Lets celebrate Black History Month together with the fine accomplishments of Blacks from all walks of life.
Lets celebrate Black History Month together with the fine accomplishments of Blacks from all walks of life.
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Don't you know goyim? Every month that is divisible by a prime is black history month!
sage isn't a downvote fam
You know, she's right, melanin is important in the brain.
My question is why the fuck does she think melanin in the skin affects what happens in the brain?
Are those monkey noises edited in? I really can't tell.
Nope haha
I ask myself that about a lot of these vids, but I know better to doubt their authenticity.
I should write a melanin book and publish under a nigger name. I don't even need training in science or writing.
there are multiple reasons why I am willing to write of evolution as a bad theory… yet time and time again black people make me revisit it.
Best part of the whole webm.
I'm sure this used to have "Rules of Nature".
These usually don't effect me because I'm so desensitized to nigger behavior, but this one really makes me want to shoot some niggers.
Do you know what sage means?
Spitefully bumping.
Where are these people coming from, they weren't nearly so obvious before the hack.
I'm not a nigger. Can you explain what this term means?
The man is not her husband and possibly not even her boyfriend, he's just the sperm donor and usually skips out at some point.
This has provided me interesting insight into nigger culture. Thank you for the information.
A classic
What the fuck is even going on?
I love the way they leave him hanging and you can see the beginnings of panic on his face before the abbo realizes the music's stopped and looks over.
Contributing with the one that always makes anons lose their shit.
Those cops have some real willpower to not curbstomp that coon. I know I would've
He did that on purpose. No two ways about it.
Stop posting their chimpouts they genuinely make me rage. Post them getting rekt.
hood rat tag team extravaganz
If I had to spend a second in the same room as those freaks, I will go berserk
Lol - the nog got flogged
Also that window grabbing move the cop did was pretty cool. I watched it like 3 times
Here's some more from this same group. This is at KU-lawrence last year
Bout time somebody learned a fucking lesson.
Day of the Rope when?
Now there is someone who knows which lives matter.
Damn, watching The Narrative play out live on TV. Good for her for calling out the BS spin on the spot.
Top fucking kek, mate.
…some people gotta learn the hard way. Hopefully she took the lesson.
Way more patience than I would have had. Traveling is not illegal, operating a motor vehicle without the proper licence is.
Use that energy to lift, mate. You'll want to be /fit/ before the Day of the Rope.
BLM is a domestic terrorist organization.
>So from now on you will refer to them as they, because that is the appropriate thing to do when you are above the age of fucking 12.
Leftists are the true fascists. Also interesting the fag put the emphasis on the word "fucking" and not on the word "12". Half that room should have argued with a 12 gauge.
Is this the origin story of Moonman?
That 5 year old got the redpill of a lifetime.
Also, why are there never any gun owners around in the webms?
White legal gun owners*
Niggers are easy marks for Jews.
would have the same reaction if somebody tried to stick me with a needle in fucking africa, dude just got turbo-aids. with foresight like that, he had the potential to be a real life afrikan kang
was not expecting this here
damn i love ghost
This is the style of law enforcement you need to control diverse criminals.
Always a good time to be when you sail brown bay to chocolate town
25 years ago iHop used to be a nioce place to eat. Before then when I was a small kid if you were traveling you'd stop at a Howard Johnsons which then merged with International House of Pancakes, which then became iHop.
Sad that the quality of life has declined so dramatically for so many white Americans. Now most white diners myself included wouldn't think of stopping their unless they're carrying concealed.
HoJo's!!! Wish they were still around.
They even hoot like chimps.
I feel really sorry for our fellow whites who are trapped with them.
This collection made me want to go hang some apes
Holy Mary Mother of God.
sheboon school teacher and chimp student fight in classroom.