post your favorite fights
Fight thread
Other urls found in this thread:
How about you go back to cuckchan with your shit thread?
how bot you go back to pleasuring your man you faggot
Hey OP, how about you post a webm or embed a youtube vid and not just some shitty gif. Maybe learn some proper English grammar, ya filthy nigger.
What are you 12?
Holy crap, his English is actually shit.
man Holla Forums was right bout yall
all yall are nothing but bunch of ballless bunch of cucks
Oh, so its Holla Forums now; I guess that solves everything!
A little advice OP, opening a thread with a horribly optimized gif, terrible grammar and a vague as fuck opening speil does not lead to a good thread.
Says the faggot from the raging hell hole that rivals Holla Forums in cancer and Holla Forums in degeneracy.
on an unrelated note, I'll miss Filthy Frank, even if he only got worse after he went to FilthyFrankTV
No no, the subject being discussed is your shit thread and cancer you're bringing in from another shit board.
Shit's not even Holla Forums related.
Remember to sage and report.
I was gonna politely fucking sage, but the damn thing ate it.
Awwww shit
Just let the thread die OP, its a low quality thread and deserves to be killed.
Since teevee is the go to boogeyman man now I think I'll have some fun with this.
Wow, that's probably one of the worst gifs I've seen in a while. Congratulations on the failure of a threaf OP.
I'm not OP or the other guy, and you're still not a mod.
You're the only one claiming it, im just saying the thread is shitty.
Feel free to hide it.
Sure thing OP.
I can't think of many western cartoon fights, not easily because of all the anime shit, but the Flash Lex Luthor/Brainiac fight comes to mind off the top of my head so it at least made an impact.
However thinking about it the Beast Wars Dinobot fight was great, the whole series had several great fights.
A gif is acceptable. Posting the same shit to avatar fag however is on par with trip fagging.