The kikes are kvetching about goyim being allowed to own stores in a predominantly Jewish town in New Jersey. It's not fair to let goyim own businesses. Only Jewish people can be businessmen!
https:// www.
The kikes are kvetching about goyim being allowed to own stores in a predominantly Jewish town in New Jersey. It's not fair to let goyim own businesses. Only Jewish people can be businessmen!
https:// www.
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Here is an opportunity to make some kikes butthurt and possibly ruin one of their footholds in goyim territory. Ideas about how to go about it are welcome in this thread
Tell the Jews what you think of their bigoted resistance to consumerism and multiculturalism.
If it's good enough for the goys, it's good enough for the Jews.
They want the planning board to deny a business enterprise based on religion.
The irony here is that Cedarbridge Development Corp. that is behind this proposed project is owned by an Orthodox Jewish yeshiva.
Suddenly the Jews on Holla Forums have nothing to say.
Reminder that these marxist fucks dont give a fuck about having logic or reason on their side, or having justification for their actions.. that they simply seize power, and then use it. They should have power removed from their hands without their consent, and it should be used to further white peoples interests without regard for the Jewish or race traitor opinion.
wtf is jew jersey an apartheid state or something?
>Kikes suddenly hate diversity when its coming to their part of town
top wew
Why didn't they just let the goyim waste their money trying to set up shop and then organize a stealth boycott like they usually do?
Jew lawsuit in 3…2…1…
The Jews were running out of room in Brooklyn so they all started moving to Lakewood. They've essentially taken over the govt there. Now they're practicing block busting and other Jew tactics on the surrounding white suburbs, forcing white families to sell their homes under threat that their property values will go down once they move in enough kikes. They literally go door to door trying to get you to sell your house. The first houses go for market value and once enough move in they can get them for cheap. It's without a doubt a planned effort. These "people" live like rats and if you ever drive through their town you can see how disgusting they actually live. The rest of Lakewood is illegal spics and some nigs, but the Jews behavior makes even living amosngt the Mexicans an attractive choice. Once a wealthy vacation spot on the NJ shore is some bizzaro mix of dirty hasids and Mexicans. Sad.
t. Jerseyfag
the best thing to use against Kikes is their own lies, push multiculturalism, open boarders in Israel, race mixing, degeneracy. destroy them from the inside. the once they're fighting amongst themselves its time for the ovens
I'm confused. These Jews are doing exactly what I want to do but for whites.
like the whole country?
Hey Chaim, Chaim! We must slide dis down wid a vigor!
I find it curious that they would not enjoy culture mixing, after all they push everywhere else in the west.
Also, what a lack of shills in this thread.
Bumping for exposure
Since we've established a shill free thread may we begin to share ideas on ways to meme a shopping mall into existence?
Petitions get shut down and letters get thrown out; before any children propose those ideas- NO.
Puppet accounts complaining about a lack of shopping, lack of diversity or a lack of jobs perhaps? Discuss.
The owner of the company setting up the mall is an Orthodox jew also. Who's jewing who?
jewish apartheid e x p o s e d
They're all so fat and ugly
They're literally giving away their positions. Its just going to make DOTR that much easier.
But Mike Pence is the psyco for not having dinner and drinks with woman out of respect to his marriage.
KEK they cant help but shoot themselves in the foot during the year of the FIRE COCK. This is some fucking spicy red pilling material.
these dubs encapsulate the content of this thread into an easy to swallow crimson form
I meant the people who would be renting the spaces.
Goy pays rent to jews, jews boycott the business, goy loses his life savings while believing he's just a born loser, handrubbing intensifies.
Diabolical plan with diabolical dubs
Holy fuck, when you say it like this it all makes sense.
I've been doing this all along. hell, throw in some Freudian psycholanalysis in there and turn it against them and plenty of keks will be had.
like for instance, tell them that the reason they want to push childfucking so bad is because it gives a warm, soft feeling inside them reminding them of their childhood getting blowjobs from Rabbis.
Hey Rabbi, come participate in our thread why dontcha!
What, are they afraid of a little diversity or something?
Theres a fear of bagel shops and pizzerias where boys and girls could 'hang out' in
Fucking jews man
Collect their reactions and put them into juxtaposition with pro-migration statements. Preferably by the same people but that would make it too easy, would it?
kikes just kiking
It's against the law stupid fucking kike.
Because even the slimiest Kike knows non-whites are subhuman. And around Blacks never relax. In hometown there are two malls, and the one that niggers go to is constantly losing businesses. Nigger-related violence went up and people have started to stop shopping there.
Oy vey never reproduce goy
>just not here, goyim
Normies will still defend allowing Jews into their country.
Yeah, the mall is a nigger hangout. I don't know where all these unemployed niggers get money for the mall, but they seem to gravitate there. They go to show off their purchases and to leer at the little White girls.
They have the five finger discount. Money is not an issue when the mall cops don't do shit.
Shut it down, the Goyim know.