what do I do now Holla Forums?
You are not a nigger, so there is hope.
You're not a nigger right?
Oh for fucks sake, you're white, stop being a fag.
You're a slav now, huh? Well it could be worse.
Chill out you fag
Is the iberian pinensula white? If not, is 5 percent of that and the rest German/Scandinavian/Scottish good enough or should I just end it all?
He's American.
99.8% European overall
would Hitler have welcomed me and Irish niggerSlav like me? I just want to save our race but I always dreamed of having Aryan blood ;_;
go back to >>>/cuckchan/
Nice blog you fucking faggot. Boo fucking hoo you're not 100% Pure Bavarian Phenotype. Grow a fucking pair and go make white babies you little bitch.
Kys, because now not only does alphabet own everything digital about you, they have your fucking DNA. They could kill you and remake you and the new you wouldn't even know that the old you was too much of a pussy to just end it.
If you are mostly Irish you are mostly R1b, the real Western European bloodline and bloodline of European royalty.
The Slav shit is a matter for God.
This. Not that bad, OP. Just pull up a chair and-
Oh, I mean squat and inject krokodil into your eyeballs.
No one is going to say how 23andMe sells your data and is just as bad if not worse than kikebook?
the kikes appreciate your shekels Miroslav.
There's also the fact they might want to use it to develop bioweapons to fuck us over. So yeah, don't fucking give your genes to the kikes willingly.
There is literally nothing wrong with being a Balkan unless you are Bosnian or Albanian.
t. Anglo/Nordic/German Master race alphamutt
Go the fuck back to 4chan with your faggot-tier thread.
Not even a good try.
95% of the posters on Holla Forums are brown.
Stop projecting, Holla Forums. Go back to your shit board. Oh wait, you can't. :^)
No brown person has the capability to browse anything as un-intuitive as an imageboard.
You're white brother, chill. That "x type of white person isn't white" thing is just a meme. Rest easy and destroy the ZOG machine with us.
2s 2 u mang!!!!!!!!
heres muh dik shoddi
sheeid i fugot muh pixe
Why is this sliding being replied to? Everyone replying without sage in this thread should be banned.
No fuck you.
Also shit thread.
This. Never give out your genetic information so it can be sold to the highest bidder.
I wouldn't trust their results in any case.
No lol, hang in there until genetic scrubbing is available, remaincuck