
Should have done this before the crisis, tbh, instead of spending all their oil money on the welfare state.

..that doesn't mean anything ..Capitalist sabotage of Venezuelan economy is still a myth.

It's depressing but people only start to act when they have their back on the wall, corrupts nepotic shitheads are no exception to the rule.


No recent update? I remember they talked about that months ago.

No worries. News are just a googling away.

Google vs the competition

le ebil porgy

Basically all foreign capital has left the country anyway, and they won't be able to get any of it back without austerity, which will only make things worse. At this point he might as well collectivize the factories and institute market socialism.

Is Maduro the reincarnation of Based Tito?

Also how true are the allegations that basically all the "protesters" are petit bourgie students and basically none are working class?

le evil socialist


Yahoo doesn't have multiple articles reporting the same thing. That's all the difference between both.

So they seized Kimberly-Clark.

Who did that help?

Are there more workers eating well and living well in October 2016 than in early July 2016?

It likely means that the shortage of toiletries has been alleviated.

I haven't seen toilet paper in a while, I wipe my ass with kitchen paper rolls cut in half.

Wasn't that one of the things claimed to be in short supply the last several years? So porkies were literally trying to destroy the country's economy because its politics weren't to their liking?

They didn't stay there to destroy anything, they just fled the country, and then a thousand workers were out of a job.

The OP says they were hoarding the materials to make the toilet paper that Venezuelans desperately needed in storage.

This surprises you?


Not a bit. I just want to be crystal clear when we have evidence for a case like this.

I'm kind of wary. The fact they finally did it makes me feel like they are actually floundering and will do anything to keep the people on their side till the eventual collapse

Yes, they fled without producing everything that they could.

Your right to be wary, the manner this is happening is pretty far from ideal.

What concerns me is most is the danger that foreign porky primary input exporters may refuse flat out to deal with a collectivized manufacturer.
They likely haven't had enough time to secure substitutes or secure imports from friendly states.


There have been other stories too of warehouses full of food and other supplies horded in order to aggravate the political and economic instability.

Maduro doesn't sound like a genius but when the economy is being actively subverted what can he really do?



So is this real socialism yet?

skypes gonna skype.


Hopefully soon.

Why are we receiving news from an uber-stalinist source on Holla Forums?

Not when it's only one factory employing a 1000 people in a country with a workforce of millions.

That and the workers themselves have to own the factories and farms, not the state or government.


Maduro's approach to politics is becoming Socialist. And even it is not yet fully Socialist. He doesn't go for collectivising the whole of industry. When he does - his politics will become Socialist.

The Venezuela itself will require successfully winning Civil War to have a chance at getting Socialist economy.

Because Stalinists are the only Left left. Anarchists don't believe in State, post-Trotskyists are too theoretical, and SocDem are too deep in bourgeois politics.


Do y'all think this news constitutes a minor happening goin on? It validates some of the things the left has been saying for a long time.

Kitchen paper and toilet rolls are litterally the same thing, but longer. Its litterally the same product. Its like complaining you cant find small potatoes, only big ones.

Why are you surprised? Denial of life necessities to force population into relinquishing their rights (i.e. accepting Fascism) is the most common tactic of Capitalists.

I don"t know about your paper towels but the kind my family gets can be some rough stuff that I would dread to use on my bum

I'm not surprised, im mad

This is the kitchen paper we have, and this is the toiler paper we have.

Toilet paper is designed to e much smoother. Start wiping your ass with a kitchen roll and see how well your arse feels after a week.

Nope. Imo Maduro is simply desperate. He needs actual organized support (ML Vanguard) to survive on Socialist measures. Communist militia ready (armed and organized) and willing (has ideology) to fight right-wing gangs.

So far I didn't see anything that resembles this.

It's like last two centuries never happened.

I don't so much mean Maduro more then the proof that the capitalist class will wage economic war on any left or supposed left government even if it means a hit for them. And that in recent times that theory of economic war has been more and more relegated to the same level as some harebrained conspiracy

maduro have no initiative, he is reacting, he is on defensive, and it is pretty obvious that he is afraid to escalate

if expropriations continue on, I'm expecting Venezuelan Pinochet to show up
so maduro should get ready for a helicopter ride


Ok, now try to do the same thing as

It's a bit rough.

The workers didn't complain about anything before or after this happened, so I doubt that they just didn't produce anything. Kimberly-Clark just chose the first excuse that they could come up with before fleeing and leaving everything behind. They already knew that the company would be taken over after they left and that the government would find everything that they had stored.

nationalisation is basically socialism guise! go maduro!!

Helicopter ride? Everyone learned a lesson after the 2002 coup failed and Chávez came back.

If there's a coup against Maduro, he'll be found dead with more than 50 gunshot wounds after the fact.

Chavez was pretty much completely retarded, so it's good to know that Maduro is at least a little better.


Maduro boot licking by brit tankies? Nah thx.