The Best Drug Episodes

Hey Holla Forums you like drugs right?
Of course you do, who doesn't?
So why not gather 'round and share our favorite drug episodes? The best drug episodes.

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Ever try Spin Holla Forums?

Seriously, would you say "no" to academy award winner George C. Scott?

Not at all, it's just that Cartoon Allstars is a mashup drug special. It's not a drug episode of a specific series.
I'm glad you posted it though user, it does seem like a must for the thread.

"Mind Pollution" was the realest episode of Captain Planet there ever was.

cartoons dont do this anymore…

Probably because the whole DARE thing failed miserably.

still wanted to see an episode of Steven Universe when he meets Crystal Meth

Give me back my sides ya thieving bastard.

user, your shiftkey is broken.

All the Calarts faggots making cartoons these days love drugs, they would never honestly portray junkies as soulless zombies that will mutilate themselves and fuck over anyone for the next pathetic fix.

That's because most drugs today come not from the street corner, but over the counter.

Remember to fill out your prescription.

Why does the sister have a framed picture of Alf on her bedside table?

That's a great impression of a tasteless plebeian you have there user.

Why is the hey poster so retarded?


While not technically Holla Forums Dinosaurs had one of the best drug episodes ever. I don't have the clip but they did one of those 'the actor talks to you after the show' deals that was popular at the time where Robbie Sinclair pleaded with kids to help stop lame anti-drug psa episodes by not using drugs.

I remember that. They were pretty self aware with that show.
The one where Earl becomes a TV executive is the best


What manner of bullshit is this?

I suppose Cigarette-man pushing it on kids specifically has something to do with it.

Did he… did he light the cigar on someone on assisted respiration?

AIDS episodes are superior.

Everybody will get AIDS.

I remember being shown this in school.

Yeah people will call Superman things like paragon, or boyscout, but he's no where near as candy-assed as they would have you believe.

Here's some of that AIDS you wanted user.


Superman sounds like he is russian spy.

Get on my level you fucking scrubs.

This thread could use some reefberries.

The sun is one hell of a drug.

Other than that I can't think of any other dictator references from that era.

On Justice League he had a cameo.


So who has the episode that has drugs, AIDS, and Hitler?

Holla Forums The Animated Series?

The Eds got high on life.

Yeah I'd watch that.

well, technically its a crystal, right?

user, your shiftkey is broken.

Thread could use some comics, how about that one where Speedy is speeding?

That was a pretty good one–in an era when the media was desperate to show how badly drugs can fuck you up, it instead explored why people turn to drugs in the first place.
And then an asian kid OD'd on a single dose of uncut heroin in the next issue

More Alf please

So after they got the kid to stop smoking cigarettes and promise not to try drugs, do you think Alf ate Garfield?

The bes t one is south park

Go be cancer somewhere else nigger.

While it doesn't do anything all that great with the drugs part, I really liked how these two issues were used to develop Alex's character. His frustration at being able to save the planet from anti-mater bombs, and invading aliens but unable to save it from Humanity's own vices is pretty well handled. Avoids being preachy like most things about that duality and Alex's age make his actions more rational.

At the same time, the drug stories in Power Pack very strongly date it to a pre-Giuliani era NYC.

Go back to your overmoderated shitheap and jerk off the tranny BO >>>/a/

A board with twice the population and activity. Golly user, its like you hate quality control.

He does have every Metallica album.


Why no mention of this Holla Forums?

Well the alternative ending had her join the strip club to pay for her fix.

"And thats where strippers come from!"

I fucking love it when Nazis do this in media, it's like they prescribe the entire white being into a single ego-enveloping stare that make all beneath it feel their inferiority rising to the surface, disheveling them as a snail under direct sunlight.

Shit, I haven't seen just about anyone else do that. Pretty damn hardcore.

Dear God, everybody has them.
There should be a PSA against Very Special Episodes. Or a Very Special Episode against PSAs.

Wish granted user not a cartoon though


I don't remember anything from that cartoon.


Remember kids,

Crime: good!
Drugs: bad!

That doesn't look anything like Hitler besides the black hair.

They had tocensor his mustache for copyright purposes.

Jesus Christ.

Important to note that DC paid for the rights to use Hitler's true mustache.

What do you think Holla Forums? Worst He-Man character confirmed?

When is the Captain Planet episode set? He had pic related till 1919.

I'm guessing it's set during the late stages of the war, since Hitler gets arrested by the Allies at the end of the episode.

Pick one

Why would they have to pay for that? It's a Chaplin moustache. If anything, Charlie Chaplin should have sued Hitler

Okay Officer you got me, it's the wrong drug. Go ahead and write me up, wouldn't be the first time I got ticketed by the fun police.

Strictly speaking, that style of mustache is called a toothbrush

Yes, but my point is that Charlie Chaplin made it famous before Hitler did.

True, but it predates Chaplin. Couldn't imagine who you'd have to pay for it

Come to think of it, J Jonah Jameson and General Talbot both have one too
Maybe DC had to pay for similarities

Glenn Talbot? From the Hulk? I've always seen him with a pencil moustache.

Huh, the more you know.

I couldn't find anything about his mustache being copyright. Only that media in Germany is not allowed to show anybody with that same style.

BraveStar really should be better remembered. That show could be pretty awesome.

I'm pretty sure it was a joke. You can't copyright an irl mustache.

But you can censor one apparently.

When was the last cartoon made drug psa episode?

Id ask him what he was on that caused cartoons to come to life.

May have actually been the Captain Planet one.

I mean the show is just one giant PSA.


Smeshariki always had best PSA episodes. Like this episode, where the big issue is not drug itself, but ham-fisted anti-drug campaign that inadvertently ended up advertising the drug to characters who haven't even known about its existence before.

Why do the eyes in that pic look so weird?

Pretty sure the sanic cartoon did one.

It doesn't even look like Mosley, either.


Never minding how extreme Sanic Sez gets

Captain Planet was so useless compared to the Planeteers using their powers if only they were creative enough, what's the point of a being made to combat pollution if every other thing is kryptonite to him? throw some oil at him? down, blow some smoke from a cigarette at his face? down, he can't even stand non solar radiation I think.

He did fly and have superstrength, he turned into elements sometimes, and he could reassemble machinery into ecologically friendly devices.

But I know what you mean, for all the fucking handholding you need to do with Captain (because almost anything manmade is his kryptonite) none of that's really worth it.

Precisely, as I said, the planeteers only needed to be more creative with their limited powers.
