This is the Black Panther General. In this thread we discuss the Black Panther film.
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Holy crap, this is probably the first time a vol made a literal official general! What the hell caused ya to do this?
Don't try to derail OP.
You're a worse nigger than the entire cast and production team combined, Rothgar.
Is it me or have they been hyping this thing hard for the past 6 months or so? Feels like they're really desperate to make people aware of it.
when is this coming out?
Lots of shitpost and b8 threads, presumably.
He is probably black, tbh fam.
This is troubling, I propose we force the vols to do a skin test
I wonder if Redwood still moderate half/co/.
Or did he leave when moot left and there was no more boipussy?
What’s the point, outside of this thread being black is pretty irrelevant to moderating Holla Forums
For fun.
I remember when the database leak came out, his email had Viking in it.
Could he be a LARPing black man trying to be white, yet conflicted by Black Panther and wishing for Wakanda to be real?
There was no need to make a vol mandated general, Holla Forums is slow enough that he can easily delete/ lock threads and get a point across.
Holla Forums is slow enough that a single man could moderate the entire board by manually checking every post, but the BO is nonexistent and only the Vol remains, who takes the better part of a day, if not more, to clear up problems, and refuses to take any advice/criticism from the userbase.
inb4 he locks this for being "meta"
Might as well, not gonna take off now and news ones about it won’t either.
Really though, vols/mods shouldn’t be making threads that favor any particular people as it is, unless it’s european that is ;^)
Maybe for the artfags, writefags or people who generally make quality content. I still say we should have a drawthread pinned to the front page.
I mean by race, for those things it would be not only fine but benificial.
Drawfag here, I wouldn't mind this, at least for a while to test it out.
Well this turned out to be a mess. I was hoping to get ahead of all the "WE WAZ KANGZ" threads by creating a general to herd them all into. I see now that attaching my name to it was a mistake.
If this was seen as favoritism, then I apologize. It was not my intent.
You made it 3 weeks early, have never done anything similar and never communicate with us.
Can't imagine why no one liked the idea.
Fuck off newfag.
Bad Idea, a year ago or so there was a writefag thread that ran so smoothly that it spawned 3 sequels but ultimately it degenerated into the same 4 faggots shilling their shit.
I know because I was there and it was my fault.
Maybe you should communicate with us a bit more.
Well no offense but I feel like its been months since anyone official has posted anything on this board and its to the point it feels like there is truly no one in charge. The fact that we still have Holla Forums trying to derail every thread on the board is troubling too
That's because not enough of you faggots bully enough, when people do non-stop shilling you need to shitpost them to their deaths.
But it was fun while it lasted. I think that all things degenerate eventually, but the question is how fast will it degenerate?
Probably really fast since it'd be pinned, but who knows.
The issue when things degenerate, is that there is no old guard trying to keep quality or at least telling the annoying posters to knock it off.
No one comes from any other board to try and derail.
You have legitimate retards and people trying to bait, but it's not a concentrated effort by any group.
If you're the faggot posting "hey Holla Forums", you deserve to be doxxed and banned permanently, as that derails worse than any bait.
Pinning actually causes people not to care.
Case in point, the share thread was super active for some time, then dried up and no posts would be made for a week or more.
You just scroll past it on the front page or in the catalog, but will open a thread that's been recently bumped.
Share thread should be unpinned, restarted and GitAnon should come back.
This. Bullying is incredibly effective unless you're up against turbo-spergs.
You've never been in a room full of writefags during a brainstorm circlejerk have you? There's a reason us writefags are miserable, is for our own good.
Id be for if the vols kept an eye on it and made it an official general but at the same time if no one makes a new thread or bumps it would fall into obscurity and all that valuable info would be lost if no one archived. Just look at the infinty-verse threads, all it took was for someone to forget to make a new thread and its lost forever. So for now keep the thread pinned and direct any requests threads to the pinned thread.
If you bullied them to stop sperging and making the thread about them, it'd probably work.
GitAnon and and user from Holla Forums that does their sharethread kept it alive by bumping and organising things. I doubt it'd ever fall off the board, as we have threads that last for months only to get bumped and another rush of posts made.
You forget that they are dedicated Anons and we've had good threads die forever. For example the OC threads had a ton of content before they were raided by random faggots and again to the Infinity-verse.
I keep a deserted storytime thread, so it goes down the catalog until I bump it again with the next issue.
Talking about OC threads, wasn't there an animation thread a few days ago?
Yeah, though it kinda just disappeared.
Yeah, I can't find it on the catalog.
Also there the most hated tropes thread, sounds autistic but it had interesting discussions of comic cliches.
The thread about anons making their own animation?
Trope thread looks like it was deleted. Don't know why (((Vol))) would delete a thread with that many replies of people calling out the OP and making it about something better.
No, it wasn't that one. It was called "Post your own animations" not that project.
He could've been caught in a IP ban or deleted the thread if it wasn't going his way. I never posted in it so I wouldn't know.
No, it was a thread for anons to animate simple stuff with Pencil2D.
We haven't had a meta thread in so long it feels weird, maybe we should just pin this one instead.
Oh, I don't recall seeing that one.
There were a few IP bans, which shouldn't be done unless it's 100% spam. Vol can see all posts made on the one page, so there's no reason they'd hit yes if there was a good thread in there unless they're a clown.
Woah now, user. Can't have users dictating the board.
Meta threads get bumplocked, per the rules :^)
No that would be a terrible thread, enjoy the freshness for now but eventually they all turn to shit. For some odd reason only /monster/ can have consistent meta threads that dont devolve to shit.
Shake My Dark Head?
Because they have a very specific fetish as basis I guess.
Isn't that Coruscant?
You'd be surprised the amount of shit they get themselves into. They're only second to /cow/ when it comes to fucking with Josh/Null The guy that fucked over the site during the switch if you dont remember.
smh tbh fam
To play devil's advocate its now 2 years since the name was relevant.
You're the same janitor who bans everyone who talks bad things about kikes, aren't you? Got to hell, you jewish SOB, I'm going to love rip the skin from your face when the day of reckoning arrives.
Foxdicksfarm is getting worse every day, but dodging them is half the fun.
/cow/ still does, it amazing how the board made a massive comeback after their short death in the beginning of 2017.
Hey Holla Forums
The deadpool started paying out, so people went back to try and get more people to do it.
Also, that user is an edgelord, but he is correct, the Vol does delete things he doesn't like, including anti-semitism.
To be fair I was out during all the Infinity Next fall.
I asked him in his site's if he really stole the $12K and he said they never gave him that money, but that he was unapologetic on leaving the site.
It's alright. The important thing is that you suffered for months with us using a barely-functional website.
He's the user that spams that edgy political shit in almost every thread he comes by and goes on multi-post rants about Jews or niggers. Its one thing when you're joking or even discussing but its another when all you do is derail a thread with shitposts that would even get you banned from Holla Forums.
Yeah right, he used the sheckles to fund 15chanor was it 16chan? and Nextchan.
Fair enough.
I'd trust Fred over Josh, though. Everyone that was in that IRC cabal agreed they saw Josh spending a lot of money that he wasn't before.
Josh was also living on Fred's money for some time, so that still counts as accepting money.
Best fucking shitshow I've ever seen.
Userbase tanked by 30% overnight and caused all manner of shitters from various groups to come and shit up the site even worse.
Holla Forums and similar boards in the top 25 got absolutely massacred in usercount, while the big 3 stayed pretty good.
I suspect many went back to halfchan or just gave up completely on imageboards. It's a shame, as Holla Forums used to be much faster and more fun.
I wouldn't know. I only discuss politics if it's relevant and ignore it any other time.
Doubt he's from Holla Forums, though. Holla Forums really doesn't give a flying fuck about us apart from when people blame them for things they didn't do.
More likely Holla Forums or Holla Forums LARPing as the other to stir drama.
I doubt its Holla Forums maybe it Holla Forums considering there's two of them now. Though using Holla Forums does get the biggest reaction.
We used to be in the top 4.
I almost did to be honest. Fuck going back to halfchan.
I'll rather have imageboard design to Kiwifarms' glorified BulletinBoard with nice graphics.
So instead of taking to shekels to give money to his social network abortion that already exist for the sole purpose of mocking invalid people he made an imageboard…. dumbass.
And with the problems they're facing now, if we're unlucky we'll see more of their braindead users come here. Look at this here from the Gwenpool thread, absolutely disgraceful!
I absolutely want nothing to do with them.
The two board subjects go hand in hand, and many anons go on both.
Most of Holla Forums is fine with Holla Forums, as we are of them, but there are a few people on both that don't like the other for whatever reason, and promoting that idea just shits up both boards.
I'll throw in the towel within 5 years, I think.
I've used IBs since '04, and I think closing in on 20 years is too much.
The Next software was promising in theory.
Too bad every single aspect of it was fucked from the get-go. I don't believe Josh could ever be paid for the quality of code he produced.
There's a good write up by the user making BlazeChan on Holla Forums about the issues in Next:
>>>Holla Forums847606
Short bans for newfags and deleting rubbish posts should be normal.
Vol won't do it, but it should be done.
I wonder what the BO is doing, as they're never around to speak up.
When it did work in the beta, I really liked it. It was fast, stable and mp3's were embedable. Then everything went to shit.
The site's software has been improved quite a lot. You could try asking Ron on /sudo/. I've been meaning to get him to support CBR and CBZ files so you can drop them at the start/end of a storytime, but I hate going to /sudo/ as it's a shithole filled with spammers.
Have you've seen Holla Forums? There hasn't been one quality non-shitpost thread since September 2016. Its practically Holla Forums, and now that Holla Forums goons like LearningCode and those triangle guys are there, it'll never get better. There was a chance with /television/ but that board was killed in the April Fools hack.
Not a chance, I think Jim said they probably wouldn't do it because it would be easier to sue the site in the name of copyright. At best, CM increases the webm limit again.
/television/ was a meme from the get-go.
Holla Forums still does have quite good threads. You just have to wade through the shit and you will find a thread with 10+ anons discussing a topic in a very thoughtful manner, without resorting to shitposting.
If anything, due to the hands-off moderation Holla Forums employs, the constant political/shitposting threads are good because it gets that shit out of normal threads.
16mb is pretty good. If the majority of anons weren't braindead, we would be converting mp3s to webms with a static image and having people turn them back to mp3s if they wanted to save it to a music playlist, but we can't have nice things.
The only boards that would truly benefit from mp3s are /mu/ and similar, but they have SoundCloud, which is much easier on the server as it doesn't need to host anything.
1gb would be better.
You newfag, that's completely normal in a +200 posts thread.
I didn't even get to see how it looked, as I said, I was out during that time.
It had a new UI/HTML6 or something?
Yup. Lots of good threads can be had. I regularly talk with anons on there about all kinds of movies and shows without getting the thread bombed.
We don't have enough computer for that tbh.
Also, the problem with higher filesizes and more variety in what can be stored, the more likely we'll have shit like CP spread rampantly.
Give me a 1gb limit and you can be sure people would be uploading a 500mb archive of shit that simply needs to be changed from .pdf to .zip.
It was completely rewritten to better handle usercount, infinite boards, file hosting etc.
You could make it look the same as what we currently have, but Josh defaulted it to some retarded CSS that killed my eyes.
All it really did for the average end user was increase load times and posting times, but Ron has fixed those issues alongside the other anons on GitHub, and the site more or less runs as it should.
Speaking of the site running well, 4chan has had a little exodus due to lots of issues with file hosting, so there's shit tons of them here now. I can't be fucked linking it, but there are a fair few on /g/ and they want this place to look exactly the same as the last cesspit, so be sure to bully anyone trying to change things for """nostalgia""".
It's actually fairly frequent on Holla Forums. There are even threads sometimes that consist in finding out the source for the song that was webmed.
I only like FLAC
Some anons get it, from the Death of Superman thread.
Now that vol's here… can he enable IDs?
It's like those mp3 embedded in pictures from back when moot liked [fun].
Now that's smooth.
The process needs to be easier or someone should make a guide and post it everywhere. Then and only then it would become common.
DMCA's took over.
Fuck off newfag.
Is that solo from "Beat it"?
Nah, kill yourself.
IDs just cause drama as people jump IDs to shitpost and people act differently.
I use Xmedia Recode as I like the GUI over the command line for trimming, and it supports straight converting from MP3 to WEBM without messing around with anything.
Same but it is daunting for newer users and there's no video like the "webm for dummies" vid.
You sound like the faggot who goes around shitposting and saging every thread he dislikes.
You'd have to try to mess up simple conversions with Xmedia.
If there was enough demand for it, you could get an user on Holla Forums to make a simple WEBM -> MP3 and MP3 -> WEBM site. Only issue would be upkeep and bandwidth costs, as many anons don't give our their hard earned cash NEETbux.
Oh no, I'm here. Just quietly monitoring the thread.
There's some new clips and trailers out. Looks like Black Panther has a wisecracking teenaged female genius scientist sidekick. His armor now absorbs kinetic energy so he can do big flashy blasts, because they couldn't figure out anything else to do with him… and also, looks like they will be dedicating a notable portion of the movie to being a commercial for Lexus, so that's fucking great too.
I can already foresee people disliking this movie because of how many characters are going to be talking with overblown, mush-mouthed "African" accents and journos are going to call audiences racist for disliking that, but they'll also call the movie makers racist for having so much of the cast speak with heavy, cliche accents.
It is weird, I've been using all the shit, ffmpeg, Xmedia, handbrake, mkvtoolnix for over a year now and I still don't know the mp3>>>webm process.I thought it was pretty simple but I failed just now.
Well say something, its a miracle at all that you're speaking.
Id yell at you for not using hooktube but I see you're an user of tastes, so I'll drop it for now.
And heeeeeeee…..locks it.
What did he mean by this?
Honestly the thread, though off topic, was doing very well.
Suck Men's Dicks Hard.
I've been doing the whole "bump-lock meta threads" for three years now and people still act like it's a new policy.