"Gun: fail. Flight: fail. Software: fail. Schedule: fail. Budget: fail. Plus 270 more fails."
However, it's a major success at fleecing not only current taxpayers, but taxpayers yet to be born.
"Gun: fail. Flight: fail. Software: fail. Schedule: fail. Budget: fail. Plus 270 more fails."
However, it's a major success at fleecing not only current taxpayers, but taxpayers yet to be born.
Other urls found in this thread:
This has the potential to make US allies very, VERY pissed
2nd post by same ID……KIKE!!!!!!!!
How the fuck is it anti-Trump?
We'll really know if this was a Kike plan or just nigger planning if Israel gets a few of the aftermarket ones.
I know its been a hard time the past couple of days but you need to get your shit together!
Fucking ridiculous!
Can't even trust our own military anymore to make common sense decisions.
Ditch the F-53 already faggots!
We (hopefully) all know that Israel will drop the US like a hot potato once we lose empire status. Don't forget they used to be friendly with the Soviets when it looked like they had the upper hand.
This cozy relationship didn't really suffer until the fall of the Soviet Union.
1948 war, for example, was fought using Czech arms when they were still behind the iron curtain.
Stalin was very pro-Zionist hoping that Israel would become socialist (he was half-right there) and weaken the UK (also half-right).
Anyway, yeah, this F-35 is a raw deal and we're being bent over in a bad way.
It's the Bradley AFV all over again.
Why couldn't they just make three or four different planes, or at least variants for different mission types?
At this point we might need WW3 to actually improve our weaponry to the next stage.
I pick CHYNA
I deem it unlikely that no power wants to be exposed by a war. Everyone seems to be fronting hard and there isn't that much certainty about capabilities.
Actual war really isn't something we should be promoting. Every new one seems to get more brutal than the last and only fills the coffers of Zog
There are 3 or 4 diff variants of this for airforce, marines, and navy. The entire fucking idea that you could have a plane that could avoid radar, dogfight, and bomb was insane from day 1, and has now cost close to a trillion dollars. In the event it was needed, it worked perfectly well to simply have different ground and air attack aircraft.
I'd love to see the amount of required "diversity hires" for this and stronk womyenz. Do people know the new destroyer class, Zumwalt, was named after a cuck married to a Jewess whose big accomplishment was "integrating the navy?"
The program had a R&D budget of $55.1B yet the result seems less than impressive. So what's the reason?
a) Lockheed Martin is inept
b) The budget is a lie and part of the money went into black projects
c) Pentagon made impossible requirements
As a PMP with experience in the field all three are equally possible.
I don't think diversity hires had anything to do with this. The real reason is devious politics.
Basically, there are people in the revolving door that sell the project, and then they're on the hook for selling the project and thus become cheerleaders for the project. It starts with the lobbyists, then the reps, then leaders of countries etc. Think, for example, how can Australia walk away from the F-35 since they already put money towards the project. It would be an embarrassment to admit they were taken for a ride, so they have to hope it works out.
Having ONE PLANE makes the swindle easier for a number of reasons. 1) There are no options. What. is the UK going to buy Russian planes? 2) it's the one big idea everyone is going for so you got that herd mentality 3) if you DON'T go along with the idea, you'll be branded as a fool while everyone else has cool new toys and you'll be left out 4) if it doesn't work out, you have an easy out politically saying "ah well, everyone else was fooled, too!"
There are other reasons but it's late and my mind is failing me.
Lockheed Martin is making more and more money and you have the gall to suggest they're inept?!
Trump was already pissed they were overcharging the aircraft and that the project was taking too long, now they present these flying piles of junk. Some kike heads are definetely going to roll
I question their ability to make aircrafts. I don't question their ability to make money.
They don't sell aircrafts. They sell problems and solutions
I'll just leave this here.
Disregard the analysis at the top-middle of the image. Think about this situation for yourself and form your own conclusions.
same with the Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey
Even still, look at what the Germans (and even ZOG) were able to accomplish during the war years. For fuck's sake, the b-2 stealth bomber was a stolen German design. This project had been going for…what, 15 years now? Recall when the US had actual competent engineers, like guy behind Skunkworks (Kelly Johnson?) You almost have to try to fucking fail with that much money and not get anything done.
I could be that lockheed is just dealing with clueless niggers and trying to take them for a ride. Was reading about Generals in Iraq War, most notably the Mexican,General Sanchez. He had no fucking business being there, he was picked because he was a Spic. Everyone around him said he was an incompetent.
Imagine what must be going on in procurement? It's no coincidence that the last US Generals actually worth anything graduated the year before they began letting women in.
Learn about disinformation.
What would be motive for disinformation here? The fucking thing was meant to be operational years ago.
Why advertise your most powerful weapon to competitive enemies by using it on fucking spearchuckers?
Nice argument.
They said that they didn't work at all.
How is it confirmed this isn't sandbagging?
Now image if the Apache was designed to also be a troop carrier and scout.
Playing weak goes back to Sun Tzu and is a legitimate strategy.
Having a plane designed to do multiple roles will result in said plane being worse at each role than a specialized plane.
Lots of allies are getting majorly fucked by getting planes designed with vtol in mind.
Call me an armchair general if you will, but you can't cheat basic laws of engineering and physics.
Did you read the article?
It's okay man, me too.
God knows why, but the Pentagon wants these multi-role craft. My guess is for logistics in that it makes maintenance and repairs easier.
I hope we can salvage the F-22 and start producing those. The US needs an air superiority fighter. Then redesign and upgrade the A-10 for tank busting and air support and develop a one-seat bomber.
Replace A-10 with the Super Tucano.
that was fucking cute
Check out the types of cargo aircraft we field.
But we need ONE fighter and only ONE fighter to perform the roles of 3 different frames. There is no goddamn reason beyond somebody lining their pockets.
get out
Hitler couldn't do it, don't know where the Pentagon got the idea that they could.
Aircraft production is war by other means :^)
30mm brrrrrrrrt no longer works on tanks and isn't efficient for anti-personnel. GAU-21 would work well in the roll.
That was depressing to watch, and very appropriate.
It's focused towards cargo craft because the 99% of the air force is mechanics and desk guys. All they care about is shit that makes their jobs easier.
Air Force lost their mission the day the ICBM was invented
You need a craft able to hit targets too substantial for a tank killer but too small to send a B-52 after.
Most likely marketing wank.
That still doesn't explain why it would be a one-seat bomber as opposed to, say, the F-18.
The navigator isn't superfluous
So how do the newest aircrafts of the chinese and russians compare to this mess?
I'd think they are still behind, or am I wrong?
I suspect the Russians are focused on anti-stealth SAMs
The requirement that some variant have a liftfan further constrains the design.
And than there is this gem I found
Now all the europoors can enjoy flying a plane with a wingspan constrained by the size of some parking area on an amphibious ship they don't have. GG.
There are some nice videos about pic related on youtube.
B-but…it's made with high-tech Chinese parts…
That is my take as well. A lot of it seems to be propaganda to wow the masses.
So just more SAMs then? You do know that stealth just reduces the effective range of radar, opening holes in a radar network when the effective radius of the radar installations is smaller than intended.
If you are going to attack targets like Russia you'd just take out the radar installations with missiles which have a longer range than the SAMs. This was done before stealth. All stealth really does it make it impossible for sandnigger tech to get a lock and force everybody else to quadruple the density of their air defense networks to compensate for the reduced radar cross section of the targets.
Also Russian aircraft are okay but they always aggrandize their own shit, see the cold war analysis of Soviet fighters after 1970. The Chinks are so terrible they still can't make engines for their own fighters, they buy Russian exports.
We are getting shilled so fucking hard it's insane.
It does not suck for Israel, though. They already attacked Syria with it.
Didn't they present a superaircraft a while back? I found it.
Seems to me that is the same shit. The incredible size of that thing is mostly for propaganda purposes. It's just silly when you can use a number of smaller aircrafts instead, which is more practical and safer from a defensive point of view.
i have seen this posted here multiple times but could not find a source for it
you got it or is this tv before the time it was stored on the internet
that plane looks sexy as hell.
Isn't this the plane Trump sold to Israel recently?
I think we've know this one for some time. From and engineering standpoint, they tried to cram too many different missions with different airframe requirements into one aircraft; some of them are even contradictory.
nice concept art
Well Trump managed to make a better deal with contractors, the price is now 3 times lower.
300 to 100 million.
Ruskies are focused more on rocket and missile development (antiship missiles to pwn carriers)
In terms of aircraft development they don't trust stealth so they are developing everything else first and stealth second, which is why their newer aircraft are more closer to 4.5+ generation than actual 5th gen.
Last time I checked they are still developing their PAK-FA Air Superiority Fighter which (compared to F22) has lower stealth rating but is better in everything else and (most importantly) it costs 1/3 F22.
They have plans for PAK-DA (bomber) and PAK-TA (cargo) but do not trust their propaganda until you see the damn prototype fly
Chinks are not doing shit. They are just making propaganda and trying to shill their J-22 which is probably garbage (like any piece of chinese machinery)
No, it's actually a replacement for TU-160. It's a multirole heave carrier. It can be used to transport and drop heavy battle tanks or as a carrier for nuclear weapons.
Russians actually built AN-225, which carried 640 tons and was used to carry Buran. 200 tons is not even that much in comparison.
meant for
It's worth watching the whole movie. Based on a book written by a USAF Colonel, so I assume the crazy shit that happens is pretty historically accurate.
Oh no what will the russians copy now?
for fucksakes, just invest in a company that makes augmentations, normalize that shit and sell it to the terrorist, once they have it in them just disable all of the augs and let them die.
I like BRRRRRRRRRRT as much as the next person, but you can't deny that a single 70mm rocket has a lot more bang than a brrrtrrrt of 30mm.
Add to that the fact that these missiles now come laser guided, and there are low cost ones in development and the need for 30mm BRRRT is hard to see.
You aren't supposed to be paying attention to things like this.
Fuck off you Kremlin bots. Eat shit you bunch of shilling cunts.
.mil procurement has been absolutely fucked since well before we were born
(((they))) play both sides in any goy conflict conflicts (((they))) foment
If the Russians hate it that much that they're having to broadcast their propaganda machine against it, then I say keep it! We're on the right track.
That narrative about the third world population is stupid. If the US wanted to curb population growth it wouldn't join in with the rest of the West in giving billions upon billions of food and medical aid to Africans. The global black population has doubled since 1970.
The petrodollar was a tool created by Nixon to control the Saudis. It also made a lot of US bankers rich. It has grown into a means for our nation to live on endless credit we never have to pay back. The niggers have been an afterthought.
Pretty sure they got their info from straight from the dod report.
Agreed. "We're working on it" could mean they just have a computer model, presumably of a hybrid design. Net power fusion is a difficult enough problem without trying to miniaturize it too.
ITER think a prototype commercial pure fusion reactor will be operational by the mid 2040s :
My favorite failure is how the F-35 leaked fuel so they had to get special paint that reacts to the fuel and turns pink just to find where it is leaking from.
why not just cover it with soapy water, pump air into the fuel system, and see where the bubbles come out
Burgers LARPing as WW2 Landser always makes my blood boil.
Your a slav nigger who pretends to be, at one moment, be a pro-Christian, then a pro-liberal, then a pro-Trumpster, then a pro-immigrant rights, all for the sake of Vladimir Putin.
Your utter pieces of lying shit are beyond sewage.
Only kikes are against Putin. Which means you're a kike.
Or just add dye to the fuel, or fill the tanks with something colored.
Or do a leak test with helium and a gas detector.
Hitler was right. Slavfags are subhumans.
The F-35 development started over a decade ago.
What is with all the slides? Playing catch up and hoping the kikes won't notice you stuffing the fliers in the trash?
Siri: what is a kike?
Why? Burgers have more German blood than Germanistan does now.
Right, you tell them. Every good 'American should get his info from ZOG and only ZOG. After all, we all know ZOG would never lie to us. I'll take Dr. Scheuer's word over you, Hymie…
The Super Tucano has this sort of brrrrrrrt. Sure it's not 30mm brrrrrrrt, but it's a lot more practical against the sort of targets that get shot at by A-10s these days. The Super Tucano is built to fight cartels, which is pretty much exactly the same as fighting sand farming jihadis.
Furthermore GAU-21 brrrrrt is a John Moses Browning brrrrrrt. There is no shame in that at all.
Please stop. We already know about your bullshit. You guys have practically unsurped the JIDF as the primo shillers of the internet, the same way the Aussies have unsurped the Brits as trolls. Worst yet you faggots won't fuck off and die because Putin is paying you so many Rubbles.
Perhaps reddit is more your speed.
You should check out the proposed replacement for the A-10 by Stavatti. Same payload, equivalent BRRRRT (same round, lower RoF but better heat management for more sustainable BRRRRT), and get this: no jet exhaust at all. It's too cold to be acquired by shoulder-launched SAMs. Cheaper to build and maintain, better armored, superior flight characteristics, identical payload capacity with improved munition selection, and comes with all-modern electronics.
And yet I bet you have 30 shill accounts there too don't you fucking tomato soup drinking vodka slurping slav cunt.
Whoops, my bad. Not the same round. I know one of their variants had 30mm, though. Just not this one.
Extra advantage: The aircraft is so simple to construct that they could have the first ones off the assembly line by 2020.
Since when is tomato soup Russian?
Here's the one I was thinking of. Same family (Machete), different iteration.
>Same payload, equivalent BRRRRT (same 20mm round, lower RoF but better heat management for more sustainable BRRRRT)
Not bad, but is 20mm actually the sort of autocannon that we need for the guys we're currently fighting? A few 1000+ rpm 50BMGs seems like it would do the job to me.
Eh, I think you get better fragmentation out of 20mm, which is really what tends to do the work on anti-infantry runs. And by the time you've fit multiple 50s on an aircraft, you probably aren't doing any better weight (or cost) wise than just going with the Vulcan. Also remember that every pound an additional gun takes up is a pound that isn't spent on ammo for a single faster-firing gun, and ammo capacity for BRRRRT is very low to begin with.
yfw this thing can mount up to 6 miniguns in addition to its primary vulcan cannon
Wasn't that the thing that trump declined for Boeing's alternative?
Pretty sure at this point the F-35 is just another wasteful military project meant to be a disaster to siphon off money for other secret and clandestine operations.
That does seem likely.
If nothing else, that new helmet display system looks like a good innovation. Maybe it could be retrofitted to other aircraft.
High brrrrrt rate is desired by airplanes because yo can only stay on target for brief moments of time before you have to loop around and come at it again.
There will never be a time when this isn't the case. To admit they were on the wrong side of that war would be the death blow to Russia. Being proud of their role in WWII is literally all they have.
Idk but us hohols love tomatoes, salo, and vodka
When you have civil war, you ought to enjoy the little things
Sure thing mate, now take your pills.
How does it feel to have a double digit IQ?
Silly logical minded people, wanting to find a problem and fix it on schedule and under budget… we have to run this past endless boards and panels made up of high-ranking officers who have little technical knowledge and control over way too much budget money! Let's have R&D cook up some new paint instead, do some EPA studies, and run molecular interaction simulations on our finest super computers instead!
t. jewish international banker
Yup, just as impossible as heavier than air flight, supersonic travel, trump getting elected…
Honestly if that thing had more armor and was used primarily for defense it would be pretty impressive.
This would be absolutely disastrous for NATO. Almost every single NATO ally is converting their fleet to the F-35.
Also confirmed for retard.
Look at those two articles in the context of each other. What are the chances that they both COINCIDENTALLY came out hours apart like that? It's fucking horseshit. The later article is propaganda in response to the first. The first is probably propaganda as well.
Please use your fucking head.
You have no idea how hot fusion gets, we are talking hundreds of millions of degrees. You can't even fathom how hot it this is.
There is no known material even close to being able to sustain it, the best we have can sustain 4000 degrees, that's 0.001% of the temperature of fusion, and you want me to believe the government is:
1) Aware of a material THAT much more heat resistant than every known materials.
2) Able to produce it on industrial scale.
3) Doing this without anyone noticing.
I thought current design proposals used some kind of energetic confinement?
Drop the GAU, add a few targeting pods.
What the Germans are doing is really impressive by the way. Especially considering there budget, which is really small compared to the ITER project.
Yeah, I downloaded it
Oh boy, here come the fanboys.
Just you wait. I'll score a bingo, and maybe the thread won't be complete utter trash.
This thread was shit to begin with. I'm only here to make shitposting great again! Also, how the hell has this not been bumplocked?
A very experimental design built only as a proof a concept of some new technologies, not to generate any energy.
Yes but :
1) It only prevent direct contact with the plasma, the radiation still heat the container, we are not sure if we have the means to cool it down fast enough.
2) The magnetic containment is not 100% effective, there are small drops of plasma that escape it from time to time and hit the container, doing some real damage overtime.
True, but they will get more energy out of the plasma than they put in, and will (hopefully) be able to sustain it for longer than ITER ever will due to the difference between the stellator and tokamak configuration.
What causes it to escape? Are it disturbances in the plasma that "launch" it through the magnetic confinement?
Great, now we have a thread talking about fusion reactors, the F35, CAS aircrafts, BRRRT vs rockets
Shill detected. Fuck off to your hugbox if you want to stop hearing complaints about Putin. He's better than letting Russia die, but not so much better that he can't be criticised.
Why are we waaaatiiiing….
Tell your bosses that you need better talking points. Your bullshit picture that doesn’t refute anything might work on Facebook. But not here.
This is the video that the "bingo" Lockheed shill is afraid of.
Pretty much.
Wich make "long term" fusion the next problem (assuming we can solve the previous ones like cooling), because changing the reactor every few hours of use surely aint gonna be cost effective.
If the Air Force finally gets their way and retires the A-10 for the shitty F-35, then American soldiers will pay for it in blood. President Trump should just transfer the A-10 and their pilots to the Army and Marine Corps. Simple.
B-but it can't suck. A trillion dollars brah. We could have been to Mars and back with a outerplanetary base to top it off.
Uhh no. That's the estimate for the total cost over the lifespan of the project. Like 50 years.
Lockheed please…
Kek, this.
That's another square!
On the upside that addresses Canada's concerns that single engine fighters are prone to engine failure by polar temperatures.
This is why these threads need to be saged to death, but nobody will do it so I'm going to have some fun while people have their armchair technical food fight.
Come on you faggots I only need 1 more to bingo
The military doesn't want it. They don't get to decide though.
You know you can read criticism from experts online for free, right Lock?
I'd like seeing you trying to refute any of those argument, Lockmart shill.
And they shit all over the F-35, just like the F-16. If this board was around in the 70's the archive would be fucking littered with /k/ threads reeeeeeeing about the F-16 and how bad it sucks.
Nah, bingo is more fun.
Stop making shit up. Nobody cares about the imaginary debates you have in your own empty head.
I can't remember when I saw this but it seems relevant.
F-16 started as a point defense interceptor tho, it eventually became a jack of all trades but the F-16A had a clear role defined. The F-35 wants to do everything from the get go.
Shame. It's pretty cool looking.
Maybe it's intentional misinformation to deceive our potential adversaries. Would make sense.
As a person who has enjoy trolling with the F35 for years, often only by typing "F35" into warchat, I really enjoy this picture.
what is BVR?
and how many do they have of them?
That is really a great image. Can't wait till we put fucking lasers on the F35
F35 trolling is going to be glorious until they retire the airframe in 2136.
They're mostly Slavboo Ruskie nigger trolls paid by the Kremlin. Here's an accurate recount on the F-35 tests.
Brown people aren't a very good test of strength, but to fail that horribly against them is inexcusable.
Pentagon claims that their shit doesn't stink. Wow. What a revelation! Don't bother to show any evidence. We trust them.
Hillary? Is that you?
Why does everyone blindly believe the msm when they talk about the F-35 program? Ever thought that maybe, just maybe, all that money being thrown at it might be going somewhere else? What better way to fund a black project than to pay the manufacturer extra for something that they do publicly? Shit, this is how you launder money and do big drug deals as a criminal, it's not any different here.
Is that suppose to be a good thing? Are you happy being robbed?
I did not judge the information in any direction. I only stated it.
The money would be going to Lockheed, as in funding a project that's not on the official records like a space plane or such.
That's what I said. Robbed.
What we actually saw at the video was that it fell into a (sustained stall) after pulling the so-called "godtier" AoA which is about half the sustained AoA of Russian 4th gens, also most 4th gen fighters with "inferior" AoA are artificially prohibiting the aircraft from pulling it in order to prevent what happened to the F-35 in the video.
The Mi-24 were ripping ass until CIA gave the dune coons stingers. By the time the Russians had employed proper countermeasures, the war was coming to an end.
Even then, 74 MI-24's were lost in Afghanistan from 1980-1989 and somehow this reflects poorly on it while 270 AH-1's were lost in Vietnam between 1967-1973 and no one utters a word.
Ruskie nigger claims American planes are bad and that government should backtrack so Ruskie disinfo agents can help Vlad catch up. Yeah, we should totally trust you right?
Suck my balls Ivan. Putin is as much as cunt as Hillary.
Except Vietnam had a fuckton of Russian made SAMs and AAA. The Afghanis had jack shit but rifles up to a certain point.
F-35 has always been a meme and nothing more. (((They))) convinced us to cancel our F-22s and build more of these junkers. I just hope that we have actually intelligent people hiding our good technology in case shit hits the fan.
It's so cringy when hohols pretend being murkan…
But MANPAD of stinger's capabilities were a generation later than Mi-24 while the Cobra's most formidable foe were already outdated SA-2s.
Still that's pretty potent for an attack chopper. You don't need much to take down an attack chopper. I think the sandnigger faggots once shot down a Turkish SuperCobra with a Stinger.
The Afganistanis at once point used guys tied to trees armed with RPGs to shoot down Hinds.
what kind of tanks?
modern american heavy-armor prototypes?
or chinese/russian surplus in Iran?
because one is a more likely target than the other, you know…
It's even more cringy when Rooskie slavboos pretend to be Americans.
the US could build such a plane by 2020 if all the lobbies and monopolies were purged
Don't tell the spergs that
Fuck it, Star Wars now.
You in one picture
You are now defending the turkroaches. On Holla Forums. Tell your boss that you have no fucking idea what you are doing. You need to be reassigned to Facebook.
1) im not russian
2) being frustrated by those two pictures must mean youre one very stupid person or a shill
See all the people traveling far and wide to destroy me? Yeah me neither. Putin-bots are the worst sub-humans on the internet. Almost to the level of actual niggers.
Oh noes, you're offended and triggered, boo-hoo-hoo. Here's another pic to trigger you. It's Putin about to be bukkaked by some horny Ukies.
you must not be aware of the fact that noone here in the EU wants your shithole of a country getting membership and parasiting the already drained economy.
the few people here who even know that there is some war happening in ukraine also know thats its a fuckup started by the americans and soros.
just because someone doesent like you he isnt a russian. or a shill for that matter. you sold your country over, and are proud of it, and we dont like people like that.
seeing what kind of pictures you have saved on your computer really shows how retarded and fanatical you are, and its cringey as fuck.
you fucked up, deal with it. we wont help you, the IMF and pentagon will.
Hybrid fusion is shit because you just run out of tritium if you use it. A fusion reactor based on deuterium-tritium fusion needs to breed tritium from the more scarce Lithium isotope in order to not immediatly run out of expensive fuel.
But who am I kidding, magnetic confinement doesn't work. It's like suspending a giant pile of jell-o with a thousand rubber bands, some will slip out.
I pray to lord Kek that intertial confinement Boron-proton fusion becomes reality, but it is infinitely superior in every metric (cheap machine, cheap fuel, aneutronic fusion etc).
I'm not Turkish you fucking stupid Russian cunt. I'm talking about all the American anons here on Holla Forums whom you hope to get to rally to your cause like some White Knights rallying to a whore.
And please FUCK RIGHT OFF with your no true scotsman shame tactic bullshit.
Fuck you slavnigger. "We" don't and never will give a fuck about your commie former KGB Putin attention whore either. Don't worry about Shillary, we'll (THE US) will deal with her. We don't need you commie fags sticking your fucking nose and trying your divide and conquer tactics here in America. We don't care for that shit.
And stay the fuck out of our right wing and left wing.
Since you're so butthurt about Turkey and the Ukrainians. Here's one of Putin kneeling to the Finnish guy instead.
And DSHK's, autocannons, RPG's set to airburst and then finally, stingers.
Junk fire is more of a hazard to helicopters flying NOE than long-range SAM's are.
Attempting to engage pretty much any tank from 1960 onwards with the GAU-8 is iffy and anything more modern like a T72 would be a bad idea in general.
i was talking about ukranians. the turks are a mess of their own
yeah no. i never got along with most american posters on pol, even when i started on halfchan, up until the king nigger started some scepticism among them.
im the "yankees go home" kinda guy
what no true scotsman? who menationed communism here?
so youre an ugrofinnic turk then. i knew you were ukranian
"We" don't and never will give a fuck about your commie former KGB Putin attention whore either
if you go to every thread and start shilling about it then you seem to give much attention about it
so youre a diaspora too then
most threads on this board are about the US doing this to everyone else.
ukraine has those?
i tought you were just a bunch of kosher nazis with EU flags and NATO guns
im not. i just find it funny when you people get butthurt and shitpost loudly
But really tho, what we really need is some jap who will anthropomorphize the different reactor types in a comic as in flight highschool.
The Canadian 70mm rocket variant can apparently penetrate a T-72 from every side.
the t-72 was designed in the 60s as a modified t-55. prettymuch any ATGM can take it out. just like any other tank from that era.
the argument here shouldnt be about ATGMs vs Tanks, but about AT weaponery vs tank defensive systems.
in syria you have the most modern AT systems being defeated by half a century old tanks with gadgets from the makers of tetris.
That explains a lot.
You don't even know what to be anymore. One minute you're trying to shill/pretend to be American, now you're a full fledged Russian faggot. Did you have a change a heart of did all the squatting in your addidas track suit make you lose circulation to your brain?
Fuck you slav niggers. You're utterly on the level of actual niggers.
But say since you're at the Kremlin right now, I'm wondering what you think of the TV show Lazytown? It's a such a good television program that helps us learn about the Turkish culture.
Feel free to repost, mehmet.
Sorry slavboo nigger. We actually prefer pissing on muslims in the states.
Not really, but I do enjoy the tears of RT fags. Here have a pnwed T-34 on me :)
I'm also a Neo-con neo nazi who loved strafing little Russian boys in my stuka.
The back half is only about 80mm or so thick, so that should be penetrable but I'd be skeptical of any 70mm munition cracking even an old T-72M from the front.
On the other hand a volley of unguided rockets can easily mission kill a tank without penetrating.
The T-72 was designed in the 60's as an easier to produce alternative to the T-64, it is at least a generation beyond the T-55.
That depends on the model and what kind of composite armor and ERA it is equipped with.
No, only from the sides and rear, and only a naked early model T-72.
Later model T-72 has about 80% of an Abrams frontal composite armor. They make up the remainder through ECM (shtora) which confuses missiles and ERA (kontakt) that can decrease effectiveness of shaped charges and kinetic weapons by about 30-60%.
In theory it has more armor "value" than M1A2 in the specific areas where ERA is (mainly front and sides), and that's just the T-72.
im european.
knowing english better than your entire shithole of a country desent make me american.
just as mocking your shithole of a country doesent make me russian.
and what does lazytown have to do with anything?
did you try to make some gay joke concerning that pricture?
try harder.
or just stop shitposting and make your country less of a shithole
so youre a jew then
i feel sorry for you
you mean like the rednecks that went to die for israel under bush?
thats exactly my point. i despise armchair generals arguing about what tank is better, but not knowing shit about such equipment.
a M60could take out a T90 as easy as a T-55 would take out an abrams, should the latter tanks be unequiped first model versions
I'm a Jew, I'm a Nazi, I'm a Neocon, I'm Ronald Reagan's ghost come back to haunt you….
Get your fucking accusations straight you Russian piece of shit. YOU are the commie here. There's nothing more Jewish than that you Marxist swine.
Not as sorry as I feel for you slavic faggots who do nothing all day but squat and end up looking like shit from from that garbage you drink called Vodka.
You're a fucking Russian shit smelling Putin bot who needs to wash between her cunt and her asshole. What the fuck is with you filthy Vatniks smelling musty all the time anyway? What do you think we can't smell you?
Take a fucking shower you piece of shit. Dammit! Putin is paying you all these rubble and you can't afford a bath? Fuck off will you.
Your nation is nothing but a piece of shit just like your face.
no youre just a shill with a mask. you must be new here. fresh from the JIDF ADL course
i told you youre a shill. doesent matter what shithole language you speak, you should be punished
and no im not a russian. people who hate subhumans like you dont magically turn into russians.
where did i mention communism now? you must have confused me with someone else onsome other thread youre shilling
well its a good thing we dont do that here, we just sit back and watch your shithole country collapse into itself
ofcourse i am. why would anyone else than a russian dislike your glorious shithole country
well we have a poetic autist shitskin here
*Yawn* Here we go again. Please don't just suck, but inhale my cock and balls. And while they are down your throat, choke on them while humming the Rooskie national anthem. Thank you.
youre bashing your shit quality keyboard so hard now arent you?
what kind of an autistic retard even has such gay pictures on his comupter?
You tell me Ruskie. You're the paid Kremlin-bot hired to shill on American websites.
And stop calling that picture gay, that's an accurate portrayal of your wife.
well id be more than happy to get payed just for reading a thread on Holla Forums every once in a while.
these russian hackers youre speaking of must really be a big force on the internet, right? good thing we have hillary that tells us these kind of things.
but its gay. and any panzie that saves that kind of gay crap on his computer is a faggot.
cant we call gay things gay? is it not PC enouh for you?
i guess you prefer to be called genderretarded fluid or something
High AOA maneuvers sacrifice too much EM. You get one shot before you die.
It's only good for air shows.
i beleive thrust vectoring was meant for takoff/landing and low altitude menauvering rather than dogfighting. this isnt korea anymore
These are irrelevant since the F-35 can achieve 45 degrees AoA and drain all its kinetic energy without the use of TV.
Blured out so that we can't see the circumcisions?
Choyina is just trying to copy ours.
Man, you cannot hate the engineering
I wonder the aero dynamic on these birds
Anyways what they have done is made like 6 million types of planes, for dif purposes. Now they soon have or have their super bomber ready, which is kick ass as fug.
Anyways they have diff purpose planes and they are quite marvelous.
The F-35 should do to much, it's fat slow, and need to exercise more. Bad pie, all purpose air plane.
Just fucking look at these wasps
We need to make better planes and burn shit like gender studies to death. The russian students are very good at maths and physics compared to most western ones
How the fuck are Sukhois and Tupolevs anglo-saxon protestants?
You should have been making these, instead of going to gender studies
But they comparatively suck in digitized electronics and material sciences but at least they ain't Chinese
An engineer would say, that compromises had to be made to meet all the requirements.
Unfortunately that means that although it can do everything, it can't do everything *well*.
I think it would've been better to have each branch spec out their own plane, but push for each plane to be sharing as much from the same parts bin as possible.
Lit kekked.
These China planes they will prolly break a part in the sky or before or during take off
Theology courses should be obligatory though.
This must trigger the mudshits as fug, missed pic. But they had a mobile or have a mobile armored church down there too.
Here have what I think is some I dunno flight stuff
You are now picturing an F-35 made of the finest Chinese papier-mâché but even the chinks got the engine issue right.
Got you covered, fam.
Our new birds here have been really active lately, cools a fuck I don't run out each time I hear them now as they have basically been in the air for days if not a week.
Choina on this one…
Oops. Wrong video.