OpenMorrowind Multi-core support when?

How long should I put of playing Morrowind and wait for them to have proper multicore support?

I even created a thread on reddit and jesus, people are already getting triggered as fuck over there. For some reason a few people over there think that multi-threading is equal to proper multicore support. Idk why they are getting so angry at me …

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Good lord, why

Have you played Morrowind with that one mod (which IIRC is optional as part of the overhaul mod packet) which expands towns like Seyda Neen and other places?

The performance is absolutetly horrible in those places. Sub 30 fps easily.

Though I didnt use openmw, but multithreading only gives marginal fps boost.

I use some lightweight town mods as part of my regular loadorder
They still bog down fps to 20+ in some cells
And yet I keep them on
My favorite food is feces with a side of dick

Actually admitting going to reddit, you're not very bright are you? Here is a hint, leave that part out next time

It's because of a collision bug.

Thanks for the advice, Hitler. But I am not afraid.
If anything I would be glad if someone went over to reddit and talked some sense into the 2 zelots who are hellbent on proving the world how multi-threading is somehow equal to multi-core support.

But I guess that kinda proved how openmw will never get that, which is kinda sad. Morrowind really needs some better performance, especially for all these nice town mods.

Performance with v0.39 is already quite a bit better than vanilla and modded Morrowind for me. I also thought that multi-core support has long ago been included, weren't there images showing that multiple cores were addressed by OpenMW?

Furthermore, it should be 64-bit so that's great as well.

Another reason for OpenMW not hitting 1.0 yet might have to do with that implementing the final functions are hard to get working, it may also be a lack of time to work on it. Perhaps now Summer's here, work on OpenMW (and hundreds of other open source projects across the web) will pick up until September.

I'm all ears, please do explain.

Apparently some objects constantly collide at such a high rate that it slows down the entire cell.

Actually, apart from the physics bug performance is better than the original engine at this point.

Don't forget no loading screens either.

I haven't really followed openmw's development at all.

is that a thing? no loading screens?

Can I just use openmw and expect full mod support? Is there any reason to not play morrowind with openmw?

I thought morrowind doesn't really have a physics engine. At least not in the same sense as skyrim and oblivion.


Yup. Todd Howard couldn't do it but the power of FLOSS could.

It's expected that not all of the quirks of the original scripting system have been recreated fully, so the hackier script mods won't be expected to work right, and the physics bug is that performance drops heavily when there are lots of objects in an area, so that'd rule out things like Sotha Sil Expanded (even if it weren't for the scripting stuff in it), but other than that, go for it.

No loading screens. Look it up on the forums. The game just loads everything (well, up to a certain limit) dynamically.

What's the appeal of OpenMW anyways? Did they expose parts of the engine so you can mod combat to not suck?

Now we just need to script doors and trapdoors for a near-complete natural transition.

Oh. You mean the collision bug is only a thing with openmw? I do not know that, but you seem to imply it.

But man, no loading screens sound awesome.
Cities should still have them, no?

I remember a skyrim mod which had the city "cell" in the same instance as the rest of the world and tbh … not a good idea. Really dropped performance.

If you mean the skill based miss-chance in Morrowind, then there is already a mod for that, pleb

But the performance sucks?

It detects the positions of meshes relative to each other. Sometimes when one mesh enters another the game doesn't understand what's happening so it slows to a crawl trying to calculate it.

It actually has better mod support than the original engine. So much so that it actually breaks some mods because they needed to come up with ways around the limitations bethesda built into the engine.

They're also working pretty hard at making the construction set even better than the original.

It's a completely new engine that runs morrowind. You can also make your own game if you want.

How did I miss your post?

Anyway really? 64-bit is already in?
That is AWESOME!

But I thought it only had limited multi-threading and didn't make proper use of all the cores? Are the redditfags right?

Hello devs.

Should I start my playthrough of openmw right now or should I wait?

user, can you guess what "Open" might mean in this context?

Morrowind doesn't separate cities out like that in the first place.

Apart from the bug with the physics, no. See the forums - benchmarking has been done showing higher framerates in OpenMW than in Gamebryo/"Creation" as of about six months ago, if I remember correctly.

It's a compilation flag, user. That giant issue that causes all the crashes and limitations in Bethesda's games is literally just a matter of ticking a box when compiling the source code.

This is the kind of shit that proprietary software holds us back from.


I was thinking about Vivec actually, but technically those islands are giant rooms, so fair enough, friend.

I don't mean that. I mean how the entire combat system is shit that needs to be thrown out and completely redone in a way that actually feels like fighting and not like bouncing against/dancing sideways in front of an enemy while swinging as fast as possible at them.

You need to go back

I don't see why you shouldn't start now, it;s mostly feature complete however past version 1.00 they plan on adding physics and other good shit to it.

It means you'd have to recompile the whole god damn engine unless the specific thing you want to mod is EXPOSED to script.

Multi core? On a 15 year old game?

If you're just looking for Morrowind, yeah. Giant, script heavy modern mods like Sotha Sil Expanded (or just any depending on the engine hack script extender) likely will not work properly, and no post-1.0 features like overhauling any gameplay systems have been started on, but as far as just playing Morrowind goes, it's all but ready right now; all of the gameplay is reimplemented, Gamebryo/'Creation" bugs have been fixed, and the base game has been tested successfully all over.

Huh. Well good thing such exposure is a design goal, then.

It's more likely than you think!

Is it that easy? Huh, I hope when and if they remaster skyrim that they will include 64 bit support there as well.

I remember a similar instance of copyright fucking us over, when I researched binaural sound technology and found out that older unreal games actually had pretty fucking amazing almost binaural level of 3D sound.

But then a company bought up the rights and restricted all modern games from using that technology and now we are stuck with this.

Actual physics? I hope it doesn't affect the fps too much. Or since morrowind wasn't designed for that to have items randomely clip out of the room and such.

So I guess now really is the time to start.

[spoiler]Not sure I want to play as a dunmer spellsword type character or a half-naked (like vivec) demi-god mage.

And Morrowind Overhaul should work together with that as well, right?


I've tested v.0.39 with MGSO and only a few bugs were that I could catch thus far, including the rocks using a fake version of bumpmaps so they're plastic-looking (easily fixed by replacing these textures with your own favorite ones) and a few floating items. I can only assume it's similar for Morrowind Overhaul.

Still, the most superior option really is building your own mod list and installing each manually and adjusting to your own liking.

The power of FLOSS and also the hardware demands that can eventually come when you're overhauling a fifteen year old game to modern graphical standards, etc

Oh, yes… ;_;
a-at least we've got OpenAL HRTF, though, right?

MGSO? That whole convoluted installation process of keylogging your computer and taking over the mouse to install a set of engine hacks for you won't work, and neither will the engine hacks themselves that are really the most game-changing part of it, but all the actual content of MGSO will work fine.

Just keep in mind that MGSO is kinda shit in a few places. Bizarre things like half of the Daedric armor pieces being recolored and half of them not, and nix hounds having fucking Half-Life zombie sounds.

When I do that I usually spend days just modding the game and losing the will to play.

explain the FLOSS meme to me please, I feel left out

Fugg. So I guess I really have to put some effort into modding the game.

Oh, Free (Libre) Open Source Software.


I would like to calmly remind everyone that openmw 1.0 target is an engine that is vanilla replaceable – this is the current goal. This doesn't not include performance. Development will not end at 1.0 and moving to "performance enhancement" features is on the way. Shortly
followed by more mod support.

Actually openmw does have a physics engine and its the bullet middleware. (Morrowind also has a primitive physics system, btw, but its no 'Havok'). Bullet can be a 'havok' and when things defined as the static type in an esp [STAT] (anything that is not part of the landscape, like crates, or walls). It tries to do calculations to try 'fix' the statics positions when an intersection is detected (force the statics away from their collision mesh), but can not, since its not permitted. Its an oversight on the backburner, because Zini hasn't made a plan to cope. Its not a simple fix, as the direct method involves fooling with bullet's source and altering the type STAT would mean that you could walk through castle walls and fall through bridges. The nuclear option is to completely unwrite bullet out of the picture and seek or create a replacement.

Yes, its easy. The reason they didn't ship 64 bit is because they want to maintain 32 bit capability and not ship 2 binaries. Keep in mind that bethesda targets xbox/360/one and not PC, despite the mod tools support.

But they will add 64 bit support if they remaster Skyrim.
R-right, g-guys?

I'm waiting until tamriel rebuilt and openMW work together to put another bajillion hours in to Morrowind personally. Also goddamn Some Morrowind VR support and 2 player co-op would be super cool.

Good one user

Why don't you just get really really close to the screen?

The fuck you talking about? Multithreading is multicore, or at least it should be unless your OS isn't shit and your CPU allows it. It's up to the OS to schedule threads in each core, not to the program.

Maybe if you were more specific as to what the hell you mean with "multithreading is not multicore", people wouldn't get so mad. You mean arbitrary number of threads for potentially infinite core scaling? Because that shit's so difficult I doubt the OpenMW devs want to put up with that bullshit. Not even Unreal has that, if I am not mistaken.

I think I was wrong tbh, because I only read old forum posts about openmw, where multi-threading was unoptimized as fuck and was only used very limited.

Also I did not know that openmw used 64 bit architecture.

Tamriel Rebuilt is just a normal plugin, user. OpenMW's supported loading plugins for as long as it's supported loading the base game.

I'm assuming this is you.

You have to go back.

You have absolutely no fucking idea what you are talking about. You can't just run a bunch of shit in different threads and have it work you shit-smeared mouth breather.

Its a german meme similar to the navy seals copypasta.


Does it need multi-core support, I thought the main issue was to do with models in scenes being unbatched especially actors who are like a whole load of different skinned objects and unoptimized shaders, it does perform very poorly, I mean you know it's a problem when Fallout 4 performs better at max.

We're getting distant land support next, I just hope it's actually good unlike the MGEXE version, although that would require people build LODs for distant objects, which can actually be automated by code.

and for the love of god give me some fucking optimization

You could just load extra cells. I managed to load the entirety of Vvardenfell and still got a silky smooth 3fps.

You could do much better though, the MGEXE distant lands is horribly cobbled together because the system can't handle proper LODs.

unless you are talking about just increasing view distance in which case, how? I honestly get into single digits going past 2 cells.

I meant I fiddled with the config for openmw and got every cell loaded at once. It was completely unplayable but I could see forever.

I said I upped it to 2 cells and got to single digit fps, what kind of GPU do you have?

Have any pictures to post?

jesus christ.jpg

A mediocre one. I wasn't able to get a screenshot the one time I tried it because my pc sounded like a goat being castrated and it crashed after a minute.

If you dig through the openmw forum you can see another guy who did that and survived long enough to take pics.

Until open morrowind came about i believed there was nothing more autistic than a pokemon breeder

how foolish i was back then

From what I understand TR's work arounds cause issue with openMW cause openMW isn't a broken engine.