Still no cyberpunk game about islam dominated europe


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Fuck off

pick one, and no, advanced bomb making doesn't count.

Islam is way ahead of us in robowaifu tech, user.

What would the game play like?
What would it actually be about; what's the goal of the MC?
Who would the devs be?
How long is the development cycle?
How long is the game?
What genre would it be?
Would it be an abstract game (like Pac-Man or Tetris) or a more grounded game (like pretty much every game nowadays)?
Would it be open-world? Level-based?
Would it be procedural generated?

At best you'd get goatfuck VR.

Got a lot of free time to play vidya now, bernout? You missed the humble narrative bundle though..

No, wait, I was wrong. There's still time!


Cyberpunk implies a dystopia setting, doesn't it? That wouldn't happen with Islam. Islam is a religion of peace.

There's Shadowrun: Dragonfall, that one takes place in future Germany.

what is cyberpunk anyway, is it just near future with retarded gadgets like ear implants and degenerates dressing into leather with gas masks?

That image looks like it is from Destiny.

Go watch Bladerunner.

I would play it on one condition.
Deus Ex Vult

Transhuman distopia with edge.




Third person stealth with barely no combat and lots of gadgets, including, but not limited to: Remote Cameras, Grappling Hook and a stolen overboard bike for escaping.

MC is a petty thief, starts stealing normal stores and ends getting rare artifacts from local sheiks


2-3 years, maybe 4.

23h at most.


Grounded game.

Open world.

No fucking way.


I couldn't think of anything better.

That is not even impossible, are you triggered Holla Forumsack?


Why are ideaguy threads so underrated?

prob because 90% of them are garbage and 10% good ones are mocked by idiots from the garbage 90%



This is the future the feminists chose. I won't be sorry for them.

If some people are to be believed, it is, as they subconsciously desire to be dominated and put in their place; hence the popularity of rape fantasies and 50 Shades of Grey among women.

it's just like my japanese video games


Go be a retard somewhere else.


tfw you want a game taking place in the islamic golden age or the mughal empire because they are legitimately interesting settings but I can't ever bring them up because POO IN LOO and so on

They'd have some insane weapons





Its more like the present day than the near future, we live in it now. Basically everyone spends all their time connected to media and the internet, a handful of rich people live in opulent paradises whilst massive unemployment, crime and poverty exists beneath their notice and people have little computers they keep very close to their body at all times.

Oh and in the future we will regress to 80s fashion, because fashion moves towards the past rather than new shit apparently, even when advances in materials technology and clothes fabrication that would allow for entirely different clothes has been developed.


And there literally isn't a single reason that they need to be in europe for that, aside from some gay shoehorned in political message. You might as well just do it in the mideast. It also it sounds like a shit PoP clone.

fug posted the wrong one.


>>>Holla Forums

Holy fuck that is how triggered people feel.


Yeah, in "anarchist" berlin, which might as well be today's berlin based on how run-down and filled with filthy foreigners and braindead leftists it is

goat fucking is high tech now?

Don't worry, in the near future when europe becomes the islamic republic, I'm sure there will be plenty of suicide bomber bots, infidel killing bots, goat rape bots, wife beating bots and various other savagery in hi-tech form.

Woudnt they be broke once the oil is dried up?

Muslims in Europe won't be broke while there is kuffar to pay Jizya.

>a christian women
remove kebab


everyone will be poor when the oil is kill

what about solar power?

Except everyone who isn't dependent on importing crude unrefined hydrocarbons like a savage nigger that lucked out with their geographic location.

>christ-chan runs from romans muslims

There's no reason to any videogame be anywhere

Next time, you are going to say that traditional cyberpunk books are about criticizing the neoliberals and the relentless capitalism or that Deus Ex is shit because it implies the existence of a globar order. C'mon man it's a fucking dystopia, it just needs to be shitty with high tech and have some cool mechanics

Could you show me what PoP plays like that? Because I want to play it right now.

Islam doesn't exist. Don't listen to the propaganda.

And don't listen to /pol- sandniggers are as much a threat as cockroaches.

You joke but it's seriously my least favorite Holla Forums meme due to this

There used to be a ton of cool discussions about mughal india years ago in undrrused settings threads, no it's just all shitposting

Semi-Linear action RPG in the vein of Deus Ex.

Techno-Caliphate run by a major energy corp from a former oil producing country. They diversified before the oil crash and did a hostile takeover of every energy company in Europe before moving into the tech sector as well. They use technology to enforce sharia law because they're basically google, facebook, and the news media combined for Europe now. They control what you see and watch what you say. They control your electricity and your internet, and they have root access to every device officially connected to their network.

The MC is part of a secular hacker group who is trying to break the strangehold of the caliphate and return a free exchange of ideas to western civilization, and the freedom of behavior that will follow in a second enlightment once the floodgates of knowledge are opened.

based CDPR.

for CDPR? Probably 7 years.

9 hours. on a "normal" playthrough. 15 hours for a games journalist, but really they'd get too triggered and give up after 15 minutes due to the lack of a hand-holding tutorial and the fact that brown people are the bad guys.

first person Action RPG


Similar to Deus Ex it would be a linear storyline where you proceed from one set piece to another, but you have freedom to roam within those set pieces and take alternate paths to achieve your goal.

Fuck no. Name one game whose procedurally generated content is actually fun to play.


Get the fuck out Reddit, no one likes CDPR.

I just couldn't be made unless it was a collaborative effort

You wouldn't be able to sell it anywhere since it would get banned from all stores just off fear from being branded "islamphobic"

You could sell it on your own but then no payment processor would work with you because against "muhracism"even tho islam isn't a race so only thing left is using btc, but lets be frank most people will simply pirate it

Cyberpunk means dystopia, and in a islamized europe that means a police state dictatorship based on sharia law which is EXACTLY what countries like iran, saudi arabia, the uae, egypt and many others are (the rest are failed states in constant civil war, like syria and somalia). Even turkey is becoming a dystopia of repression and state violence.

The only difference is that this new police state would be far more high-tech than current muslim police states, and there would be a massive minority of non-muslims living as second class citizens in slums

Because they aren't video games, retard.

It could be a free game with donations like DF.

Come the fuck on.

Finally someone who understands.
93,416 sold
man that's a lot of idiots




i guess realism is not a huge priority?


Fuck the faggots that made and post this for making me defend Holla Forums


Holla Forums is Holla Forums Lebensraum!

That just browsing Holla Forums.

the thing is sjw and Holla Forums dont play videogames, user.

There's dune.

Shadowrun is pretty cool though. Too bad it's the top tier.

What do you call a significant chunk of Holla Forums?
Seriously, all of the Holla Forumsacks that play vidya come here. The ones that don't stay there and hate on it.

If you want to know a board that actually plays videogames go to Holla Forums.


Well remembered.

Blade Runner is extremely underwhelming.

Choose one and only one. Reminder that sand niggers didn't develop shit, it was the Zoroastrians who did.

I can post smug pictures too user.

Yes there is. Why od you think fallout takes place in the US and not in yurop? Because in the backstory, europe got fucking destroyed in the war. That aside europe didn't have a so distinct style. And since it deals with american culture as well, there wont be one. Or GTA. Each had a "unique" theme and country/city to go with it. Imagine gta san andreas being the exact same but taking place in some middle european country. It would make no god damned sense because the narrative dissonance. If it's dealing with islam, it'd be the best to take place in the mid west as you can show much more from their culture. IF there was a war and they took europe, i'd find it hardly believable that the other superpowers wouldn't jump to the opportunity to clense europe and claim the land for themselves.

Nigga what? I'm saying that if the world's backstory somehow justified it then fine, but you know damn well that first of all, mideastern culture and cyberpunk mixes like spoiled milk, and a potato with some ketchup in your stomach. And since it's cyberpunk it would be either a mixed society or probably asian filled. Seriously read some cyberpunk and say that there is a single instance where the mideast (countires like syria/iraq/etc come out on top and not murrica or china or some other developed countries.

How would you pull off muslim/islam cyberpunk at all when their religion is very strict with shit like that? Even tattoos are banned, not to mention alcohol and other drugs, so you couldn't even portrait the slums filled with addicts and failures just scraping by to contrast the mega corporations. Or you could if they abandoned their religion BUT if you do that they would no longer be islams/muslims, they'd just be brown skinned people and they would lose all their uniqueness.

You know what i meant. Why do you think i said shitty. you would probably hardkoorparkoor your way around until you get where you want to be then it would be just like the new pop where you fight like 1 boss in the whole game.





It already exists.

For you

Sounds fun. But replace secular hackers with serbian resistance group.




Its not true.


Christ, even the title alone gives you enough information.

Fitting for an India discussion.


Yeah, this shows>>9636654 you guys have shit taste in gaming.

They are like the extra credits and sjw. Muh want experience and following dumb politics with extra cream creationist.


are you sure its not Holla Forums pretending being fascists?

The pun was intentional.

That's not Cyberpunk, that's post-apocalyptic.

That's right, we're just pretending.

Odd, the image didn't attach. Thanks Islam.

You could have just said pic related

Ever looked at global chat in PoE, m8?

Sounds like an easy btfo of "islamic feminists' everywhere
Least I got my socialist bernbander cousin to admit how fucking awful of a religion islam is

That's real fuckin neato. I want to steal this design.

There already is, only it's SJW bullshit from swedes that think europe was never white.

I can't remember the name

i-is my taste good?

i was playing factorio

You taste in names is shit kill yourself


Also this.

any suggestions then

There's a reason sandniggers have spent the majority of their existence cutting heads off inside clay huts.

Now, something like the Homefront concept with delicious aryans fighting to free Europe from Shariah law and oppressive Islam and feminist rule would be kind of cool.

Could you imagine the butthurt a game like that would generate? Pure delight.


Just be more truthful. Change your name to "I suck fat cocks"


How cute. They even have their droid bombs following them around!

That's the future, sadiqi

Holla Forums just doesn't have the influence to do anything about it. That's the only difference.

its ok

Man, you'd be so busy out camping and marching and making the world a better place with your brothers that you wouldn't even think about vidya.

The main objection to SJWs you should have is their desire to torture then kill you and everyone who looks like you, by first ruining vidya and then everything else you love in an attempt to condition you to be sexually aroused by interracial cuckoldry.

Fuck, if the world weren't such a segregated, low trust, and insane shit hole, I'd trade the escapism of vidya for some real world adventures in a heart beat.

There's no need, since real life europe is pretty much what you described.


I can't happen because electrical cyberpunk stuff would no doubt be haram

It was already posted here

Read the synopsis doesn't look sharia to me, how mudslimes appear in this book?

This music is so familiar, does anyone know the name?

Get the fuck off of your high scooter you, african american nigger.
