So which one is the REAL /redditpol/?

So which one is the REAL /redditpol/?

It's all the same shit. A bunch of people larping SJW nonsense

Leftypol obviously.


So yeah I created both /reddipol/ and /poleddit/ back in January 2016 on /r/SRS. Since then I've worked really, really fuckin hard to get these popularized. It finally entered the collective conscious of Holla Forums around March of this year. I'm pretty proud of it so please remember to use it correctly or I will correct you. Thanks.

/reddipol/ = Holla Forums. Calling Holla Forums reddit is stupid because most of reddit is leftist.


reddit detected

What a joke, everyone knows that Holla Forums is literally reddit & has been for more than a year.

Stop trying to take credit for someone else's work. I came up with it back when I was working with CTR and tried to force it several times without success. One of our guys had so much autism he continued the campaign against Mumpfy Rumpfy even after the contract and election ended and I think he eventually after a year or so of brute forcing it actually made it stick. Still, as much as that guy's autism made it popular I was the one who came up with that super clever wordplay. I'd even go so far as to say that it's our equivalent of "cuck".

Reddipol detected.

most of Holla Forums migrated here from leddit…so what do you think?

Good I have your IP now.

literally 1984 tbh

Nice try, reddit (AKA Holla Forums). We know who (((you))) are.

most of Holla Forums migrated here from leddit…so what do YOU think?

Lies. Filtered and reported.

But I use multiple VPNs to samefag in threads like these…

Why? There are no IDs and the mods dont' care.

There's no such thing as a "natural meme".

What you mean?



But why use a VPN?

* to oswitch IPs i mean.

and being a tranny isn't mental illness?

Mods have doxed anons here before. BO is a goon.

Holla Forums = reddit
reddit = Holla Forums

don't even try to deny this, newfags.

Poor thing, you must be so afraid.

This was a gag picture. The BO of Holla Forums is actually really masculine.

Leftypol is more openly reddit, even had threads openly inviting redditors to the board.

Holla Forums has /ptg/ and retarded ameriburgers bringing in /r/thedonald retards who have drowned out the people who were normally too edgy to allow reddit colonization

Thats the BO , they will even ban you for posting it

nice try, redditpol

If you love Trump, youre reddit. THat's all that matters.

Hello, goon. Just thought I'd inform you that your use of "newfags" make you immediately recognizable. If you want to pretend to not be a butthurt leftist you have to change your posting style every now and then.

Ha ha great posts! Well meme'd my friend!

Reminder that the left can't meme

I invite redditors to Holla Forums all the time lol

Last summer, Bannon's crew invited reddit here en masse to shill for Trump. Most of them flocked to Holla Forums, where bootlicking right-wing views were already accepted. Nu/pol/ is literally Reddit. Fact.

is that really the Holla Forums logo? You can barely tell what it is with the faggy ancap flag taking up 90% of the viewing space. Retards.

wrecked a fuck.

as above, so below.

BTFO and trying to damage control I see.

Neither, this is a retarded meme. Definitely made by a leftist because they can't meme for shit.

Continuing to confirm the obvious, that you can't.


TRS is clearly better than either. White Sharia!

Seriously Holla Forums how do you waste your lives spamming your bullshit everyday. I think I've realized why the internet sucks, why the poleddit cancer is everywhere. Because you're all 13-21 year old edgelords. Youre faggots born from 1998-2004. No wonder the shit taste in film.

Seriously think about it. You wanna know why you can have an honest discussion about film anymore? Because most of you werent even fucking lucid until 2010 you're all a bunch of braindead, idiots. Half of the population is women and the other half is full of dumb faggots who watch capeshit and sam hyde. This is fucking pathetic what the fuck


What a surprise, communists can't do math

wasnt even trying to make those the same