Convince me that races are equal

Convince me that races are equal.

Other urls found in this thread:

How about I just convince you to kill yourself?

Biologically they are equal.
Socio-economically they are not.

Convince me you aren't an autistic faggot.

I can convince you to read any modern anthropology book (although I doubt you'd read it), as it's pretty hard to compile everything on an image board and then spoonfeed you. Also, I doubt you'd really take it to heart and are worth educating if you open your thread with an artifact-riddled Holla Forums jpeg as if it's an argument or an intellectual statement.

Since you like graphs and other easily digestible images, here's a few more.

Races doesn't exist as a scientific term. At least not in taxonomy. There is no consensus of what the word even means.

Now you might argue that what you call race is the same thing as subspecies. But that's retarded. A German sheperd is not a subspieces of dog. And all dogs are the same subspecies of wolf, so by that logic, there is only one dog race.

Races don't exist, no scientists agrees with caucasian-negroid-mongoloid theories, and that's not because all scientists are secretly jews planning the destruction of europe, it's because these theories are retarded.

We both know how it will play.

We'll post stuff supporting our respective views
You'll call our sources Jewish lies
We'll call yours pseudo science
You'll spam the thread wth infographics while we'll have more tendency to post a few links or pdfs.
In the end we'll have failed to convince you.
And you'll have failed to convince us.
But let's go anyway:

Not an argument

Have you ever realized that they could be economically lower BECAUSE they are biologically inferior?

Anthropology is liberal shit I thought you guys were better than that.

There is only one race OP, the HUMAN race

I just see it as a big RPG, you get different stat points depending on your race class.

Since multiclass is usually better, does this mean mixed race is best?

no cause youll lower your overall stats as it balances out

Here's a far more pertinent question, OP; do you actually understand any of the fundamental concepts behind the biology in the papers you love to cherry-pick? It takes a long time to become scientifically literate enough to parse scientific publications, starting with basic concepts and working your way upward from there, ie, trigonometry before calculus, etc.

If you honestly expect anyone to believe that Holla Forums has even 10% biology undergrads among it's makeup, you're going to need to find a more gullible audience. Leaving aside their flagrant ignorance of high school biology, that's just a demographic distribution that's statistically unfeasible within an activist group of any kind.

There we are. The pinnacle of a non-argument, and a terminologically incorrect one at that.

Have fun with the pseudoscience, Billy Bob. Peace.


Scientist are too afraid to publish results on race. They can easily get fired.


convince me that iq is actually a measure of intelligence


There we go, i was fucking right. I don't know if should feel smug or disappointed so have both.

Are you really going there?

There's a direct link between high IQ and being able to do mentally demanding jobs.


Aside from all the other reasons Holla Forumsyps do this shit, the simple fact that they don't understand science in the first place is possibly most key. It's like when pro-organic liberals try to convince you that there's a conspiracy involving Monsanto bribing scientists or something; they can't critique the actual science so they don't even attempt it.

Ever heard of Bruce Lahn? or maybe the ordeal involving James Watson?

convince me your self-perceived racial superiority holds any form of authority againts me

that's what I tought, cuck

Not over distances exceeding 2000 miles.

so iq may correlate with doing mentally demanding jobs?
racialists suggest we make huge political and human rights decisions based on peoples characteristics correlating with a measure of a phenomena we don't understand (intelligence which we can't even scientifically define), that correlates with how people perform tasks considered difficult by some arbitrary standard of what makes a task considered more "mentally demanding"

This is the kind of mindset we're arguing with in this thread, everyone.

convince me that individuals within a race are equal

I do remember that once upon a time, old man Watson had a cranky senile outburst that wasn't backed up by any research whatsoever, and he was rightfully castigated for his neglect of scientific rigor.

Let me guess; you think science is just "whatever comes out of a revered scientist's mouth" and don't comprehend the scientific method in the least.

>I just pretend the conceptrace you are arguing about doesn't exist so you are wrong

We don't care if you call it race, subspecies or whatever. Niggers are not equal to real human beans. Argue!

People aren't equal, why should I give a fuck?



I bet Holla Forums would do better in a biology test then Holla Forums.

Look at what happened to Watson.

Straw man
Because they cause crime and leech from then system instead of putting into it.

Actually the Canus genus has some very peculiar interbreeding dynamics that sometimes causes taxonomists to consider dogs and wolves and some others to be a sort of "superspecies".

And that would be a bet you would lose, because your entire worldview is an autistic feels-beats-reals fest that is obsessed with restoring an imagined past version of society.

Visual aid.

It's a fact that African blacks have an average IQ of 70. Regardless, I was responding to anons implying that racism doesn't get you shunned in academia, which is verifiable false. I see you also didn't reply to the Bruce Lahn comment. He started doing research on two key genes that evolved within Caucasian and Mongoloid populations ~5,000 years ago that are related to intelligence and subsequently got shunned by western academia.

Also, if DNA is everything, convince me Hitler isn't Jewish.

It's not a fact, it's a Holla Forumsyp's unsubstantiated assertion. Literally your only defense of Watson is "unpopular ideas can't be unpopular for good reasons" and can't cite any of this supposed work he was doing.


Yes, the fact that niggers like ass more than tits is proof that they are not equal

When you see.something that's not an argument.jpg

Ate you black, hispanic, Arab, etc? If you are you are extremely more likely to cause crime, take benefits, and have lower IQ and it would be better for my nation if your people weren't around.

does't prove you can base an authoritarian argument on this

try again

top fucking kek

Nazi germany was the world leader in science and would have made many more contributions if it didn't get gang raped by the rest of the world.

Ok now you're just trolling.
Abandon thread


Notwithstanding your failure to quantify that claim, the fact that they inherited a powerful scientific infrastructure from the "decadent" German Empire is the primary reason for that. After all, if their science was truly so great and not in the least hampered by ideological concerns, why did they fall for eugenicist pseudoscience and fail to build the H-bomb?

should have used all that science to come up with better war tactics

trick question; irrelevant

They're not. For them to be equal they all would have to look exactly the same.

I didn't know there were so much Niggers in Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Thailand, North Korea, and Iceland

I was just saying that his position on race got him fired, retard. Here's the quote that did him in, "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours – whereas all the testing says not really". That's literally it.
You still haven't responded to the point about Bruce Lahn.

One of your own guys substantiates my claims, btw (although this is in regards to American blacks who have ~22% European ancestry). He never contradicts the contention that each race has a different average IQ. The African Black average IQ is from 'IQ and the Wealth of Nations'

You fucks are going about this the wrong way.

Convince me that this is relevant to socialist politics at all

Let me give you a concrete example of how racist attitudes actually hindered German science.
Now you give me an example of how racism can benefit science.

It means nonwhites are shit and need to fuck off to thier own countries.

Nothing wrong with Eugenics. Germany couldn't build the bomb because they where besieged on all sides. It simply lacked the resources.

If races are unequal, some races could have a propensity towards socialism, others not.

your right but of course to make sure they stay prosperous perhaps they should also be nationalists.

Who fucking cares about race

if it's any solace, you've convinced me that Leftypol is full of deluded idiots who would lie and put all evidence that doesn't agree with their ideology out to pasture.

I'd heard stories, but goddamn, this place is fucking disgusting.

The quote, coupled with his inability to supply said testing results, is what did him in. There's a substantial difference there. Watson had a senior moment and didn't back down on it, that's literally all there is to it. Don't know anything about Lahn, but I doubt it changes matters at all.

Races having different IQ still isn't the "silver bullet" you think it is, because it doesn't control for environmental factors; something I'm sure you've heard before and refuse to accept.

That doesn't even make sense outside of some absurd biological determinism.

k don't come back whitey :^)

Back at the start again…

not accepting race realism is a spook.

race is a social construct and is completely irrelevant to human's material needs and achievements.

Sounds like Holla Forums to me.

And racist as well, put that on the list.

National Socialism != Nationalism + Socialism

Except second generation Africans living in America tend towards the African average

How are you any different?

Everyone knows pol is a wasteland, but you're in it, babe.

The testing results are widely available. One of your guys LITERALLY posted it.


As PR goes, this term is a little too unsubtle with the idea it's trying to buffalo people into believing.

And a second generation is sufficient to eliminate all environmental factors because why, exactly? Especially when we already know that there are more environmental handicaps placed on black Americans than white Americans, like elevated rates of childhood and prenatal lead exposure?

Uh, we follow general scientific consensus?
What? This isn't Holla Forums.

wew lad.


This Wew's For You

There are difference between people. The problem is, where do thoses comes from? If the gap boils don to genetics, how do you explain its shrinking trend over the past years? Massive genetic mutations toward Gigga Niggas?

Who started that gangbang? Oh right.

wew lad sure is pr cuck in here.


Ever heard of Appalachia?

wtf are you on about? I was talking about 's Bell Curve image.

I never said it was 100% genetic. Even so, how do you explain away the 70 IQ (which is mental retardation) of Africa?


Ever heard of a source?

I'm not sure if you understand this, but "environmental" in this context doesn't just refer to immediate geographical features, it means every possible factor from your surroundings in every sense. The lead exposure the CDC refers to could very well be from geographical deposits in some cases, but in the vast majority, obviously not.

if you are going to stay here, mind answering this?

I'm on about you not comprehending the concept of scope in a paper. This LOOK ITS RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF YOU ETC shit is the babbling of a kid who doesn't know how to read scientific papers.

Seriously nigger?

Shit material conditions fucking up people leading to more shit material conditions.

Don't play dumb. You argue emotionally or attack the data when the data is sound. Blacks are the reason for 50 percent of the crime in this country despite being a 13 percent minority, this is an actual data point that has been disscussed and tested, and we have every record from police and prison to prove it. Yet you contest it despite it being sound. We also have the same reports about disease, as blacks have plenty of illnesses unique to them and they get these and other diseases more then anyone else.

So why would you contest solid data?

And don't tell me "because it's wrong" because it's clearly fucking not. You say you follow general scientific consensus, well guess what, this is it, this IS general scientific consensus.

So why would you deny it? Go on, i'll wait.


What is this shit image even trying to prove?


Isn't that a hypcritical, projecting statment, especially since this board does nothing but that in recent years?

I asked you a question, are you unfit to answer it?

thats new

"There is no such consensus" is your answer, you're just emotionally unprepared to accept it.

That it's made up.

The data itself is not made up.

Yes, Himmler was wrong about that. Now answer to .

So, all humans must be equal, right? I mean, the scope of the paper isn't absolutely universal in every respect, so, logically, that means that humans are equal. Evolution stopped occurring from the neck up? Different environments had no evolutionary impact upon humans?

So you accept that environmental factors play a major role in affecting humans. Good. So, why can't they affect human genetic development exactly? Why is it that certain evolutionary pressures in one area wouldn't naturally select a population to have traits that benefit them?

Refer above.



No, it isn't.

Plenty of shit has been barred from being published because it doesn't agree with the academia consensus, see Galileo and pretty much anything in America at the moment.

How is saying that someone is having a tantrum a btfo? I've seen nothing but a tantrum going on from your side of the argument since the beginning of this thread.

Please, instead of being a child, answer the question that you clearly can't handle in the below post.

wew lad just how raw is your anus?

"You don't comprehend scope" doesn't mean "all humans are equal." Obviously, not everyone is saying that all humans are clones of one another here or whatever exactly it is that you think we believe; all it means is that "you don't comprehend the scientific concept of scope", and dodging this just keeps making you look guilty.

Do you even understand what prenatal and childhood lead exposure does, and why it'd be a relevant concern in this instance?

I'm a new poster.

Also IQs are totally racial, there's no argument from me about that. There are exceptions, however, but not enough to make a difference on a cultural level.

Why are you even defending niggers? Your life would be better without them and you'll never achieve socialism with then around

What Is contested are the cause of this. You already decided that Niggers are dumb and violent because they're subhumans ape, so you'll take any information relevant to idiocy and violence in Black community as a proof they're subhuman. This allow you to claim that not being racist is denying the facts, whereas it comes down to their interpretation;

Such hate for your fellow man smh

Galileo lived and died long before the modern peer review process, but I'll gladly accept this argument if only to mark another square off the conspiracy nutcase bingo card.

If you don't have any more old chestnuts like these, though, you can keep trying to magically bring a scientific consensus on race into being through petulant, feels-over-reals insistence.

You convince me that races even exist first.

Not vague geo-political-lingustic boundaries, but hardline differences that don't overlap between the "races" and can readily distinguish one race from another.

I guess I can't convince you that a bullshit concept has any particular qualities

We're not denying this, what we're contesting is the cause of this.

I fail to see the relevance.

I'm glad you agree that race is a bullshit concept.




sophisticated genetic analysis courtesy of stormfag laboratories


You word it like you think I hate people, but blacks generally do have a lower IQ. Different enviroments breed different people, it's how evolution works.

Whites had to live in the cold, so building complex shelter and insulated clothing was necessary, and those that didn't died. This led to the smart fucking the smart, which produced the genetically gifted in mind.

In Africa, it was hot, so no one had to worry about dying of the cold, but instead they learned to hunt and they kept doing this because they never needed to advance, thus the dumb (but strong) fucked the dumb and created the dumb, but strong.

Blacks are taller on average, stronger on average, but dumber on average, while whites are either average and smart or varied due to the myraid enviroments that they lived in.

This isn't a matter of racism, it's a matter of facts and being unafraid and untriggered by results that are found to be the truth.

The analogy should be more complex, but i'd take up more space and be past the word limit and the point is made either way.

Don't think with your dick, think with your brain, for fuck's sake, find the truth and devote yourself to it instead of being driven by emotion and fucking up other people just because you can't handle reality.

It's very easy to understand, blacks live in a culture of crime in America. They're generally told by their parents to fight the police, there's a culture of anti-snitching, rap artists (who are involved in crime most of the time, with selling dope being a common one, so yes Bill Cosby wasn't fucking kidding), and so on and so on.

It's not hard to understand, blacks are the 50 percent of crime because their culture IS heavily intimate with criminality. At this point it's their own fault as well, because everyone has had equal rights ever since the Civil Rights age ended segragation, in fact the black community is more FOR segregation then not if you've ever fucking been to a real damned city where I've had to live and work and not San Fran or some shit where the poor don't live.

You have to be severely out of touch with America in general to not understand the problem, everyone fucking knows this shit.

I'm going to have a poll, who here have parents that make above 600,000 a year? Because I have a sneaking suspicion that most of you are either from upper-middle class families, or you've been suckered by people promising you that rioting will make all your dreams come true.

I can still distinguish between the nigress and the white whale. What is your point?

Shit, you're right. How do whiteys even manage to breed when their women look like this?

Oh, and find me a hot abo woman, who isn't a halfblood.

And you can't publish any of this highwire act of empty speculation because of le jewish conspiracy, am I right? Because going through that process would be a highly enlightening experience for you to learn that just because you can propose a possible explanation, doesn't make your explanation correct.

I was just about to say what said.

wew lad

And after all no aboriginal has ever had to live in adverse conditions

Who's the one having a tantrum, here?


Still you, retard.

wew you sure showed those stormweenies than race isn't real

not an argument

The one driven by emotion is you. If you were familiar with any of the science behind this and didn't just pick out a paper by Rushton (lol) et al. that supports your preconceptions and declared everything else Jewish propaganda, you'd be well aware that firstly, race is a useless concept that does not adequately describe the geographic continuum of genes found in different human populations and that secondly, there is no strong evidence that dark-skinned people are genetically predisposed to crime and idiocy as compared to light-skinned people. On the contrary, all of the things you've described regarding contemporary American Black communities can be attributed almost entirely to non-genetic material causes.

I have black friends that have feels just like me.

you would have some empathy if you left your basement once in a while.

Guess what, most scientific labels are made up and can be swayed to not offend social status quo just like it tried to not get in conflict with religion in the past

And even then, a Pitbull is not the same as a Chihuahua

Humans haven't been artificially selected over many hundreds of generations to select for certain exaggerated traits.

Riight, so the reason they aren't as attractive as white women is because whitey burst into their nothing and created civilization, then forced them to be subhuman 60 IQ leeches who huff petrol.

Wanna know why? Because it's literally a job to produce and invent breeds of new dogs.

I don't know if you know, but you can use a process called Eugenics (pick and choose who fucks what) to create different breeds of anything.

And guess what, we do it to dogs and cats and whatever else is a pet, for us.

So that's where all the breeds come from. If it wasn't for us, they'd be as varied AS us, or less.

In fact, dogs are an offshoot of tamed wolves, specifically bred to be loyal (and physically big and strong, some are bred for intellegence) to their masters.

Blows the mind, right? Imagine, what differences do different "breeds" or rather races of humans have?

And THAT is how you argue.

sure fam. God, you guys are easier to BTFO then anyone i've argued with yet.

Not an counter argument.



Convince me there is such a thing as "white" race.
Convince there is such a thing as a "latino" race.
Convince me Jew is a race.

Wew, the very first one is completely false. More or less what I expected from the left though.

But they have been naturally selected over many hundreds of generations to select for certain exaggerated traits, so…


Considering you didn't have an argument in the first place and were just babbling non sequiturs, that's fine.

Honestly that's what it comes down to.

You do know this creates … inbreds, right?

Find me one attractive pure abo woman, just one.



Irrelevant even if you didn't have that ready-made comeback lined up.

Now, who makes shit up?



In his defense he could have meant you can't guess their respective class by their looks alone

A race is an offshoot of a species.

there are "Dogs", but before them "Wolves"

And in the catagory "dog", there are things like "Terriers" and "Labradors", but they aren't different species, they're "Dogs".

So would it be arrogance if humans didn't have this catagory? There are "Blacks", "Whites" and "Asians" and such, so, would it be so hard to accept that humans, like the rest of the earth, have races?

Because I think the reason that you can't accept that people are different from eachother and have different capacities of thought or culture, I think you're being emotionally driven because you think it's horrible because, like a "Dog", you've been conditioned to think a certain way.

Also, fun fact, Elephants can be trained to never leave a certain place by placing a chain on them when they're young, so when they try to leave, they can't. So all it takes to keep an elephant in line is to chain them, and they won't move even if they have the power to break that chain that held them when they were young.

Right now, that elephant is you. Let it go and let live.

Simple. Get an abo family to live in NY for 3 genereations. Have them have middle class living environment. And in the 3rd generation I'll show you a healthy and good looking woman.


It also has a lot to do with the high rates of poverty among blacks and the fact that their communities have been in various states of disarray and dysfunction since at least the Nixon era.

American blacks live in a society that idealizes social mobility, yet find themselves in circumstances where they're unable to advance by most legitimate means, and therefore look to crime as a way out of poverty and a means of self-actualization.

And I live in the fucking South in a majority black county. The "everyone who disagree with my stupid racialist bullshit is from California/New York" meme needs to die.

So you just googled for "hot abo woman", didn't found anything and then typed your post?


That's not what I asked.

… or there's no serious scientific arguments for the existence of race, and you just keep making unwarranted leaps of logic using gut intuition to fill in the vast gaps between the scientific literature and your desired outcome.

But nope, as always, unpopular ideas are never unpopular for a reason.

Didn't even do that; I just pointed out that you're trying to send us off on a wild goose chase to divert us from BTFOing you and your caveman pseudoscience.

Do I really need to tell you why that's bullshit? Come on dude. Abos are ugly. Except that

oh well when you put it like that, sure i'll validate whatever "self-evident" proposition you want

That's not the case at all. For the vast majority of human history, environmental pressures on human populations have been roughly the same, in that survival has always depended on the same sorts of abilities to find food, shelter etc. Material conditions between different groups of people only changed radically in very recent times, prior to which people across the entire globe had the same sort of lifestyle. That is barely the blink of an eye in evolutionary terms, and without the sort of extreme selection that we do artificially to dogs there's no way you can see that sort of rapid change in human populations.

And here I was thinking people on Holla Forums could take jokes, or maybe social cues

Spectrum fallacy: race is a spectrum, therefore individual races don't exist.
Color is a spectrum, therefore green doesn't exist.

So after 3 generations they are magically able to process alcohol?

How come Moldova has very beautiful women despite Africa-tier gdp? And yet abbos despite living in a first world country on welfare are still as butt ugly as they will always be.


Ah, not the way you think. You think that Eugenics is inbreeding, but that's very different from the actual purpose.

Rather, Eugenics is a general term for selective breeding for a purpose. For example, taking a strong dog and breeding it with a smart one receptive to commands, which through enough breeding makes a strong dog receptive to commands and smart as well.

Hitler's Eugenics program was not for this purpose, as it's purpose was intended to keep the Aryan race pure, which creates inbreds eventually due to lack of non-related subjects. However, mating two very different subjects, like say a Chihuahu (bred to be small as fuck) a and a straight up Wolf (somehow) can cause genetic complications and a fucked up bone structure.

Not too far apart, not too close.

Humans are not exempt from these laws, it's pure unbridled arrogance to assume that we are different from nature or are unnatural.

In fact, we are here because of natural Eugenics, aka Evolution. Because I value love, I do not wish for a Eugenics program, but I am secure enough with myself to understand that we'd be effective at it if we collective wanted to go down that path.

And we do it to animals all the time, for the record.

Your not willing to accept that there are basically no attractive abo women which is a blatant fact.

Just go back to your le jew conspiracy arguments already, because I'm starting to feel vicarious humiliation for you.

Then show them.

Also, the guy who was instrumental in making the game changing weapon was this crazy socialist jew.

They aren't, and that's exactly why the Jews win everytime, because they have higher IQs.

Sorry, I'm not going to be diverted from the actual topic at hand, no matter how ashamed you feel of being duped into racial pseudoscience.

That is exactly what you asked for, to prove that Blacks and Whites are different races.

And I did. Is that hard to grasp?



All abo women posted thus far have been ass ugly. Post one(1) attractive pure abo woman. That's all. I'll become a fucking socialist and read Marx if you can do that…

"Here's my personal private speculation about how biology works" isn't proof.


You'll worm out no matter what is posted, you'll play the "beauty is subjective" card and weasel away.

Much more productive to just keep discussing the intellectual bankruptcy of racial pseudoscience.

More like: red, orange, and yellow are close enough on the spectrum so I'll just give them a label based on something entirely superficial and treat them all as completely interchangeable.


If genetics is nontrivial in capacity for intelligence, then are humans inherently more intelligent to apes?


No, the Jews are the master race.
Bow to your superiors



Faggots have no idea how material conditions work, and how, less access to food and medicine makes you ugly/less healthy.

Stop showing pic of modern day models and start looking at pics of late 19th century worker and farmer women.
Come again then.

Capitalism doesn't mean everyone gets food.
Isolated communities do not benefit from "1st world".
GDP =/= quality of life

I asked you to tell me why "White", "Latino" and "Jew" are races and how they are defined.


You just defined them and separated them with your own speech, which means you recognize that they are different.

If you were a real Holla Forumsler, you'd say something like "Hey, what's all this talk about races? they don't exist!"

And I already told you how to separate them and determine what they are yourself, and I proved that they're different races.

Tone of skin tells us she is not a pure abo. Check

The CDC pdf contended that 3% of black children had elevated levels of lead in their blood while 1.3% of white children had the same. The distinction is binary, i.e. has blood poisoning/doesn't have blood poisoning. It doesn't imply black children have a three fold higher amount of blood poisoning. Learn to read.

If, after controlling for material and environmental factors, a collective difference less than a standard deviation still existed, you'd probably consider that "validation."

I should make that more clear. Black children don't have three times the level of lead in their blood.

Man you guys are way more deluded then I heard. You just don't want to face facts that fuck with your fee-fees.

Beacause we have a very low diversity genome wide faggot. 0,1% between individuals 20 times lower than the difference between chimps and men. And only a subpart of this 0,1% is associated to race.

Kek. You outed yourself as an sjw.

"A Dog is a mammal, of this family, with such characteristics and so on".
"A Wolf is a mammal, and so on"

That's defining.
What makes someone "White".
What makes someone "Latino".
What makes a relegion a race?


Sorry, are you still pretending to know more about endocrinology than me? I sort of miss the jew conspiracies now.

If your mouse is broken and you can't copy and paste any links or anything like that, just say so and we can get back to this some other time when you're in a better position to hear why you're not comprehending undergraduate science materials.



I predicted this at

This is exactly why your request was unreasonable and we were better served just tearing down the pseudoscience behind your delusions.

A Human is a general term

A White is a race
A Black is a race
An Asian is a race

Like dogs, these races have sub catagories like "British", "Aboriginal (insert race here) of (country here", "Korean", "Chinese" and "Japanese" (Which the case of the Asians all have varying historys, as the Japanese decend from the Ainu while Chinese don't and so on)

Wolf and Dog are general terms, and the variants (Dire, Labrador, so on)are known as races.

It's basic shit in science, and your feelings don't change that. They just prevent understanding, where if we were actually allowed to study races today, we could provide better medical programs that suit each races' quirks (Dogs of certain breeds are more likely to catch cancer, Blacks have a unique T-cell related disease that affects them only and is deadly as sin) but you just can't handle that because the media drilled it into your brain.

You wanted it, you already had it, you asked again and I told you twice. And you're going to continue because you just plain can't deal with the fact that PEOPLE ARE FUCKING DIFFERENT.

Seriously, you're the fucking racist after all is said and done. Wailing about it changes nothing.

Einstein did no work on the atom bomb and very little laying its theoretical underpinnings. His letter to Roosevelt on the topic was influential, I'll grant you that. Edward Teller and Neils Bohr, both Jews, did play large roles in the American nuclear program after the Rockefeller Foundation helped them escape Europe.

I was saying it's not a matter of the specifics of endocrinology, retard. A difference of 1.3% and 3% of a population with elevated levels of lead in their blood and therefore lower IQs, literally cannot lead to a difference of 1 standard deviation in mean intelligence. As pointed out in you misunderstood the statistic. Blacks don't have 3 times higher lead content in their blood, they have a 3 times larger percent of people with elevated lead content in their population as compared with whites. Again, learn to read.

Fun fact, there is an actual checklist determining the belonging of dogs into each or each race (the basis for thoses breed contests). Can you point to me the equivalent in humans?

blacks got black skin
whites is us
asians got yellow skin and squinty eyes


And here you go again.


You have to be fucking blind, m8.

But i tought race was not skin deep :^)

Also diseases that are unique to each race, and likelyhoods of cancers and such.

IQ spreads, also.

You spelled intelligence wrong you nigger; gas yourself


also, I have never had to use this image until I came to this board today.

Seriously, you need to face the facts.

There is more variation between these things within arbitrary racial categories than outside of them. Again, dumb stormcucks seem to believe that everyone with a flat nose and dark skin somehow shares the same propensities towards everything despite that being a superficial characteristic shared by many people with substantially different genetic profiles (given especially that Africa on the whole is the continent with the most genetic diversity.)

Who was that retard that actually greentexted "lewontin's fallacy" as an argument? I need to have a word…

wew, lad. That's been you and your gaggle of delusionals for THIS ENTIRE THREAD.

I don't blame you for not having a working understanding of endocrinology per se, but you're still giving every indication that you don't know enough about the bare essentials of this subject to indicate that you've even considered it as a factor in the past:

>Controlling for individual age, gender, Medicaid status, and neighborhood housing age, the multiple regression race slope coefficient estimate of .210 (p = .000, SE = .003, tolerance = .673) suggests that individual BLLs are positively associated with black race (p < .05) in neighborhoods across the DMA.

top kek

stay BTFO

Sickle cell virus, general violent behavior no matter what country they're in (shared culture beyond borders where they've never even met is a big fucking deal in culture studies), and shared lower intelligence across the board.

For fuck's sake Black Lives Matter, for instance, IS RUN BY WHITES.

Now you're just being a retard on purpose. Thoses
The checklist in dogs exlude thoses failing to meet them to being aknowledged as belonging to a specific race.
Like a Black who have 140 IQ will stop being Black because he's too intelligent?
A White with 70 IQ will stop being White because he's too stupid?

How is that? Race is an entirely discredited concept in the sciences for the reasons I noted in my reply. The only people still hanging on to it are a handful of fringe theorists with connections to white supremacist groups. Everyone else has moved on.


Doesn't feel like an argument

Oh now he's all angry wow i'm scared big guy you might just win the argument through intimidation!

Seriously, i've done that constantly, you have your answer and i'm not playing your game anymore.

Explain how animals have races then nigger.

For god's sake, we're no different then animals aside from our intellegence, how in HELL does that mean we have no race? There are clear differences between us and you'd see that if you left your room and got a job where you're not drawing furry porn.

Now you are silly

Just nuke this thread tbh

top kek

second-top kek

Oh, also,

that's called a mutation through recessive genes and he should be fucking as many blacks as possible to spread it around.

I'll hold the second nuke key if you can find them.

It's not an argument, and you're blatanly wrong about races.

Races are not discredited just because you say they are. That's pretty much it, thus, no argument.

Races are not a valid point to base your social hierarchy, try again

Regarding sickle cell, that's something to do with the fact that the gene that gives vulnerability to that disease also improves resistance to malaria. It's not exclusive to Black people but is found all across tropical and sub-tropical areas across the global South where malaria is common.

Violence and intelligence are both affected by material conditions and especially by levels of development. Recorded intelligence can diverge wildly from genetic potential for intelligence due to environmental factors such as nutrition and pre-natal environment, and also the intelligences of European and Asian people may be overestimated due to their greater familiarity with tests giving them an advantage in the application of rules.

They're discredited because only a couple of overtly white supremacist kooks in the scientific community still make use of the concept.


shit that put me in my place

I'm going to try putting "blatant" in front of any injunction I say trying to convince anyone that they're wrong from now on, apparently it has some magic quality that makes failing to support your position immaterial

So basically anyone you branded a white supremicist kook because you couldn't face the truth. I know how you fucking work.

The thread is still bumping, so it's clear that you guys are triggered. It take two to tango and goddamn are your responses swift.

We don't want them in our social hierarchie at all. We can live without them. The can't.

We don't want fascists or nationalists either because they are likely to start wars

we can live without them, they can't

You LITERALLY did that shit just before me, retard.

what starts with a D and ends with you? Delusional!

Well first they had to attempt to publish whackadoo error-ridden papers and not listen to reason when these methodological abortions were pointed out to them, then they got the "kook" label. It's an important distinction.

No, just the minority of people who took the counter-factual position due to ideological concerns.

Holy fuck I seriously doubt in all my life I have seen a more textbook case of projection.

source: my ass

Hint: African-American and Black not refer to a race in a scientific context in reference to America. It's a label used to define populations of sub-Saharan African origin living in the United States whose actual ethnic origins are foggy and unknown. That's probably where most of these popular misconceptions about race came from, honestly.

Aka the people you claim are a minority and the people you claim are white supremacists because it's a convenient label to place on anyone and anything that doesn't line up with your views, despite them being NOWHERE CLOSE to it.

It's literally going

Seriously god-DAMN do you need a reality check. This is hug-box level delusion. You're making BLANKET STATMENTS about whole sections of society because you don't like them. That's no different from racism or sexism.

You are SERIOUSLY fucking disgusting.

You forgot to say"blatantly"

source: my ass

wew, lad.

damn, he's got us again

Notice how the goalpost was shifted to equality of races to existence of races. Bravo, Holla Forums.

It's honestly really fun to out hypocrites like this, I should come here more often.

Imagine if you will, a mind so thoroughly stormtarded, it can't identify that it was in the wrong and needed to be corrected.


Wow, you're right, I actually can't prove that something isn't the case. If only someone here made a positive statement that lacked any sort of proof, we could call that out instead. Hmm, too bad.

That was fun. Next time i will just dump my nigger folder.

please tell us all more about how you need us to know that you're not upset

This thread is a shitshow. The subject of race is so emotionally charged people don't seem capable of arguing for or against it without getting annoyed and angry




damn, is it possible that rightwing rhetoric might be tailored to attract beta males whose lives are devoted to chasing frustratingly rare feelings of masculine adequacy?

oh no wait that's right lefties are weenies because something something traditions and forced memes

kek, just like your leader

Come on lads, i know it is easy to BTFO leftypol, but you should all know that the biggest generalization about africans is in 5 races, minimum, that is.
And yes, there are checklists made in order to identify each race. The criteria are: ear shape, nose lengh, skin tone, bone structure, hair color, hair "format" (straight, wavy, curly), cognitive skills, muscle fiber composition, eye color, eye shape and many more factors that i surely have forgotten.
Perhaps the most famous "checklist" was made by Chamberlain, but his research about race is absolutely outdated.

This is gonna be some great salt material, saving thread.

That tends to be a common line in race-based research.

I'll point it again but i was right. I didn't expected the racial beauty contest tho.


Or maybe because science changes in 150 years. But you are probably right.


They really had to reach, too. Notice how they didn't ask for an attractive Black woman, when this was ostensibly an argument about race rather than ethnicity.

Yeah, over time we discard the things that turned out to be wrong.