Redemption from past degeneracy

Here's a subject I'd like to discus, even if I fear the thread will eventually just devolve into name calling.

Our goal is to redpill people and show them the way towards family, tradition and heritage. Lift weights, read books, buy guns and make a big white family. However, I do think some people have gone off the deep end of degeneracy and are beyond saving. IMO saying that even the most used up druggie racemixing whores can be saved is retarded. A bit cucked even. I also think that saying someone can't be saved because they did some teenage things as a teenager is also retarded. There's a middle ground, which is what I'd like to discuss in this thread. Where do you draw the line? How much past degeneracy is too much past degeneracy?

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As a Christfag, I believe in a power capable of redeeming all degeneracy. The question is not the past. The question is the path of the present and the course charted to the future.

Thanks for the shit thread, OP.

Aand the thread has already been derailed.

Holla Forums is not just for news and happenings. I remember when we used to discuss ideas all the time.

Recovering degenerate here.

Since the start of this year I've quit weed and started working out, among other positive life style changes, eating better, reading moreā€¦

There's definitely a line. Miscegenation is not forgivable. A lot of it is mentality, a way of thinking that needs to be changed.

Read Hunter and Turner Diaries. They lay out pretty clear lines.

The only degeneracy I partake in is casual sex. Otherwise I live a productive lifestyle. But I'm not about to become a celibate.

Shill shill shill shill shill!,

Instead of dwelling on the past like a faggot, just work on yourself to make a God out of your own willpower (assuming you have any).

Remember, the hero's journey takes him into the abyss before reaching new heights.

No. Who are you to dictate, faggot? Our goal is to murder all degenerates and shitskins alike ushering in a new world age of fascism.

yeah fine line is how it applies and solves our problems right now and for the future
path of least resistance is preferable but if it doesn`t solve it adequately we need to reinforce