get in here
Get in here
Other urls found in this thread:
that's a bait thread
correct them, nigger
most people on Holla Forums are so ignorant about socialism that they might not be beyond salvation
Clicked your link and saw this
You can't really correct them they are all retarded
Do not click or visit 4chan links.
Every IP is being saved. (probably the same here, though, but on a smaller scale)
Ignore 4chan.
Don't click, don't visit. Those fuckers are lost.
that's actually not wrong
he's just confusing libertarians with ancaps
shilling itt
3 posts into the thread and leftoids have already fucked it up
you had one fucking job
Why is it always a dipshit Marxist Leninist?
I shitpost on Holla Forums frequently though, it's one of the few things I take solace in.
Always expect the worst.
Even when you succeed, do not celebrate.
Who gives a shit?
I'm shocked tbh.
Congrats on mentionning leftypol, how many stormfags did that fucking thread bring here today?
I don't like the levels of surveillance that are being practiced by the government but this whole paranoia about how le globalist NSA is trying to frame us all into becoming terrorist is the biggest form of Autism i've ever seen
The defeatism is strong with this one.
Seriously, "Socialism has never been tried" is most awful response you can give.
Bullshit. Acknowledge it's achievement, correct the propaganda and learn from its mistakes
Nazbols aren't leftist.. Leave
Che would have hated it if he knew he was gonna be a shitposting flag on an imageboard…. leave
fuck off with your meme-ideology fam.