might as well bite the bullet, there is no hope, its either die now or have our children and ourselves tortured by the black hordes.
White will become a minority in my lifetime and there is no way to stop it
We're already a minority. Why are you so afraid of us?
We have always been a minority.
Nice catch user, that's actually pretty funny now.
Meant for
Networks are the most important thing user.
Niggers and spics can't build legit societies and would just end up killing themselves. So even if we lose we win.
Bye spic.
Get out kike.
go berserker and take as many as you can with you
otherwise you're a faggot
Niggers outnumber everyone's
You don't seem to understand what's about to happen, friendo
Whites have been a global minority for all of time.
Take your nihilistic bullshit someplace else, shill.
haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw
haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw
Trudeau pls go
Jews are a minority. It doesn't seem to be stopping them.