Highlights from John Mearsheimer's keynote address at the March 24, 2017 Israel Lobby and American Policy confernece
Highlights from John Mearsheimer's keynote address at the March 24, 2017 Israel Lobby and American Policy confernece
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this is the full video. if someone can convert it and a mod delete the yt links afterwards it would be appreciated.
Wish there was a way to permanently blot out the sun over Israel.
pretty accurate analysis
I think it made that a bit too small.
Here's a bigger one.
The only "dark times" I want for Israel is the sun disappearing from the whole middle east because nuclear winter
I'm glad they are building in the west bank! Enemy #1 is the Muslim nations and then the Chinese. At least the Jews allow us to survive.
No, Shmuel, you are the enemy #1.
Does this mean we're winning?
You stick out like a sore thumb and you're fooling nobody here. Filtered.
He is correct
Go back to cuckchan fagboy
Fuck off Chaim. You kikes are the reason that the mudslimes are invading Europe, and the driving factor behind weakening the West and enabling China to become as powerful as it has.
I want you to die slow boiling in a vat of pork fat along with the rest of your hook nosed rat faced soulless piece of shit brethren.
Look at how stupid this kike is.
are you a nigger?
Not going anywhere, get used to it. Read a book.
Pretty much reaffirms my suspicion that it's only kikes and trannies running that awful place, and that the only thing you're capable of is bastardizing Holla Forums memes without ever fully comprehending them.
I am not pro jew i am just much more anti Muslim and Chinese. don;t get me wrong.
Come live in Minneapolis for a month and tell me that you are worried about the jews. I dont see jews anywhere here. I do however see muslims, particularly skinnies all the fuck over.
maybe your right subtly has never been my strong suit.
i don't understand why they are projew, do they not realize the evil pig banker is the international jew?
What are IDs?
people thought israel was the underdog while they bombed kids on a beach?
Come to the west coast. I don't see snackbars anywhere but I see plenty of spiclet locusts.
The jew is the central and pivotal part of bringing in all the mud races. Hating the muds and disregarding the jews is like constantly cleaning up a feral cat's shit instead of kicking it out of your house.
I see, a rare low verbal-IQ kike. You're one of those fucking kike golems, are you? Not important enough to really matter but jewy enough to push the bottom line.
Because they are jews. Almost all of the users ousted in the youtube/discord raids were beta kikes and trannies.
That counts for all kikes, kike.
I was pretty confused listening to this speech. Everything he says just sounds so sinister. I was convinced for a few minutes he was chastising the kikes for being too pompous and greedy.
But he wasn't. It's like a fucking joke. I wonder if all the good goyim saw how the jews talked to eachother about how they spend our money, buy our government, and use our men to die for them, they'd stop pearl-clutching over "muh russia" and finally understand who the real foreign meddlers are.
We kill those who want to enslave us first, then we kill those who want to kill us.
It means that people are sick of fighting an endless war for the sake of an apartheid state. This is something that's been going on for longer than Holla Forums was a thing.
That's your problem. I grew up down south where there's no Jews, and I didn't ever start hating them until I met some when I moved up north. You really do have to start interacting with them to learn why everyone hates them so much.
I've met some pretty OK Chinese people, so I don't hate them categorically. Lots of them are really shit people, but there's a few OK ones. Same goes with Muslims, but those are rarer than good Chinese people.
Wrong Muslims are not good. They are fooling you read the book Muslim Mafia.
I thought I was on my phone but my phone was connected to my internet
Now I am on my phone
As far as kill those who want to enslave us. I dunno what to say I've been reading a lot of books on Muslims lately and they all hate Jews just as much. Maybe you should align with the left and muslims get rid of the Jews?
Oo and yes Chinese Americans are good. Chinese commies are not.
Sieg Heil to the mods for cleaning the board.
t. Tommy(the israeli cuck) Robinson
Islam is good for Muslim countries and bad for white ones. Its that simple.
Fuck no they aren't. They're the worst fucking spies and infiltrators in the US next to jews.
At least muslims, mexicans, and blacks are fucking retarded and can't do more damage than overbreeding and collecting gibs.
Chinese people are taking over our universities, housing industry, and exporting all of our jobs to their shit nation. They have to go.
The Jews engineered the fall of Russia and the creation of the Soviet Union.
The Jews led Roosevelt into WWII.
The Jews championed the Immigration Act of 1965.
The Jews have led the US into countless military interventions in the Middle East, leading to the rise of ISIS and a future civil war in Europe.
The Jew has the blood of tens of millions of Whites on his hand, and he will continue to scheme our destruction as long as he exists. As long as a single Jew on Earth draws breath, we will not be safe.
It's not even good for Muslim countries.
Was there plan to crash the site then replace us?
Keep digging. No greater Israel for you.
Don't educate them.