Ignore the notation of "at least 6 millions"; it infuriates me that people can't even talk about that openly, either pick the mythical number or go all denial… but whatever; ignore it.
Great summary. (and yes you fucking nazi apologetics, even if it wasn't 6 million and even if ww2 most certainly was not fought (look at how they were treated immediately after in the allied nations) to 'aid the jews', that still doesn't make what is described as the holocaust any better than mass murder, slaughter and horrid).
Tyler Baker
Zachary Garcia
Hudson Davis
Isaiah Gutierrez
I guess a sage would be redundant? No?
William Jenkins
Ethan Parker
Hey, anytyhing that bumps the the thread and thereby the link, you know… or didn't they teach you saging at memeschool?
Funny how that shit works, isn't it.
Matthew Peterson
Am I the only one who thinks Palestinians siding with reactionaries (holocaust deniers, conspiracy theorists, Ron Paul libertarians) is detrimental to their struggle?
We've seen how the national bourgeoisie and right-wing elements in anti-colonial struggles ALWAYS end up in neocolonialism. Let's not make the same mistake here.
Jaxon Cox
You wot mate? They are physically occupied, and can't even trade openly with other nations without facing Israeli military force. What the fuck are you talking about?
Ian Flores
No you're not the only one who thinks that
Jose Brooks
I'm speaking about history here. We saw a "unity of all classes" in several anti-colonial struggles which only resulted in the NB handing the countries over to the former colonizers.
I honestly don't see how a one-state of Palestine will be anything more than Israel 2.0 unless the land becomes socialist and can resolve contradictions through land reform and wealth redistribution.
Jaxon Hill
Oh no some people want to have a discussion about Palestine I better sage the thread!
Jason James
Well then I guess the idiot has an audience with the soothsayer protecting the status quoe of the imperial force.
There's vey little else to say about this. Israel is conducting technical genocide by international law, against the palestinian people.
Jaxon Cook
You didn't even check my email did you… it wasn't a sage, my dear sockpuppet.
Luke Sanchez
This truly is a wortwhile viewing for anyone interested in the Israel occupation of Palestine.
Logan Young
So what? Let's side with reactionaries and watch them sellout very quickly.
Here's something: Hamas doesn't even support the one-state solution anymore.
Samuel Butler
Henry Williams
Kek what a fucking sjw
Landon Wood
Nations are spooks
Samuel Thompson
Spooks are a spook.
Colton Richardson
i tohught SJWs believe in "white muh privilege" and would not say that its basis is invented
Benjamin Gutierrez
Abby is too hot to be taken seriously. She needs to dress less seductively.
Also get the spooky imagery out of her show.
Brody Flores
Actually this Empire Files seems to be quite an improvement from past episodes in that aspect.
Colton Roberts
spoke too soon lol
There's that goofy television screen again.
Nicholas Campbell
All three of those statements are factually correct.