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The Last Post To 8ch Before It Went Dark
Nigger loving faggots.
I've seen that special snowflake J fag before.
Fortunate timing for the shill. His faggot ass nigger dick sucking cuckservative post got to stay up a whole three days unmolested.
This isn't TRS. I don't give a shit about "based" niggers and kikes and if there exist some then wonderful, they can go fuck off and do right-wing things in their own countries. Whites are rapidly becoming minorities in every country on Earth. The children of these "based shitskins" are the ones who will be marching in the streets waving Antifa and BLM banners and demanding reparations from white people. There must exist nations for us to live in peace and harmony among our own. If there is a country of honorary aryans who think like us ideologically, then we will be the strongest of allies, but having our own homogeneous white ethnostate is non-negotiable.
Your inevitable ban will be great.
That's true though.
Granted, you need to make laws and whatnot based on the majority, not on individual exceptions but sometimes these people can actually be considered human.
You know, if they stay back in their countries that is.
That's like saying you should hate "based whites" because their children will grow up to be limp-wristed Bernie faggots. I'm not disagreeing that other peoples need to fuck off back to their own countries, but we're not exactly in a position where we should be turning down potential allies. Even GLR worked with the Nation of Islam from time to time, didn't he?
It's not the 1950s anymore. GLR saw them as an ally against the system. Times have changed and now niggers are really taking over. He predicted they would and now it has come to pass.
The same "allies" you once had are no longer allies.
Would NoI allow GLR to attend their meetings today? I highly doubt it.
Times have changed and GLR would likely have a different attitude today.
What did he meem by this?
Recognizing most chinese people are short doesn't mean dogmatically denying that some tall chinese may exist.
The problem is that most Holla Forumsacks may recognize this as true, but they see how it can easily spiral into "all white countries must invaded".
And while that may be true regarding Europe, at least some countries, what are you gonna do in America?
DOTR, take them back to Africa…we all know that these are pipe dreams, and DOTR is questionable even by NatSoc moral standards.
You gotta find a pragmatic solution one day, and I don't see how redpilled nigs are my enemy.
they vote 93% for the party of gibs. It's folly to waste time on the 7% that are probably neocohens anyways
I don't know who's jewing who anymore
I can't believe everyone on Holla Forums hasn't figured this out yet. Imagine that you're a jew and you're losing, naturally, but you have the power to decide which of your enemies will win. If the future does go towards civnat then it doesn't matter how many years it would take, 100, 200, whatever, but the jews would be back.
Fuck off
Great more evidence were just cuckchan 2.0
Staff change in Tel Aviv.
I read this site is compromised on 8ch dot pl Holla Forums
Anyone know if that is true?
https ://hbr.org/2017/03/the-tangled-web-of-net-neutrality-and-regulation
http ://www.funnyjunk.com/channel/politics/Let+s+talk+internet/tifpLgv/
https ://www.conservativereview.com/commentary/2017/04/what-the-online-privacy-vote-is-really-about
Read about what was actually changed before you jump on the MSM fearmongering. Nobody can buy or sell yours or anyones internet history.
This transfers power from the FCC to the FTC and fixes the confusion created by earlier rules. This allows for a proper and fair privacy framework to come in the future that doesn't shaft the small guy. Ultimately it blasts a hole in their plan to use the FCC for censorship.
Is civic nationalism the new christcuck dnc?
See, the who "godly, conservative nigger and spic" thing is all well and good, but they always lack one fundamental belief that I consider an absolute requirement: the belief that they should live amongst their own as others should. I'm not talking about supporting the freedom for some who wish to live amongst their own to be able to do so. I'm talking that all must live amongst their own regardless of those who wish to "blanda up". There needs to be the acknowledgement that we cannot build functional communities of mixed race.
You people are so cancerous that you stick out like a sore fucking thumb here.
More effort.
Seems like it might be. They know that they can't successfully libel Christianity, so they've finally changed tactics.