What if the "white race" should be exterminated?

The past 4 years I've accepted the notion that whites are being systematically exterminated. I went through probably 10+ transformations of being incredibly frustrated, hopeful, depressed, happy, frustrated, irritated and depressed again. Sometimes I think I'm going to snap.
But then the thought occurred to me: is it necessarily evil that white people are going to be bred to extinction? Mostly it won't be violent. We know the Jews are behind, what's their true goal? I don't believe the religious stuff about prophecies being their reason, it just sounds like a brainlet conspiracy theory. Then I had a thought while I was brooding over the coming automation and millions millions more men with no meaningful purpose in life. Millions more people going crazy wasting away, more than there already are, at best becoming drug "addicts" or slowly suiciding from alcoholism. Most of these people shouldn't be alive. You might say so why don't we genocide other people, but maybe by Jew logic white people "voluntarily" committing suicide like the jobless male too insecure and pessimistic to build a life, maybe that's better than the alternative of convincing white people that niggers need to be exterminated and we'll need to go to war with China over who genocides who if we want it any other way. It's not even about resources (unless a meaningful job is a 'resource'), no society can sustain a critical mass of men serving no purpose because most will commit suicide, and a great number will go on mass shootings every day in every county. If I just had a tiny ounce of psychopathy I'm 100% I'd have gone on one by now but I'm too much of a faggot to emotionally hurt anyone. And judging from history, there's probably a big percentage of people who are genetically capable of becoming murderers if pressed far enough.
What are your thoughts?

just some food for thought I still think European culture and Europeans are the greatest and would rather every other human being be wiped out than have the opposite happen to Europeans.

No one is forcing you to do so. You could just shut off all your borders and maintain a policy of isolationism. Then see how far you get.

This. Didn't read OP.



I thought I was on Holla Forums????

People say shit like East Asian supremacy but even Japan and China only managed to BTFO other world powers after they opened up to foreign (read: white) tech and shekels by trading with them. And that is when they are not busy having civil wars with their own distant cousin from the next province or something.

didnt read lol

a hundred whites should be killed for every innocent jew who was gassed in the Holocaust

So none?

cumskins are on the way OUT
watch them bitch & moan but they can't delay the inevitable, good riddance to cumskins & their degenerate capitalism

Try formatting next time, you double nigger.

I feel it only needed to be split into the two paragraphs

The Holocaust didn't happen, but it should have.

Holla Forums, Holla Forums, Holla Forums, what's the difference.



Checkmate cumskins!



It won't happen. 'Whites' are scary, they'll take everyone else with them if they're going to be wiped out, whereas jews only threaten the Samson option, whitey will actually do it. They're monsters deep down.


It wont be

What if whitey gets really mad and decides to ethnically cleanse the planet?

why is this thread still up? It has nothing to do with TV or movies.