boat and a head of the Idol fanbase by miles.
Nothing at the moment. Dragon's Crown this weekend.
Muramasa Rebirth, Odin Sphere, to figure out what else to buy.
Just finished Persona 4 Golden.
Muramasa once it goes on sale or I'm tired of waiting for it to go on sale. Odin Sphere once I've finished Dragon's Crown and Muramasa.
Here and there, but Persona 4 was mostly meh. Not sure why Persona 3 and 4 are so popular. Other games do RPG mechanics and dungeon crawling better, actual VNs do social simulation better.
Any Vita news from E3?
They announced Demon Gaze 2, Root Letter, Project Code: Daten and God Wars in Kadokawa's no-gaijins-allowed conference IIRC.
Akibas Trip 12$ for ps3 or vita on psn
This is my big issue with LRG. Some of the games coming out I really dont want to support and get a copy, and I dont really want to support LRG also because it seems like they are SJW tier. random things they have posted on twitter, or just who they support in the industry, etc.
But at the same time it seems stupid to not get these games since they sell it for $25 and you can easily flip it for at least $100 if you wait a while. Or if you just like to collect rare stuff it is much cheaper buying it now than later. Sucks sometimes being a collectorfag
These Vita threads fucking piss me off every time I scroll past them because the "PLAYAN" "WANTAN" "BEATAN" stupid shit gives me PTSD flashbacks of my asshole friend that does retarded baby talk all the time. Just thought I'd let you dicks know that your shitty copypaste triggers me lol
Even if that were true, your purchase, or lack thereof changes nothing. Keep in mind these games are practically LEs, which are going to sell no matter what you do. Still though, if it wasn't for them, we'd probably never get a physical copy of these games.
The -AN suffix has been a thing since before the first exodus.
Regardless, keep your newfriend blogposts to a minimum, please.
Shit. I was going to link you guys to a wholesale on 2000 model vitas on eBay but the sale ended just that fast. Someone(s) bought up 200 units in an hour.
Sorry, guys. There IS a Trillion: God of Destruction physical sale at Play-Asia for $27.99, tho.
They're selling the 1001 models though for $99
I know. Just sucks sometimes seeing someone do such good by getting physicals for these games, yet is still in that crowd. Just makes me feel sorry for them.
On that note, anyone else getting Octodad and do you think I should just get an extra copy to leave sealed since this time we can buy two?
I wish God Eater was getting a physical version in NA. I don't like it that even EU can get one, but we can't. Is anyone buying a physical English copy? If so, which one are you going with? Asia or EU?
I'd rather pay for Resurrection and have it physically too. Fuck digital. I don't trust Sony to invest in that shit. With physical games at least you don't need to worry about their stupid memory card shit either
I'm in the need for a dungeon crawler on vita. Is this any good? Or should I get something better?
Forgot the image like a fag…
A lot of Demon Gaze fans seemed to like it. I wouldn't mind trying it myself, but I've never seen it that cheap and I already own DT2 which I haven't played yet either. Maybe I'll play that for awhile and see if I like it.
Heard it was a good warmup, far as crawler's go. Haven't heard a lot against it, or that it was censored in any way.
I enjoyed it, but the fights don't really get hard until the post-game.
I'd say get it if you're relatively new to the genre, but if you're looking for something a bit more challenging, get Dungeon Travelers 2 instead.
So is Odin Sphere the final good game that we'll get in the US for the Vita?
ETA on the Vita's final and absolute death in the US pls.
Don't be so desperate nigger, vita's going to be here for awhile. Hell, they JUST released a PSP game, they haven't completely discontinued that shit yet.
Polygon shill go and stay go
I didn't know they were up to 3 "Operation" games now. I wonder if the others will ever get localized. It seems like Operation Abyss didn't sell nearly as well as Demon Gaze.
Yeah, did you author this?
ToCSII Trailer
It has spoilers for the first game in it, so don't blame me if you haven't played the first one and are dumb enough to click it.
Is this an old guide? I was under the impression that Moero Crystal was also a dungeon crawler, and MeiQ no Chika de Shisu as well.
Yeah, the PS4's certainly getting a lot of games for doing that, isn't it? Oh no wait, it has like one exclusive, Disgaea 5, and that's bound to get a handheld port with all the DLC and extra content free just like the last four Disgaea games. US/EU doesn't mean shit.
Asked before, but on the off chance Falcom's provided more news, is ToCSIII still going to be for PS3 and Vita like its predecessors? I'm kind of expecting Sony to be pushing the PS4 on them at this point. Also, if it does wind up being one of those three console games (the way Nights of Azure was in Japan), does XSEED have enough clout to localize all three versions, or would Sony try to force them to make it PS4 exclusive here?
They said it will have improved graphics, but beyond speculation there's really no way to know how improved or why. I might be a little worried about it coming to PS3 at this point, but Vita has been Falcom's bread and butter, so I highly doubt the Vita will get left behind. So far Xseed hasn't left Vita versions behind when localizing a multi platform games, like others have. The first game appears to have sold quite well on the Vita, so if they do join that trend I really wouldn't expect for it to happen with this series. Hopefully, that doesn't change by the time the game comes out though. Time may be the biggest factor. Hopefully, the Vita keeps performing well enough here to warrant publishers to keep doing what they're doing.
Doesn't really matter - if Sony tells a dev "PS4 exclusive or bust" they'll just say "nah, we'll go work with Nintendo instead" because a PS4 exclusive is pretty much a guaranteed loss. Devs will do PS4 ports, but exclusives are not going to be financially viable for a while.
Yes it's old, I saved it around Januaryish.
Both those games were out then, but yeah it was probably made even earlier. Also will need to add Refrain when that comes out next week
I really don't think Sony is trying to force anyone's hand anymore, but just leaving to make games for Nintendo isn't really that simple. Apparently, Nintendo is pretty bad when it comes to licensing fees and their fanbase likes to let things die that aren't first party games. Sony is fucking retarded for wanting to leave the handheld market. That section doesn't always have the means to make PS4 games and devs leaving for Nintendo or someone else's ecosystem will only hurt them.
I'm still pissed Sony didn't allow the PS4 to play Vita games. Especially, now when you see PSTVs going for $20-$40 everywhere. I'm convinced it could've helped both systems.
Absolutely true, and the reason why the PSP got a market share in the first place. That said, if the choice is between dealing with Nintendo's shit and releasing a guaranteed flop, I would assume the former would be more attractive to most.
I set up my Vita with a Japanese account, and decided that I'd prefer to go with an American account for now (because the US PSN store prices and sales are so much better than the Japanese store's). I know I need to reformat the system, but I also read about deactivating the account or something? Because you only get one activation every six months and it sounds like if you fuck up you might not be playing your downloaded games for six months. So can someone explain or point me to a page that explains, exactly what to do? I tried finding something myself but I keep finding tutorials on how to use two memory cards instead.
Oh they moved onto the mobile market, Fate/Grand Order makes so much money for them
please use archive.is/how-to-use-ps-vita-with-more-than-one-psn-account-218688.phtml
For your specific question: In Settings, If you choose Format, then Restore Your System, you will be asked if you want to 1) deactivate your account and 2) format your memory card before your system is reset. Be absolutely sure to deactivate first.
forgot those guys were cancer
Here's a gamefaqs link. It says to deactivate separately but that isn't necessary, Restore Your System will ask before restoring.
One last thing, there's a simple trick to avoiding that really long introduction video the Vita plays when it's first started up. Keep your memory card out of the Vita until the video starts playing, then stick it in during playback. The Vita will restart and you'll go straight to the main menu without sitting through that crap.
Oh that'll be nice. I was dreading having to sit through that again. Thanks again.
That first pic has a real cutie!
Oi, help me out here. I heard that the Asian physical release got a patch added English text.
Is that true? or is there some other release I should be looking for?
Hai, it's already out.
Does anyone use the bluetooth feature on their Vita? I just bought this JBL speaker thing at Target since I had a giftcard and it was $150 down to $45 on clearance, but it seems like the sound might be too laggy for me to really enjoy. Would that be the speaker or the Vita's connection? I could've sworn I used a shitty one on my Vita once and it didn't sound as slow.
Could be related to the version of Bluetooth used. I don't know which version the Vita supports, but I sometimes use it with a small BT adapter for headphones that supports 3.0 (not 4 EDR or whatever) and there is a slight delay in sound, but unless it's a rhythm game it's okay.
I've also had lag issues, but it was with a kinda crappy bluetooth headset intended for a cell phone. I also was trying to use it to listen to music while keeping my Vita in the case on my belt, so there could've been some interference there as well.
Why, yes it is, what you want is the one called "japanese asia" on play asia, that should be the one with the english patch. Apparently the devs are also looking at a western release, but who knows if anything will come of that.
Thanks, I guess I'll just try playing more games with it and see if it becomes something I don't notice. I suppose, if nothing else I could buy a male to male headphone cord and plug it in (go figure these cheap fucks didn't even include one on their $150 device), but the main reason I bought it was for my Vita, so I really hope I can use it the way it was intended.
It just seems really weird that I would be having this problem, since bluetooth seems to be what Sony and everyone are pushing for their overpriced headphones and shit.
what the FUCK does Odin Sphere have to do with polygon?
Because they asked the same stupid question like two weeks before you did, but about Severed.
Here, I found a list. If not a single one sounds good to you then watch Japanese news since there's new ones announced about every other week. The first game listed is being made by the same developer as the game you liked though, so maybe that will be good for you.
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
2 Fast 4 Gnomes
99 Lives
A Clumsy Adventure
Action Henk
Aerea: Scattered Lands
AeternoBlade II
Air Race Speed
Airship Q
Alone With You
Apophis Rising
Ars Tactica: Dragon Tournament
Ascension: Chronicle of the Godslayer
Assault Android Cactus
Atelier Shallie Plus: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea
Back in 1995
The Banner Saga
Battalion Commander
Best Buds VS Bad Guys
Betty Boop Bop
Blood Alloy: Reborn
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Butt Sniffin' Pugs
Carta Nova
The Chainsaw Incident
Chester United
Children of Morta
Chroma Squad
Chromophore: The Two Brothers Director's Cut
Chrono Rider
CivCraft: Legends of Ellaria
Cosmic Star Heroine
Crazy Pixel Streaker
Cross Reverie: The Trial of Nightmare
Crossing Souls
Darkest Dungeon
De Mamb
Death Ray Manta
Death Tales [Free-to-Play]
Deemo: The Last Recital
Demon Gaze II
Dimensim: Nightmarish Endeavours
Dimension Drive
Dino Dini’s Kick Off Revival
Doryoku Way: Conflict
Dragon Masters
Drift Stage
Electronic Super Joy
Elliot Quest
Elroy And The Aliens
Exogenesis: Perils of Rebirth
Fault Milestone One
Fenix Rage
Forgotten Memories: Director's Cut
Foul Play
Four Sided Fantasy
Full Throttle Remastered
Gal Gun: Double Peace
God Wars: Beyond Time
The Grisaia Trilogy
Gunship X
Heart Forth, Alicia
The Hero Trap
Hyper Light Drifter
Imagination Is the Only Escape
Inferno 2
Inner City Kids
Juna Ranger
The Keeper of 4 Elements
King of Dragon Pass
Kitten Squad [Free-to-Play]
Knock Knock
Last Inua
The Legend of Dark Witch
The Legend of Doodle!
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II
Legend of Raven
Life of Pixel
Looney Toons: Galactic Sports
Lost In Harmony
Loud on Planet X
Sorry body was too long.
Max Gentlemen
Mercenary Kings
Minecraft: Story Mode
Monkey Mofo
Monster Boy
Monster Shooter: The Lost Levels
Moon Hunters
MUSE: Together Is The New Alone
Mushroom 11
Muv-Luv Alternative
Neon Chrome
New Danganronpa V3
Night Cry
Ninjin: Clash of Carrots
One Way Trip
OniKira: Demon Killer
Outpost 13
Panda Run
Papers, Please
Phoenix Force
Pixel Hunter
Pixel Noir
Play Kiseki!
Project Light
Project Phoenix
Project Setsuna
Rain World
Rainbow Skies
Ray's the Dead
Read Only Memories
Red Goddess: Inner World
Regalia: Of Sons And Monarchs
Rodem the Wild
Rogue Sharks Arcade
Root Letter
Samurai Gunn
Salt and Sanctuary
Shadow Blade: Reload
Shakedown Hawaii
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
Signal to Noise
SilverQuest: Gaiden
Sir Eatsalot
Smash Derby
Soft Body
Son of Scoregasm
Soul Saga
Space Overlords
Spider: Rite of the Shrouded Moon
Starlight Tactics
Starlit Adventures
Strength of the Sword Ultimate
Sully: A Very Serious RPG
Super Forget-Me-Not
Super Night Riders
Super Rude Bear Resurrection
Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization
Swords & Some Magic
Tales from the Borderlands
To Leave
Twilight Struggle: Digital Edition
Uncanny Valley
Upside-Down Dimensions
Vacant Sky Awakening
VA-11 HALL-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action
Vertical Drop Heroes HD
Volgarr The Viking
Wild Season
Wing Kings
World End Economica: Complete
World of Final Fantasy
YIIK: A Postmodern RPG
Zodiac: Orcanon Odyssey
Here's this thing with pictures too. Seems like a decent job for something from such a faggot ass site.
tbh a lot of this shit sounds like shovelware phone games and I don't think it bolsters whatever inane point you're trying to make.
By GOOD I mean QUALITY, as in a game that's actually worth $40 and isn't just some bargain bin e-shop only crap that you'll glaze over on your way to the latest VN you feel obligated to buy out of loyalty to that developer
Hoping that at least one game would be fun for you. I didn't make that stupid list. It's just the first one I found. The point is there's more games coming out than anyone even keeps up with. Of course Odin Sphere isn't gonna be the last great game. Things like Exist Archive, Root Letter, God Eater, Steins Gate 0, and ToCS II are all confirmed for this year alone.
The thing you have to worry about is in your settings tab. Under settings, go into the Playstation Network tab. In that menu, go to System Activation and deactivate every option. There should be 3 (Game, Video/Music, and PlaystationMobile which itself is deffunct but we're just being thorough). Once all 3 are deactivated (Vita will prompt you through it), make sure to upload your trophies. Power off the vita & take out the card AND THE GAME.
Seriously I have heard a few horror stories about games themselves getting wiped in a format so EMPTY ALL CART-RELEVANT PORTS ON YOUR VITA
Turn it on and format. Set with your Japanese account when prompted. Same steps as before: Settings => Playstation Network => Account Activation (which should look like アコント iirc) => Activate, this time. Answer はい to all the prompts.
It's necessary because Vita's permissions are fucked up on a grand scale, and not deactivating/reactivating permissions means if/when it hiccups, you'll be locked out of your account's apps/purchases for however long it takes CS to straighten the issue.
I know it's just Fumitsu, but this worries me. I've known from the start it wouldn't be amazing like some people seemed to hope, but I hope it's the flawed, yet fun experience I've been expecting.
I didn't know anything about that. I pirated it so I couldn't get upset if I wanted to.
Caligula and Refrain both come out next week, and those are looking fantastic. Ys 8 next month, 7 Pirates in August, Demon Gaze 2 in October, just off the top of my head.
How the hell can the game carts get wiped? Aren't they read only?
Oh god, please don't tell me they're just ordinary flash chips. They only retain data for 10 years.
I talked to NISA… they spilled more beans about the Criminal Girls 2 censorship.
Something to chew on for your resident webmonkey: Your reblog strip on the left (reddit/dig/9gag/voat/etc/etc) obstructs the article entirely, making the site unreadable unless I get vexed and turn ad-block back on. The strip at the top of the article is enough. Unless you guys have a contract, there's no need for the floating strip on the left—it's a nuisance.
That aside, nice article. Still won't be buying a thing from them. Their excuses leave too much room to speculate reasonably on whether or not it's their personal scruples instead of any kind of ESRB policy advice.
Good news, Namco Bandai US confirmed Physical for Hollow Realization for Vita. Also Dragon Quest Builders is getting a English Asia physical according to Heavy Arms.
I knew SAO would be physical, since it's a sequel to one of their best selling games, but that it awesome news about DQ. I love how Heavy Arm always looks into this stuff for us.
Is it better to buy from that site or from Play-Asia?
How do you guys feel about the Cobra Black Fin?
Alright, real talk: Sony seems to be on the verge of canning the Vita.
Here in the UK the console is almost impossible to find brand new at retail. And when it's available, it's priced well above RRP.
How's availability where you are? Used doesn't count. Is it still easy to find new consoles elsewhere? Is it priced reasonably?
I have no idea what that is. Shame it sounds like Dragon Fin Soup turned out like shit.
It's been like that a long time in the US. I was kind of disappointed no one carried the games at first, but after years of that shit you kind of get used to it. I even have some stupid gamestop app I use now, because preordering games has a purpose and you can do it on the app for free. If you don't preorder and want to play something on release then you better hope Gamestop ordered that one copy and no one bought it. Best Buy's Vita section is probably the biggest joke though, since they leave it looking empty and messy this whole time. I have no idea why they haven't gotten rid of it entirely. It just looks like shit.
Thanks user, now to find something else to throw in the order so I can use the $5 off coupon.
They did this last year.
Far too limited/expensive for me to want to buy. Also implements firmware limitations. I'd rather just buy games at this point.
Even if it IS the ESRB's fault, you still shouldn't buy from NISA - if anything, it would mean you shouldn't buy localizations period to make it clear that the ESRB's influence is bad for business and that they need to be ignored or removed.
They're not, there's shittons still in Japan, the system is doing great. Availability's not going to be a problem.
PS3 or VITA version?
If Vita game carts are using flash storage, then they may last longer than 10 years. Flash storage degrades quicker based on the number of writes and rewrites on the memory card. Obviously you really can't write and rewrite data on a Vita game cart. I'd be more concerned about the shitty proprietary memory cards. They'll die long before the game carts. If the Vita is anything like the PSP then the battery will be another big issue. Difference is that you can buy 3rd party replacement batteries for PSP, even if they mostly suck. You can't buy 3rd party batteries at all for Vita.
I'd like to think Walmarts around here still stock new 2000 models for $200, if not less expensive at this point. But I don't go there much, so I can't say specifically.
thats what I paid for mine
Flash chips work by trapping electrons in pits.
Over time, these electrons dissipate, unless refreshed by the flash controller.
If a flash chip is simply left alone, in storage, without being used, the data will literally evaporate over time.
This means that Vita carts, if they are flash based, will start dying off in a decade. Compare to the dedicated ROM chips used in Atari 2600 carts which are still readable today, almost 40 years later.
Buying physical may end up being pointless.
I remember all those "Yuru Yuri is finally Holla Forums" threads.
Try searching for games of that series with "Rhythm game" also being searched.
How did you find that webM? I saw those wrestling machines on youtube once, those are popular in Japan apparently and they host funny wrestling events for kids.
Trails of Cold Steel
Atelier Shallie Plus
Too many to name.
Probably Atelier Sophie in the near future.
You can, actually. Games like Mortal Kombat and Muramasa make use of the internal partition available for savedata, updates and DLC.
Miracle Girls Festival.
Is there any way I can hook up my Vita to my TV?
YifanLu did some documentation on using the killed accesory port or something (since that's what it was designed for originally) but it'd require additional hardware, IIRC.
Xmaxkatsu managed to do it, however. Random (dunno if legit) details on this twitter convo:
Original news on wololo: wololo.net
I imagine the PS3 would have a better framerate, since sprinting is laggy, but I picked the vita version since I'd rather lay in bed while playing and figured the sequels will always be on Vita, but might switch to PS4. If it was an action game I wouldn't be happy about Falcom's constant incompetence though. Why you don't turn off network features and boost the power instead of having slowdown is beyond me.
I do wonder why Sony never released a cable for Japan once the Vita TV was dead. I'm sure with a cable with the right chip or whatever in it and some firmware it could be done.
Would ya look it that
And how much will they last if you play with them every year, for example?
Dunno. But even just reading from flash memory causes wear. The pits have to be electrified just to sense if there's an electron present or not.
Does anyone know what Grand Kingdom on PSN is about?
I just spotted it when I was looking through the store and it's marked as being free, though it says there are in game purchases.
Just wondering if anyone's played it or knows what the fuck it's about as its description isn't giving anything away
its a demo
I see. You'd think that they'd mark it as such when they put it on the store
it says its a demo on the vita ps store
Ah, I was looking on the web store. My bad.
Most people use the web store, the vita store fucks up all the time so I dont blame them
That's the reason I don't often use it, that and buying physical. Is the Vita store still as bad as it was?
Atlus is bringing Caligula next spring. It will have the original audio, but will also be digital only.
Caligula is coming west! Digital only! Save us Asia……
I don't think they even sell their english games there. Your best bet would probably be to complain and say you don't buy digital games.
Hmm well I see Odin Sphere I need to look into how this works. Maybe we will have some sort of chance.
Digital only is so damn stupid. You'd think they'd sell a couple thousand physically regardless, since it's guaranteed sales. LRG can even sellout budget garbage every single time.
aw yiss
God fucking damn it, Atlus - not you too! And Bamco just announced physical SAO for Vita - if they can you can too.
Didn't that come out just about ten days ago or so? I know the game's pretty much a bunch of a remake and an extended port (between both versions it has), but I wasn't expecting it to be that low so soon.
I wish some of these companies were willing to take a bit more of a risk with new IPs they bring west, or at least do some sort of "preorder/first print only" physical run of them, even if they didn't plan on printing more. I mean, companies like Atlus, Square, and Namco aren't exactly poor, they just seem either leery of doing so for non-established IPs, or are just being really cheap and wanting to cut physical production out altogether. Meanwhile, some other companies like Aksys seem happy to do physical releases of even new IPs like Exist Archive here.
I use the PS3 storefront to buy and download stuff. It's still slow as fuck to load (why is the store itself that slow just to go between pages?) but at least there's less risk of the download failing compared to when I've tried to download directly to my Vita (I can just transfer the files from the PS3 to the Vita afterward without needing a further internet connection.
Aksys does it for everything it seems. I'm guessing Atlus is just being lazy or cheap. Besides Aksys there's other companies who release really little weird shit physically too and Caligula's had a pretty decent degree of hype behind it.
Any chance that Atlus could be possibly convinced to do a limited physical print? I mean, hell, usually with their own stuff (at least in the past) they'd do a somewhat small initial print, and then later do a larger reprint if the game proved to have enough demand and costs for existing copies shot up enough. Honestly has stuck me as a smart way to gauge initial interest (and get copies of the game out to people that showed said interest) and prevent the possibility of copies of games just rotting on store shelves; seems like something that could ideally be done with this. Especially with how much space some games eat up on the memory card if bought digitally.
Anyone know a good place to get a vita with cfw? I've looked all Over craigslist , eBay, and Amazon, not a single unit for sale. I'm on 3.60 and hating it
There is no CFW. If you mean outdated firmware, your best bet would be 1000 models with sealed boxes that were forgotten in some small store.
As far as I know, they never announced they were doing anything like that before, but hopefully if enough people complain they'll at least respond somehow. I'm sure even doing one small print would be enough to satisfy fans and if they announced it was limited they shouldn't have a problem quickly selling them all.
I didn't think the asian english was likely, but I couldn't find a south east asia copy for sale yet either, so hopefully they release it in English there too, so we can import otherwise. They did announce it kind of soon, despite it not coming out for quite awhile, so it would be great if that was the reason why.
That's not only not how flash memory works, that isn't how physics work. You constantly see stupid shit like this in forums, and even in articles in shitholes like gizmodo. They'll tell you stupid shit like "CDs only last 5-10 years", and yet you can still find CDs from the 90s that are perfectly fine. I've heard some retards claim flash memory will only last a few months if it isn't powered on every so often. If this were the case every game save on a memory card would disappear, Vita games sitting on shelves at stores would go blank, etc. etc. It's nonsense spewed by idiots pulling shit out of their asses.
What it all comes down to is CDs fail because retards scratch them, leave them in cars, never put them back in cases, or are simply confusing actual CDs for shitty CD-RWs they bought at the drug store.
Flash memory fails when it had been written over too many times, or when the chip or board have been damaged or degraded from shitty handling/storage.
What it all comes down to is these things last as well as you take care of them. If you run the thing in the wash and leave it sitting in a hot car all the time, don't expect to play it in 20 years, and even then you may get lucky. It isn't going to stop being a game because it sat on your shelf for too long and the electrons have left to cross over to the fucking netherworld.
I suppose the other issue might be that back with the PS2 and DS, they HAD to do a physical release of whatever size just for the game to be out, or the game didn't come out. Ideally, digital distribution with more recent internet enabled systems should just be used as another option alongside a physical release to let people choose what sort of version they want, but, aside from small teams that actually can't afford a physical print, so many of these companies just abuse it and say "fuck it" to doing a physical release of a game they're not sure will sell well.
That's a good point. It really sucks how the more freedom companies get the more they seem to fuck things up. Even Sony trying to be "good guy sony" and not charging for devs to update their game as many times as they want apparently had some thinking they could just do some fix it as they go method. Which either way bigger companies would rather pay the fee and release a broken game on time rather than delay and fix it, but it just seems like whatever the case the consumer always loses in the end.
I thought when they started to cut manuals out of physical releases, they'd likely start trying to go whole hog and cut the physical releases out entirely for various games and just have people download them. And in most cases they don't even pass the savings on to the customer by asking a lower price, instead opting for the full $40/$60 (maybe $80 now? Not sure what new console games go for since I don't have a PS4, Xbone, or WiiU) on release. Which also raises another issue in that with digital only games, there's no used copies to have to compete in price against, with some companies that opt to keep their stuff at full price for years after release (barring small duration sales) since there's no other way to get that game (or at least that version) out here.
I think a lot of these companies just try to cut as many corners and costs as they can get away with these days. Even with the idea of patching games, it doesn't seem to be so much a "use only as need be" thing, but companies releasing stuff that's downright broken, unfinished, or not up to date with the notion of patching it later (maybe). Even games from big name devs wind up with release day patches fairly often of stuff they hadn't caught when they shipped the game out (which strikes me that, once the services being offered to download various games and patches go under, people won't be able to have legit access to downloading them anymore, which can be make it or break in some cases where a game that handled like complete shit early on was saved by a patch (like ZoE HD for the PS3, where HexaDrive fixed what High Voltage fucked up).
There's been a few occasions when I saw the digital version of a game was cheaper than the physical one, but it's pretty rare. I Know Mind Zero did it where the game was like $8 cheaper and I think XBlaze did too, so maybe it's something Aksys does. Those are pretty niche games of varying quality though too, so maybe they just wanted to push as many impulse buys as possible before people though twice about it. Still, there's much worse games that don't so it is nice to see.
It always really bugs me how companies try to say they're being environmentally friendly by getting rid of manuals and cheapening cases, when I'm sure they have no qualms making all other types of trash when it comes to printing marketing bullshit or giant strategy guides, since they sell them for $20+. At least I do really like how Vita has it's digital manuals set up. Home console ones are usually a total disaster now.
They make that claim, but I think everyone really knows it's just to reduce production costs and increase profits for themselves. And I think the fact that big thick strategy guides are still around likely proves that, since people will still actually pay for those, and even spend more at times for hardcover ones. Granted, if it also doubles as an artbook or maybe extra world building, that's a different thing (though I'm not sure if stuff like the Tales of Xillia World Guidance Books Japan saw were strategy guides or their own separate thing, but they do contain additional lore not found in the games; I do have to wonder though, does Japan even do strategy guides for games as out there as much as they see in the west?).
Only times I really care about strategy guides these days anyhow is just rooting through shelves of old ones to see if ones for games I like might still have a poster in them the store will let me buy as a standalone for dollar or two. Still need to hang some of the ones I've got up.
I think Japan does even more so than here, unless it just feels that way because I'm just always running across combinations of their strategy guides, art books, and included manga / extra fan booklet things. A lot of the times when I go to amazon it's them reviewing some book or drama cd they were supposed to get with the game instead of the game. They seem like the only ones that even get manuals anymore too. I'm sure it's rare, but I know things like IA/VT and some other Vita games have them. Otakus seem to take collecting pretty seriously and spend god knows how much though, so it makes sense that companies would try to cater to them. It's pretty obvious that the west will get shoved into an all digital future way before they do too.
I'd like to collect strategy guides, but here they don't even have them for 90% of the games I'm interested in and half of the time I pay less for games than what the guides go for new. At least we get art books for free here sometimes. I'd like them to mix things up a little more like Japan, but with how shitty everything is these days, I'll take what I can get. Bonuses are just stupid ass DLC for digital games, so I'm sure the free artbooks will be gone someday too.
CD-ROMs can fail when the metallic layer becomes oxidised (disc rot) due to a combination of poor construction and storage. Earlier discs from the 80s are much better made than later discs (because they didn't know which corners to cut) and are more likely to last. I have PC games I bought back in the early 00s that were stored well with a flawless surface and are now unreadable. The 10 years life often quoted for CD-ROMs is a very rough rule of thumb, but no storage media is invincible, and all of them will fail over time, no matter how they're stored.
Flash data loss is most often caused by wear, which causes oxidation of the pits, which increases conductivity, which means loss of charge. Loss of charge will also happen over time. Nothing is a perfect insulator. This can be accelerated by heat, over 50c. However this is measured in timescales of decades. I have no idea where you're getting months from.
All of this is moot though, unless somebody knows for sure Vita carts are flash based. It does seem likely though. Flash is the cheapest solid state memory available, and Vita game carts can apparently store patches and game saves, according to early Sony press during the Vita's launch. It is unlikely they would combine flash and dedicated ROM in each cart to do so. It would probably be all flash with several partitions, some marked read-only or writable.
Always glad to see more people arguing for physical stuff. My group of friends and siblings who play vidya all prefer digital.
My friend who is the worst offender argues that digital is better since he doesnt have to deal with getting up and swapping discs around. he is massively fucking lazy
Do with the muramasa DLC saving to the cart, does that mean you can find a used copy with the DLC on it? Or would there be some sort of verification check with your PSN account to play it? I'm still waiting for the DLC to go on sale so I can feel ok with actually buying DLC.
Does anybody know if Grand Kingdom has any censorship or shitty localization? I want to play it but I would rather wait and see first.
I'm lazy too and I'm still fine with it since I like to actually own games I enjoy and would rather not bog down memory cards or internal memory on my systems more than needed.
I would anticipate that it double checks that the purchase account matches the current account, but I don't know for sure. Don't personally know anyone else with a Vita around where I live that I could potential double check that myself with.
He also pretty much exclusively plays stuff off Steam anyway and figures that way is better since he wont have to reach down and eject the disc and put a different one in. He also is convinced he owns the games on Steam and nothing I told him convinces him he really doesn't. We just recently got into the argument again of physical vs. digital so Im just ticked at him. Sorry for blog post
And that would be interesting to find out. Wouldnt help me as I already have the cart and figure Ill buy the DLC once it does go on sale again.
Also, on the topic of Caligula, I figured Im just going to send a letter to Atlus and say how they should really do a limited physical release if anything. Anyone else want to mail a letter and see if we can get any sort of response? Figure it cant hurt to try.
Also, doing a quick check, I can't say for sure, but I think the Genroku Legends packs haven't gotten into any sales since last year. I assume that it'll go on sale again sooner or later this year, but I'm not sure if DLC for various Vita games is even a subject on being put into sales that much.
I don't know how it compares to the West, but strategy guides are still very much a thing here. There's like a 1000 page one for Monster Hunter X: amazon.co.jp
Skip the middleman and go straight to Spike Chunsoft? The Vita version of the game is going for 2330 en on Amazon right now
Or wait for used copies to show up somewhere. That's usually what I do.
Is it getting a physical release? Buy it preowned if so, provided you know a place that actually makes a decent attempt to stock for Vita games.
I really went balls deep with this. Well, it's all good. Part of the learning process. I don't really like the spear weapon, though.
There's a demo.
Can't you just show him the part of the Steam EULA that mentions content is licenced, not sold?
Section 2a.
For bonus points, show him the arbitration agreement at section 11. By using Steam, he has actively waived his right to sue Valve.
Anyone have any idea why this wasn't brought west for any of those systems, considering VN/Adventure games are somewhat popular?
I don't know, but the game sounds great. You might be interested in Root Letter if games like that appeal to you.
this happened to me too
sucks to be an americuck
Here's the wiki page if you or anyone else is wanting more info. Unfortunately there's not a lot about it there, but it had Jirou Ishii (428; Imitation City) as the writer for it with music by Hideki Sakamoto.
DT2 is $20 brandnew right now at gamestop
I got a thing
Disgaea 3 is only $15 used at gamestop too.
How did you get this? I've never seen a pre paid card for Zero Time Dilemma
BlazBlue: CSE is only $5 used there too. I have it and it's pretty awesome. Lumines is only $7 too but that's normally pretty cheap.
review code
Sweet. Have you played it yet? Also anything you can tell us about it?
Looks like I can't put this game off anymore.
That price is one downside of no localization.
Is that the standard price for a game in Canadia?
And I thought the Aussies got shafted
Console games are usually 69.99 to 79.99 here, while handheld games are 49.99 to 59.99
At least Aussies get better pay overall, we don't. Our dollar is just complete trash and our government is no rush to fix the economy.
Making the anthem gender neutral is a much bigger concern for them.
As far as I know (going off what I hear; I thankfully don't live there) Aussies get more pay than various other places, so I'd guess it averages out. Still doesn't mean they don't have absolutely bullshit preowned prices on older things at times.
At least you can probably put a good 100 hours into the game. While the price sucks there's people in Japan paying that much for lesser titles. It seems like when people talk about fuck publishers here English imports are the future they forget we have low pricing.
I hear you brother. This is perhaps the main reason I want games released in our region, to pay 30 or more dollars less for each one.
We get shafted on some retro shit here in the UK as well, Twilight princess there is a good example. I think you'd be lucky to pay less than £80 for it (for reference the general price for digital deluxe editions at least on PSN are around £80). Is the reason that GC versions of Twilight Princess are so hard to come by because the console wasn't exactly a top seller? I'd have assumed the fact that it's a Zelda game would mean that it sold a fair few copies, which would negate the need for scalping
Bit of a mix of elements. Here in my part of the US it's a good $45-75 for the GC depending on the location, but even Windwaker GC is a good $40-45 these days, despite selling enough to get a Player's Choice rerelease and having a version on the WiiU.
For the pricing, I think here it's a mix of the following:
Makes me feel lucky that I found a cheap one for $30 complete and in good condition for whenever I get around to wanting to replay it.
Holy fucking shit Zero Time Dilemma is fucking fantastic!
The worst part for me here in burgerland is that it is easy to import from japan for games I want, and the dollar is good compared to the en. But no one has a good guide for importing from the UK for those random few PAL exclusives, and the dollar sucks compared to the pound.
Are you able to say anything else about it? Is it much better compared to the first 2?
Yeah, looking at some games that PAL got but NA didn't, like Last Window for the DS, they can get pretty expensive if it's in English and is region free. Think last time I went looking specifically on Amazon for it, it was a good $50+ complete to buy preowned as an import.
Yeah, that game is one I am looking for. Along with Disaster Day of Crisis. Europe also got a few physical vita games that NA didnt get too.
Side note, in another hour and a half this goes up for sale. If you want it you need to be sure to check at 10am eastern time.
i dont think they updated the url but the game is octodad, not futuridium.
Thanks for the heads up, but I'm still waiting for something else. At least this game looked halfway decent. It would be really annoying if they got Ray Gigant or Caligula or something and I had to compete with people who make shit like Saturday Morning RPG sellout and all the weebs and regular Vita owners who buy other shit like crazy. I hope something like that happens, but it worries me if I'd even be able to get one.
Not that I only want big games, but the smaller stuff I want are always things like Phantom Breaker Battlegrounds or stuff they don't get either.
It really isnt too bad trying to get one of their games. I so far havent had an issue with it. Just be sure to refresh right at the specified times and you will be fine.
I did see a really cool indie game at PAX called Realm Walk of Soul that I hope LRG can do a physical for. The developer is now following LRG on twitter and such so I really hope that will happen once the game comes out. Sucks seeing everything start to just be digital releases now a days.
Alright I got 20 psn fun bucks for my birthday from a friend.
Should I get Samurai Shodown Anthology or Metal Slug XX?
My psp is dead and I don't like playing handheld games on the PC.
You should buy Last Blade 2, since it just came out for Vita, so they're encouraged to release more.
I just kind of do hope they start getting more games that feel like they're "supposed" to be released physically. New N Tasty is the only one that seemed most like that so far. Things that are only digital only in the west are obvious picks, but other stuff like Croixleur Sigma, Malicious Rebirth, A Boy and His Blob and stuff like that would be nice too. It's just way harder for me to spend $20 on some 1gb game than it is for me to buy something that's 90mb and only $5 every time it's on sale.
(That's reminding me, I want to buy Xcom, but I don't want to drop $20 on some digital game I don't even know if I'll like. Especially when I could just buy some SRPG for PSP I missed for half the price.)
I already bought that on release.
Oh okay, good job!
GOT DAMN, NYUKKA! 100 USD for FFVIII? 130 bucks for Zelda Twilight Princess? Used? A sealed copy of Secret of Mana is pretty good, though. Maybe not 110 USD good.
It's just the phone version, isn't it? But at a higher price.
I think it's like the console versions, but doesn't look or run as hot or something. I never played any of them, so I'm far from an expert though. The review I read awhile back made it sound fun and I wouldn't mind trying it, but I think they want like $20 for it and that seems too high for how old the game is.
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