is there any strategy for keeping the media out of our operations?
The Eternal Journo
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Motherboard is buddy buddy with Microsoft.
Discord is a huge competitor to Skype.
The whole reason they push the "Discord is muh alt-right" is to try to scare away normalfags and keep Microsoft's business unchallenged.
Only 30% of the country trusts the media, the rest are looking for an alternative.
By pitting themselves against us, MEDIA IS MAKING US THE ALTERNATIVE.
let them finish this slow sudoku.
Every time they put pepe on the cover of any thing it's only good for us.
This is Shane Smith's $20 million dollar house and he has a small $5 million dollar shack too. If you work for Vice and you think you're a rebel you're a massive sucker sucking Shane Smith's toes.
So you are saying that we are the majority?
Wew, journalist are not very smart people
They don't realize how memes work
Hahahaha, stupid fucks
Pic related
What tinfoil hattery is this? ,:^)
my sides
hahahahahah do they even realize how pathetic they sound?
We become the media
We were not supposed to talk about that, but yeah.
I don't think they even care as long as they can keep getting paid much more than they are worth for low effort shit articles. If you are a completely shameless goy automaton you could pump out articles like this every other hour and make decent shekels.
Attention Vice cucks ITT. While you're eating generic cereal, contemplating wether or not some CIAnigger will one day leak your blackmail portfolio, your corporate master is enjoying his tropical villa
Pic related is your only release.
Having suffered numerous setbacks, they're now unsure about how to fight such powerful memes.
Thankfully, they discovered the Mongolian string instrument tuning forum used by the international cabal of frog posters. They quickly ordered their top hackers to work on the case and after months of studying, they finally deployed their strategy which resulted in 3 days of downtime.
What is their strategy exactly? What happened during downtime?
The hackers known as anolimun did us a favor tbh fam
High powered rifles.
You're being awfully generous there user. I'd wager it's in the single digits in CY+2.
Yup. Nobody actually likes the media. It's just that lots of people (especially GenX and Boomer cucks) grew up with TV as their only used news source, and they are set in their ways and don't understand how to get information from anywhere besides CNN/Fox
This is how we are going to do it:
Hwat in the god damn
The future of geopolitics consists of which country is currently in control of the rarest pepe. Mark my words.
We're ridiculous without at least a year of hanging around here; Holla Forums is the ultimate in joke. Any attempt to explain or expose us is a fools errand. No one is going to take: "frog nazi anime meme-wizards can take over the nation" seriously.
According to wiki, Shane Smith is a billionaire with a net worth of 1.27 billion USD. How the hell did that happen? Is Vice really THAT profitable?
Less tinfoil than hackers on steroids.
At least they are ALMOST on the same page now. They have the vernacular they just need to stop thinking of us as an actual organization with any real hierarchy.
Pepe is already a big influencer of geopolitics. He's been tweeted by the President of the worlds biggest military superpower, various foreign embassies and now he is a dominant form of currency staving off the complete collapse of Venezuela through cryptopepes
Have you actually sat down and thought about our current universe? A fucking cartoon frog is in control (being the visual representation of an acient diety ofc) shit even a year a go if some user told the future he would be shunned and called a larping faggot. Its almost too amazing
No, Vice has been straight up lying about their engagement rates and readership for years now. Hell, most of these clickbait shitholes are leveraged to high hell on back and only continue to live due to constant injections of venture capital, which is awarded to them not because they're good investments but due to their utility. Gawkers Valleywag for example was the number one outlet feuding Sillicone Valley companies used to fuck each other over.
No it's not that profitable and their employees are paid pennies but Vice may be worth a billion dollars on paper, I can believe that. But think about SnapChat and how much it's worth on paper. Fourty billions? Twitter has never made a single dollar of profit but I guess the company is still worth a few billions. Bottom line is Shane Smith doesn't own a billion dollars in cash and he won't sell Vice to get that potential billion dollars because he wants power to manipulate the minds of the suckers who think he's a rebel.
they used – among others – a company called to inflate their traffic, they were the biggest booster of Vice traffic
Vice Media Traffic Plummets, Underscoring Risky Web Strategy
"But the strategy apparently backfired last month when the biggest booster of Vice Media’s traffic,, suddenly experienced a meltdown after months of fairly consistent growth. Distractify went into free fall in February vs. the prior month, dropping a whopping 68%, from 15.7 million to just under 5 million."