I hate ni-



I went to a public school, I'm not falling for this meme.

YOU are the problem in our society.

Niggers are good for laughs, sure. But it's definitely not worth putting up with all the extra robbery, rape, and murder that comes along with having them around. If only there were some way to push them into their own land - segregate them, so to speak - and put up cameras and microphones to harvest the lulz and a wall to filter the societal rot it would be a far more equitable situation than what we have now.


I hate niggers.


Yeah, they're gonna act all funny and then put a gun to your head.

Yeah sure, niggers are good for an occasional laugh, but so are monkeys.
You wouldn't let a monkey into your neighborhood, why let niggers?

Tryhard racism memes = Pure Reddit.

Sorry I triggered you there, faggot.

I grabbed some nigrette 7am on the bus yesterday morning. Wasn't even afraid cus I knew if she made a scene I wouldn't mind knocking the fuck out of her. Of course I just wanted to get my hand up in that juicy taint tho hnnnnn I fapped an hour later when I could be alone with the same unwashed hand. tbh if there was no one else to see I'd have fucked her right there.


Is it still racist if you think they're so far beneath you that they're like ants?

Why do black people have the same sense of humor as fucking iCarly? I don't get the 'black people be funny' meme.

It's because they're different and weird but white people are too cucked to admit it.


just draftallniggers already


My mom has, in the past, tried to get me to go to niggers standup shows as well as nigger comedy movies, and I have a hard time hiding my power level and come out to my mother as a nigger hater and just have to say "Uh…. maybe another time…"

You hide it from your mother because you know it is wrong.

I had hoped people had forgotten about that shit.
The only thing worse than vines, are vines made by niggers.


lol look how pathetic this cumskin is.

can't even talk to his mommy! sad!

And people say that Holla Forums is the Tumblr board in this site. We are more redpilled than you cucks from this mod-forsaken board.

Pretty much me. I dare you to pull some shit, cucklord


Are these the Godly Niggers I've been hearing about on /christian/? I hear they'd let their daughters marry one over a white man.

Why would you hide it then? If you think it's right and are capable of backing up your viewpoint with logic and evidence you wouldn't feel the need to hide it.

I think overall it's not wrong, just the degree to which I do is probably "more than average".

The only nigga worth going to see is Dave Chapelle.
He knows what's good.