Redemption from past degeneracy

Here's a subject I'd like to discus, even if I fear the thread will eventually just devolve into name calling.

Our goal is to redpill people and show them the way towards family, tradition and heritage. Lift weights, read books, buy guns and make a big white family. However, I do think some people have gone off the deep end of degeneracy and are beyond saving. IMO saying that even the most used up druggie racemixing whores can be saved is retarded. A bit cucked even. I also think that saying someone can't be saved because they did some teenage things as a teenager is also retarded. There's a middle ground, which is what I'd like to discuss in this thread. Where do you draw the line? How much past degeneracy is too much past degeneracy?

Other urls found in this thread:

As a Christfag, I believe in a power capable of redeeming all degeneracy. The question is not the past. The question is the path of the present and the course charted to the future.

Thanks for the shit thread, OP.

Aand the thread has already been derailed.

Holla Forums is not just for news and happenings. I remember when we used to discuss ideas all the time.

Recovering degenerate here.

Since the start of this year I've quit weed and started working out, among other positive life style changes, eating better, reading more…

There's definitely a line. Miscegenation is not forgivable. A lot of it is mentality, a way of thinking that needs to be changed.

Read Hunter and Turner Diaries. They lay out pretty clear lines.

The only degeneracy I partake in is casual sex. Otherwise I live a productive lifestyle. But I'm not about to become a celibate.

Shill shill shill shill shill!,

Instead of dwelling on the past like a faggot, just work on yourself to make a God out of your own willpower (assuming you have any).

Remember, the hero's journey takes him into the abyss before reaching new heights.

No. Who are you to dictate, faggot? Our goal is to murder all degenerates and shitskins alike ushering in a new world age of fascism.

yeah fine line is how it applies and solves our problems right now and for the future
path of least resistance is preferable but if it doesn`t solve it adequately we need to reinforce

full/pol/ isn't /cuck/pol where your shit threads belong. You have to go back.

what the shit is full/pol even for then? The few stickies at the top and bunch of faggots like you screaming "Don't post that here sage sage!"???

Former degenerate here. The Christfags are mostly right on this. If someone fully repents and changes their life, you should judge them on their expected future behavior, not the past. That said, having fallen into degeneracy does say something about character.

If we are too strict about the past, even if someone has repented, we end up losing half our race. White children are more important than total moral purity of their ancestors. Our parents, the boomers, were unacceptably degenerate, but their kids can surpass that.

I think miscegenation is worse for women than men. if a man has conquered some foreigners in his time, that's different from a woman being despoiled by subhumans.

We JUST came back online and mods are able to ban, fuck off with your blackpill.


It's not a blackpill it's truth. I'm tired of seeing "go back to cuckchan" in every fucking thread here. Here we have a legit thread about recovering from degeneracy and people screaming it doesn't belong. Well fuck you faggot, literally what is Holla Forums for if not to discuss our movement?

I just want to kill degenerates. You are a degenerate.
Continue to practice and I will kill you.

Gassing niggers, jews, and faggots like you

It doesn't matter if it's thinly related to us, OP already denotes us and branded us nothing more than a redpill dispensary for the unworthy normalfags. How can you NOT know when to draw the line? Then faggots like

Come along who clearly don't belong and start drawing theirs. We are always being denoted.

The only redemption for past degeneracy the fucking rope




Great, now with Holla Forums fucked up all those commie jewish retards are shit posting here….

How about you stay on topic and argue against the fornicator user instead of shitting up the thread saying his presence invalidates an important topic.

Fornication is definitely degenerate. Find an Aryan waifu or control yourself. You're just contributing to degeneracy culture and weakening your will.

LOL! Read my other posts you illiterate.

Says the jew trying to derail a thread.

Case in point, massive faggot trying to derail thread wtih SAGE SAGE! Proper fuck off if you have nothing to add.

We will have to purge some of the White race in order to bring the rest of them around. After we begin to hang the misceginators others will see we're not fucking around and will take the hint to stop race mixing. Mulattos will have to be genocided wholesale. A lot of Whites will die on the Day of the Rope, but it will send a powerful message to the rest.

Stop taking words out of my mouth, kike. Why did I even speak then? I OBVIOUSLY meant that OP already knows the basics from a teenager fucking around in youth to a useless whore, and that there will be faggot's with fingers in their ears who come here to boast about their disgusting lives, jacking off eachother off in waves about the dirty shit they did.

what about degeneracy people don't want or don't feel they need to change? I'm sure we can't pretend that there are faggots here who still want to be gay or niggers that don't want to go back to africa even after taking redpills, what do we do with such people do we simply kill them last or are we going to bother with the honorary aryan thing? honestly hitler was too kind and compassionate, if he was as cruel as they made him out to be he might have won will we make the same mistake?

Would you rather he take the dick out of your mouth?

Your thread is so worthless and content-free it can be considered a slide thread. Your question is a pointless distraction from anything that's actually important at the moment.

That's actually quite a nice quote.

I'm not OP you massive illiterate.

We can't have those people in our society after the revolution. They can either agree to be peacefully removed, or forcefully removed.

Who is this future ICE victim?

Fucking pseudo intellectual plebbitor

Don't care. You're up by proxy, literally if not figuratively


You would have a rainbow dildo saved on your toaster

your degeneracy will never be forgiven so leave and go kys NOW!! SAGE.


Do you not know how to sage?

same net result.


Did I fuck it up?

Sage does not go in all fields.


I don't think sex with someone you deeply care about in a romantic sense is degenerate. Me an my girlfriend aren't married but we have sex very regularly. Other than that we're very productive people.

It's a slippery slope user, just what is love anyway?



how long has this board been this shit?

If you don't like a thread then hide it, nothings stopping you from going somewhere else.


4 years

fuck off jew saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaage!! hows that faggot ?sage sage sage. sage /. sage… cd sage …sudo sage … su sage oh and before I forget >>>sage


I'm not married but have been with the same woman now for six years. Certainly a monogamous relationship. I don't think having sex exclusively with your mate is degenerate, nowdays marriage is largely an institution of the state, you can be fully committed to your family without the legal government attachment.

sage and rebort lads :–DD


8ch pl
Or wait until the leftycuck refugees leave.

What's your damage? Why do you not want people to have this discussion?

This is our way outsider. You would know this.

Except I support the dismemberment of degenerates…. So again, why do you not want people to have this discussion?

ALL threads degenerate into name calling, OP. The trick is to carefully walk on the rocks of reason and logic and not to slip and fall into the sewage runoff of D&C and shillery. You fag.

Once you go black, you can't come back. Otherwise, I refuse to believe that there's no soul so tainted that it can't be redeemed if it wishes to be.

Or are you literally just so stupid you think you can just toss a picture up and say "here I win"?

there is no forgiveness for degeneracy

There is no forgiveness period.

gr8 thread

Your second mistake was expecting an answer from him, but your first mistake was asking in the first place. Ignore and talk to the people who DO want to have the discussion.

Is she pregnant? Why not? Starving nogs in African warzones are having 16 kids. We have no excuse.

Anyone can be saved who wishes to repent. But most won't desire actual redemption, they just want to escape the rope.

Also it's not your job to save a druggie whore, it's hers. Nor are you required to pretend her past never happened if she cleans up her act.


I married a liberal before redpilling, it's been a struggle to pull her to the right, but she's coming around. I'm doing my best to get her to have as many children as possible, and she's slowly warming to the idea. This from someone who swore they'd never have children.

Here's something that has always bothered me. My first long term g/f, I found out a couple years into the relationship she lost her virginity to a nigger. I hadn't redpilled at the time and thought I was just being a racist fuck, but it bothered me always. That relationship is over now, and I'd never, NEVER go back to that filthy mudshark now. She, IMO, is irredeemable.

People who only repent on the dotr are probably mostly hopeless. They would have to display extraordinary redemption. But a lot of folks quit degeneracy earlier as soon as they fully realize how fucked up it is.

Any of them that had a mixed child must die.

Exactly, it's like praying to God on your death bed, meaningless, you're just trying to save your skin at that point.

I think most people will fall into some form of degeneracy at some time in their life, unless they've been raised redpilled from an infant, something that's becoming more and more rare. The trick is how they deal with it in the long run, and the changes they make to their own personal way of living after realizing they're degenerate. If they show a legit desire to improve themselves and work towards it, they get a pass. If they want to keep being useless degenerates, they get the rope.

There must also be unforgivable crimes!

Calm dwn FBI, its not your goal to dictate either

Have a bump my large nosed friendo!

Maybe I've gone soft, but I think the wombs of mudsharks are still useful for forced marriage to incels or lebensborn breeding. Certainly they lose dignity as free persons to the extent women ever are.

The forced marriage thing was done in early Australia. Whores and sluts would be forced to marry. Rough for a generation, but again, we need the kids.

GTFO shill

Be definition its impossible to be born redpilled.

In The Matrix, he was first in the illusion of the world and then had to be reborn. Morpheus had to come to him in the dream and offer a chance to wake up.

Fair enough, I should have said born into a redpilled family.

They litterally have inferior dna in them that will be passed on to our children.

This thread reads like a typical cuckchan thread, and Im not talking about OP and the people who actually want to discuss the matter.

Just go back to cuckchan you shills, no one likes you or your faggotry here. Youre absorbed into things over at cuckchan. Just go there.


Even people raised redpilled can fall. Just look at that stormfront kid, darek black. Total surrender after inventing the "white genocide" meme. He should be gassed.

I know about that and thought about it, but I don't believe in it in humans. Only been shown in flies afaik. (Red pill me if I'm wrong)

Sounds like that would not be worth the effort. She could try to brainwash the kids of kill the husband. A program like that would create some white children, yes, but it would also create a whole lot of problems. Also:

Youre dead on. Feels very cuckchan around these parts.

Mudsharks get the rope if it was even once!!!


You dont even sage outsider.

Obviously has to be done in context of extreme patriarchy, possibly slavery. Maybe it's too hard. I don't know. It will depend on circumstances on dotr or whatever.

As for the chimerism thing, has it been shown to happen in humans?

Fuck off CIAnigger trying to calm us down. Bait posts are FBI, not the thing we ALWAYS talked about, parroting newfag. I know you're joshing but still

It isn't jacking off to Varg in a winter cabin in Norway.
Yes in women.

Christians are the plague! There is no redemption in nature! There is charity!

【Words of MIYAMOTO Musashi No.3ーWomen for Samurai】
[À conversation with Musashi]
Haku:We heard Musashi-dono[Mr.Musashi] kept yourself from women.
Women are innocent daughters,otherwise demons.And daughters who hold their girlhood are very few.Most of the daughters become demons.And Men lose their Menhood being sucked their energies by the demons.
What does it mean that Men lose Menhood or Daughters lose Daughterhood ?It means they become men or women who become to love rather lies more than truth.The relationship between men and women are apt to become lies or untruth.
Yes,there are those relationship that do not get into lies or untruth.But in those cases,their physical relations usually become rather less.In most cases physical relations between men and women make lies or untruth.Real Men or Women rather refrain from physical relation usually.Therefore I kept myself from women.And the essense of Man is the origin of Samurai.The essense of Man goes up into the head through the spine,when it is not wasted.And it makes Samurai.
I hated my inner world was intruded by the feminine.Women except very few Daughters of Samurai could never really understand Samurai-hood. Women want to chain Men to themselves,womens.How could Samurai stand being chained by women ?


All mudsharks die kicking and screaming.

Why would I sage this thread. I think this is a good topic to discuss. It involved thinking and considering what to do with people who come around later.

KYS you incel autist. Not everyone is a taco supreme like you. Fuck the hell off

Not seeing anything there about multi-father effects. And the immune consequences are only from pregnancy. Still skeptical

《Women and Womb-en,Vampires》
Almost all females lose their girlhood when they become adult.They become mere women at best,and many,by far many,become the womb-en or the vampires.There are few who hold girlhood even after the adolescence.ZIGMA said,“There are few real Girl other than the Girl of ZIGMA or My Daughter,Archangel 0."
The culprit who made the girls mere women or vampires is Christ.He sucked the genuine girlhood of the female and made them his vampirish servants.And then the vampirish women sucked the girlhood of other girls to put on the coats of purity.
Girls!, hold your girldhood by any means.! Girls!,you are in front of the gate to the vampirish empire when you feel you become adult women.

Boy oh boy you have a surprise come day of the rope.


Go shack up with a mudshark then user. Even hold her hand when Jamal is pounding her very used up cunt

It doesnt matter they will die anyway for fucking niggers.

The problem with race mixing isn't picking up a few immune cells. And that's not permanent DNA mixing, just minor modification of blood that lasts one or two generations.

Its cute how hard you're trying. Take a deep breath hoss

I bet you dont even have noble blood and papers going back generations.

I'm not saying musharks are innocent or make good wives. I'm saying they can produce white children. Lrn2read


He's a christcuck. Literally the plague that brought down Rome. All Christian need to die so Europeans can get their spirits back. Spirit is in nature, spirit is life, spirit is a noble savage! All things Christians oppose! Nietzsche was right when he said they're anti life!

And finally you give up trying to hide the nose Moishe

Mudsharks have committed race treason. The only punishment is death.

Fuck you and die.

Ive noticed most christcucks are chrustcucks because they're scared to venture far outside their safe space, spiritually and socially.

They can only produce Untermensch scum! Kill your self.

We wouldn't have this problem if it wasn't for Christians in the first place. Only samurai need to live now. They will take virgin daughters and begin a new world. No Christians holding their warrior spirits back. Only natural law!

Go get a girlfriend and maybe you'll find out.

Shitty old memes are.

Ovens await Moishe

《The Girl is pure Fountain and the Woman is bottomless Swamp.》
A Girl is a pure Fountain and a Woman(Womban) is a bottomless Swamp.
A Girl is just simple and frank and a woman is full of deliberate devises.A woman is a Vampire.
Who are the models of the vampish women? Look at the actresses and newscasters in the media. Remember the women vampires who entrapped and slandered Sarah Palin,a Girl of ZIGMA.
The Girl of ZIGMA is the eternal enemy of the vampish woman,because the Girl of ZIGMA is the only Girl to whom Real Men are really attracted. In this reason Girls of ZIGMA have always been the targets of the curses of the vampish women,or the witches.Owing to the curses,Girls of ZIGMA have been thrown into suffers and agonies since the beginning of the humanity.I do hope the days will come when the witches are burned in the fire.But we must totally exterminate their ego-souls in the cosmos before the burnings.Otherwise,the vampires would curse on the Girls of ZIGMA more dreadfully from the darkness.

I thankfully don't have to worry about that.
You on the other hand kike…

Pedos are not welcome on Holla Forums.

《Samurai ! Don't be Deceived by the Vampish Women !》
Vampish Women are aiming at Samurais.The vampish women approach you pretending the innocent girls.The Vampish Women are manipulating you already.They are Liliths as Vincent Giacomo said.Lilith has the innumerable alter egos.Most of Women have the genes descended from Lilith. Girls of ZIGMA have nothing of the vampish genes.Samurais, don't be deceived by the vampires pretending the innocent Girls ! Females around you can be Vampish Women who suck other's living energies,health,happiness,fortunes,beauties,talents and money.

sacrifice one of yours for me, Holla Forums
black women are waaaaaaaaaay too far gone
if you guys think white women are bad, take a look at the average black chick

Ok that's enough schizophrenia for one day.

ITT: People who think the world owes them a wife.

Never change, Holla Forums. Never change.

Only christcucks who are willing to forgive tainted womban, right?

Oy vey, how dare samurai be with innocent girls! We must only be with sluts! Horrible vampire demons, yes good idea cuck boi. Hmmm I wonder how we got into this current situation again…

Anyone can be saved, but not everyone will be and you are not in any way obligated to sacrifice yourself to try to save everybody. Take care of yourself and those close to you first.

If you deeply care about her romantically, why haven't you married her?

No decent white woman will have anything to do with you. Do not fall for the kikes' lies–if you manage to get a white woman at all she'll be a landwhale or a shitlib lunatic.

You nigroid freak get out! Sterilise yourself or better yet die! Gtfo back to Africa to perish. You're literally an orc. Born from mud at the bottom of earth.

I just started playing LA noire and i couldn't believe they unironically have a kike killing a non jew over money and "antisemitism". How does rockstar keep getting away with it? Im convinced someone high up at rockstar is /ourguy/.
GTA 4 has a whole plot were you kill another money grabbing jew. Even when they make fun of antisemitism they highlight it like in red dead.

《Destroy Whole World!》
The world is totally filled with the vampires and parasites.There is no way to save it.Destruction of all-races ,,nations,governments,parliaments and congresses,kings,banks,economies,religions,mass media,universities and schools,factories,entertainments industries and the other all the organisations-
is the only way remained.There must be remained Only One Race,Race of ZIGMA. Race of ZIGMA is composed of Samurais and Girls.Destroy all the pseudo men and all the Women ! Pseudo men are parasites and women are the vampires.

Whataboutism. You can't dodge criticism by diverting the attention elsewhere. Pedos will hang on the day of the rope.

Who gives a fuck about gooks?`

There are plenty of decent women out there. Kiddie fiddling is not an option. Go back to your own board.


Your standard a shit.

Like I said, girl is either innocent daughter or demon.there is between.

【Hillary,A Reptile】
Hillary is,as you know,a reptile.Her ghost spirit has a body of the reptile.Needless to say,Hillary's Double is also a reptile.Reptile Race was a monster humanity destroyed by the Sword of God in aeons ago.But their dead spirits were resurrected by Prometheus ,a former incarnation of Jesus. Prometheus betrayed and challenged God for the purpose of ruling the world in stead of God.Thus the world has fallen into the evil hands of Reptile Race.

As a segue to get back on topic, I think pedofilia is too degenerate for redemption. You cannot be saved. You will be shot one day by one of us. I'm now hiding your ID.

calm down sonny, theres no need to be so upset



Deny your Hellenic virtues, white man! Let's follow what the Jew Paul says Jesus said and go into the dark ages then send charity and missionary's to Africa to breed up many new converts! Once they're Christians they'll be just like us.

Huh. The abductee stories about grey alien/human hybrids are true, after all.

You DO realize it's possible to forgive someone without being stupid enough to trust them, again, right?



Good quote and it rings mostly true especially in this modern era. A woman's nature is to seek to dull a man and make him serve her. She does this by getting him to devote himself to her through romantic intentions and ever compromise himself to meet her needs. A man who continues to act solely in accordance with his masculinity will refuse to be tied down and thus not be present to rein in the corruption of his offspring. One who stays to help protect his progeny from harm and degeneracy will be corrupted slowly by his woman's influence. The only way to beat this cycle is to find a woman who embraces her feminine nature fully and respects her man enough to not try to influence him. What is the answer to this paradox?

Been lifting 2 years now, got fit and lost weight, pretty much quit vidya because it's a waste of time, but for the life of me I can't quit my porn addiction, I fall back into it. I don't want to look at this shit (traps and degen shit like that) either but my sexual fetishes are so warped since I've been addicted to porn since I was a teen. I feel like the only way to break the habit is to have no computer or net access.

a good first step is to change your hosts file to point all your standard porn stomping grounds to something else. This way you have to manually edit your hosts file to view porn. Put a message in a comment there calling yourself out so you must acknowledge your failure multiple times over to even start. The absolute key though is to channel the energy into something else. Recognize porn addiction for what it really is, it's being addicted to an easy dopamine rush brought on by your brain rewarding you for "finding a mate". Over time you build a tolerance to this and head down the slippery slope to whatever disgusting fetish is the endpoint where the dopamine rush is the highest.

Call me a zero agency beta but that only works until it doesnt because it's too easy to bypass, just like filters. I guilt trip myself but even that doesn't stop me. I'd get rid of my net connection connection but that isn't practice either. It sucks because I hate this shit so much, my life would be better without it.

You could try:
This way you basically have no recourse except to uninstall the porn blocker which will cost you money and should be a deterrent.

Traditional famulee and muh heritage? Come on, what is this, a conservative forum?

Niet, only total war for the survival of the White Race. Survival first, uncucking second, based third.

Mods: Thank you for bumplocking this.

Sometimes the reformed soul is more fanatically devoted to doing what is right than most who have never been to hell and back.
We need fanatics, not "nice" "churchy" people.
They are fine in peacetime, but we are at war, the most important war in our history.
If we don't win, we don't survive.
I for one will gladly accept reformed degenerates as long as they are fanatics for our cause.

im still doing it
thanks for the support though

It's this simple, never let the thoughts take root. Never tempt yourself. It's only hard to stop looking at porn if you are already looking or thinking of it. Fight! Cut it down immediately!

You don't need to turn on computer or phone either. Read a book or go for walk. Trying to quit porn while being online is like trying to quit alcohol while hanging out at a tavern.

Go back to Holla Forums you COINTELPRO fagget.

Having white children is a blessing. One they do not deserve. You'd create a generation of people who do not have a motherly figure.

You just need more will power or a gf.

Classic d&c, take one look at Barron and tell me that he's got DNA from other dudes Melania fucked and isnt 100% Donalds…yeah I don't buy it

Hell go look at Katie Price Jordans white kids and its obvious they arent even 1% nigger even though she had an actual niglet

There are so many visible situations that disprove this idea

But that's the thing. Who you were then is who you are now, and once you realize that, you begin to understand just how fucked a lot of people are.

When I was a teenager, it became abhorrently clear, as we hit mid/late teens, who was going to "do something" with their life, and who wasn't. In the long run (we're now in our mid/late 30s) nothing has changed. The ones trying to win the lottery haven't hit it yet, and the ones that were decent back then are doing decent now.

The only thing different is how we've aged. I'm not saying its impossible to change. I am saying it's improbable for most, and takes too much effort for the rest.
