Lets have a thread making fun of trump supporters

lets have a thread making fun of trump supporters

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I think that guy posted here a few days ago.

That has to be a troll.

I can't tell if that post is bait or serious. This level of autism is through the roof


Making fun of them is not for me, sorry. The people who unironically support him and vote for him are the most duped of the working class; so entrenched in society's neglect and duped by propaganda that they will hopelessly rally behind a figure like trump and his jingoist rhetoric because he's one of the few figures who displays some kind of 'alternative' attitude within the status quo, as vague as it may be. To satirize people like that is to, whether one realizes it or not, hold a very smug and liberal attitude of contempt towards a particular category of the working class.

whoops, thought you were responding to OP, sorry




People like this are why I support cucking the white race into extinction tbh


Hello Palmer Luckey. Your name is still incredibly faggy.

It might have something to do with multiculturalism being a bunch of crap forced by Democratic politicians. It might be that Trump's policies are pro-white and pro-Christian and Americans are mostly white Christians. Ever consider that?

I'm not getting the reference, sorry bud.


This is next level.

Palmer 🍀🍀🍀luckey🍀🍀🍀
Guess who else was "luckey"


I don't get it.

Identity matters more to people than the money in their pocket. That's where you go wrong.


That's not what I'm saying at all, and I suspect you know it.


New liberalism at large, yes. This is not restricted to the Democratic Party in the US, but also for example the Christian Conservatives in Germany or New Liberal Party in Sweden. And yes, multiculturalism is bourgeois garb meant to patronize white working class people into a division that puts it in identitarian competition with non-whites to deviate from the greater focal point of class warfare.

Incredibly secondary. Such pure and uncut ideology and its potential are unlocked within such dire times with a lack of class consciousness, and it only shows how easily Trump, as a billionaire, gets away with pushing these things despite being one of the main propagators and benefactors of globalization and liberal permissivess.


The irony of this one is that the entire point seems to be that liberals just sling accusations and don't have any arguments, but Holla Forums's only argument is "lol faggot kike". Holla Forums can't even come up with decent arguments in their own fucking MS Paint comics.


So much classcuckery

Sauce on quote?

As absurd as the concept of a "multiculture" is, the United States would the foremost example of that concept.

This is an amazing quote but I don't think it's real




I didn't know Brazil is considered a white country.

how retarded do you have to be to think this is what the other side believes. Not a liberal, but let me paraphrase this straight-jacketed liberal friend.
Race is a biologically meaningless classification, yet race impacts much of someone's social outcomes
Because race is biologically meaningless, I reject prejudice based on it
see above
Lets destroy any hindrance to free association based on meaningless categories
association includes sex
no one has ever said this.

They're still not nearly as bad as the Jewish mafia candidate Clinton.

It was never enforced as a positive policy until porky got involved.






it's not even funny tbh
these guys need therapy, they don't even realize how they look like to anyone reading that shit and making the obvious connection they cannot or just don't want to see

Both are stupid options, and watching the world burn a little more after the farce that is the upcoming election will be a bitter comedy.

I agree.
Maybe then people will wake up instead of running away from things.

Fucking hell, my family has reached a point where whenever you mention terror attacks, blowback or any detail called into question this election the response is "I don't want to know about it, doesn't effect me".
No but it does affect me you selfish cunts.

God I bet if you told that guy the sun is turning blue he'd believe it.

If you're white and you said that you must be suicidal.

i think we have to man up and be the bigger part in this

i just can't attack Holla Forumsacks like i used to anymore
they don't deserve that shit
all the things we are mocking them for, those lumpen faggots, it's just so pitiful
not saying we have to be kind to them, but rubbing into their wounds that they are losers wont do, it's what was driving them into becoming altright faggots in the first place

they need a new perspective, a way out, something unorthodox they're not used to
some sort of compassion maybe, i don't know
it's really just sad and depressing to see them self-chastising themself like that, covering up their insecurities with this edgy bullshit

just take a look at hitler
his family was shit and everything he did got him nowhere
admiring autisticly some woman, developing a grudge against jews because his art was shit
ending up a hobo after the war in munich and then eventually finding his first approval by others through yelling edgy stupid shit in a bar surrounded by drunks

just what are you supposed to do with these pathetic losers before they circlejerk themself from being a generic social reject Holla Forumstard into full blown nazism?

fuckin marx, this is why we need the wall.


if you want to move to somalia and start breeding with the natives i'm not stopping you bud

On the other hand, pity would be worse than anything. When you have nothing, pride is all is left.




When did he say that? White people never did anything that destroyed society, they built it. All black people ever did was go into our civilized society and yet complain about it. It disgusts me that non-whites complain about the very things that the Western white society - us - that provided them.


Then fuck off back to reddit.

ITT: shills paid by CTR vs. shills paid by Palmer Luckey


If they were actually selfish they would care about the world they live in for their own sake. Instead they're in denial because it's uncomfortable.

Most likely once Hillary has finished her first term the world will have been pushed so far towards war that reconciliation will be impossible.
